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of the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). Use, reproduction, production
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All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996
/* SCO CID (IXI) SashP.h,v 1.1 1996/08/08 14:13:20 wendland Exp */
#error Unexpected access to Motif P headers
+USE "motif/1_2","Xm/PrimitiveP.h" ;
+FIELD (struct) XmSashClassPart := {
XtPointer extension;
+FIELD (struct) _XmSashClassRec := {
CoreClassPart core_class;
XmPrimitiveClassPart primitive_class;
XmSashClassPart sash_class;
+TYPEDEF _XmSashClassRec XmSashClassRec;
+TYPEDEF _XmSashClassRec *XmSashWidgetClass;
+EXP lvalue XmSashClassRec xmSashClassRec;
+FIELD (struct) XmSashPart := {
XtCallbackList sash_action;
Boolean has_focus;
+FIELD (struct) _XmSashRec := {
CorePart core;
XmPrimitivePart primitive;
XmSashPart sash;
+TYPEDEF _XmSashRec XmSashRec;
+TYPEDEF _XmSashRec *XmSashWidget;
+FIELD (struct) SashCallDataRec := {
XEvent *event;
String *params;
Cardinal num_params;
+TYPEDEF SashCallDataRec *SashCallData;
+EXP lvalue WidgetClass xmSashWidgetClass;
+DEFINE XmIsSash(w) %% XtIsSubclass(w, xmSashWidgetClass) %%;