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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
(1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
(2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
for the relevant amendment or amendments;
(3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
these conditions;
(4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
it may be put.
#include "config.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "lex.h"
#include "name.h"
#include "syntax.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "utility.h"
This routine creates a keyword nm with lexical token value t.
static void make_keyword
PROTO_N ( ( nm, t ) )
PROTO_T ( char *nm X int t )
object *p = make_object ( nm, OBJ_KEYWORD ) ;
p->u.u_num = t ;
IGNORE add_hash ( keywords, p, no_version ) ;
return ;
This routine initialises the hash table of keywords.
void init_keywords
make_keyword ( NAME, LEX )
#include "keyword.h"
return ;
These variables are used to store the value of the current lexical
int crt_lex_token = lex_unknown ;
int saved_lex_token = lex_unknown ;
char *token_value = null ;
These variable input_file gives the file from which the input is read.
The input_pending variable is used to unread one character.
FILE *input_file ;
int input_pending = LEX_EOF ;
This routine reads the next character from the input file.
static int read_char
int c = input_pending ;
if ( c == LEX_EOF ) {
c = fgetc ( input_file ) ;
if ( c == '\n' ) line_no++ ;
if ( c == EOF ) return ( LEX_EOF ) ;
c &= 0xff ;
} else {
input_pending = LEX_EOF ;
return ( c ) ;
These macros give the mappings from the lexical analyser to the
routines defined in this module.
static int read_identifier PROTO_S ( ( int, int, int ) ) ;
static int read_number PROTO_S ( ( int, int ) ) ;
static int read_string PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
static int read_insert PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
static int read_c_comment PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
static int read_comment PROTO_S ( ( int ) ) ;
#define unread_char( A ) input_pending = ( A )
#define get_global( A ) read_identifier ( 0, ( A ), 0 )
#define get_local( A, B ) read_identifier ( ( A ), ( B ), 0 )
#define get_command( A, B ) read_identifier ( ( A ), ( B ), 0 )
#define get_variable( A, B ) read_identifier ( ( A ), ( B ), 0 )
#define get_number( A ) read_number ( ( A ), 0 )
#define get_string( A ) read_string ( 0 )
#define get_comment( A ) read_comment ( 0 )
#define get_c_comment( A, B ) read_c_comment ( 0 )
#define get_text( A, B ) read_insert ( 0 )
#define unknown_token( A ) lex_unknown
The automatically generated lexical analyser is included at this
point. It defines the routine read_token which reads the next
lexical token from the input file.
#include "lexer.h"
This routine reads an identifier name from the input file. It is
entered after the first character, b, has been read. a gives the
identifier prefix, '+' for commands, '$' for variables, '~' for
local identifiers, and 0 for normal identifiers.
static int read_identifier
PROTO_N ( ( a, b, pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int a X int b X int pp )
int c ;
object *p ;
int i = 0 ;
char *s = buffer ;
if ( a ) s [ i++ ] = ( char ) a ;
s [ i++ ] = ( char ) b ;
for ( ; ; ) {
c = read_char () ;
if ( !is_alphanum ( lookup_char ( c ) ) ) break ;
s [i] = ( char ) c ;
if ( ++i >= buffsize ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Identifier too long" ) ;
i = 1 ;
unread_char ( c ) ;
s [i] = 0 ;
p = search_hash ( keywords, s, no_version ) ;
if ( p ) return ( p->u.u_num ) ;
token_value = s ;
if ( a == 0 ) {
if ( !pp ) token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
return ( lex_name ) ;
if ( a == '$' ) {
if ( !pp ) token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
return ( lex_variable ) ;
if ( a == '+' ) {
/* Commands */
if ( !pp ) token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Unknown command, '%s'", s ) ;
return ( lex_name ) ;
token_value = string_concat ( HIDDEN_NAME, s + 1 ) ;
return ( lex_name ) ;
This routine reads a number from the input file. It is entered after
the initial character, a, has been read.
static int read_number
PROTO_N ( ( a, pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int a X int pp )
int c ;
int i = 0 ;
char *s = buffer ;
s [ i++ ] = ( char ) a ;
for ( ; ; ) {
c = read_char () ;
if ( !is_digit ( lookup_char ( c ) ) ) break ;
s [i] = ( char ) c ;
if ( ++i >= buffsize ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Number too long" ) ;
i = 0 ;
unread_char ( c ) ;
s [i] = 0 ;
if ( pp ) {
token_value = s ;
} else {
token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
return ( lex_number ) ;
This routine reads a string from the input file. It is entered after
the initial quote has been read.
static int read_string
PROTO_N ( ( pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int pp )
int c ;
int i = 0 ;
char *s = buffer ;
for ( ; ; ) {
c = read_char () ;
if ( c == '"' ) {
/* End of string */
break ;
} else if ( c == '\\' ) {
/* Deal with escaped characters */
c = read_char () ;
if ( c == '\n' || c == LEX_EOF ) goto new_line ;
if ( pp ) {
/* Preserve escapes when preprocessing */
s [i] = '\\' ;
i++ ;
} else {
/* Examine escape sequence */
switch ( c ) {
case 'n' : c = '\n' ; break ;
case 'r' : c = '\r' ; break ;
case 't' : c = '\t' ; break ;
} else if ( c == '\n' || c == LEX_EOF ) {
/* Deal with new lines */
new_line : {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "New line in string" ) ;
s [i] = 0 ;
return ( lex_string ) ;
s [i] = ( char ) c ;
if ( ++i >= buffsize ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "String too long" ) ;
i = 0 ;
s [i] = 0 ;
if ( pp ) {
token_value = s ;
} else {
token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
return ( lex_string ) ;
This routine reads a section of quoted text (indicated by enclosure
in a number of percent signs) into the buffer. On entry two percents
have already been read. Firstly any further percents are read, then
the text is read until an equal number of percents are encountered.
Any leading or trailing whitespace is ignored if pp is false.
static int read_insert
PROTO_N ( ( pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int pp )
int c ;
int i = 0 ;
int p = 0 ;
int percents = 2 ;
char *s = buffer ;
while ( c = read_char (), c == '%' ) percents++ ;
unread_char ( c ) ;
if ( pp ) {
/* Preserve percents when preprocessing */
if ( percents < buffsize ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < percents ; i++ ) s [i] = '%' ;
} else {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Insert too long" ) ;
do {
c = read_char () ;
if ( c == '%' ) {
p++ ;
} else {
if ( c == LEX_EOF ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "End of file in quoted text" ) ;
return ( lex_eof ) ;
p = 0 ;
s [i] = ( char ) c ;
if ( ++i >= buffsize ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Insert too long" ) ;
i = 0 ;
} while ( p != percents ) ;
if ( pp ) {
/* Preserve percents when preprocessing */
s [i] = 0 ;
token_value = s ;
} else {
/* Strip out initial and final white space */
if ( i >= p ) i -= p ;
s [i] = 0 ;
while ( --i >= 0 ) {
int a = ( int ) s [i] ;
int t = lookup_char ( a & 0xff ) ;
if ( !is_white ( t ) ) break ;
s [i] = 0 ;
i = 0 ;
for ( ; ; ) {
int a = ( int ) s [i] ;
int t = lookup_char ( a & 0xff ) ;
if ( !is_white ( t ) ) break ;
i++ ;
token_value = string_copy ( s + i ) ;
return ( percents % 2 ? lex_build_Hinsert : lex_insert ) ;
This routine reads a C-style comment into the buffer. The routine is
entered just after the initial / * has been read, and continues until
the corresponding * /.
static int read_c_comment
PROTO_N ( ( pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int pp )
int c ;
int i = 2 ;
int p = 0 ;
char *s = buffer ;
s [0] = '/' ;
s [1] = '*' ;
do {
c = read_char () ;
if ( c == '*' && p == 0 ) {
p = 1 ;
} else if ( c == '/' && p == 1 ) {
p = 2 ;
} else {
p = 0 ;
if ( c == LEX_EOF ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "End of file in comment" ) ;
return ( lex_eof ) ;
s [i] = ( char ) c ;
if ( ++i >= buffsize ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Comment too long" ) ;
i = 2 ;
} while ( p != 2 ) ;
s [i] = 0 ;
if ( pp ) {
token_value = s ;
} else {
token_value = string_copy ( s ) ;
return ( lex_comment ) ;
This routine steps over a tspec comment. It is entered after the
initial '#' has been read and skips to the end of the line. If pp
is false then the next token is returned.
static int read_comment
PROTO_N ( ( pp ) )
PROTO_T ( int pp )
int c ;
while ( c = read_char (), c != '\n' ) {
if ( c == LEX_EOF ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "End of file in comment" ) ;
return ( lex_eof ) ;
if ( pp ) return ( lex_unknown ) ;
return ( read_token () ) ;
This routine is a stripped down version of read_token which is used
in preprocessing. Initial white space is skipped if w is true.
The token read is always stored in the buffer.
static int read_pptoken
PROTO_N ( ( w ) )
PROTO_T ( int w )
int c ;
int t = lex_unknown ;
do {
c = read_char () ;
} while ( w && is_white ( lookup_char ( c ) ) ) ;
switch ( c ) {
case '"' : {
return ( read_string ( 1 ) ) ;
case '#' : {
IGNORE read_comment ( 1 ) ;
if ( w ) return ( read_pptoken ( w ) ) ;
c = '\n' ;
break ;
case '%' : {
int a = read_char () ;
if ( a == '%' ) return ( read_insert ( 1 ) ) ;
unread_char ( a ) ;
break ;
case '+' : {
int a = read_char () ;
if ( is_alpha ( lookup_char ( a ) ) ) {
return ( read_identifier ( c, a, 1 ) ) ;
unread_char ( a ) ;
break ;
case '/' : {
int a = read_char () ;
if ( a == '*' ) return ( read_c_comment ( 1 ) ) ;
unread_char ( a ) ;
break ;
case ':' : {
int a = read_char () ;
if ( a == '=' ) {
buffer [0] = ( char ) c ;
buffer [1] = ( char ) a ;
buffer [2] = 0 ;
return ( lex_assign ) ;
unread_char ( a ) ;
break ;
case '(' : t = lex_open_Hround ; break ;
case ')' : t = lex_close_Hround ; break ;
case '{' : t = lex_open_Hbrace ; break ;
case '}' : t = lex_close_Hbrace ; break ;
case ';' : t = lex_semicolon ; break ;
case ',' : t = lex_comma ; break ;
case LEX_EOF : t = lex_eof ; break ;
buffer [0] = ( char ) c ;
buffer [1] = 0 ;
return ( t ) ;
This routine reads a string plus one other character from the input
file, storing the string in str and returning the other character.
b is set to true if the string is enclosed in brackets.
static int read_pp_string
PROTO_N ( ( str, b ) )
PROTO_T ( char **str X int *b )
int c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
if ( c == lex_open_Hround ) {
*b = 1 ;
c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
if ( c != lex_string ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - string expected" ) ;
*str = "???" ;
return ( c ) ;
*str = string_copy ( buffer ) ;
c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
if ( *b ) {
if ( c != lex_close_Hround ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - ')' expected" ) ;
c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
return ( c ) ;
This routine prints the command cmd "api", "file", "subset" to the
file output.
static void print_subset_name
PROTO_N ( ( output, cmd, api, file, subset, b ) )
PROTO_T ( FILE *output X char *cmd X
char *api X char *file X char *subset X int b )
if ( b ) {
IGNORE fprintf ( output, "%s ( \"%s\" )", cmd, api ) ;
} else {
IGNORE fprintf ( output, "%s \"%s\"", cmd, api ) ;
if ( file ) IGNORE fprintf ( output, ", \"%s\"", file ) ;
if ( subset ) {
if ( file == null ) IGNORE fputs ( ", \"\"", output ) ;
IGNORE fprintf ( output, ", \"%s\"", subset ) ;
return ;
This routine prints file name and line number directives to the file
static void print_posn
PROTO_N ( ( output ) )
PROTO_T ( FILE *output )
static char *last_filename = "" ;
if ( !streq ( filename, last_filename ) ) {
IGNORE fprintf ( output, "$FILE = \"%s\" ;\n", filename ) ;
last_filename = filename ;
IGNORE fprintf ( output, "$LINE = %d ;\n", line_no - 1 ) ;
return ;
This routine reads a +IMPLEMENT or +USE directive (indicated by n)
from the input file to output.
static void preproc_subfile
PROTO_N ( ( output, cmd ) )
PROTO_T ( FILE *output X char *cmd )
int c ;
int txt ;
int b = 0 ;
char *api = null ;
char *file = null ;
char *subset = null ;
c = read_pp_string ( &api, &b ) ;
if ( c == lex_comma ) {
int d = 0 ;
c = read_pp_string ( &file, &d ) ;
if ( d ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Illegally bracketed string" ) ;
d = 0 ;
if ( c == lex_comma ) {
c = read_pp_string ( &subset, &d ) ;
if ( d ) error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Illegally bracketed string" ) ;
if ( *file == 0 ) file = null ;
if ( c == lex_semicolon ) {
txt = ';' ;
} else if ( c == lex_open_Hround ) {
txt = '(' ;
} else {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - ';' or '(' expected" ) ;
txt = ';' ;
preproc ( output, api, file, subset ) ;
print_posn ( output ) ;
print_subset_name ( output, cmd, api, file, subset, b ) ;
IGNORE fputc ( ' ', output ) ;
IGNORE fputc ( txt, output ) ;
return ;
This routine preprocesses the subset api:file:subset into output.
void preproc
PROTO_N ( ( output, api, file, subset ) )
PROTO_T ( FILE *output X char *api X char *file X char *subset )
int c ;
char *s ;
object *p ;
char *sn, *nm ;
FILE *old_file ;
int old_pending ;
int old_line_no ;
char *old_filename ;
boolean found = 0 ;
int brackets = 0 ;
int end_brackets = 0 ;
int if_depth = 0 ;
int else_depth = 0 ;
FILE *input = null ;
boolean printing = ( boolean ) ( subset ? 0 : 1 ) ;
/* Check for previous inclusion */
sn = subset_name ( api, file, subset ) ;
p = search_hash ( subsets, sn, no_version ) ;
if ( p != null ) {
if ( p->u.u_info == null ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Recursive inclusion of '%s'", sn ) ;
} else if ( p->u.u_info->implemented ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Set '%s' not found", sn ) ;
return ;
/* Open the input file */
nm = ( file ? file : MASTER_FILE ) ;
if ( !streq ( api, LOCAL_API ) ) {
nm = string_printf ( "%s/%s", api, nm ) ;
s = input_dir ;
while ( s ) {
char *t = strchr ( s, ':' ) ;
if ( t == null ) {
IGNORE sprintf ( buffer, "%s/%s", s, nm ) ;
s = null ;
} else {
IGNORE strcpy ( buffer, s ) ;
IGNORE sprintf ( buffer + ( t - s ), "/%s", nm ) ;
s = t + 1 ;
input = fopen ( buffer, "r" ) ;
if ( input ) {
nm = string_copy ( buffer ) ;
break ;
if ( input == null ) {
input = fopen ( nm, "r" ) ;
if ( input == null ) {
char *err = "Set '%s' not found (can't find file %s)" ;
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, err, sn, nm ) ;
p = make_object ( sn, OBJ_SUBSET ) ;
IGNORE add_hash ( subsets, p, no_version ) ;
p->u.u_info = make_info ( api, file, subset ) ;
p->u.u_info->implemented = 1 ;
return ;
if ( verbose > 1 ) {
if ( subset ) {
error ( ERR_INFO, "Preprocessing %s [%s] ...", nm, subset ) ;
} else {
error ( ERR_INFO, "Preprocessing %s ...", nm ) ;
old_filename = filename ;
old_line_no = line_no ;
old_file = input_file ;
old_pending = input_pending ;
filename = nm ;
line_no = 1 ;
input_file = input ;
input_pending = LEX_EOF ;
p = make_object ( sn, OBJ_SUBSET ) ;
IGNORE add_hash ( subsets, p, no_version ) ;
/* Print position identifier */
print_subset_name ( output, "+SET", api, file, subset, 0 ) ;
IGNORE fputs ( " := {\n", output ) ;
if ( printing ) print_posn ( output ) ;
/* Process the input */
while ( c = read_pptoken ( 0 ), c != lex_eof ) {
switch ( c ) {
case lex_subset : {
/* Deal with subsets */
int d = 0 ;
c = read_pp_string ( &s, &d ) ;
if ( d ) error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Illegally bracketed string" ) ;
if ( c != lex_assign ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - ':=' expected" ) ;
c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
if ( c != lex_open_Hbrace ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - '{' expected" ) ;
brackets++ ;
if ( printing ) {
int b = brackets ;
char *cmd = "+IMPLEMENT" ;
preproc ( output, api, file, s ) ;
print_subset_name ( output, cmd, api, file, s, 0 ) ;
IGNORE fputs ( " ;\n", output ) ;
do {
c = read_pptoken ( 0 ) ;
if ( c == lex_open_Hbrace ) {
brackets++ ;
} else if ( c == lex_close_Hbrace ) {
brackets-- ;
} else if ( c == lex_eof ) {
char *err = "Can't find end of subset '%s'" ;
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, err, s ) ;
goto end_of_file ;
} while ( brackets >= b ) ;
c = read_pptoken ( 1 ) ;
if ( c != lex_semicolon ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Syntax error - ';' expected" ) ;
print_posn ( output ) ;
} else {
if ( streq ( s, subset ) ) {
if ( found ) {
char *err = "Set '%s' already defined (line %d)" ;
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, err, sn, p->line_no ) ;
} else {
found = 1 ;
printing = 1 ;
print_posn ( output ) ;
p->line_no = line_no ;
end_brackets = brackets ;
break ;
case lex_implement : {
/* Deal with subset uses */
if ( printing ) preproc_subfile ( output, "+IMPLEMENT" ) ;
break ;
case lex_use : {
/* Deal with subset uses */
if ( printing ) preproc_subfile ( output, "+USE" ) ;
break ;
case lex_set : {
/* Deal with sets */
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "+SET directive in preprocessor" ) ;
goto default_lab ;
case lex_if :
case lex_ifdef :
case lex_ifndef : {
if_depth++ ;
else_depth = 0 ;
goto default_lab ;
case lex_else : {
if ( if_depth == 0 ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "+ELSE without +IF" ) ;
} else {
if ( else_depth ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Duplicate +ELSE" ) ;
else_depth = 1 ;
goto default_lab ;
case lex_endif : {
if ( if_depth == 0 ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "+ENDIF without +IF" ) ;
} else {
if_depth-- ;
else_depth = 0 ;
goto default_lab ;
case lex_string : {
/* Deal with strings */
if ( printing ) {
IGNORE fprintf ( output, "\"%s\"", buffer ) ;
break ;
case lex_open_Hbrace : {
/* Start of subset */
brackets++ ;
goto default_lab ;
case lex_close_Hbrace : {
/* End of subset */
brackets-- ;
if ( brackets < 0 ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Unmatched '}'" ) ;
brackets = 0 ;
if ( subset && brackets < end_brackets ) {
printing = 0 ;
goto default_lab ;
default :
default_lab : {
/* Deal with simple tokens */
if ( printing ) IGNORE fputs ( buffer, output ) ;
break ;
/* End of file */
end_of_file : {
if ( brackets ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "Bracket imbalance of %d", brackets ) ;
while ( if_depth ) {
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, "+IF without +ENDIF" ) ;
if_depth-- ;
IGNORE fputs ( "} ;\n", output ) ;
IGNORE fclose ( input ) ;
p->u.u_info = make_info ( api, file, subset ) ;
filename = old_filename ;
line_no = old_line_no ;
input_file = old_file ;
input_pending = old_pending ;
if ( subset && !found ) {
char *err = "Set '%s' not found (can't find subset '%s')" ;
error ( ERR_SERIOUS, err, sn, subset ) ;
p->u.u_info->implemented = 1 ;
return ;