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This program is the proprietary property of IXI Ltd, a subsidiary
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IXI accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to
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All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996
/* SCO CID (IXI) TextInP.h,v 1.1 1996/08/08 14:13:40 wendland Exp */
#error Unexpected access to Motif P headers
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/Text.h";
+USE "motif/1_2", "Xm/TextStrSoP.h";
+FIELD (struct) SelectionHint := {
int x;
int y;
+FIELD (struct) _InputDataRec := {
XmTextWidget widget;
XmTextScanType *sarray;
int sarraycount;
int new_sel_length;
int threshold;
SelectionHint selectionHint;
SelectionHint Sel2Hint;
XtIntervalId select_id;
XmTextScanType stype;
XmTextScanDirection extendDir;
XmTextScanDirection Sel2ExtendDir;
XmTextPosition origLeft;
XmTextPosition origRight;
XmTextPosition Sel2OrigLeft;
XmTextPosition Sel2OrigRight;
XmTextPosition stuffpos;
XmTextPosition sel2Left;
XmTextPosition sel2Right;
XmTextPosition anchor;
Position select_pos_x;
Position select_pos_y;
Boolean pendingdelete;
Boolean syncing;
Boolean extending;
Boolean Sel2Extending;
Boolean hasSel2;
Boolean has_destination;
Boolean selectionMove;
Boolean cancel;
Boolean overstrike;
Boolean sel_start;
Time dest_time;
Time sec_time;
Time lasttime;
+TYPEDEF _InputDataRec InputDataRec;
+TYPEDEF _InputDataRec *InputData;
+TYPEDEF void (*InputCreateProc)(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
+TYPEDEF void (*InputGetValuesProc)(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
+TYPEDEF void (*InputSetValuesProc)(Widget, Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
+TYPEDEF void (*InputInvalidateProc)(XmTextWidget, XmTextPosition, XmTextPosition, long);
+TYPEDEF void (*InputGetSecResProc)(XmSecondaryResourceData *);
+FIELD (struct) _InputRec := {
InputDataRec *data;
InputInvalidateProc Invalidate;
InputGetValuesProc GetValues;
InputSetValuesProc SetValues;
XtWidgetProc destroy;
InputGetSecResProc GetSecResData;
+TYPEDEF _InputRec InputRec;
+EXP lvalue XtPointer _XmdefaultTextActionsTable;
+EXP lvalue Cardinal _XmdefaultTextActionsTableSize;
+FUNC Widget _XmTextGetDropReciever(Widget);
+FUNC Boolean _XmTextHasDestination(Widget);
+FUNC Boolean _XmTextSetDestinationSelection(Widget, XmTextPosition, Boolean, Time);
+FUNC Boolean _XmTextSetSel2(XmTextWidget, XmTextPosition, XmTextPosition, Time);
+FUNC Boolean _XmTextGetSel2(XmTextWidget, XmTextPosition *, XmTextPosition *);
+FUNC void _XmTextInputGetSecResData(XmSecondaryResourceData *);
+FUNC XmTextPosition _XmTextGetAnchor(XmTextWidget);
+FUNC void _XmTextInputCreate(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);