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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:56:05 $
$Revision: $
$Log: eval.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:56:05 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.13 1996/07/16 15:59:47 currie
* alloca alignment
Revision 1.12 1996/06/17 12:38:31 currie
Bitsfield in eval
Revision 1.11 1996/06/13 09:20:37 currie
Bitf compound starting at non-0 offset
Revision 1.10 1996/06/04 15:42:05 currie
include general_proc_tag in make_compound
* Revision 1.9 1996/01/09 12:00:36 currie
* var callee par in reg
* Revision 1.8 1995/12/08 11:20:04 currie
* Constant offsets + allocaerr_lab
* Revision 1.7 1995/10/25 13:48:19 currie
* change to position of .glob
* Revision 1.6 1995/09/12 10:59:18 currie
* gcc pedanttry
* Revision 1.5 1995/08/16 16:06:35 currie
* Shortened some .h names
* Revision 1.4 1995/08/15 09:19:14 currie
* Dynamic callees + trap_tag
* Revision 1.3 1995/08/09 10:53:36 currie
* apply_general bug
* Revision 1.2 1995/06/28 12:15:19 currie
* New make_stack_limit etc
* Revision 1.1 1995/04/13 09:08:06 currie
* Initial revision
The main procedure defined here is evaluated which ouputs
assembler for data. The parameters are an evaluated exp and an index
into the table of externals (or 0 meaning anonymous). XXX
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "addrtypes.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "exptypes.h"
#include "maxminmacs.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "flpttypes.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "syms.h"
#include "out_ba.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "ibinasm.h"
#include "frames.h"
#include "procrectypes.h"
#include "f64.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "basicread.h"
extern void globalise_name PROTO_S ((dec*));
extern procrec * procrecs;
long G_number = 64; /* to give choice of .sdata or data */
int data_lab = 33;
int next_data_lab
{ /* anonymous label in data space - $$n in assember o/p */
return data_lab++;
int next_dlab_sym
{ /* as above - but also gives it a symno for .G output */
symnofordata (data_lab);
return data_lab++;
/* various pieces of info for outputting data depending on shape */
mm scmm = {
127, -128, "\t.byte %ld :%ld\n"
mm uscmm = {
255, 0, "\t.byte %ld :%ld\n"
mm shmm = {
0x7fff, 0xffff8000, "\t.half %ld :%ld\n"
mm ushmm = {
0xffff, 0, "\t.half %ld :%ld\n"
mm swmm = {
0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, "\t.word %ld :%ld\n"
mm uswmm = {
0xffffffff, 0, "\t.word %ld :%ld\n"
finds the data size from the range of an integer shape
mm maxmin
PROTO_N ( (s) )
PROTO_T ( shape s )
switch (name (s)) {
case scharhd:
return scmm;
case ucharhd:
return uscmm;
case swordhd:
return shmm;
case uwordhd:
return ushmm;
case slonghd:
return swmm;
case ulonghd:
return uswmm;
default: {
return uswmm;
outputs the label parameter if non negative else interprets it
to be an index into the externals and outputs the identifier.
void outlab
PROTO_N ( (l) )
PROTO_T ( int l )
if (l >= 0) {
fprintf (as_file, "$$%d", l);
else {
char *extname = main_globals[-l - 1] -> dec_u.dec_val.dec_id;
fprintf (as_file, "%s", extname);
This procedure outputs all non-pack expressions and puts in label
values for the pack exps (putting new label numbers into their number
fields) which it accumulates for later application in the ptr parameter
of evalone. This is done to cope with the fact that the exp to evaluated
may contain pack operations which are graph-like .
long evalexp
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
switch (name(e)) {
case val_tag: case null_tag: case top_tag:{
if (name(sh(e)) == offsethd && al2(sh(e)) >= 8) {
return (no(e)>>3);
return (no (e));
case bitf_to_int_tag:
return evalexp (son (e));
case int_to_bitf_tag:
ash a;
long w = evalexp (son (e));
a = ashof (sh (e));
if (a.ashalign != 1) {
failer ("should be align 1");
if (a.ashsize != 32) {
w &= ((1 << a.ashsize) - 1);
return w;
case not_tag:
return (~evalexp (son (e)));
case and_tag:
return (evalexp (son (e)) & evalexp (bro (son (e))));
case or_tag:
return (evalexp (son (e)) | evalexp (bro (son (e))));
case xor_tag:
return (evalexp (son (e)) ^ evalexp (bro (son (e))));
case shr_tag:
return (evalexp (son (e)) >> evalexp (bro (son (e))));
case shl_tag:
return (evalexp (son (e)) << evalexp (bro (son (e))));
case concatnof_tag:
ash a;
long wd = evalexp (son (e));
a = ashof (sh (son (e)));
return (wd | (evalexp (bro (son (e))) << a.ashsize));
case clear_tag:
ash a;
a = ashof (sh (e));
if (a.ashsize > 32)
failer ("clearshape");
return 0;
case env_offset_tag:
case general_env_offset_tag: {
return frame_offset(son(e));
case env_size_tag: {
exp tg = son(son(e));
procrec * pr = &procrecs[no(son(tg))];
return((pr->frame_size+pr->callee_size) >> 3);
case offset_add_tag:{
return (evalexp(son(e))+evalexp(bro(son(e))));
case offset_max_tag:{
return (max(evalexp(son(e)),evalexp(bro(son(e)))));
case offset_pad_tag:{
return( rounder(evalexp(son(e)), shape_align(sh(e))));
case offset_mult_tag:{
return (evalexp(son(e))*evalexp(bro(son(e))));
case offset_div_tag:case offset_div_by_int_tag:{
return (evalexp(son(e))/evalexp(bro(son(e))));
case offset_subtract_tag:{
return (evalexp(son(e))-evalexp(bro(son(e))));
case offset_negate_tag: {
return (- evalexp(son(e)));
failer ("tag not in evalexp");
return 0;
void set_align
PROTO_N ( (al) )
PROTO_T ( int al )
if (al<16) return;
if (as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\t.align%s\n",
(al == 16) ? " 1" :
((al == 32) ? " 2" :
((al == 64) ? " 3" : " 0")));
out_value (0, ialign, (al == 16) ? 1 :
((al == 32) ? 2 :
((al == 64) ? 3 : 0)), 0);
int eval_al
PROTO_N ( (s) )
PROTO_T ( shape s )
if (shape_align(s)!=1) return shape_align(s);
if (shape_size(s) <=8) return 8;
if (shape_size(s) <=16) return 16;
return 32;
void oneval
PROTO_N ( (val, al, rep) )
PROTO_T ( int val X int al X int rep )
char *as = (al <= 8) ? "\t.byte %ld :%ld\n"
: ((al <= 16) ? "\t.half %ld :%ld\n"
: "\t.word %ld :%ld\n");
if (as_file)
fprintf (as_file, as, val, rep);
out_value (0, (al <= 8) ? ibyte : ((al <= 16) ? ihalf : iword), val, rep);
void evalone
PROTO_N ( (e, rep) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X long rep )
/* outputs constant expression e, rep
times; */
ash a;
a = ashof (sh (e));
switch (name (e)) {
case string_tag:
long char_size = props(e);
long strsize = shape_size(sh(e))/char_size;
char *st = nostr(e);
long strs = shape_size(sh(e))>>3;
int i,j;
if (rep != 1 && as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\t.repeat %ld\n", rep);
if (as_file) {
for (j=0; j< strsize; ) {
switch(char_size) {
case 8: fprintf (as_file, "\t.byte "); break;
case 16: fprintf (as_file, "\t.half "); break;
case 32: fprintf (as_file, "\t.word "); break;
for (i = j; i < strsize && i-j < 8; i++) {
switch (char_size) {
case 8:fprintf (as_file, "0x%x ", st[i]); break;
case 16:fprintf (as_file, "0x%x ", ((short *)st)[i]); break;
case 32:fprintf (as_file, "0x%lx ", ((long *)st)[i]); break;
j =i;
fprintf (as_file, "\n");
if (rep != 1 && as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\t.endr\n");
out_chars (0, iascii, strs, rep);
out_data (st, strs);
case real_tag:
r2l n;
int i;
n = real2longs_IEEE(&flptnos[no (e)], (a.ashsize>32)?1:0);
for(i=0; i<rep; i++) {
if (BIGEND) {
if(a.ashsize>32) oneval(n.i2, 32, 1);
oneval(n.i1, 32, 1);
else {
oneval(n.i1, 32, 1);
if(a.ashsize>32) oneval(n.i2, 32, 1);
case null_tag: case top_tag:
no (e) = 0;
case val_tag:
if (shape_size(sh(e)) > 32) {
flt64 temp;
int ov;
int i;
if (isbigval(e)) {
temp = flt_to_f64(no(e), 0, &ov);
else {
temp.big = (is_signed(sh(e)) && no(e)<0)?-1:0;
temp.small = no(e);
for(i=0; i<rep; i++) {
oneval(temp.small, 32, 1);
oneval(temp.big, 32, 1);
oneval(evalexp(e), eval_al(sh(e)), rep);
case name_tag:
exp dc = son(e);
dec * globdec= brog(dc);/* must be global name */
char *nm = globdec -> dec_u.dec_val.dec_id;
long symdef = globdec ->dec_u.dec_val.sym_number;
if (!isvar(dc) && son(dc) != nilexp
&& name(son(dc)) != proc_tag && name(son(dc)) != general_proc_tag
&& no(e)==0
&& shape_size(sh(e)) == shape_size(sh(son(dc))) ) {
evalone(son(dc), rep);
if (as_file) {
if (no (e) == 0) {
fprintf (as_file, "\t.word %s : %ld\n", nm, rep);
else {
fprintf (as_file, "\t.word %s + %d :%ld\n", nm, no (e) / 8, rep);
out_value (symnos[symdef], iword, no (e) / 8, rep);
case compound_tag: {
exp tup = son (e);
unsigned long val;
bool first_bits=1;
long bits_start =0;
long offs =0;
if (rep != 1)
failer ("CAN'T REP TUPLES");
for(;;) {
ash ae;
ae = ashof(sh(bro(tup)));
offs = no(tup);
if (ae.ashalign == 1) {
unsigned long vb = evalexp(bro(tup));
if (ae.ashsize != 32) {
vb = vb & ((1<<ae.ashsize)-1);
if (first_bits) {
val = 0;
if (offs - bits_start +ae.ashsize > 32) {
if (BIGEND) {
for(;;) {
oneval(val>>24, 8, 1);
val <<=8;
if (offs-bits_start < 8) break;
else {
for(;;) {
oneval(val &255, 8,1);
val >>= 8;
bits_start += 8;
if (offs - bits_start < 8)
if (offs - bits_start +ae.ashsize <= 32) {
if (BIGEND) {
val |= (vb << (32 -offs+bits_start-ae.ashsize));
else {
val |= (vb <<(offs-bits_start));
else {
failer("Constant bitfield does not fit into 32 bits");
else {
if (!first_bits) {
if (BIGEND) {
for(;;) {
oneval(val>>24, 8, 1);
val <<=8;
if (offs-bits_start <= 0) break;
else {
for(;;) {
oneval(val &255, 8,1);
val >>=8;
bits_start += 8;
if ( offs - bits_start <=0)
while (bits_start < offs) {
oneval(0, 0, 1);
bits_start += shape_size(sh(bro(tup)));
if (last(bro(tup))) {
offs += ae.ashsize;
offs = (offs+7)&~7;
for(;!first_bits;) {
if (BIGEND) {
oneval(val>>24, 8, 1);
val <<=8;
if (offs-bits_start<= 0) break;
else {
oneval(val &255, 8,1);
val >>= 8;
bits_start +=8;
if ( offs - bits_start <=0)
Assert(a.ashsize >= offs);
while (a.ashsize > offs) { /* pad out unions etc */
tup = bro(bro(tup));
case nof_tag: {
exp s = son(e);
if (s==nilexp) return;
if (rep != 1)
failer ("CAN'T REP TUPLES");
for(;;) {
if (last(s)) return;
s = bro(s);
case ncopies_tag:
if (name(son(e)) == compound_tag || name(son(e)) == concatnof_tag ||
name(son(e)) == nof_tag) {
int n;
for (n = rep*no(e); n > 0; n--) {
evalone(son(e), 1);
else evalone (son (e), rep * no (e));
case concatnof_tag:
if (a.ashalign == 1) {
long ee = evalexp (e);
exp dad = father(e);
ash abits;
abits = ashof(sh(dad));
oneval(ee, abits.ashalign, rep);
else {
if (rep != 1)
failer ("CAN'T REP concat");
evalone (son (e), 1);
evalone (bro (son (e)), 1);
case clear_tag:
int s = eval_al(sh(e));
if (as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\ %ld\n", (s>>3) * rep);
out_value (0, ispace, (s>>3) * rep, 1);
case not_tag:
case and_tag:
case or_tag:
case shl_tag:
case shr_tag:
case bitf_to_int_tag:
case int_to_bitf_tag:
case env_offset_tag:
case general_env_offset_tag:
case env_size_tag: case offset_add_tag: case offset_max_tag:
case offset_pad_tag: case offset_mult_tag: case offset_div_tag:
case offset_div_by_int_tag: case offset_subtract_tag: case offset_negate_tag:
long ee = evalexp (e);
oneval(ee, eval_al(sh(e)) , rep);
case seq_tag:
if (name(son(son(e))) == prof_tag && last(son(son(e))))
{ evalone(bro(son(e)),rep); return;}
} /* otherwise drop through to failure */
failer ("tag not in evaluated");
} /* end switch */
This outputs data from the evaluated exp into either .sdata or .data
depending on size and labels this data either with either id in main_globals
or an anonymous label derived from l. The result is the instore "address"
of the constant. A negative l implies that this is the initialisation of a global
instore evaluated
PROTO_N ( (e, l, dc) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X long l X dec * dc )
int lab = (l == 0) ? next_dlab_sym ()
: (l< 0)? l: -l;
int lab0 = lab;
ash a;
instore isa;
exp z = e;
isa.adval = 0;
isa.b.offset = 0;
isa.b.base = lab0;
if (name (e) == clear_tag) {/* uninitialised global */
int size = (ashof (sh (e)).ashsize + 7) >> 3;
bool temp = (l == 0 ||
(main_globals[-lab - 1] -> dec_u.dec_val.dec_id)[0] == '$');
if (dc != (dec*)0) globalise_name(dc);
if (as_file) {
fprintf (as_file, (temp) ? "\t.lcomm\t" : "\t.comm\t");
outlab (lab);
fprintf (as_file, " %d\n", size);
out_value ((lab >= 0) ? tempsnos[lab - 32] : symnos[-lab - 1],
(temp) ? ilcomm : icomm, size, 1);
return isa;
a = ashof (sh (z));
if (a.ashsize <= G_number) {
if (as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\t.sdata\n");
out_common (0, isdata);
else {
if (as_file)
fprintf (as_file, "\\n");
out_common (0, idata);
set_align(a.ashalign); /* I think this is unnecessary ? bug in as */
if (dc != (dec*)0) globalise_name(dc);
if (as_file) {
outlab (lab);
fprintf (as_file, ":\n");
out_common ((lab > 0) ? tempsnos[lab - 32] : symnos[-lab - 1], ilabel);
evalone (z, 1);
return isa;