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This program is the proprietary property of IXI Ltd, a subsidiary
of the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). Use, reproduction, production
of amended versions and/or transfer of this program is permitted
(a) This legend be preserved on any such reproduction and amended
(b) Any recipient of such reproduction or amended version accept
the conditions set out in this legend.
IXI accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to
which this program may be put and gives no warranty as to the
program's suitability for any purpose.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996
/* SCO CID (IXI) DragCP.h,v 1.1 1996/08/08 14:12:34 wendland Exp */
#error Unexpected access to Motif P headers
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/XmP.h";
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/DragC.h";
+USE "x5/t", "X11/Shell.h";
+USE "x5/t", "X11/ShellP.h";
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/DragIcon.h";
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/DragOverS.h";
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/DropSMgrP.h";
+TYPEDEF void (*XmDragStartProc)( XmDragContext, Widget, XEvent *);
+TYPEDEF void (*XmDragCancelProc)( XmDragContext) ;
+FIELD (struct) XmDragContextClassPart := {
XmDragStartProc start;
XmDragCancelProc cancel;
XtPointer extension;
+FIELD (struct) _XmDragContextClassRec := {
CoreClassPart core_class;
XmDragContextClassPart drag_class;
+TYPEDEF _XmDragContextClassRec XmDragContextClassRec;
+EXP lvalue XmDragContextClassRec xmDragContextClassRec;
+CONST int XtDragByPoll;
+CONST int XtDragByEvent;
+FIELD (struct) XmDragReceiverInfoStruct := {
Window frame;
Window window;
Widget shell;
unsigned char flags;
unsigned char dragProtocolStyle;
int xOrigin;
int yOrigin;
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int depth;
XtPointer iccInfo;
+TYPEDEF XmDragReceiverInfoStruct *XmDragReceiverInfo;
+FIELD (union) _XmConvertSelectionRec := {
XtConvertSelectionIncrProc sel_incr;
XtConvertSelectionProc sel;
+TYPEDEF _XmConvertSelectionRec XmConvertSelectionRec;
+FIELD (struct) _XmDragContextPart := {
Atom *exportTargets;
Cardinal numExportTargets;
XmConvertSelectionRec convertProc;
XtPointer clientData;
XmDragIconObject sourceCursorIcon;
XmDragIconObject stateCursorIcon;
XmDragIconObject operationCursorIcon;
XmDragIconObject sourcePixmapIcon;
Pixel cursorBackground;
Pixel cursorForeground;
Pixel validCursorForeground;
Pixel invalidCursorForeground;
Pixel noneCursorForeground;
XtCallbackList dragMotionCallback;
XtCallbackList operationChangedCallback;
XtCallbackList siteEnterCallback;
XtCallbackList siteLeaveCallback;
XtCallbackList topLevelEnterCallback;
XtCallbackList topLevelLeaveCallback;
XtCallbackList dropStartCallback;
XtCallbackList dropFinishCallback;
XtCallbackList dragDropFinishCallback;
unsigned char dragOperations;
Boolean incremental;
unsigned char blendModel;
Window srcWindow;
Time dragStartTime;
Atom iccHandle;
Widget sourceWidget;
Boolean sourceIsExternal;
Boolean topWindowsFetched;
unsigned char commType;
unsigned char animationType;
unsigned char operation;
unsigned char operations;
unsigned int lastEventState;
unsigned char dragCompletionStatus;
unsigned char dragDropCompletionStatus;
Boolean forceIPC;
Boolean serverGrabbed;
Boolean useLocal;
Boolean inDropSite;
XtIntervalId dragTimerId;
Time roundOffTime;
Time lastChangeTime;
Time crossingTime;
Time dragFinishTime;
Time dropFinishTime;
Atom dropSelection;
Widget srcShell;
Position startX;
Position startY;
XmID siteID;
Screen *currScreen;
Window currWmRoot;
XmDragOverShellWidget curDragOver;
XmDragOverShellWidget origDragOver;
XmDragReceiverInfoStruct *currReceiverInfo;
XmDragReceiverInfoStruct *rootReceiverInfo;
XmDragReceiverInfoStruct *receiverInfos;
Cardinal numReceiverInfos;
Cardinal maxReceiverInfos;
unsigned char trackingMode;
unsigned char activeProtocolStyle;
unsigned char activeBlendModel;
Boolean dragDropCancelEffect;
+TYPEDEF _XmDragContextPart XmDragContextPart;
+FIELD (struct) _XmDragContextRec := {
CorePart core;
XmDragContextPart drag;
+TYPEDEF _XmDragContextRec XmDragContextRec;
/* not used anywhere */
+DEFINE _XmDCtoDD(dc) %% ((XmDisplay)XtParent(dc)) %%;
+MACRO void _XmDragStart(XmDragContext, Widget, XEvent *);
+MACRO void _XmDragCancel(XmDragContext);
+FUNC XmDragReceiverInfo _XmAllocReceiverInfo(XmDragContext);
+FUNC unsigned char _XmGetActiveProtocolStyle(Widget);