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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.



    The routines in this module are concerned with the encoding of the
    tokens used in the TDF output.

extern TOKEN make_sort PROTO_S ( ( CONST char *, int ) ) ;
extern IDENTIFIER resolve_token PROTO_S ( ( IDENTIFIER, CONST char *, int ) ) ;
extern IDENTIFIER get_special PROTO_S ( ( int, int ) ) ;
extern string special_name PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
extern void set_special PROTO_S ( ( int, IDENTIFIER ) ) ;
extern int token_code PROTO_S ( ( TOKEN ) ) ;
extern int builtin_token PROTO_S ( ( IDENTIFIER ) ) ;
extern void define_special PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
extern void init_tok PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;

extern ulong special_no PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
extern BITSTREAM *enc_special PROTO_S ( ( BITSTREAM *, int ) ) ;
extern BITSTREAM *enc_diag_special PROTO_S ( ( BITSTREAM *, int, int ) ) ;
extern BITSTREAM *enc_sort PROTO_S ( ( BITSTREAM *, int ) ) ;
extern BITSTREAM *enc_tokdef_body PROTO_S ( ( BITSTREAM *, IDENTIFIER, TOKEN ) ) ;
extern BITSTREAM *enc_asm PROTO_S ( ( BITSTREAM *, EXP ) ) ;


    The table base_token contains the token numbers associated with the
    basic types.

typedef struct {
    int tok ;
    unsigned no ;
    unsigned alt ;

extern BASE_TOKEN base_token [] ;


    These values correspond to the special tokens.

#define TOK_char                                0
#define TOK_signed_char                         1
#define TOK_unsigned_char                       2
#define TOK_signed_short                        3
#define TOK_unsigned_short                      4
#define TOK_signed_int                          5
#define TOK_unsigned_int                        6
#define TOK_signed_long                         7
#define TOK_unsigned_long                       8
#define TOK_signed_llong                        9
#define TOK_unsigned_llong                      10

#define TOK_float                               11
#define TOK_double                              12
#define TOK_long_double                         13

#define TOK_bool                                14
#define TOK_ptrdiff_t                           15
#define TOK_size_t                              16
#define TOK_size_t_2                            17
#define TOK_wchar_t                             18

#define TOK_convert                             19
#define TOK_arith_type                          20
#define TOK_promote                             21
#define TOK_sign_promote                        22

#define TOK_lit_int                             23
#define TOK_lit_hex                             24
#define TOK_lit_unsigned                        25
#define TOK_lit_long                            26
#define TOK_lit_ulong                           27
#define TOK_lit_llong                           28
#define TOK_lit_ullong                          29

#define TOK_bitf_sign                           30

#define TOK_ptr_void                            31
#define TOK_null_pv                             32
#define TOK_to_ptr_void                         33
#define TOK_from_ptr_void                       34
#define TOK_pv_test                             35
#define TOK_pv_compare                          36

#define TOK_ptr_to_ptr                          37
#define TOK_f_to_pv                             38
#define TOK_pv_to_f                             39
#define TOK_i_to_p                              40
#define TOK_p_to_i                              41
#define TOK_i_to_pv                             42
#define TOK_pv_to_i                             43
#define TOK_ptr_rep                             44

#define TOK_div                                 45
#define TOK_rem                                 46

#define TOK_va_t                                47

#define TOK_pm_type                             48
#define TOK_pm_make                             49
#define TOK_pm_null                             50
#define TOK_pm_offset                           51
#define TOK_pm_cast                             52
#define TOK_pm_uncast                           53
#define TOK_pm_test                             54
#define TOK_pm_compare                          55

#define TOK_pmf_type                            56
#define TOK_pmf_make                            57
#define TOK_pmf_vmake                           58
#define TOK_pmf_null                            59
#define TOK_pmf_null2                           60
#define TOK_pmf_delta                           61
#define TOK_pmf_func                            62
#define TOK_pmf_virt                            63
#define TOK_pmf_cast                            64
#define TOK_pmf_uncast                          65
#define TOK_pmf_test                            66
#define TOK_pmf_compare                         67

#define TOK_comp_off                            68
#define TOK_pad                                 69
#define TOK_empty_align                         70
#define TOK_empty_shape                         71
#define TOK_empty_offset                        72

#define TOK_vtab_type                           73
#define TOK_vtab_diag                           74
#define TOK_vtab_make                           75
#define TOK_vtab_pure                           76
#define TOK_vtab_func                           77
#define TOK_vtab_off                            78

#define TOK_typeid_type                         79
#define TOK_typeid_make                         80
#define TOK_typeid_basic                        81
#define TOK_typeid_ref                          82
#define TOK_baseid_type                         83
#define TOK_baseid_make                         84
#define TOK_dynam_cast                          85

#define TOK_destr_type                          86
#define TOK_destr_global                        87
#define TOK_destr_local                         88
#define TOK_destr_end                           89
#define TOK_destr_init                          90
#define TOK_destr_null                          91
#define TOK_destr_ptr                           92
#define TOK_start                               93

#define TOK_try_type                            94
#define TOK_try_begin                           95
#define TOK_try_end                             96
#define TOK_except_alloc                        97
#define TOK_except_throw                        98
#define TOK_except_rethrow                      99
#define TOK_except_catch                        100
#define TOK_except_value                        101
#define TOK_except_caught                       102
#define TOK_except_end                          103
#define TOK_except_bad                          104
#define TOK_except_jump                         105
#define TOK_ptr_code                            106
#define TOK_ptr_frame                           107

#define TOK_asm_sequence                        108
#define TOK_asm                                 109
#define TOK_asm_input                           110
#define TOK_asm_output                          111
#define TOK_asm_address                         112

#define TOK_char_offset                         113
#define TOK_shape_offset                        114
#define TOK_extra_offset                        115
#define TOK_down_cast                           116
#define TOK_destr_cast                          117
#define TOK_destr_test                          118

#define TOK_no                                  119
