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<title>A Guide to the TDF Specification, Issue 4.0</title>
<corpauthor>The TenDRA Project</corpauthor>
<surname>Ruigrok van der Werven</surname>
<holder>The TenDRA Project</holder>
<chapter id="introduction">
<para>This memo is intended to be a fairly detailed commentary on the
specification of TDF, a kind of Talmud to the Torah. If it conflicts
with the specification document, it is wrong. The aim is elucidate the
various constructions of TDF, giving examples of usages both from the
point of view of a producer of TDF and how it is used to construct
programs on particular platforms using various installers or
translators. In addition, some attempt is made to give the reasons why
the particular constructions have been chosen. Most of the commentary is
a distillation of questions and answers raised by people trying to learn
TDF from the specification document.</para>
<para>Throughout this document, references like (S5.1) are headings in the
<ulink url="../tdf/spec1.html">TDF specification, Issue 4.0</ulink>.
I use the term "compiling" or "producing" to mean the production of TDF
from some source language and "translating" to mean making a program for
some specific platform from TDF.</para>
<para>I use the first person where I am expressing my own opinions or
preferences; these should not be taken as official opinions of DRA or
the TenDRA team.</para>
<sect1 id="sorts-and-tokens">
<title>SORTs and TOKENs</title>
<para>In the syntax of language like C or Pascal, we find various
syntactic units like <Expression>, <Identifier> etc. A
SORT bears the same relation to TDF as these syntactic units bear to
the language; roughly speaking, the syntactic unit <Expression>
corresponds to the SORT EXP and <Identifier> to TAG . However,
instead of using BNF to compose syntactic units from others, TDF uses
explicit constructors to compose its SORTs; each constructor uses
other pieces of TDF of specified SORTs to make a piece of its result
SORT. For example, the constructor plus uses an ERROR_TREATMENT and
two EXPs to make another EXP.</para>
<para>At the moment, there are 58 different SORTS, from ACCESS to
VARIETY given in tables 1 and 2. Some of these have familiar analogues
in standard language construction as with EXP and TAG above. Others
will be less familiar since TDF must concern itself with issues not
normally addressed in language definitions. For example, the process
of linking together TDF programs is at the root of the architecture
neutrality of TDF and so must form an integral part of its definition.
On the other hand, TDF is not meant to be a language readily
accessible to the human reader or writer; computers handle it much
more easily. Thus a great many choices have been made in the
definition which would be intolerable in a standard language
definition for the human programmer but which, paradoxically enough,
make it much simpler for a computer to produce and analyse TDF</para>
<para>The SORTs and constructors in effect form a multi-sorted algebra.
There were two principal reasons for choosing this algebraic form of
definition. First, it is easy to extend - a new operation on existing
constructs simply requires a new constructor. Secondly, the algebraic
form is highly amenable to the automatic construction of programs.
Large parts of both TDF producers and TDF translators have been
created by automatic transformation of the text of the specification
document itself, by extracting the algebraic signature and
constructing C program which can read or produce TDF. To this extent,
one can regard the specification document as a formal description of
the free algebra of TDF SORTs and constructors. Of course, most of the
interesting parts of the definition of TDF lies in the equivalences of
parts of TDF, so this formality only covers the easy bit.</para>
<para>Another distinction between the TDF definition and language
syntactic description is that TDF is to some extent conscious of its
own SORTs so that it can specify a new construction of a given SORT.
The analogy in normal languages would be that one could define a new
construction with new syntax and say this is an example of an
<Expression>, for example; I don't know of any standard language
which permits this, although those of you with a historical bent might
remember Algol-N which made a valiant attempt at it. Of course, the
algebraic method of description makes it much easier to specify,
rather than having to give syntax to provide the syntax for the new
construction in a language.</para>
<title>Token applications and first-class SORTs</title>
<para>A new construction is introduced by the SORT TOKEN; the
constructors involving TOKENs allow one to give an expansion for the
TOKEN in terms of other pieces of TDF, possibly including
parameters. We can encapsulate a (possibly parameterised) fragment
of TDF of a suitable SORT by giving it a TOKEN as identification.
Not all of the SORTs are available for this kind of encapsulation
- only those which have a SORTNAME constructor (from access to
variety). These are the "first-class" SORTs given in table 1. Each
of these have an appropriate _apply_token constructor (e.g.
exp_apply_token) give the expansion. Most of these also have _cond
constructors (e.g.see exp_cond in
<link linkend="cond-constructors">section 9.1</link>)
which allows translate time conditional expansion of the
<imagedata fileref="images/guidetable3.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>Every TOKEN has a result SORT, i.e. the SORT of its resulting
expansion and before it can be expanded, one must have its parameter
SORTs. Thus, you can regard a TOKEN as having a type defined by its
result and parameter SORTs and the _apply_token as the operator
which expands the encapsulation and substitutes the
<para>However, if we look at the signature of exp_apply_token:</para>
token_value: TOKEN
token_args: BITSTREAM param_sorts(token_value)
-> EXP x
<para>we are confronted by the mysterious BITSTREAM where one might
expect to find the actual parameters of the TOKEN.</para>
<para>To explain BITSTREAMs requires a diversion into the bit-encoding
of TDF. Constructors for a particular SORT are represented in a
number of bits depending on the number of constructors for that
SORT; the context will determine the SORT required, so no more bits
are required. Thus since there is only one constructor for UNITs, no
bits are required to represent make_unit; there are about 120
different constructors for EXPs so 7 bits are required to cover all
the EXPs. The parameters of each constructor have known SORTs and so
their representations are just concatenated after the representation
of the constructor.
<footnote><para>There are facilities to allow extensions to the
number of constructors, so it is not quite as simple as
While this is a very compact representation, it suffers from the
defect that one must decode it even just to skip over it. This is
very irksome is some applications, notably the TDF linker which is
not interested detailed expansions. Similarly, in translators there
are places where one wishes to skip over a token application without
knowledge of the SORTs of its parameters. Thus a BITSTREAM is just
an encoding of some TDF, preceded by the number of bits it occupies.
Applications can then skip over BITSTREAMs trivially. Similar
considerations apply to BYTESTREAMs used elsewhere; here the
encoding is preceded by the number of bytes in the encoding and is
aligned to a byte boundary to allow fast copying.</para>
<title>Token definitions and declarations</title>
<para>Thus the <parameter>token_args</parameter> parameter of
exp_apply_token is just the BITSTREAM formed from the actual
parameters in the sequence described by the definition of the
<parameter>token_value</parameter> parameter. This will be given in
a TOKEN_DEFN somewhere with constructor token_definition:</para>
result_sort: SORTNAME
tok_params: LIST(TOKFORMALS)
body: result_sort
<para>The <type>result_sort</type> is the SORT of the construction of
<type> body</type>; e.g. if <type>result_sort</type> is formed from
exp then <type>body</type> would be constructed using the EXP
constructors and one would use exp_apply_token to give the
expansion. The list <type>tok_params</type> gives the formal
parameters of the definition in terms of TOKFORMALS constructed
using make_tok_formals:</para>
<para>The TDFINT <type>tk</type> will be the integer representation of
the formal parameter expressed as a TOKEN whose result sort is
<type>sn</type> (see more about name representation in
<link linkend="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">section 3.1</link>). To
use the parameter in the body of the TOKEN_DEFN, one simply uses the
_apply_token appropriate to <type>sn</type>.Note that sn may be a
TOKEN but the <type>result_sort</type> may not.</para>
<para>Hence the BITSTREAM
<type>param_sorts</type>(<parameter>token_value</parameter>) in the
actual parameter of exp_apply_token above is simply formed by the
catenation of constructions of the SORTs given by the SORTNAMEs in
the <type>tok_params</type> of the TOKEN being expanded.</para>
<para>Usually one gives a name to a TOKEN_DEFN using to form a TOKDEF
using make_tokdef :</para>
signature: OPTION(STRING)
<para>Here, <type>tok</type> gives the name that will be used to
identify the TOKEN whose expansion is given by <type>def</type>. Any
use of this TOKEN (e.g. in exp_apply_token) will be given by
make_token(<type>tok</type>). Once again, a BITSTREAM is used to
encapsulate the TOKEN_DEFN.</para>
<para>The significance of the signature parameter is discussed in
<link linkend="declaration-and-definition-signatures">section
<para>Often, one wishes a token without giving its definition - the
definition could, for example, be platform-dependent. A TOKDEC
introduces such a token using make_tokdec:</para>
signature: OPTION(STRING)
<para>Here the SORTNAME, <type>s</type>, is given by token:</para>
result: SORTNAME
<para>which gives the result and parameter SORTs of
<para>One can also use a TOKEN_DEFN in an anonymous fashion by giving
it as an actual parameter of a TOKEN which itself demands a TOKEN
parameter. To do this one simply uses use_tokdef:</para>
<title>A simple use of a TOKEN</title>
<para>The crucial use of TOKENs in TDF is to provide abstractions of
APIs (see <link linkend="tokens-and-apis">section 10</link>) but
they are also used as shorthand for commonly occurring
constructions. For example, given the TDF constructor plus,
mentioned above, we could define a plus with only two EXP parameters
more suitable to C by using the wrap constructor as the
make_tokdef(C_plus, empty, token_definition(exp(), (make_tokformals(exp(), l),
make_tokformals(exp(), r)),
plus(wrap(), exp_apply_token(l, ()), exp_apply_token(r, ())))
<title>Second class SORTs</title>
<para>Second class SORTs (given in table 2) cannot be
TOKENised. These are the "syntactic units" of TDF which the user
cannot extend; he can only produce them using the constructors
defined in core-TDF.</para>
<para>Some of these constructors are implicit. For example, there are
no explicit constructors for LIST or SLIST which are both used to
form lists of SORTs; their construction is simply part of the
encoding of TDF. However, it is forseen that LIST constructors would
be highly desireable and there will probably extensions to TDF to
promote LIST from a second-class SORT to a first-class one. This
will not apply to SLIST or to the other SORTs which have implicit
constructions. These include BITSTREAM, BYTESTREAM, TDFINT, TDFIDENT
and TDFSTRING.</para>
<title>CAPSULEs and UNITs</title>
<para>A CAPSULE is typically the result of a single compilation - one
could regard it as being the TDF analogue of a Unix .o file. Just as
with .o files, a set of CAPSULEs can be linked together to form
another. Similarly, a CAPSULE may be translated to make program for
some platform, provided certain conditions are met. One of these
conditions is obviously that a translator exists for the platform, but
there are others. They basically state that any names that are
undefined in the CAPSULE can be supplied by the system in which it is
to be run. For example, the translator could produce assembly code
with external identifiers which will be supplied by some system
<sect2 id="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">
<title>make_capsule and name-spaces</title>
<para>The only constructor for a CAPSULE is make_capsule. Its basic
function is to compose together UNITs which contain the declarations
and definitions of the program. The signature of make_capsule looks
rather daunting and is probable best represented graphically.</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/guide2.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>The diagram gives an example of a CAPSULE using the same
components as in the following text.</para>
<para>Each CAPSULE has its own name-space, distinct from all other
CAPSULEs' name-spaces and also from the name-spaces of its component
UNITs (see <link linkened="#11">section 3.1.2</link>). There are
several different kinds of names in TDF and each name-space is
further subdivided into one for each kind of name. The number of
different kinds of names is potentially unlimited but only three are
used in core-TDF, namely "tag", "token" and "al_tag". Those names in
a "tag" name-space generally correspond to identifiers in normal
programs and I shall use these as the paradigm for the properties of
them all.</para>
<para>The actual representations of a "tag" name in a given name-space
is an integer, described as SORT TDFINT. These integers are drawn
from a contiguous set starting from 0 up to some limit given by the
constructor which introduces the name-space. For CAPSULE
name-spaces, this is given by the <type>capsule_linking</type>
parameter of make_capsule:</para>
capsule_linking: SLIST(CAPSULE_LINK)
<para>In the most general case in core-TDF, there would be three
entries in the list introducing limits using make_capsule_link for
each of the "tag", "token" and "al_tag" name-spaces for the CAPSULE.
Thus if:</para>
capsule_linking = (make_capsule_link("tag", 5),
make_capsule_link("token", 6),
make_capsule_link("al_tag", 7))
<para>there are 5 CAPSULE "tag" names used within the CAPSULE, namely
0, 1, 2, 3 and 4; similarly there are 6 "token" names and 7 "al_tag"
<sect3 id="external-linkages">
<title>External linkages</title>
<para>The context of usage will always determine when and how an
integer is to be interpreted as a name in a particular name-space.
For example, a TAG in a UNIT is constructed by make_tag applied to
a TDFINT which will be interpreted as a name from that UNIT's
"tag" name-space. An integer representing a name in the CAPSULE
name-space would be found in a LINKEXTERN of the
<type>external_linkage</type> parameter of make_capsule.</para>
external_linkage: SLIST(EXTERN_LINK)
<para>Each EXTERN_LINK is itself formed from an SLIST of LINKEXTERNs
given by make_extern_link . The order of the EXTERN_LINKs
determines which name-space one is dealing with; they are in the
same order as given by the <type>extern_linkage</type> parameter.
Thus, with the <type>extern_linkage</type> given above, the first
EXTERN_LINK would deal with the "tag" name-space; Each of its
component LINKEXTERNs constructed by make_linkextern would be
identifying a tag number with some name external to the CAPSULE;
for example one might be:</para>
make_linkextern(4, string_extern("printf"))
<para>This would mean: identify the CAPSULE's "tag" 4 with an name
called "printf", external to the module. The name "printf" would
be used to linkage external to the CAPSULE; any name required
outside the CAPSULE would have to be linked like
<sect3 id="units">
<para>This name "printf", of course, does not necessarily mean the C
procedure in the system library. This depends both on the system
context in which the CAPSULE is translated and also the meaning of
the CAPSULE "tag" name 4 given by the component UNITs of the
CAPSULE in the <type>groups</type> parameter of
groups: SLIST(GROUP)
<para>Each GROUP in the <type>groups</type> SLIST will be formed by
sets of UNITs of the same kind. Once again, there are a
potentially unlimited number of kinds of UNITs but core-TDF only
uses those named "tld","al_tagdefs", "tagdecs", "tagdefs",
"tokdecs" and "tokdefs".
<footnote><para>The "tld" UNITs gives usage information for names
to aid the linker, tld, to discover which namess have
definitions and some usage information. The C producer also
optionally constructs "diagnostics" UNITs (to give run-time
diagnostic information).</para></footnote>
These names will appear (in the same order as in
<type>groups</type>) in the <type>prop_names</type> parameter of
make_capsule, one for each kind of UNIT appearing in the
prop_names: SLIST(TDFIDENT)
<para>Thus if:</para>
prop_names = ("tagdecs", "tagdefs")
<para>then, the first element of <type>groups</type> would contain
only "tagdecs" UNITs and and the second would contain only
"tagdefs" UNITs. A "tagdecs" UNIT contains things rather like a
set of global identifier declarations in C, while a "tagdefs" UNIT
is like a set of global definitions of identifiers.</para>
<sect3 id="make_unit">
<para>Now we come to the construction of UNITs using make_unit, as
in the diagram below
<imagedata fileref="images/guide1.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>First we give the limits of the various name-spaces local to
the UNIT in the <type>local_vars</type> parameter:</para>
local_vars: SLIST(TDFINT)
<para>Just in the same way as with <type>external_linkage</type>,
the numbers in local_vars correspond (in the same order) to the
spaces indicated in <type>capsule_linking</type> in
<link linkend="make_capsule-and-name-spaces">section 3.1</link>.
With our example,the first element of <type>local_vars</type>
gives the number of "tag" names local to the UNIT, the second
gives the number of "token" names local to the UNIT etc. These
will include all the names used in the body of the UNIT. Each
declaration of a TAG, for example, will use a new number from the
"tag" name-space; there is no hiding or reuse of names within a
<sect3 id="link">
<para>Connections between the CAPSULE name-spaces and the UNIT
name-spaces are made by LINKs in the <parameter>lks</parameter>
parameter of make_unit:</para>
<para>Once again, <type>lks</type> is effectively indexed by the
kind of name-space a. Each LINKS is an SLIST of LINKs each of
which which establish an identity between names in the CAPSULE
name-space and names in the UNIT name-space. Thus if the first
element of <type>lks</type> contains:</para>
make_link(42, 4)
<para>then, the UNIT "tag" 42 is identical to the CAPSULE "tag"
<para>Note that names from the CAPSULE name-space only arise in two
places, LINKs and LINK_EXTERNs. Every other use of names are
derived from some UNIT name-space.</para>
<sect2 id="definitions-and-declarations">
<title>Definitions and declarations</title>
<para>The encoding in the <type>properties</type>:BYTESTREAM parameter
of a UNIT is a PROPS, for which there are five constructors
corresponding to the kinds of UNITs in core-TDF, make_al_tagdefs,
make_tagdecs, make_tagdefs, make_tokdefs and make_tokdecs. Each of
these will declare or define names in the appropriate UNIT
name-space which can be used by make_link in the UNIT's
<type>lks</type> parameter as well as elsewhere in the
<type>properties</type> parameter. The distinction between
"declarations" and "definitions" is rather similar to C usage; a
declaration provides the "type" of a name, while a definition gives
its meaning. For tags, the "type" is the SORT SHAPE (see below). For
tokens, the "type" is a SORTNAME constructed from the SORTNAMEs of
the parameters and result of the TOKEN using token:
result: SORTNAME
Taking make_tagdefs as a paradigm for PROPS, we have:
no_labels: TDFINT
The <type>no_labels</type> parameter introduces the size of yet
another name-space local to the PROPS, this time for the LABELs used
in the TAGDEFs. Each TAGDEF in <type>tds</type> will define a "tag"
name in the UNIT's name-space. The order of these TAGDEFs is
immaterial since the initialisations of the tags are values which
can be solved at translate time, load time or as unordered dynamic
<para>There are three constructors for TAGDEFs, each with slightly
different properties. The simplest is make_id_tagdef:</para>
signature: OPTION(STRING)
e: EXP x
<para>Here, <type>t</type> is the tag name and the evaluation of
<type>e</type> will be the value of SHAPE <type>x</type> of an
obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) in an EXP. Note that t is not a variable;
the value of obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) will be invariant. The
<type>signature</type> parameter gives a STRING (see
<link linkend="sort-string">section 3.2.3</link>) which may be used
as an name for the tag, external to TDF and also as a check
introduced by the producer that a tagdef and its corresponding
tagdec have the same notion of the language-specific type of the
<para>The two other constructors for TAGDEF, make_var_tagdef and
common_tagdef both define variable tags and have the same
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
signature: OPTION(STRING)
e: EXP x
<para>Once again <type>t</type> is tag name but now <type>e</type> is
initialisation of the variable <type>t</type>. A use of
obtain_tag(<type>t</type>) will give a pointer to the variable (of
SHAPE POINTER x), rather than its contents.
<footnote><para>There is a similar distinction between tags
introduced to be locals of a procedure using identify and variable
(see <link linkend="identify-variable">section 5.3.1</link>).</para>
There can only be one make_var_tagdef of a given tag in a program,
but there may be more than one common_tagdef, possibly with
different initialisations; however these initialisations must
overlap consistently just as in common blocks in FORTRAN.</para>
<para>The ACCESS parameter gives various properties required for the
tag being defined and is discussed in
<link linkend="sort-access">section 5.3.2</link>.</para>
<para>The initialisation EXPs of TAGDEFs will be evaluated before the
"main" program is started. An initialiation EXP must either be a
constant (in the sense of
<link linkend="constants">section 9</link>) or reduce to (either
directly or by token or _cond expansions) to an initial_value:
init: EXP s
-> EXP s
The translator will arrange that <type>init</type> will be evaluated
once only before any procedure application, other than those
themselves involved in initial_values, but after any constant
initialisations. The order of evaluation of different initial_values
is arbitrary.</para>
<sect3 id="scopes-and-linking">
<title>Scopes and linking</title>
<para>Only names introduced by AL_TAGDEFS, TAGDEFS, TAGDECs, TOKDECs
and TOKDEFs can be used in other UNITs (and then, only via the
<type>lks</type> parameters of the UNITs involved). You can regard
them as being similar to C global declarations. Token definitions
include their declarations implicitly; however this is not true of
tags. This means that any CAPSULE which uses or defines a tag
across UNITs must include a TAGDEC for that tag in its "tagdecs"
UNITs. A TAGDEC is constructed using either make_id_tagdec,
make_var_tagdec or common_tagdec, all with the same form:
t_intro: TDFINT
signature: OPTION(STRING)
Here the tagname is given by <type>t_intro</type>; the SHAPE
<type>x</type> will defined the space and alignment required for the
tag (this is analogous to the type in a C declaration). The
<type>acc</type> field will define certain properties of the tag not
implicit in its SHAPE; I shall return to the kinds of properties
envisaged in discussing local declarations in
<link linkend="defining-and-using-locals">section 5.3</link>.</para>
<para>Most program will appear in the "tagdefs" UNITs - they will
include the definitions of the procedures of the program which in
turn will include local definitions of tags for the locals of the
<para>The standard TDF linker allows one to link CAPSULEs together
using the name identifications given in the LINKEXTERNs, perhaps
hiding some of them in the final CAPSULE. It does this just by
generating a new CAPSULE name-space, grouping together component
UNITs of the same kind and replacing their
<parameter>lks</parameter> parameters with values derived from the
new CAPSULE name-space without changing the UNITs' name-spaces or
their <parameter>props</parameter> parameters. The operation of
grouping together UNITs is effectively assumed to be associative,
commutative and idempotent e.g. if the same tag is declared in two
capsules it is assumed to be the same thing . It also means that
there is no implied order of evaluation of UNITs or of their
component TAGDEFs</para>
<para>Different languages have different conventions for deciding how
programs are actually run. For example, C requires the presence of a
suitably defined "main" procedure; this is usually enforced by
requiring the system ld utility to bind the name "main" along with
the definitions of any library values required. Otherwise, the C
conventions are met by standard TDF linking. Other languages have
more stringent requirements. For example, C++ requires dynamic
initialisation of globals, using initial_value. As the only runnable
code in TDF is in procedures, C++ would probably require an
additional linking phase to construct a "main" procedure which calls
the initialisation procedures of each CAPSULE involved if the system
linker did not provide suitable C++ linking.</para>
<sect3 id="declaration-and-definition-signatures">
<title>Declaration and definition signatures</title>
<para>The <type>signature</type> arguments of TAGDEFs and TAGDECs
are designed to allow a measure of cross-UNIT checking when
linking independently compiled CAPSULEs. Suppose that we have a
tag, <type>t</type>, used in one CAPSULE and defined in another;
the first CAPSULE would have to have a TAGDEC for <type>t</type>
whose TAGDEF is in the second. The <type>signature</type> STRING
of both could be arranged to represent the language-specific type
of <type>t</type> as understood at compilation-time. Clearly, when
the CAPSULEs are linked the types must be identical and hence
their STRING representation must be the same - a translator will
reject any attempt to link definitions and declarations of the
same object with different signatures.</para>
<para>Similar considerations apply to TOKDEFs and TOKDECs; the
"type" of a TOKEN may not have any familiar analogue in most HLLs,
but the principle remains the same.</para>
<sect3 id="sort-string">
<para>The SORT STRING is used in various constructs other than
declarations and definitions. It is a first-class SORT with
string_apply_token and string_cond. A primitive STRING is
constructed from a TDFSTRING(k,n) which is an encoding of n
integers,each of k bits, using make_string:
arg: TDFSTRING(k, n)
-> STRING(k, n)
STRINGs may be concatenated using concat_string:
arg1: STRING(k, n)
arg2: STRING(k,m)
-> STRING(k, n + m)
Being able to compose strings, including token applications etc,
means that late-binding is possible in <type>signature</type>
checking in definitions and declarations. This late-binding means
that the representation of platform-dependent HLL types need only
be fully expanded at install-time and hence the types could be
expressed in their representational form on the specific
<title>SHAPEs, ALIGNMENTs and OFFSETs.</title>
<para>In most languages there is some notion of the type of a value.
This is often an uncomfortable mix of a definition of a representation
for the value and a means of choosing which operators are applicable
to the value. The TDF analogue of the type of value is its SHAPE
(S3.20). A SHAPE is only concerned with the representation of a value,
being an abstraction of its size and alignment properties. Clearly an
architecture-independent representation of a program cannot say, for
example, that a pointer is 32 bits long; the size of pointers has to
be abstracted so that translations to particular architectures can
choose the size that is apposite for the platform.</para>
<sect2 id="S19">
<para>There are ten different basic constructors for the SORT SHAPE
from bitfield to top as shown in table 3. SHAPEs arising from those
constructors are used as qualifiers (just using an upper case
version of the constructor name) to various SORTs in the definition;
for example, EXP TOP is an expression with top SHAPE. This is just
used for definitional purposes only; there is no SORT SHAPENAME as
one has SORTNAME.</para>
<para>In the TDF specification of EXPs, you will observe that all EXPs
in constructor signatures are all qualified by the SHAPE name; for
example, a parameter might be EXP INTEGER(v). This merely means that
for the construct to be meaningful the parameter must be derived
from a constructor defined to be an EXP INTEGER(v). You might be
forgiven for assuming that TDF is hence strongly-typed by its
SHAPEs. This is not true; the producer must get it right. There are
some checks in translators, but these are not exhaustive and are
more for the benefit of translator writers than for the user. A tool
for testing the SHAPE correctness of a TDF program would be useful
but has yet to be written.</para>
<sect3 id="S20">
<title>TOP, BOTTOM, LUB</title>
<para>Two of the SHAPE constructions are rather specialised; these
are TOP and BOTTOM. The result of any expression with a TOP shape
will always be discarded; examples are those produced by assign
and integer_test . A BOTTOM SHAPE is produced by an expression
which will leave the current flow of control e.g. goto . The
significance of these SHAPEs only really impinges on the
computation of the shapes of constructs which have alternative
expressions as results. For example, the result of conditional is
the result of one of its component expressions. In this case, the
SHAPE of the result is described as the LUB of the SHAPEs of the
components. This simply means that if one of the component SHAPEs
is TOP then the resulting SHAPE is TOP; if one is BOTTOM then the
resulting SHAPE is the SHAPE of the other; otherwise both
component SHAPEs must be equal and is the resulting SHAPE. Since
this operation is associative, commutative and idempotent, we can
speak quite unambiguously of the LUB of several SHAPEs.</para>
<sect3 id="S21">
<para>Integer values in TDF have shape INTEGER(v) where v is of SORT
VARIETY. The constructor for this SHAPE is integer with a VARIETY
parameter. The basic constructor for VARIETY is var_limits which
has a pair of signed natural numbers as parameters giving the
limits of possible values that the integer can attain. The SHAPE
required for a 32 bit signed integer would be:
integer(var_limits(-2<superscript>31</superscript>, 2<superscript>31</superscript> - 1))
while an unsigned char is:
integer(var_limits(0, 255))
A translator should represent each integer variety by an object
big enough (or bigger) to contain all the possible values with
limits of the VARIETY. That being said, I must confess that most
current translators do not handle integers of more than the
maximum given naturally by the target architecture, but this will
be rectified in due course.
<para>The other way of constructing a VARIETY is to specify the
number of bits required for its 2s-complemennt representation
using var_width:</para>
signed_width: BOOL
width: NAT
<sect3 id="S22">
<title>FLOATING and complex</title>
<para>Similarly, floating point and complex numbers have shape
FLOATING qualified by a FLOATING_VARIETY.</para>
<para>A FLOATING_VARIETY for a real number is constructed using
base: NAT
mantissa_digits: NAT
minimum_exponent: NAT
maximum_exponent:: NAT
<para>A FLOATING_VARIETY specifies the base, number of mantissa
digits, and maximum and minimum exponent. Once again, it is
intended that the translator will choose a representation which
will contain all possible values, but in practice only those which
are included in IEEE float, double and extended are actually
<para>Complex numbers have a floating variety constructed by
complex_parms which has the the same signature as fvar_parms. The
representation of these numbers is likely to be a pair of real
numbers each defined as if by fvar_parms with the same arguments.
The real and imaginary parts of of a complex number can be
extracted using real_part and imaginary_part; these could have
been injected ito the complex number using make_complex or any of
the complex operations. Many translators will simply transform
complex numbers into COMPOUNDs consisting of two floating point
numbers, transforming the complex operations into floating point
operations on the fields.</para>
<sect3 id="S23">
<para>A number of contiguous bits have shape BITFIELD, qualified by
a BITFIELD_VARIETY (S3.4) which gives the number of bits involved
and whether these bits are to be treated as signed or unsigned
integers. Current translators put a maximum of 32 or 64 on the
number of bits.</para>
<sect3 id="S24">
<para>The representational SHAPEs of procedure values is given by
PROC with constructor proc . I shall return to this in the
description of the operations which use it.</para>
<sect3 id="S25">
<title>Non-primitive SHAPEs</title>
<para>The construction of the other four SHAPEs involves either
existing SHAPEs or the alignments of existing SHAPEs. These are
constructed by compound, nof, offset and pointer. Before
describing these, we require a digression into what is meant by
alignments and offsets.</para>
<para>In most processor architectures there are limitations on how one
can address particular kinds of objects in convenient ways. These
limitations are usually defined as part of the ABI for the
processor. For example, in the MIPs processor the fastest way to
access a 32-bit integer is to ensure that the address of the integer
is aligned on a 4-byte boundary in the address space; obviously one
can extract a mis-aligned integer but not in one machine
instruction. Similarly, 16-bit integers should be aligned on a
2-byte boundary. In principle, each primitive object could have
similar restrictions for efficient access and these restrictions
could vary from platform to platform. Hence, the notion of alignment
has to be abstracted to form part of the architecture independent
TDF - we cannot assume that any particular alignment regime will
hold universally.</para>
<para>The abstraction of alignments clearly has to cover compound
objects as well as primitive ones like integers. For example, if a
field of structure in C is to be accessed efficiently, then the
alignment of the field will influence the alignment of the structure
as whole; the structure itself could be a component of a larger
object whose alignment must then depend on the alignment of the
structure and so on. In general, we find that a compound alignment
is given by the maximum alignment of its components, regardless of
the form of the compound object e.g. whether it is a structure,
union, array or whatever.</para>
<para>This gives an immediate handle on the abstraction of the
alignment of a compound object - it is just the set of abstractions
of the alignments of its components. Since "maximum" is associative,
commutative and idempotent, the component sets can be combined using
normal set-union rules. In other words, a compound alignment is
abstracted as the set of alignments of the primitive objects which
make up the compound object. Thus the alignment abstraction of a C
structure with only float fields is the singleton set containing the
alignment of a float while that of a C union of an int and this
structure is a pair of the alignments of an int and a float.</para>
<sect3 id="alignement-constructors">
<title>ALIGNMENT constructors</title>
<para>The TDF abstraction of an alignment has SORT ALIGNMENT. The
constructor, unite_alignments, gives the set-union of its
ALIGNMENT parameters; this would correspond to taking a maximum of
two real alignments in the translator.</para>
<para>The constructor, alignment, gives the ALIGNMENT of a given
SHAPE according to the rules given in the definition. These rules
effectively <type>define</type> the primitive ALIGNMENTs as in the
ALIGNMENT column of table 3. Those for PROC, all OFFSETs and all
POINTERs are constants regardless of any SHAPE qualifiers. Each of
the INTERGER VARIETYs, each of the FLOATING VARIETYs and each of
will be bound to values apposite to the particular platform at
translate-time. The ALIGNMENT of TOP is conventionally taken to be
the empty set of ALIGNMENTs (corresponding to the minimum
alignment on the platform).</para>
<para>The alignment of a procedure parameter clearly has to include
the alignment of its SHAPE; however, most ABIs will mandate a
greater alignment for some SHAPEs e.g. the alignment of a byte
parameter is usually defined to be on a 32-bit rather than an
8-bit boundary. The constructor, parameter_alignment, gives the
ALIGNMENT of a parameter of given SHAPE.</para>
<sect3 id="S28">
<title>Special alignments</title>
<para>There are several other special ALIGNMENTs.</para>
<para>The alignment of a code address is {<type>code</type>} given
by code_alignment; this will be the alignment of a pointer given
by make_local_lv giving the value of a label.</para>
<para>The other special ALIGNMENTs are considered to include all of
the others, but remain distinct. They are all concerned with
offsets and pointers relevant to procedure frames, procedure
parameters and local allocations and are collectively known as
frame alignments. These frame alignments differ from the normal
alignments in that their mapping to a given architecture is rather
more than just saying that it describes some n-bit boundary. For
example, alloca_alignment describes the alignment of dynamic space
produced by local_alloc (roughly the C alloca). Now, an ABI could
specify that the alloca space is a stack disjoint from the normal
procedure stack; thus manipulations of space at alloca_alignment
may involve different code to space generated in other
<para>Similar considerations apply to the other special alignments,
callees_alignment(b), callers_alignment(b) and locals_alignment.
The first two give the alignments of the bases of the two
different parameter spaces in procedures (q.v.) and
locals_alignment gives the alignment of the base of locally
declared tags within a procedure. The exact interpretation of
these depends on how the frame stack is defined in the target ABI,
e.g. does the stack grow downwards or upwards?</para>
<para>The final special alignment is var_param_alignment. This
describes the alignment of a special kind of parameter to a
procedure which can be of arbitrary length (see
<link linkend="vartag-varparam">section 5.1.1</link>).</para>
<sect3 id="al_tag-make_al_tagdef">
<title>AL_TAG, make_al_tagdef</title>
<para>Alignments can also be named as AL_TAGs using make_al_tagdef.
There is no corresponding make_al_tagdec since AL_TAGs are
implicitly declared by their constructor, make_al_tag. The main
reason for having names for alignments is to allow one to resolve
the ALIGNMENTs of recursive data structures. If, for example, we
have mutually recursive structures, their ALIGNMENTs are best
named and given as a set of equations formed by AL_TAGDEFs. A
translator can then solve these equations trivially by
substitution; this is easy because the only significant operation
is set-union.</para>
<sect2 id="pointer-and-offset-shapes">
<title>Pointer and offset SHAPEs</title>
<para>A pointer value must have a form which reflects the alignment of
the object that it points to; for example, in the MIPs processor,
the bottom two bits of a pointer to an integer must be zero. The TDF
SHAPE for a pointer is POINTER qualified by the ALIGNMENT of the
object pointed to. The constructor pointer uses this alignment to
make a POINTER SHAPE.</para>
<sect3 id="offset">
<para>Expressions which give sizes or offsets in TDF have an OFFSET
SHAPE. These are always described as the difference between two
pointers. Since the alignments of the objects pointed to could be
different, an OFFSET is qualified by these two ALIGNMENTs. Thus an
EXP OFFSET(X,Y) is the difference between an EXP POINTER(X) and an
EXP POINTER(Y). In order for the alignment rules to apply, the set
X of alignments must include Y. The constructor offset uses two
such alignments to make an OFFSET SHAPE. However, many instances
of offsets will be produced implicitly by the offset arithmetic,
e.g., offset_pad:
arg1: EXP OFFSET(z, t)
-> EXP OFFSET(z xc8 a, a)
This gives the next OFFSET greater or equal to <type>arg1</type>
at which an object of ALIGNMENT <parameter>a</parameter> can be
placed. It should be noted that the calculation of shapes and
alignments are all translate-time activities; only EXPs should
produce runnable code. This code, of course, may depend on the
shapes and alignments involved; for example, offset_pad might
round up <type>arg1</type> to be a multiple of four bytes if
<parameter>a</parameter> was an integer ALIGNMENT and
<parameter>z</parameter> was a character ALIGNMENT. Translators
also do extensive constant analysis, so if <type>arg1</type> was a
constant offset, then the round-off would be done at
translate-time to produce another constant.</para>
<title>Compound SHAPEs</title>
<para>The alignments of compound SHAPEs (i.e. those arising from the
constructors compound and nof) are derived from the constructions
which produced the SHAPE. To take the easy one first, the
constructor nof has signature:
n: NAT
This SHAPE describes an array of <type>n</type> values all of SHAPE
<type>s</type>; note that <type>n</type> is a natural number and
hence is a constant known to the producer. Throughout the definition
this is referred to as the SHAPE NOF(n, s). The ALIGNMENT of such a
value is alignment(s); i.e. the alignment of an array is just the
alignment of its elements.</para>
<para>The other compound SHAPEs are produced using compound:</para>
sz: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
<para>The <type>sz</type> parameter gives the minimum size which can
accommodate the SHAPE.</para>
<sect3 id="offset-arithmetic">
<title>Offset arithmetic with compound shapes</title>
<para>The constructors offset_add, offset_zero and shape_offset are
used together with offset_pad to implement (<emphasis>inter
alia</emphasis>) selection from structures represented by
COMPOUND SHAPEs. Starting from the zero OFFSET given by
offset_zero, one can construct an EXP which is the offset of a
field by padding and adding offsets until the required field is
reached. The value of the field required could then be extracted
using component or add_to_ptr. Most producers would define a TOKEN
for the EXP OFFSET of each field of a structure or union used in
the program simply to reduce the size of the TDF.</para>
<para>The SHAPE of a C structure consisting of an char followed by
an int would require <varname>x</varname> to be the set consisting
of two INTEGER VARIETYs, one for int and one for char, and
<type>sz</type> would probably have been constructed like:</para>
sz = offset_add(offset_pad(int_al, shape_offset(char)), shape_offset(int))
<para>The various rules for the ALIGNMENT qualifiers of the OFFSETs
give the required SHAPE; these rules also ensure that offset
arithmetic can be implemented simply using integer arithmetic for
standard architectures (see
<link linkend="model-for-32bit-architecture">section 13.1</link>).
Note that the OFFSET computed here is the minimum size for the
SHAPE. This would not in general be the same as the difference
between successive elements of an array of these structures which
would have SHAPE OFFSET(<parameter>x</parameter>,
<parameter>x</parameter>) as produced by
offset_pad(<parameter>x</parameter>, <parameter>sz</parameter>).
For examples of the use of OFFSETs to access and create
structures, see
<link linkend="tdf-expansions-of-offsets">section 12</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="S34">
<para>In C, all structures have size known at translate-time. This
means that OFFSETs for all field selections of structures and
unions are translate-time constants; there is never any need to
produce code to compute these sizes and offsets. Other languages
(notably Ada) do have variable size structures and so sizes and
offsets within these structures may have to be computed
dynamically. Indexing in C will require the computation of dynamic
OFFSETs; this would usually be done by using offset_mult to
multiply an offset expression representing the stride by an
integer expression giving the index:
arg1: EXP OFFSET(x, x)
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
-> EXP OFFSET(x, x)
and using add_to_ptr with a pointer expression giving the base of
the array with the resulting OFFSET.</para>
<sect3 id="S35">
<title>OFFSET ordering and representation</title>
<para>There is an ordering defined on OFFSETs with the same
alignment qualifiers, as given by offset_test and offset_max
having properties like:
shape_offset(S) xb3 offset_zero(alignment(S))
A xb3 B iff offset_max(A,B) = A
offset_add(A, B) xb3 A where B xb3 offset_zero(some compatible alignment)
In most machines, OFFSETs would be represented as single integer
values with the OFFSET ordering corresponding to simple integer
ordering. The offset_add constructor just translates to simple
addition with offset_zero as 0 with similar correspondences for
the other offset constructors. You might well ask why TDF does not
simply use integers for offsets, instead of introducing the rather
complex OFFSET SHAPE. The reasons are two-fold. First, following
the OFFSET arithmetic rules concerned with the ALIGNMENT
qualifiers will ensure that one never extracts a value from a
pointer with the wrong alignment by, for example, applying
contents to an add_to_pointer. This frees TDF from having to
define the effect of strange operations like forming a float by
taking the contents of a pointer to a character which may be
mis-aligned with respect to floats - a heavy operation on most
processors. The second reason is quite simple; there are machines
which cannot represent OFFSETs by a single integer value.</para>
<para>The iAPX-432 is a fairly extreme example of such a machine; it
is a "capability" machine which must segregate pointer values and
non-pointer values into different spaces. On this machine a value
of SHAPE POINTER({<type>pointer</type>, int}) (e.g. a pointer to a
structure containing both integers and pointers) could have two
components; one referring to the pointers and another to the
integers. In general, offsets from this pointer would also have
two components, one to pick out any pointer values and the other
the integer values. This would obviously be the case if the
original POINTER referred to an array of structures containing
both pointers and integers; an offset to an element of the array
would have SHAPE OFFSET({<type>pointer</type>, int},
{<type>pointer</type>, int}); both elements of the offset would
have to be used as displacements to the corresponding elements of
the pointer to extract the structure element. The OFFSET ordering
is now given by the comparison of both displacements. Using this
method, one finds that pointers in store to non-pointer alignments
are two words in different blocks and pointers to
pointer-alignments are four words, two in one block and two in
another. This sounds a very unwieldy machine compared to normal
machines with linear addressing. However, who knows what similar
strange machines will appear in future; the basic conflicts
between security, integrity and flexibility that the iAPX-432
sought to resolve are still with us. For more on the modelling of
pointers and offsets see
<link linkend="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">section 13</link>.
<sect2 id="bitfield-alignments">
<title>BITFIELD alignments</title>
<para>Even in standard machines, one finds that the size of a pointer
may depend on the alignment of the data pointed at. Most machines do
not allow one to construct pointers to bits with the same facility
as other alignments. This usually means that pointers in memory to
BITFIELD VARIETYs must be implemented as two words with an address
and bit displacement. One might imagine that a translator could
implement BITFIELD alignments so that they are the same as the
smallest natural alignment of the machine and avoid the bit
displacement, but this is not the intention of the definition. On
any machine for which it is meaningful, the alignment of a BITFIELD
must be one bit; in other words successive BITFIELDs are butted
together with no padding bits.
<para>Note that is not generally true for C bitfields; most C ABIs
have (different) rules for putting in padding bits depending on
the size of the bitfield and its relation with the natural
alignments. This is a fruitful source of errors in data exchange
between different C ABIs For more on similar limitations of
bitfields in TDF (see
<link linkend="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">Assigning and
extracting bitfields</link>).</para>
Within the limits of what one can extract from BITFIELDs, namely
INTEGER VARIETYs, this is how one should implement non-standard
alignments, perhaps in constructing data, such as protocols, for
exchange between machines. One could implement some Ada
representational statements in this way; certainly the most commonly
used ones.</para>
<para>TDF Version 3.0 does not allow one to construct a pointer of
SHAPE POINTER(b) where b consists entirely of bitfield alignments;
this relieves the translators of the burden of doing general
bit-addressing. Of course, this simply shifts the burden to the
producer. If the high level language requires to construct a pointer
to an arbitrary bit position, then the producer is required to
represent such a pointer as a pair consisting of pointer to some
alignment including the required bitfield and an offset from this
alignment to the bitfield. For example, Ada may require the
construction of a pointer to a boolean for use as the parameter to a
procedure; the SHAPE of the rep resentation of this Ada pointer
could be a COMPOUND formed from a POINTER({x,b}) and an OFFSET({x,
b}, b) where b is the alignment given by a 1 bit alignment. To
access the boolean, the producer would use the elements of this pair
as arguements to bitfield_assign and bitfield_contents
(<link linkend="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">Assigning and
extracting bitfields</link>.).</para>
<title>Procedures and Locals</title>
<para>All procedures in TDF are essentially global; the only values
which are accessible from the body of a procedure are those which are
derived from global TAGs (introduced by TAGDEFs or TAGDECs), local
TAGs defined within the procedure and parameter TAGs of the
<para>All executable code in TDF will arise from an EXP PROC made by
either make_proc or make_general_proc. They differ in their treatment
of how space for the actual parameters of a call is managed; in
particular, is it the caller or the callee which deallocates the
parameter space?</para>
<para>With make_proc, this management is conceptually done by the caller
at an apply_proc; i.e. the normal C situation. This suffers from the
limitation that tail-calls of procedures are then only possible in
restricted circumstances (e.g. the space for the parameters of the
tail-call must be capable of being included in caller's parameters)
and could only be implemented as an optimisation within a translator.
A producer could not predict these circumstances in a machine
independent manner, whether or not it knew that a tail-call was
<para>An alternative would be to make the management of parameter space
the responsibility of the called procedure. Rather than do this,
make_general_proc (and apply_general_proc) splits the parameters into
two sets, one whose allocation is the responsibility of the caller and
the other whose allocation is dealt with by the callee. This allows an
explicit tail_call to be made to a procedure with new callee
parameters; the caller parameters for the tail_call will be the same
as (or some initial subset of) the caller parameters of the procedure
containing the tail_call .</para>
<para>A further refinement of make_general_proc is to allow access to
the caller parameter space in a postlude at the call of the procedure
using an apply_general_proc. This allows simple implementations of Ada
out_parameters, or more generally, multiple results of
<sect2 id="S38">
<title>make_proc and apply_proc</title>
<para>The make_proc constructor has signature:
result_shape: SHAPE
params_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
var_intro: OPTION(TAGACC)
The <type>params_intro</type> and <type>var_intro</type> parameters
introduce the formal parameters of the procedure which may be used
in <type>body</type>. The procedure result will have SHAPE
<type>result_shape</type> and will be usually given by some return
construction within <type>body</type>. The basic model is that space
will be provided to copy actual parameters (into space supplied by
some apply_proc) by value into these formals and the body will treat
this space effectively as local variables.</para>
<para>Each straightforward formal parameter is introduced by an
auxiliary SORT TAGSHACC using make_tagshacc:
sha: SHAPE
opt_access: OPTION(LIST(ACCESS))
tg_intro: TAG POINTER(alignment(sha))
<para>Within <type>body</type>, the formal will be accessed using
<type>tg_intro</type>; it is always considered to be a pointer to
the space of SHAPE <type>sha</type> allocated by apply_proc, hence
the pointer SHAPE.</para>
<para>For example, if we had a simple procedure with one integer
parameter, <type>var_intro</type> would be empty and
<varname>params_intro</varname> might be:
params_intro = make_tagshacc(integer(v), empty, make_tag(13))
Then, TAG 13 from the enclosing UNIT's name-space is identified with
the formal parameter with SHAPE POINTER(INTEGER(v)). Any use of
obtain_tag(make_tag(13)) in <type>body</type> will deliver a pointer
to the integer parameter. I shall return to the meaning of
<type>opt_access</type> and the ramifications of the scope and extent
of TAGs involved in conjunction with local declarations in
<link linkend="identify-variable">section 5.3.1</link>.</para>
<para>Procedures, whether defined by make_proc or make_general_proc,
will usually terminate and deliver its result with a return:
arg1: EXP x
Here <varname>x</varname> must be identical to the
<type>result_shape</type> of the call of the procedure There may be
several returns in body; and the SHAPE <varname>x</varname> in each
will be the same. Some languages allow different types to be returned
depending on the particular call. The producer must resolve this
issue. For example, C allows one to deliver void if the resulting
value is not used. In TDF a dummy value must be provided at the
return; for example make_value(<type>result_shape</type>).</para>
<para>Note that the <type>body</type> has SHAPE bottom since all
possible terminations to a procedure have SHAPE BOTTOM..</para>
<para>Procedures defined by make_proc are called using
result_shape: SHAPE
arg1: EXP PROC
arg2: LIST(EXP)
varparam: OPTION(EXP)
-> EXP result_shape
<para>Here <type>arg1</type> is the procedure to be called and
<type>arg2</type> gives the actual parameters. There must be at least
as many actual parameters as given (with the same SHAPE) in the
<type>params_intro</type> of the corresponding make_proc for arg1.
<para>The vararg construction in C are implemented by giving more
actuals than formals; the extra parameters are accessed by offset
arithmetic with a pointer to a formal, using parameter_alignment
to pad the offsets.</para>
The values of <type>arg2</type> will be copied into space managed by
<para>The SHAPE of the result of the call is given by
<type>result_shape</type> which must be identical to the
<type>result_shape</type> of the make_proc.</para>
<sect3 id="vartag-varparam">
<title>vartag, varparam</title>
<para>Use of the <type>var_intro</type> OPTION in make_proc and the
corresponding <type>varparam</type> in apply_proc allows one to
have a parameter of any SHAPE, possibly differing from call to
call where the actual SHAPE can be deduced in some way by the
<type>body</type> of the make_proc . One supplies an extra actual
parameter, <type>varparam</type>, which usually would be a
structure grouping some set of values. The body of the procedure
can then access these values using the pointer given by the TAG
<type>var_intro</type>, using add_to_ptr with some computed
offsets to pick out the individual fields.</para>
<para>This is a slightly different method of giving a variable
number of parameters to a procedure, rather than simply giving
more actuals than formals. The principle difference is in the
alignment of the components of <type>varparam</type>; these will
be laid out according to the default padding defined by the
component shapes. In most ABIs, this padding is usually different
to the way parameters are laid out; for example, character
parameters are generally padded out to a full word. Thus a
sequence of parameters of given shape has a different layout in
store to the same sequence of shapes in a structure. If one wished
to pass an arbitrary structure to a procedure, one would use the
<type>varparam</type> option rather passing the fields
individually as extra actual parameters.</para>
<sect2 id="S40">
<title>make_general_proc and apply_general_proc</title>
<para>A make_general_proc has signature:
result_shape: SHAPE
caller_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
callee_intro: LIST(TAGSHACC)
Here the formal parameters are split into two sets,
<type>caller_intro</type> and <type>callee_intro</type>, each given
by a list of TAGSHACCs just as in make_proc. The distinction between
the two sets is that the make_general_proc is responsible for
de_allocating any space required for the callee parameter set; this
really only becomes obvious at uses of tail_call within
<para>The <type>result_shape</type> and <type>body</type> have the
same general properties as in make_proc. In addition
<type>prcprops</type> gives other information both about
<type>body</type> and the way that that the procedure is called.
PROCPROPS are a set drawn from check_stack, inline,
no_long_jump_dest, untidy, var_callees and var_callers. The set is
composed using add_procprops. The PROCPROPS no_long_jump_dest is a
property of <type>body</type> only; it indicates that none of the
labels within <type>body</type> will be the target of a long_jump
construct. The other properties should also be given consistently at
all calls of the procedure; theu are discussed in
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>.</para>
<para>A procedure, <type>p</type>, constructed by make_general_proc is
called using apply_general_proc:</para>
result_shape: SHAPE
caller_params: LIST(OTAGEXP)
callee_params: CALLEES
postlude: EXP TOP
-> EXP result_shape
<para>The actual caller parameters are given by
<type>caller_params</type> as a list of OTAGEXPs constructed using
tgopt: OPTION(TAG x / i>)
e: EXP x / i>
<para>Here, <type>e</type> is the value of the parameter and
<type>tgopt</type>, if present, is a TAG which will bound to the
final value of the parameter (after <type>body</type> is evaluated)
in the <type>postlude</type> expression of the apply_general_proc.
<para>If a formal parameter is to be used in this way, it should
be marked as having out_par ACCESS in its corresponding TAGSHACC
in <type>callers_intro</type>.</para>
Clearly, this allows one to use a caller parameter as an extra
result of the procedure; for example, as in Ada
<para>The actual <type>callee_params</type> may be constructed in
three different ways. The usual method is to use make_callee_list,
giving a list of actual EXP parameters, corresponding to the
<type>caller_intro</type> list in the obvious way.The constructor,
same_callees allows one to use the callees of the current procedure
as the callees of the call; this, of course, assumes that the
formals of the current procedure are compatible with the formals
required for the call The final method allows one to construct a
dynamically sized set of CALLEES; make_dynamic_callees takes a
pointer and a size (expressed as an OFFSET) to make the CALLEES;
this will be used in conjunction with a var_callees PROCPROPS (see
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>).</para>
<para>Some procedures can be expressed using either make_proc or
make_general_proc. For example:</para>
<para>make_proc(S, L, empty, B) = make_general_proc(S, var_callers, L,
empty, B)</para>
<sect3 id="tail_call">
<para>Often the result of a procedure, <function>f</function>, is
simply given by the call of another (or the same) procedure,
<function>g</function>. In appropriate circumstances, the same
stack space can be used for the call of <function>g</function> as
the call of <function>f</function>. This can be particularly
important where heavily recursive routines are involved; some
languages even use tail recursion as the preferred method of
<para>One condition for such a tail call to be applicable is knowing
that <function>g</function> does not require any pointers to
locals of <function>f</function>; this is often implicit in the
language involved. Equally important is that the action on the
return from <function>f</function> is indistiguishable from the
return from <function>g</function>. For example, if it were the
callers responsibility to pop the the space for the parameters on
return from a call, then the tail call of <function>g</function>
would only work if <function>g</function> had the same parameter
space as <function>f</function>.</para>
<para>This is the justification for splitting the parameter set of a
general proc; it is (at least conceptually) the caller's
responsibility for popping the caller-parameters only - the
callee-parameters are dealt with by the procedure itself. Hence we
can define tail_call which uses the same caller-parameters, but a
different set of callee-parameters:
callee_params: CALLEES
The procedure p will be called with the same caller parameters as
the current procedure and the new <type>callee_params</type> and
return to the call site of the current procedure. Semantically, if
S is the return SHAPE of the current procedure, and L is its
<para>tail_call(P, p, C) = return(apply_general_proc(S, P, p, L, C,
<para>However an implementation is expected to conserve stack by
using the same space for the call of p as the current
<sect3 id="procprops">
<para>The presence of var_callees (or var_callers) means that the
procedure can be called with more actual callee (or caller)
parameters than are indicated in <type>callee_intro</type> (or
<type>caller_intro</type>). These extra parameters would be
accessed within body using offset calculations with respect to the
named parameters. The offsets should be calculated using
parameter_alignment to give the packing of the parameter
<para>The presence of untidy means that <type>body</type> may be
terminated by an untidy_return. This returns the result of the
procedure as in return, but the lifetime of the local space of the
procedure is extended (in practice this is performed by not
returning the stack to its original value at the call). A
procedure containing an untidy_return is a generalisation of a
local_alloc(see <link linkend="local_alloc">section 5.3.4</link>).
For example the procedure could do some complicated local
allocation (a triangular array, say) and untidily return a pointer
to it so that the space is still valid in the calling procedure.
The space will remain valid for the lifetime of the calling
procedure unless some local_free is called within it, just as if
the space had been generated by a local_alloc in the calling
<para>The presence of inline is just a hint to the translator that
the procedure body is a good candidate for inlining at the
<para>The presence of check_stack means that the static stack
requirements of the procedure will be checked on entry to see that
they do not exceed the limits imposed by set_stack_limit; if they
are exceeded a TDF exception with ERROR_CODE stack_overflow (see
<link linkend="exceptional-flow">section 6.3</link>) will be
<sect2 id="defining-and-using-locals">
<title>Defining and using locals</title>
<sect3 id="identify-variable">
<title>identify, variable</title>
<para>Local definitions within the <type>body</type> of a procedure
are given by two EXP constructors which permit one to give names
to values over a scope given by the definition. Note that this is
somewhat different to declarations in standard languages where the
declaration is usually embedded in a larger construct which
defines the scope of the name; here the scope is explicit in the
definition. The reason for this will become more obvious in the
discussion of TDF transformations. The simpler constructor is
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
name_intro: TAG x
definition: EXP x
body: EXP y
-> EXP y
The <type>definition</type> is evaluated and its result is
identified with the TAG given by <type>name_intro</type> within
its scope <type>body</type>. Hence the use of any
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) within <type>body</type> is
equivalent to using this result. Anywhere else,
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) is meaningless, including in
other procedures.</para>
<para>The other kind of local definition is variable:
opt_access: OPTION(ACCESS)
name_intro: TAG x
init: EXP x
body: EXP y
-> EXP y
Here the <type>init</type> EXP is evaluated and its result serves
as an initialisation of space of SHAPE <varname>x</varname> local
to the procedure. The TAG name_intro is then identified with a
pointer to that SPACE within body. A use of
obtain_tag(<type>name_intro</type>) within <type>body</type> is
equivalent to using this pointer and is meaningless outside
<type>body</type> or in other procedures. Many variable
declarations in programs are uninitialised; in this case, the
<type>init</type> argument could be provided by make_value which
will produce some value with SHAPE given by its parameter.</para>
<sect3 id="sort-access">
<para>The ACCESS SORT given in tag declarations is a way of
describing a list of properties to be associated with the tag.
They are basically divided into two classes, one which describes
global properties of the tag with respect to the model for locals
and the other which gives "hints" on how the value will be used.
Any of these can be combined using add_access.</para>
<sect4 id="locals-model">
<title>Locals model</title>
<para>At the moment there are just three possibilities in the
first class of ACCESS constructors. They are standard_access
(the default), visible, out_par and long_jump_access.</para>
<para>The basic model used for the locals and parameters of a
procedure is a frame within a stack of nested procedure calls.
One could implement a procedure by allocating space according to
SHAPEs of all of the parameter and local TAGs so that the
corresponding values are at fixed offsets either from the start
of the frame or some pointer within it.</para>
<para>Indeed, if the ACCESS <type>opt_access</type> parameter in a
TAG definition is produced by visible, then a translator is
almost bound to do just that for that TAG. This is because it
allows for the possibility of the value to be accessed in some
way other than by using obtain_tag which is the standard way of
recovering the value bound to the TAG. The principal way that
this could happen within TDF is by the combined use of
env_offset to give the offset and current_env to give a pointer
to the current frame (see
<link linkend="current_env">section 5.3.3</link>).</para>
<para>The out_par ACCESS is only applicable to caller parameters
of procedures; it indicates that the value of the TAG concerned
will accessed by the postlude part of an apply_general_proc.
Hence, the value of the parameter must be accessible after the
call; usually this will be on the stack in the callers
<para>The long_jump_access flag is used to indicate that the tag
must be available after a long_jump. In practice, if either
visible or long_jump_access is set, most translators would
allocate the space for the declaration on the main-store stack
rather than in an available register. If it is not set, then a
translator is free to use its own criteria for whether space
which can fit into a register is allocated on the stack or in a
register, provided there is no observable difference (other than
time or program size) between the two possibilities.</para>
<para>Some of these criteria are rather obvious; for example, if a
pointer to local variable is passed outside the procedure in an
opaque manner, then it is highly unlikely that one can allocate
the variable in a register. Some might be less obvious. If the
only uses of a TAG t was in obtain_tag(t)s which are operands of
contents or the left-hand operands of assigns, most ABIs would
allow the tag to be placed in a register. We do not necessarily
have to generate a pointer value if it can be subsumed by the
operations available.</para>
<sect4 id="access-hints">
<title>Access "hints"</title>
<para>A variable tag with ACCESS constant is a write-once value;
once it is initialised the variable will always contain the
initialisation. In other words the tag is a pointer to a
constant value; translators can use this information to apply
various optimisations.</para>
<para>A POINTER tag with ACCESS no_other_read or no_other_write is
asserting that there are no "aliassed" accesses to the contents
of the pointer. For example, when applied to a parameter of a
procedure, it is saying that the original pointer of the tag is
distinct from any other tags used (reading/writing) in the
lifetime of the tag. These other tags could either be further
parameters of the procedure or globals. Clearly, this is useful
for describing the limitations imposed by Fortran parameters,
for example.</para>
<sect3 id="current_env">
<title>current_env, env_offset</title>
<para>The constructor current_env gives a pointer to the current
procedure frame of SHAPE POINTER(<type>fa</type>) where
<type>fa</type> is depends on how the procedure was defined and
will be some set of the special frame ALIGNMENTs. This set will
always include locals_alignment - the alignment of any locals
defined within the procedure. If the procedure has any caller-
parameters, the set will also include callers_alignment(b) where b
indicates whether there can be a variable number of them;
similarly for callee-parameters.</para>
<para>Offsets from the current_env of a procedure to a tag declared
in the procedure are constructed by env_offset:
t: TAG x
-> EXP OFFSET(fa, y)
The frame ALIGNMENT <type>fa</type> will be the appropriate one
for the TAG <type>t</type>; i.e. if <type>t</type> is a local then
the <type>fa</type> will be locals_alignment; if <type>t</type> is
a caller parameter, <type>fa</type> will be callers_alignment(b);
if <type>t</type> is a callee_parameter, <type>fa</type> will be
callees_alignment(b). The alignment <type>y</type> will be the
alignment of the initialisation of <type>t</type>.</para>
<para>The offset arithmetic operations allow one to access the
values of tags non-locally using values derived from current_env
and env_offset. They are effectively defined by the following
If TAG t is derived from a variable definition
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(locals_alignment, A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
if TAG t is derived from an identify definition:
contents(S, add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(locals_alignment, A, t))) = obtain_tag(t)
if TAG t is derived from a caller parameter:
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(callers_alignment(b), A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
if TAG t is derived from a callee parameter:
add_to_ptr(current_env(), env_offset(callees_alignment(b), A, t)) = obtain_tag(t)
These identities are valid throughout the extent of t, including
in inner procedure calls. In other words, one can dynamically
create a pointer to the value by composing current_env and
<para>The importance of this is that env_offset(t) is a constant
OFFSET and can be used anywhere within the enclosing UNIT, in
other procedures or as part of constant TAGDEF; remember that the
TDFINT underlying t is unique within the UNIT. The result of a
current_env could be passed to another procedure (as a parameter,
say) and this new procedure could then access a local of the
original by using its env_offset. This would be the method one
would use to access non-local, non-global identifiers in a
language which allowed one to define procedures within procedures
such as Pascal or Algol. Of course, given the stack-based model,
the value given by current_env becomes meaningless once the
procedure in which it is invoked is exited.</para>
<sect3 id="local_alloc">
<title>local_alloc, local_free_all, last_local</title>
<para>The size of stack frame produced by variable and identify
definitions is a translate-time constant since the frame is
composed of values whose SHAPEs are known. TDF also allows one to
produce dynamically sized local objects which are conceptually
part of the frame. These are produced by local_alloc:
arg1: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
-> EXP POINTER(alloca_alignment)
The operand <token>arg1</token> gives the size of the new object
required and the result is a pointer to the space for this object
"on top of the stack" as part of the frame. The quotation marks
indicate that a translator writer might prefer to maintain a
dynamic stack as well as static one. There are some disadvantages
in putting everything into one stack which may well out-weigh the
trouble of maintaining another stack which is relatively
infrequently used. If a frame has a known size, then all
addressing of locals can be done using a stack-front register; if
it is dynamically sized, then another frame-pointer register must
be used - some ABIs make this easy but not all. The majority of
procedures contain no local_allocs, so their addressing of locals
can always be done relative to a stack-front; only the others have
to use another register for a frame pointer.</para>
<para>The alignment of pointer result is alloca_alignment which must
include all SHAPE alignments.</para>
<para>There are two constructors for releasing space generated by
local_alloc. To release all such space generated in the current
procedure one does local_free_all(); this reduces the size of the
current frame to its static size.</para>
<para>The other constructor is local_free whch is effectively a
"pop" to local_alloc's "push":
a: EXP OFFSET(x, y)
p: EXP POINTER(alloca_alignment)
Here <type>p</type> must evaluate to a pointer generated either by
local_alloc or last_local . The effect is to free all of the space
locally allocated after p. The usual implementation (with a
downward growing stack) of this is that p becomes the "top of
stack" pointer.</para>
<para>The use of a procedure with an untidy_return is just a
generalisation of the idea of local_alloc and the space made
available by its use can be freed in the same way as normal local
allocations. Of course, given that it could be the result of the
procedure it can be structured in an arbitrarily complicated
<sect2 id="heap-storage">
<title>Heap storage</title>
<para>At the moment, there are no explicit constructors of creating
dynamic off-stack storage in TDF. Any off-stack storage requirements
must be met by the API in which the system is embedded, using the
standard procedural interface. For example, the ANSI C API allows
the creation of heap space using standard library procedures like
<title>Control Flow within procedures</title>
<title>Unconditional flow</title>
<sect3 id="sequence">
<para>To perform a sequential set of operations in TDF, one uses the
constructor sequence:
statements: LIST(EXP)
result: EXP x
-> EXP x
Each of the <type>statements</type> are evaluated in order,
throwing away their results. Then, <type>result</type> is
evaluated and its result is the result of the sequence.</para>
<para>A translator is free to rearrange the order of evaluation if
there is no observable difference other than in time or space.
This applies anywhere I say "something is evaluated and then ...".
We find this kind of statement in definitions of local variables
in <link linkend="defining-and-using-locals">section 5.3</link>,
and in the controlling parts of the conditional constructions
<para>For a more precise discussion of allowable reorderings see
(<fix>S7.14</fix>) .</para>
<sect2 id="conditional-flow">
<title>Conditional flow</title>
<sect3 id="labelled">
<title>labelled, make_label</title>
<para>All simple changes of flow of control within a TDF procedure
are done by jumps or branches to LABELs, mirroring what actually
happens in most computers. There are three constructors which
introduce LABELs; the most general is labelled which allows
arbitrary jumping between its component EXPs:
placelabs_intro: LIST(LABEL)
starter: EXP x
places: LIST(EXP)
-> EXP w
Each of the EXPs in <type>places</type> is labelled by the
corresponding LABEL in <type>placelabs_intro</type>; these LABELs
are constructed by make_label applied to a TDFINT uniquely drawn
from the LABEL name-space introduced by the enclosing PROPS. The
evaluation starts by evaluating <type>starter</type>; if this runs
to completion the result of the labelled is the result of
<type>starter.</type> If there is some jump to a LABEL in
<type>placelabs_intro</type> then control passes to the
corresponding EXP in <type>places</type> and so on. If any of
these EXPS runs to completion then its result is the result of the
labelled; hence the SHAPE of the result, w, is the LUB of the
SHAPEs of the component EXPs.</para>
<para>Note that control does not automatically pass from one EXP to
the next; if this is required the appropriate EXP must end with an
explicit goto.</para>
<sect3 id="goto">
<title>goto, make_local_lv, goto_local_lv, long_jump,
<para>The unconditional goto is the simplest method of jumping. In
common with all the methods of jumping using LABELs, its LABEL
parameter must have been introduced in an enclosing construction,
like labelled, which scopes it.</para>
<para>One can also pick up a label value of SHAPE POINTER {code}
(usually implemented as a program address) using make_local_lv for
later use by an "indirect jump" such as goto_local_lv . Here the
same prohibition holds - the construction which introduced the
LABEL must still be active.</para>
<para>The construction goto_local_lv only permits one to jump within
the current procedure; if one wished to do a jump out of a
procedure into a calling one, one uses long_jump which requires a
pointer to the destination frame (produced by current_env in the
destination procedure) as well as the label value. If a long_jump
is made to a label, only those local TAGs which have been defined
with a visible ACCESS are guaranteed to have preserved their
values; the translator could allocate the other TAGs in scope as
registers whose values are not necessarily preserved.</para>
<para>A slightly "shorter" long jump is given by return_to_label.
Here the destination of the jump must a label value in the calling
procedure. Usually this value would be passed as parameter of the
call to provide an alternative exit to the procedure.</para>
<sect3 id="integer_test">
<title>integer_test, NTEST</title>
<para>Conditional branching is provided by the various _test
constructors, one for each primitive SHAPE except BITFIELD. I
shall use integer_test as the paradigm for them all:
dest: LABEL
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
The NTEST <type>nt</type> chooses a dyadic test (e.g. =, >=,
<, etc.) that is to be applied to the results of evaluating
<type>arg1</type> and <type>arg2</type>. If <type>arg1</type>
<type>nt</type> <type>arg2</type> then the result is TOP;
otherwise control passes to the LABEL <type>dest</type>. In other
words, integer_test acts like an assertion where if the assertion
is false, control passes to the LABEL instead of continuing in the
normal fashion.</para>
<para>Some of the constructors for NTESTs are disallowed for some
_tests (e.g. proc_test) while others are redundant for some
_tests; for example, not_greater_than is the same as
less_than_or_equal for all except possibly floating_test. where
the use of NaNs (in the IEEE sense) as operands may give different
<sect3 id="case">
<para>There are only two other ways of changing flow of control
using LABELs. One arises in ERROR_TREATMENTs which will be dealt
with in the arithmetic operations. The other is case:
exhaustive: BOOL
control: EXP INTEGER(v)
branches: LIST(CASELIM)
-> EXP (exhaustive ? BOTTOM : TOP)
Each CASELIM is constructed using make_caselim:
branch: LABEL
In the case construction, the <type>control</type> EXP is
evaluated and tested to see whether its value lies inclusively
between some <type>lower</type> and <type>upper</type> in the list
of CASELIMs. If so, control passes to the corresponding
<type>branch</type>. The order in which these tests are performed
is undefined, so it is probably best if the tests are exclusive.
The exhaustive flag being true asserts that one of the branches
will be taken and so the SHAPE of the result is BOTTOM.
Otherwise, if none of the branches are taken, its SHAPE is TOP and
execution carries on normally.</para>
<sect3 id="conditional">
<title>conditional, repeat</title>
<para>Besides labelled, two other constructors, conditional and
repeat, introduce LABELs which can be used with the various jump
instructions. Both can be expressed as labelled, but have extra
constraints which make assertions about the use of the LABELs
introduced and could usually be translated more efficiently; hence
producers are advised to use them where possible. A conditional
expression or statement would usually be done using conditional:
alt_label_intro: LABEL
first: EXP x
alt: EXP y
-> EXP(LUB(x, y))
Here <type>first</type> is evaluated; if it terminates normally,
its result is the result of the conditional. If a jump to
<type>alt_label_intro</type> occurs then <type>alt</type> is
evaluated and its result is the result of the conditional.
Clearly, this, so far, is just the same as
labelled((<type>alt_label_intro</type>), <type>first</type>,
(<type>alt</type>)). However, conditional imposes the constraint
that <type>alt</type> cannot use <type>alt_label_intro</type>. All
jumps to <type>alt_label_intro</type> are "forward jumps" - a
useful property to know in a translator.</para>
<para>Obviously, this kind of conditional is rather different to
those found in traditional high-level languages which usually have
three components, a boolean expression, a then-part and an
else-part. Here, the <type>first</type> component includes both
the boolean expression and the then-part; usually we find that it
is a sequence of the tests (branching to
<type>alt_label_intro</type>) forming the boolean expression
followed by the else-part. This formulation means that HLL
constructions like "andif" and "orelse" do not require special
constructions in TDF.</para>
<para>A simple loop can be expressed using repeat:
repeat_label_intro: LABEL
start: EXP TOP
body: EXP y
-> EXP y
The EXP <type>start</type> is evaluated, followed by
<type>body</type> which is labelled by
<type>repeat_label_intro</type>. If a jump to
<type>repeat_label_intro</type> occurs in <type>body</type>, then
<type>body</type> is re-evaluated. If <type>body</type> terminates
normally then its result is the result of the repeat. This is just
the same as:
labelled((repeat_label_intro), sequence((start), goto(repeat_label_intro)), (body))
except that no jumps to <type>repeat_label_intro</type> are
allowed in <type>start</type> - a useful place to do
initialisations for the loop.</para>
<para>Just as with conditionals, the tests for the continuing or
breaking the loop are included in <type>body</type> and require no
special constructions.</para>
<sect2 id="exceptional-flow">
<title>Exceptional flow</title>
<para>A further way of changing the flow of control in a TDF program
is by means of exceptions. TDF exceptions currently arise from three
sources - overflow in arithmetic operations with trap
<link linkend="error_treatment">section 8.1.1</link>), an attempt to
access a value via a nil pointer using assign_with_mode,
contents_with_mode or move_some(see
<link linkend="transfer_mode-operations">section 7.3</link>) or a
stack overflow on procedure entry with PROCPROPS check_stack(see
<link linkend="procprops">section 5.2.2</link>) or a
<para>Each of these exceptions have an ERROR_CODE ascribed to them,
namely overflow, nil_access and stack_overflow. Each ERROR_CODE can
be made into a distinct NAT by means of the constructor error_val;
these NATs could be used, for example, to discriminate the different
kinds of errors using a case construction.</para>
<para>When one of these exceptions is raised, the translator will
arrange that a TOKEN, ~Throw, is called with the appropriate
ERROR_CODE as its (sole) parameter. Given that every language has a
different way of both characterising and handling exceptions, the
exact expansion of ~Throw must be given by the producer for that
language - usually it will involve doing a long_jump to some label
specifying a signal handler and translating the ERROR_CODE into its
language-specific representation.</para>
<para>The expansion of ~Throw forms part of the language specific
environment required for the translation of TDF derived from the
language, just as the exact shape of FILE must be given for the
translation of C.</para>
<title>Values, variables and assignments.</title>
<para>TAGs in TDF fulfil the role played by identifiers in most
programming languages. One can apply obtain_tag to find the value
bound to the TAG. This value is always a constant over the scope of a
particular definition of the TAG. This may sound rather strange to
those used to the concepts of left-hand and right-hand values in C,
for example, but is quite easily explained as follows.</para>
<para>If a TAG, id, is introduced by an identify, then the value bound
is fixed by its <type>definition</type> argument. If, on the other
hand, v was a TAG introduced by a variable definition, then the value
bound to v is a pointer to fixed space in the procedure frame (i.e.
the left-hand value in C).</para>
<sect2 id="S62">
<para>In order to get the contents of this space (the right-hand value
in C), one must apply the contents operator to the pointer:
contents(shape(v), obtain_tag(v))
In general, the contents constructor takes a SHAPE and an
expression delivering pointer:
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
-> EXP s
It delivers the value of SHAPE <type>s</type>, pointed at by the
evaluation of <type>arg1</type>. The alignment of <type>s</type>
need not be identical to <varname>x</varname>. It only needs to be
included in it; this would allow one, for example, to pick out the
first field of a structure from a pointer to it.</para>
<sect2 id="S63">
<para>A simple assignment in TDF is done using assign:
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
arg2: EXP y
The EXPs <type>arg1</type> and <type>arg2</type> are evaluated (no
ordering implied) and the value of SHAPE <varname>y</varname> given by
<type>arg2</type> is put into the space pointed at by
<type>arg1</type>. Once again, the alignment of <varname>y</varname>
need only be included in <varname>x</varname>, allowing the assignment
to the first field of a structure using a pointer to the structure. An
assignment has no obvious result so its SHAPE is TOP.</para>
<para>Some languages give results to assignments. For example, C defines
the result of an assignment to be its right-hand expression, so that
if the result of (v = exp) was required, it would probably be
expressed as:
identify(empty, newtag, exp, sequence((assign(obtain_tag(v), obtain_tag(newtag))), obtain_tag(newtag)))
From the definition of assign, the destination argument,
<type>arg1</type>, must have a POINTER shape. This means that given
the TAG id above, assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs) is only legal if the
<type>definition</type> of its identify had a POINTER SHAPE. A trivial
example would be if id was defined:
identify(empty, id, obtain_tag(v), assign(obtain_tag(id), lhs))
This identifies id with the variable v which has a POINTER SHAPE, and
assigns lhs to this pointer. Given that id does not occur in lhs, this
is identical to:
assign(obtain_tag(v), lhs).
Equivalences like this are widely used for transforming TDF in
translators and other tools (see
<link linkend= "tdf-transformations">section 11</link>).</para>
<sect2 id="transfer_mode-operations">
<title>TRANSFER_MODE operations</title>
<para>The TRANSFER_MODE operations allow one to do assignment and
contents operations with various qualifiers to control how the
access is done in a more detailed manner than the standard contents
and assign operations.</para>
<para>For example, the value assigned in assign has some fixed SHAPE;
its size is known at translate-time. Variable sized objects can be
moved by move_some:
arg3: EXP OFFSET(z, t)
The EXP <type>arg1</type> is the destination pointer, and
<type>arg2</type> is a source pointer. The amount moved is given by
the OFFSET <type>arg3</type>.</para>
<para>The TRANSFER_MODE <type>md</type> parameter controls the way
that the move will be performed. If overlap is present, then the
translator will ensure that the move is equivalent to moving the
source into new space and then copying it to the destination; it
would probably do this by choosing a good direction in which to step
through the value. The alternative, standard_transfer_mode,
indicates that it does not matter.</para>
<para>If the TRANSFER_MODE trap_on_nil is present and
<type>arg1</type> is a nil pointer, a TDF exception with ERROR_CODE
nil_access is raised.</para>
<para>There are variants of both the contents and assign constructors.
The signature of contents_with_mode is:
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
-> EXP s
Here, the only significant TRANSFER_MODE constructors
<type>md</type> are trap_on_nil and volatile. The latter is
principally intended to implement the C volatile construction; it
certainly means that the contents_with_mode operation will never be
"optimised" away.</para>
<para>Similar considerations apply to assign_with_mode; here the
overlap TRANSFER_MODE is also possible with the same meaning as in
<sect2 id="assigning-and-extracting-bitfields">
<title>Assigning and extracting bitfields</title>
<para>Since pointers to bits are forbidden, two special operations are
provided to extract and assign bitfields. These require the use of
a pointer value and a bitfield offset from the pointer. The
signature of bitfield_contents which extracts a bitfield in this
manner is:
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y,z)
-> EXP bitfield(v)
Here <type>arg1</type> is a pointer to an alignment
<parameter>x</parameter> which includes <type>v</type>, the required
bitfield alignment. In practice, <parameter>x</parameter> must
include an INTEGER VARIETY whose representation can contain the
entire bitfield. Thus on a standard architecture, if v is a 15 bit
bitfield, x must include at least a 16 bit integer variety; a 27
bitfield would require a 32 bit integer variety and so on. Indeed
the constraint is stronger than this since there must be an integer
variety, accessible from arg1, which entirely contains the
<para>This constraint means that producers cannot expect that
arbitrary bitfield lengths can be accomodated without extra padding;
clearly it also means that the maximum bitfield length possible is
the maximum size of integer variety that can be implemented on the
translator concerned (this is defined to be at least 32). On
standard architectures, the producer can expect that an array of
bitfields of lenth 2<emphasis>n</emphasis> will be packed without
padding; this, of course, includes arrays of booleans. For
structures of several different bitfields, he can be sure of no
extra padding bits if the total number of bits involved is less than
or equal to 32; similarly if he can subdivide the bitfields so that
each of the subdivisions (except the last) is exactly equal to 32
and the last is less than or equal to 32. This could be relaxed to
64 bits if the translator deals with 64 bit integer varieties, but
would require that conditional TDF is produced to maintain
portability to 32 bit platforms - and on these platforms the
assurance of close packing would be lost.</para>
<para>Since a producer is ignorant of the exact representational
varieties used by a translator, the onus is on the translator writer
to provide standard tokens which can be used by a producer to
achieve both optimum packing of bitfields and minimum alignments for
COMPOUNDs containing them(see
<link linkend="bitfield-offsets">Bitfield offsets</link>). These
tokens would allow one to construct an offset of the form OFFSET(x,
b) (where b is some bitfield alignment and x is the `minimum'
alignment which could contain it) in a manner analogous to the
normal padding operations for offsets. This offset could then used
both in the construction of a compound shape and in the extraction
and assignment constructors.</para>
<para>The assignment of bitfields follows the same pattern with the
same constraints using bitfield_assign:
arg1: EXP POINTER(x)
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y,z)
<para>Most of the arithmetic operations of TDF have familiar analogues
in standard languages and processors. They differ principally in how
error conditions (e.g. numeric overflow) are handled. There is a wide
diversity in error handling in both languages and processors, so TDF
tries to reduce it to the simplest primitive level compatible with
their desired operation in languages and their implementation on
processors. Before delving into the details of error handling, it is
worthwhile revisiting the SHAPEs and ranges in arithmetic
<sect2 id="S67">
<title>VARIETY and overflow</title>
<para>An INTEGER VARIETY, for example, is defined by some range of
signed natural numbers. A translator will fit this range into some
possibly larger range which is convenient for the processor in
question. For example, the integers with variety(1,10) would
probably be represented as unsigned characters with range (0..255),
a convenient representation for both storage and arithmetic.</para>
<para>The question then arises of what is meant by overflow in an
operation which is meant to deliver an integer of this VARIETY - is
it when the integer result is outside the range (1..10) or outside
the range (0..255)? For purely pragmatic reasons, TDF chooses the
latter - the result is overflowed when it is outside its
representational range (0..255). If the program insists that it must
be within (1..10), then it can always test for it. If the program
uses the error handling mechanism and the result is outside (1..10)
but still within the representational limits, then, in order for the
program to be portable, then the error handling actions must in some
sense be "continuous" with the normal action. This would not be the
case if, for example, the value was used to index an array with
bounds (1..10), but will usually be the case where the value is used
in further arithmetic operations which have similar error handling.
The arithmetic will continue to give the mathematically correct
result provided the representational bounds are not exceeded.</para>
<para>The limits in a VARIETY are there to provide a guide to its
representation, and not to give hard limits to its possible values.
This choice is consistent with the general TDF philosophy of how
exceptions are to be treated. If, for example, one wishes to do
array-bound checking, then it must be done by explicit tests on the
indices and jumping to some exception action if they fail.
Similarly, explicit tests can be made on an integer value, provided
its representational limits are not exceeded. It is unlikely that a
translator could produce any more efficient code, in general, if the
tests were implicit. The representational limits can be exceeded in
arithmetic operations, so facilities are provided to either to
ignore it, to allow one to jump to a label, or to obey a TDF
exception handler if it happens.</para>
<sect3 id="error_treatment">
<para>Taking integer addition as an example, plus has signature:
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
The result of the addition has the same integer VARIETY as its
parameters. If the representational bounds of
<parameter>v</parameter> are exceeded, then the action taken
depends on the ERROR_TREATMENT <type>ov_err</type>.</para>
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT, impossible, is an assertion by the
producer that overflow will not occur; on its head be it if it
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENTS continue and wrap give "fixup" values for
the result. For continue the fixup value is undefined. For wrap,
the the answer will be modulo 2 to the power of the number of bits
in the representational variety.Thus, integer arithmetic with byte
representational variety is done modulo 256. This just corresponds
to what happens in most processors and, incidentally, the
definition of C.</para>
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT that one would use if one wished to jump
to a label is error_jump:
lab: LABEL
A branch to <type>lab</type> will occur if the result
<para>The ERROR_TREATMENT, trap(overflow) will raise a TDF
exception(see <link linkend="exceptional-flow">section 6.3</link>)
with ERROR_CODE overflow if overflow occurs.</para>
<sect2 id="S69">
<title>Division and remainder</title>
<para>The various constructors in involving integer division (e.g.
div1, rem1) have two ERROR_TREATMENT parameters, one for overflow
and one for divide-by-zero e.g. div1 is:
div_by_zero_error: ERROR_TREATMENT
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
arg2: EXP INTEGER(v)
There are two different kinds of division operators (with
corresponding remainder operators) defined. The operators div2 and
rem2 are those generally implemented directly by processor
instructions giving the sign of the remainder the same as the sign
of the quotient. The other pair, div1 and rem1, is less commonly
implemented in hardware, but have rather more consistent
mathematical properties; here the sign of remainder is the same as
the sign of divisor. Thus, div1(x, 2) is the same as shift_right(x,
1) which is only true for div2 if x is positive. The two pairs of
operations give the same results if both operands have the same
sign. The constructors div0 and rem0 allow the translator to choose
whichever of the two forms of division is convenient - the producer
is saying that he does not care which is used, as long as they are
pairwise consistent. The precise definition of the divide operations
is given in (<fix>S7.4</fix>).</para>
<sect2 id="change_variety">
<para>Conversions between the various INTEGER varieties are provided
for by change_variety:
arg1: EXP INTEGER(v)
If the value <type>arg1</type> is outside the limits of the
representational variety of <type>r</type>, then the ERROR_TREATMENT
<type>ov_err</type> will be invoked.</para>
<sect2 id="S71">
<title>and, or, not, xor</title>
<para>The standard logical operations, and, not, or and xor are
provided for all integer varieties. Since integer varieties are
defined to be represented in twos-complement the result of these
operations are well defined.</para>
<sect2 id="S72">
<title>Floating-point operations, ROUNDING_MODE</title>
<para>All of the floating-point (including complex) operations include
ERROR-TREATMENTs. If the result of a floating-point operation cannot
be represented in the desired FLOATING_VARIETY, the error treatment
is invoked. If the ERROR_TREATMENT is wrap or impossible, the result
is undefined; otherwise the jump operates in the same way as for
integer operations. Both floating_plus and floating_mult are defined
as n-ary operations. In general, floating addition and
multiplication are not associative, but a producer may not care
about the order in which they are to be performed. Making them
appear as though they were associative allows the translator to
choose an order which is convenient to the hardware.</para>
<para>Conversions from integer to floating are done by float_int and
from floating to integers by round_with_mode . This latter
constructor has a parameter of SORT ROUNDING_MODE which effectively
gives the IEEE rounding mode to be applied to the float to produce
its integer result.</para>
<para>One can extract the real and imaginary parts of a complex
FLOATING using real_part and imaginary_part. A complex FLOATING can
be constructed using make_complex. Normal complex arithmetic applies
to all the other FLOATING constructors except for those explicitly
excluded (eg floating_abs, floating_max etc.)</para>
<sect2 id="change_bitfield_to_int">
<title>change_bitfield_to_int, change_int_to_bitfield</title>
<para>There are two bit-field operation, change_bitfield_to_int and
change_int_to_bitfield to transform between bit-fields and integers.
If the varieties do not fit the result is undefined; the producer
can always get it right.</para>
<sect2 id="make_compound">
<title>make_compound, make_nof, n_copies</title>
<para>There is one operation to make values of COMPOUND SHAPE,
arg1: EXP OFFSET(base, y)
arg2: LIST(EXP)
The OFFSET <type>arg1</type> is evaluated as a translate-time
constant to give <parameter>sz</parameter>, the size of the compound
object. The EXPs of arg2 are alternately OFFSETs (also
translate-time constants) and values which will be placed at those
offsets. This constructor is used to construct values given by
structure displays; in C, these only occur with constant
<constant>val[i]</constant> in global definitions. It is also used
to provide union injectors; here <parameter>sz</parameter> would be
the size of the union and the list would probably two elements with
the first being an offset_zero.</para>
<para>Constant sized array values may be constructed using make_nof,
make_nof_int, and n_copies. Again, they only occur in C as constants
in global definitions.</para>
<sect1 id="constants">
<para>The representation of constants clearly has peculiar difficulties
in any architecture neutral format. Leaving aside any problems of how
numbers are to be represented, we also have the situation where a
"constant" can have different values on different platforms. An
obvious example would be the size of a structure which, although it is
a constant of any particular run of a program, may have different
values on different machines. Further, this constant is in general the
result of some computation involving the sizes of its components which
are not known until the platform is chosen. In TDF, sizes are always
derived from some EXP OFFSET constructed using the various OFFSET
arithmetic operations on primitives like shape_offset and offset_zero.
Most such EXP OFFSETs produced are in fact constants of the platform;
they include field displacements of structure as well as their sizes.
TDF assumes that, if these EXPs can be evaluated at translate-time
(i.e. when the sizes and alignments of primitive objects are known),
then they must be evaluated there. An example of why this is so arises
in make_compound; the SHAPE of its result EXP depends on its
<type>arg1</type> EXP OFFSET parameter and all SHAPEs must be
translate-time values.</para>
<para>An initialisation of a TAGDEF is a constant in this sense
<para>However see also initial_value in
<link linkend="definitions-and-declarations">section 3.2</link>.
; this allows one to ignore any difficulties about their order of
evaluation in the UNIT and consequently the order of evaluation of
UNITs. Once again all the EXPs which are initialisations must be
evaluated before the program is run; this obviously includes any
make_proc or make_general_proc. . The limitation on an initialisation
EXP to ensure this is basically that one cannot take the contents of a
variable declared outside the EXP after all tokens and conditional
evaluation is taken into account. In other words, each TDF translator
effectively has an TDF interpreter which can do evaluation of
expressions (including conditionals etc.) involving only constants
such as numbers, sizes and addresses of globals. This corresponds very
roughly to the kind of initialisations of globals that are permissible
in C; for a more precise definition, see (<fix>S7.3</fix>).</para>
<sect2 id="cond-constructors">
<title>_cond constructors</title>
<para>Another place where translate-time evaluation of constants is
mandated is in the various _cond constructors which give a kind of
"conditional compilation" facility; every SORT which has a SORTNAME,
other that TAG, TOKEN and LABEL, has one of these constructors e.g.
control: EXP INTEGER(v)
-> EXP x or EXP y
The constant, <type>control</type>, is evaluated at translate time.
If it is not zero the entire construction is replaced by the EXP in
<type>e1</type>; otherwise it is replaced by the one in
<type>e2</type>. In either case, the other BITSTREAM is totally
ignored; it even does not need to be sensible TDF. This kind of
construction is use extensively in C pre-processing directives e.g.:
#if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(long)) ...
<sect2 id="primitive-constant-constructors">
<title>Primitive constant constructors</title>
<para>Integer constants are constructed using make_int:
The SIGNED_NAT <type>value</type> is an encoding of the binary value
required for the integer; this value must lie within the limits
given by <type>v</type>. I have been rather slip-shod in writing
down examples of integer constants earlier in this document; where I
have written 1 as an integer EXP, for example, I should have written
make_int(v, 1) where v is some appropriate VARIETY.</para>
<para>Constants for both floats and strings use STRINGs. A constant
string is just an particular example of make_nof_int:
str: STRING(k, n)
Each unsigned integer in <type>str</type> must lie in the variety
<type>v</type> and the result is the constant array whose elements
are the integers considered to be of VARIETY <type>v</type>. An
ASCI-C constant string might have <type>v</type> = variety(-128,127)
and <parameter>k</parameter> = 7; however, make_nof_int can be used
to make strings of any INTEGER VARIETY; a the elements of a Unicode
string would be integers of size 16 bits.</para>
<para>A floating constant uses a STRING which contains the ASCI
characters of a expansion of the number to some base in
sign: BOOL
mantissa: STRING(k, n)
base: NAT
exponent: SIGNED_NAT
For a normal floating point number, each integer in
<type>mantissa</type> is either the ASCII `.'-symbol or the ASCII
representation of a digit of the representation in the given
<type>base</type>; i.e. if c is the ASCII symbol, the digit value is
c-'0'. The resulting floating point number has SHAPE FLOATING(f) and
value <type>mantissa</type> * <type>base</type>
<type>exponent</type> rounded according to <type>rm</type>. Usually
the base will be 10 (sometimes 2) and the rounding mode to_nearest.
Any floating-point evaluation of expressions done at translate-time
will be done to an accuracy greater that implied by the
FLOATING_VARIETY involved, so that floating constants will be as
accurate as the platform permits.</para>
<para>The make_floating construct does not apply apply to a complex
FLOATING_VARIETY <type>f</type>; to construct a complex constant use
make_complex with two make_floating arguments.</para>
<para>Constants are also provided to give unique null values for
pointers, label values and procs i.e.: make_null_ptr,
make_null_local_lv and make_null_proc. Any significant use of these
values (e.g. taking the contents of a null pointer) is undefined,
but they can be assigned and used in tests in the normal way.</para>
<sect1 id="tokens-and-apis">
<title>Tokens and APIs</title>
<para>All of the examples of the use of TOKENs so far given have really
been as abbreviations for commonly used constructs, e.g. the EXP
OFFSETS for fields of structures. However, the real justification for
TOKENs are their use as abstractions for things defined in libraries
or application program interfaces (APIs).</para>
<sect2 id="S79">
<title>Application programming interfaces</title>
<para>APIs usually do not give complete language definitions of the
operations and values that they contain; generally, they are defined
informally in English giving relationships between the entities
within them. An API designer should allow implementors the
opportunity of choosing actual definitions which fit their hardware
and the possibility of changing them as better algorithms or
representations become available.</para>
<para>The most commonly quoted example is the representation of the
type FILE and its related operations in C. The ANSI C definition
gives no common representation for FILE; its implementation is
defined to be platform-dependent. A TDF producer can assume nothing
about FILE; not even that it is a structure. The only things that
can alter or create FILEs are also entities in the Ansi-C API and
they will always refer to FILEs via a C pointer. Thus TDF abstracts
FILE as a SHAPE TOKEN with no parameters, make_tok(T_FILE) say. Any
program that uses FILE would have to include a TOKDEC introducing
make_tokdec(T_FILE, empty, shape())
and anywhere that it wished to refer to the SHAPE of FILE it would
shape_apply_token(make_tok(T_FILE), ())
Before this program is translated on a given platform, the actual
SHAPE of FILE must be supplied. This would be done by linking a TDF
CAPSULE which supplies the TOKDEF for the SHAPE of FILE which is
particular to the target platform.</para>
<para>Many of the C operations which use FILEs are explicitly allowed
to be expanded as either procedure calls or as macros. For example,
putc(c,f) may be implemented either as a procedure call or as the
expansion of macro which uses the fields of f directly. Thus, it is
quite natural for putc(c, f) to be represented in TDF as an EXP
TOKEN with two EXP parameters which allows it to be expanded in
either way. Of course, this would be quite distinct from the use of
putc as a value (as a proc parameter of a procedure for example)
which would require some other representation. One such
representation that comes to mind might be to simply to make a
TAGDEC for the putc value, supplying its TAGDEF in the Ansi API
CAPSULE for the platform. This might prove to be rather
short-sighted, since it denies us the possibility that the putc
value itself might be expanded from other values and hence it would
be better as another parameterless TOKEN. I have not come across an
actual API expansion for the putc value as other than a simple TAG;
however the FILE* value stdin is sometimes expressed as:
#define stdin &_iob[0]
which illustrates the point. It is better to have all of the
interface of an API expressed as TOKENs to give both generality and
flexibility across different platforms.</para>
<sect2 id="S80">
<title>Linking to APIs</title>
<para>In general, each API requires platform-dependent definitions to
be supplied by a combination of TDF linking and system linking for
that platform. This is illustrated in the following diagram giving
the various phases involved in producing a runnable program.</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/guide3.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>There will be CAPSULEs for each API on each platform giving the
expansions for the TOKENs involved, usually as uses of identifiers
which will be supplied by system linking from some libraries. These
CAPSULEs would be derived from the header files on the platform for
the API in question, usually using some automatic tools. For
example, there will be a TDF CAPSULE (derived from <stdio.h>)
which defines the TOKEN T_FILE as the SHAPE for FILE, together with
definitions for the TOKENs for putc, stdin, etc., in terms of
identifiers which will be found in the library libc.a.</para>
<sect3 id="S81">
<title>Target independent headers, unique_extern</title>
<para>Any producer which uses an API will use system independent
information to give the common interface TOKENs for this API. In
the C producer, this is provided by header files using pragmas,
which tell the producer which TOKENs to use for the particular
constructs of the API . In any target-independent CAPSULE which
uses the API, these TOKENs would be introduced as TOKDECs and made
globally accessible by using make_linkextern. For a world-wide
standard API, the EXTERNAL "name" for a TOKEN used by
make_linkextern should be provided by an application of
unique_extern on a UNIQUE drawn from a central repository of names
for entities in standard APIs; this repository would form a kind
of super-standard for naming conventions in all possible APIs. The
mechanism for controlling this super-standard has yet to be set
up, so at the moment all EXTERN names are created by
<para>An interesting example in the use of TOKENs comes in
abstracting field names. Often, an API will say something like
"the type Widget is a structure with fields alpha, beta ..."
without specifying the order of the fields or whether the list of
fields is complete. The field selection operations for Widget
should then be expressed using EXP OFFSET TOKENs; each field would
have its own TOKEN giving its offset which will be filled in when
the target is known. This gives implementors on a particular
platform the opportunity to reorder fields or add to them as they
like; it also allows for extension of the standard in the same
<para>The most common SORTs of TOKENs used for APIs are SHAPEs to
represent types, and EXPs to represent values, including
procedures and constants. NATs and VARIETYs are also sometimes
used where the API does not specify the types of integers
involved. The other SORTs are rarely used in APIs; indeed it is
difficult to imagine <emphasis>any</emphasis> realistic use of
TOKENs of SORT BOOL. However, the criterion for choosing which
SORTs are available for TOKENisation is not their immediate
utility, but that the structural integrity and simplicity of TDF
is maintained. It is fairly obvious that having BOOL TOKENs will
cause no problems, so we may as well allow them.</para>
<sect2 id="S82">
<title>Language programming interfaces</title>
<para>So far, I have been speaking as though a TOKENised API could
only be some library interface, built on top of some language,
like xpg3, posix, X etc. on top of C. However, it is possible to
consider the constructions of the language itself as ideal
candidates for TOKENisation. For example, the C for-statement
could be expressed as TOKEN with four parameters. This TOKEN could
be expanded in TDF in several different ways, all giving the
correct semantics of a for-statement. A translator (or other
tools) could choose the expansion it wants depending on context
and the properties of the parameters. The C producer could give a
default expansion which a lazy translator writer could use, but
others might use expansions which might be more advantageous. This
idea could be extended to virtually all the constructions of the
language, giving what is in effect a C-language API; perhaps this
might be called more properly a language programming interface
(LPI). Thus, we would have TOKENs for C for-statements, C
conditionals, C procedure calls, C procedure definitions etc.
<para>Exercise for the reader: what are the SORTs of these
<para>The current C producer does this for some of the
constructs, but not in any systematic manner; perhaps it will
<para>The notion of a producer for any language working to an LPI
specific to the constructs of the language is very attractive. It
could use different TOKENs to reflect the subtle differences
between uses of similar constructs in different languages which
might be difficult or impossible to detect from their expansions,
but which could allow better optimisations in the object code.
For example, Fortran procedures are slightly different from C
procedures in that they do not allow aliasing between parameters
and globals. While application of the standard TDF procedure calls
would be semantically correct, knowledge of that the non-aliasing
rule applies would allow some procedures to be translated to more
efficient code. A translator without knowledge of the semantics
implicit in the TOKENs involved would still produce correct code,
but one which knew about them could take advantage of that
<para>I also think that LPIs would be a very useful tool for
crystalising ideas on how languages should be translated, allowing
one to experiment with expansions not thought of by the producer
writer. This decoupling is also an escape clause allowing the
producer writer to defer the implementation of a construct
completely to translate-time or link-time, as is done at the
moment in C for off-stack allocation. As such it also serves as a
useful test-bed for TOKEN constructions which may in future become
new constructors of core TDF.</para>
<sect1 id="tdf-transformations">
<title>TDF transformations</title>
<para>TDF to TDF transformations form the basis of most of the tools of
TDF, including translators. TDF has a rich set of easily performed
transformations; this is mainly due to its algebraic nature, the
liberality of its sequencing rules, and the ease with which one can
introduce new names over limited scopes. For example, a translator is
always free to transform:
assign(e1, e2)
identify(empty, new_tag, e1, assign(obtain_tag(new_tag), e2))
i.e. identify the evaluation of the left-hand side of the assignment
with a new TAG and use that TAG as the left-hand operand of a new
assignment in the body of the identification. Note that the reverse
transformation is only valid if the evaluation of e1 does not
side-effect the evaluation of e2. A producer would have had to use the
second form if it wished to evaluate e1 before e2. The definition of
assign allows its operands to be evaluated in any order while identify
insists that the evaluation of its <type>definition</type> is
conceptually complete before starting on its <type>body</type>.</para>
<para>Why would a translator wish to make the more complicated form from
the simpler one? This would usually depend on the particular forms of
e1 and e2 as well as the machine idioms available for implementing the
assignment. If, for example, the joint evaluation of e1 and e2 used
more evaluation registers than is available, the transformation is
probably a good idea. It would not necessarily commit one to putting
the new tag value into the stack; some other more global criteria
might lead one to allocate it into a register disjoint from the
evaluation registers. In general, this kind of transformation is used
to modify the operands of TDF constructions so that the
code-production phase of the translator can just "churn the handle"
knowing that the operands are already in the correct form for the
machine idioms.</para>
<para>Transformations like this are also used to give optimisations
which are largely independent of the target architecture. In general,
provided that the sequencing rules are not violated, any EXP
construction, F(X), say, where X is some inner EXP, can be replaced
identify(empty, new_tag, X, F(obtain_tag(new_tag))).
This includes the extraction of expressions which are constant over a
loop; if F was some repeat construction and one can show that the EXP
X is invariant over the repeat, the transformation does the constant
<para>Most of the transformations performed by translators are of the
above form, but there are many others. Particular machine idioms might
lead to transformations like changing a test (i>=1) to (i>0)
because the test against zero is faster; replacing multiplication by a
constant integer by shifts and adds because multiplication is slow;
and so on. Target independent transformations include things like
procedure inlining and loop unrolling. Often these target independent
transformations can be profitably done in terms of the TOKENs of an
LPI; loop unrolling is an obvious example.</para>
<sect2 id="transformations-as-definitions">
<title>Transformations as definitions</title>
<para>As well being a vehicle for expressing optimisation, TDF
transformations can be used as the basis for defining TDF. In
principle, if we were to define all of the allowable transformations
of the TDF constructions, we would have a complete definition of TDF
as the initial model of the TDF algebra. This would be a fairly
impracticable project, since the totality of the rules including all
the simple constructs would be very unwieldy, difficult to check for
inconsistencies and would not add much illumination to the
definition. However, knowledge of allowable transformations of TDF
can often answer questions of the meaning of diverse constructs by
relating them to a single construct. What follows is an alphabet of
generic transformations which can often help to answer knotty
questions. Here, E[X \ Y] denotes an EXP E with all internal
occurrences of X replaced by Y.</para>
<para>If F is any non order-specifying
<para>The order-specifying constructors are conditional,
identify, repeat, labelled, sequence and
EXP constructor and E is one of the EXP operands of F, then:
F(..., E, ...) xde identify(empty, newtag, E, F(..., obtain_tag(newtag), ...))
<para>If E is a non side-effecting
<para>A sufficient condition for not side-effecting in this sense
is that there are no apply_procs or local_allocs in E; that any
assignments in E are to variables defined in E; and that any
branches in E are to labels defined in conditionals in
EXP and none of the variables used in E are assigned to in B:
identify(v, tag, E, B) xde B[obtain_tag(tag) \ E]</para>
<para>If all uses of tg in B are of the form contents(shape(E),
variable(v, tg, E, B) xde identify(v, nt, E, B[contents(shape(E), obtain_tag(tg)) \ obtain_tag(nt)])
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>),
sequence((P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>), R) xdb
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>), R)
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> =
sequence((P<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
P<subscript>m</subscript>), R):
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), T) xdb
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
S<subscript>i-1</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., P<subscript>m</subscript>, R,
S<subscript>i+1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), T) E xdb sequence((), E)
<para>If D is either identify or variable:
D(v, tag, sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R), B) xde
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), D(v, tag, R, B))
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> is an EXP BOTTOM, then:
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, S<subscript>2</subscript>, ... S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xde
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ... S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>), S<subscript>i</subscript>)
<para>If E is an EXP BOTTOM, and if D is either identify or variable:
D(v, tag, E, B) xde E
<para>If S<subscript>i</subscript> is make_top(), then:
S<subscript>2</subscript>, ... S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xdb
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ... S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>,
S<subscript>i + 1</subscript>, ...S<subscript>n</subscript>), R)
<para>If S<subscript>n</subscript> is an EXP TOP:
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...
S<subscript>n</subscript>), make_top()) xdb sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ...,
S<subscript>n - 1</subscript>), S<subscript>n</subscript>)
<para>If E is an EXP TOP and E is not side-effecting then:
E xde make_top()
<para>If C is some non order-specifying and non side-effecting
constructor, and S<subscript>i</subscript> is C(P<subscript>1</subscript>,...,
P<subscript>m</subscript>) where P<subscript>1..m</subscript> are the EXP operands of C:
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R) xde
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>i - 1</subscript>, P<subscript>1</subscript>,
..., P<subscript>m</subscript>, S<subscript>i + 1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R)
<para>If none of the S<subscript>i</subscript> use the label L:
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), R), A) xde
sequence((S<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., S<subscript>n</subscript>), conditional(L, R, A))
<para>If there are no uses of L in X
<para>There are analogous rules for labelled and repeat with
unused LABELs.</para>
conditional(L, X, Y) xde X conditional(L, E, goto(Z)) xde E[L \ Z]
<para>If EXP X contains no use of the LABEL L:
conditional(L, conditional(M, X, Y), Z) xde conditional(M, X, conditional(L, Y, Z))
repeat(L, I, E) xde sequence((I), repeat(L, make_top(), E))
repeat(L, make_top(), E) xde conditional(Z, E[L \ Z], repeat(L, make_top(), E))
<para>If there are no uses of L in E:
repeat(L, make_top(), sequence((S, E), make_top())) xde
conditional(Z, S[L \ Z], repeat(L, make_top(), sequence((E, S), make_top())))
<para>If f is a procedure defined
<para>This has to be modified if B contains any uses of
local_free_all or last_local.</para>
make_proc(rshape, formal<subscript>1 .. n</subscript>, vtg,
B(return R<subscript>1</subscript>, ..., return R<subscript>m</subscript>))
formal<subscript>i</subscript> = make_tagshacc(s<subscript>i</subscript>, vi, tgi)
and B is an EXP with all of its internal return constructors indicated
parametrically then:
if Ai has SHAPE si apply_proc(rshape, f, (A1, ..., An), V) xde
variable(empty, newtag, make_value((rshape=BOTTOM) ? TOP : rshape),
labelled((L), variable(v1, tg1, A1, ...,
variable(vn, tgn, An,
variable(empty, vtg, V,
B(sequence(assign(obtain_tag(newtag), R1), goto(L)),
sequence(assign(obtain_tag(newtag), Rm), goto(L))))),
contents(rshape, obtain_tag(newtag))))
assign(E, make_top()) xde sequence((E), make_top())
contents(TOP, E) xde sequence((E), make_top())
make_value(TOP) xde make_top()
component(s, contents(COMPOUND(S), E), D) xde contents(s, add_to_ptr(E, D))
make_compound(S, ((E1, D1), ..., (En, Dn))) xde variable(empty, nt, make_value(COMPOUND(S)),
sequence((assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(nt), D1), E1), ...,
assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(nt), Dn), En)),
contents(S, obtain_tag(nt))))
<sect3 id="examples-of-transformations">
<title>Examples of transformations</title>
<para>Any of these transformations may be performed by the TDF
translators. The most important is probably {A} which allows one
to reduce all of the EXP operands of suitable constructors to
obtain_tags. The expansion rules for identification, {G}, {H} and
{I}, gives definition to complicated operands as well as strangely
formed ones, e.g. return(... return(X)...). Rule {A} also
illustrates neatly the lack of ordering constraints on the
evaluation of operands. For example, mult(et, exp1, exp2) could be
expanded by applications of {A} to either:
identify(empty, t1, exp1, identify(empty, t2, exp2, mult(et, obtain_tag(t1), obtain_tag(t2))))
identify(empty, t2, exp2, identify(empty, t1, exp1, mult(et, obtain_tag(t1), obtain_tag(t2))))
Both orderings of the evaluations of exp1 and exp2 are acceptable,
regardless of any side-effects in them. There is no requirement
that both expansions should produce the same answer for the
multiplications; the only person who can say whether either result
is "wrong" is the person who specified the program.</para>
<para>Many of these transformations often only come into play when
some previous transformation reveals some otherwise hidden
information. For example, after procedure in-lining given by {U}
or loop un-rolling given by {S}, a translator can often deduce the
behaviour of a _test constructor, replacing it by either a
make_top or a goto. This may allow one to apply either {J} or {H}
to eliminate dead code in sequences and in turn {N} or {P} to
eliminate entire conditions and so on.</para>
<para>Application of transformations can also give expansions which
are rather pathological in the sense that a producer is very
unlikely to form them. For example, a procedure which returns no
result would have result statements of the form
return(make_top()). In-lining such a procedure by {U} would have a
form like:
variable(empty, nt, make_shape(TOP),
... sequence((assign(obtain_tag(nt), make_top())),
goto(L)) ...
contents(TOP, obtain_tag(nt))
The rules {V}, {W} and {X} allow this to be replaced by:
variable(empty, nt, make_top(),
... sequence((obtain_tag(nt)), goto(L)) ...
sequence((obtain_tag(nt)), make_top())
The obtain_tags can be eliminated by rule {M} and then the
sequences by {F}. Sucessive applications of {C} and {B} then give:
... goto(L) ...
<sect3 id="S86">
<title>Programs with undefined values</title>
<para>The definitions of most of the constructors in the TDF
specification are predicated by some conditions; if these
conditions are not met the effect and result of the constructor is
not defined for all possible platforms.
<para>However, we may find that the mapping of a constraint
allows extra relationships for a class of architectures which
do not hold in all generality; this may mean that some
constructions are defined on this class while still being
undefined in others (see
<link linkend="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">section 13</link>).
Any value which is dependent on the effect or result of an
undefined construction is also undefined. This is not the same as
saying that a program is undefined if it can construct an
undefined value - the dynamics of the program might be such that
the offending construction is never obeyed.</para>
<sect1 id="tdf-expansions-of-offsets">
<title>TDF expansions of offsets</title>
<para>Consider the C structure defined by:
typedef struct{ int i; double d; char c;} mystruct;
Given that sh_int, sh_char and sh_double are the SHAPEs for int, char
and double, the SHAPE of <type>mystruct</type> is constructed by:
SH_mystruct = compound(S_c)
S_c = offset_add(O_c, shape_offset(sh_char))
O_c = offset_pad(alignment(sh_char), S_d)
S_d = offset_add(O_d, shape_offset(sh_double))
O_d = offset_pad(alignment(sh_double), S_i)
<para>I could equally have given simply shape_offset(sh_int) for
S_i, but the above formulation is more uniform with respect to
selection OFFSETs.</para>
S_i = offset_add(O_i, shape_offset(sh_int))
O_i = offset_zero(alignment(sh_int))
Each of S_c, S_d and S_i gives the minimum "size" of the space
required to upto and including the field c, d and i respectively. Each
of O_c, O_d and O_i gives the OFFSET "displacement" from a pointer to
a <type>mystruct</type> required to select the fields c, d and i
respectively. The C program fragment:
mystruct s;
.... s.d = 1.0; ...
would translate to something like:
variable(empty, tag_s, make_value(compound(S_c)),
assign(add_to_ptr(obtain_tag(tag_s), O_d), 1.0),
Each of the OFFSET expressions above are ideal candidates for
tokenisation; a producer would probably define tokens for each of them
and use exp_apply_token to expand them at each of their uses.</para>
<para>From the definition, we find that:
S_c = shape_offset(SH_mystruct)
i.e. an OFFSET(alignment(sh_int) xc8 alignment(sh_char) xc8 alignment(sh_double), {})
This would not be the OFFSET required to describe
<type>sizeof(mystruct)</type> in C, since this is defined to be the
difference between successive elements an array of
<type>mystruct</type>s. The <type>sizeof</type> OFFSET would have to
pad S_c to the alignment of SH_mystruct:
offset_pad(alignment(SH_mystruct), S_c)
This is the OFFSET that one would use to compute the displacement of
an element of an array of <type>mystruct</type>s using offset_mult
with the index.</para>
<para>The most common use of OFFSETs is in add_to_ptr to compute the
address of a structure or array element. Looking again at its
signature in a slightly different form:
arg1: EXP POINTER(y xc8 A)
arg2: EXP OFFSET(y, z)
... for any ALIGNMENT A
one sees that <type>arg2</type> can measure an OFFSET from a value of
a "smaller" alignment than the value pointed at by <type>arg1</type>.
If <type>arg2</type> were O_d, for example, then <type>arg1</type>
could be a pointer to any structure of the form struct {int i, double
d,...} not just <type>mystruct</type>. The general principle is that
an OFFSET to a field constructed in this manner is independent of any
fields after it, corresponding to normal usage in both languages and
machines. A producer for a language which conflicts with this would
have to produce less obvious TDF, perhaps by re-ordering the fields,
padding the offsets by later alignments or taking maxima of the sizes
of the fields.</para>
<sect2 id="bitfield-offsets">
<title>Bitfield offsets</title>
<para>Bitfield offsets are governed by rather stricter rules. In order
to extract or assign a bitfield, we have to find an integer variety
which entirely contains the bitfield. Suppose that we wished to
extract a bitfield by:
bitfield_contents(v, p:POINTER(X), b:OFFSET(Y, B))
Y must be an alignment(I) where I is some integer SHAPE, contained
in X. Further, this has to be equivalent to:
bitfield_contents(v, add_ptr(p, d:OFFSET(Y,Y)), b':OFFSET(Y, B))
for some d and b' such that:
offset_pad(v, shape_offset(I)) >= b'
offset_add(offset_pad(v, offset_mult(d, sizeof(I)), b') = b
Clearly, we have a limitation on the length of bitfields to the
maximum integer variety available; in addition, we cannot have a
bitfield which overlaps two such varieties.</para>
<para>The difficulties inherent in this may be illustrated by
attempting to construct an array of bitfields using the nof
constructor. Assuming a standard architecture, we find that we
cannot usefully define an object of SHAPE nof(N,
bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, M))) without padding this shape out to some
integer variety which can contain M bits. In addition, they can only
be usefully indexed (using bitfield_contents)either if M is some
power of 2 or M*N is less than the length of the maximum integer
variety. Thus a producer must be sure that these conditions hold if
he is to generate and index this object simply. Even here he is in
some dificulty, since he does not know the representational
varieties of the integers available to him; also it is difficult for
him to ensure that the alignment of the entire array is in some
sense minimal. Similar difficulties occur with bitfields in
structures - they are not restricted to arrays.</para>
<para>The solution to this conundrum in its full generality requires
knowledge of the available representational varieties. Particular
languages have restrictions which means that sub-optimal solutions
will satisfy its specification on the use of bitfields. For
example, C is satisfied with bitfields of maximum length 32 and
simple alignment constraints. However, for the general optimal
solution, I can see no reasonable alternative to the installer
defining some tokens to produce bitfield offsets which are
guaranteed to obey the alignment rules and also give optimal packing
of fields and alignments of the total object for the platform in
question. I believe that three tokens are sufficient to do this;
these are analogous to the constructors offset_zero, offset_pad and
offset_mult with ordinary alignments and their signatures could be:
n: NAT
issigned: BOOL
-> EXP OFFSET(A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
Here the result is a zero offset to the bitfield with `minimum'
integer variety alignment A.
n: NAT
issigned: BOOL
-> EXP OFFSET(alignment(sh) xc8 A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
Here the result is the shape_offset of <type>sh</type> padded with
the `minimum' alignment A so that it can accomodate the bitfield.
Note that this may involve padding <type>sh</type> with the
alignment of the maximum integer variety if there are not enough
bits left at the end of <type>sh.</type>
n: NAT
issigned: BOOL
-> EXP OFFSET(A, bfvar_bits(issigned, n))
Here the result is an offset which gives the displacement of
<type>ind</type>th element of an array of <type>n</type>-bit
bitfields with `minimum' alignment A. Note that this will correspond
to a normal multiplication only if <type>n</type> is a power of 2 or
<type>ind</type> * <type>n</type> <= length of the maximum
integer variety.</para>
<para>These tokens can be expressed in TDF if the lengths of the
available varieties are known, i.e., they are installer defined.
<para>For most architectures, these definition are dependent only
on a few constants such as the maximum length of bitfield.,
expessed as tokens for the target. The precise specification of
such target dependent tokens is of current interest outside the
scope of this document.</para>
They ought to be used in place of offset_zero, offset_pad and
offset_mult whereever the alignment or shape (required to construct
a SHAPE or an argument to the bitfield constructs) is a pure
bitfield. The constructor nof should never be used on a pure
bitfield; instead it should be replaced by:
S = compound(~Bitfield_offset_mult(M, b, N))
to give a shape, S, representing an array of N M-bit bitfields. This
may not be just N*M bits; for example ~Bitfield_offset_mult may be
implemented to pack an array of 3-bit bitfields as 10 fields to a
32-bit word. In any case, one would expect that normal rules for
offset arithmetic are preserved, e.g.
offset_add(~Bitfield_offset_pad(M, b, S), size(bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, N)))) =
~Bitfield_offset_mult(M, b, N + 1)
where size(X) = offset_pad(alignment(X), shape_offset(X))
<sect1 id="models-of-the-tdf-algebra">
<title>Models of the TDF algebra</title>
<para>TDF is a multi-sorted abstract algebra. Any implementation of TDF
is a model of this algebra, formed by a mapping of the algebra into a
concrete machine. An algebraic mapping gives a concrete representation
to each of the SORTs in such a way that the representation of any
construction of TDF is independent of context; it is a homomorphism.
In other words if we define the mapping of a TDF constructor, C, as
MAP[C] and the representation of a SORT, S, as REPR[S] then:
REPR[C(P1, ..., Pn)] = MAP[C](REPR(P1), ..., REPR(Pn))
Any mapping has to preserve the equivalences of the abstract algebra,
such as those exemplified by the transformations {A} - {Z} in
<link linkend="transformations-as-definitions">section 11.1</link>.
Similarly, the mappings of any predicates on the constructions, such
as those giving "well-formed" conditions, must be satisfied in terms
of the mapped representations.</para>
<para>In common with most homomorphisms, the mappings of constructions
can exhibit more equivalences than are given by the abstract algebra.
The use of these extra equivalences is the basis of most of the
target-dependent optimisations in a TDF translator; it can make use of
"idioms" of the target architecture to produce equivalent
constructions which may work faster than the "obvious" translation. In
addition, we may find that may find that more predicates are satisfied
in a mapping than would be in the abstract algebra. a particular
concrete mapping might allow more constructions to be well-formed than
are permitted in the abstract; a producer can use this fact to target
its output to a particular class of architectures. in this case, the
producer should produce tdf so that any translator not targeted to
this class can fail gracefully.</para>
<para>giving a complete mapping for a particular architecture here is
tantamount to writing a complete translator. however, the mappings for
the small but important sub-algebra concerned with offsets and
alignments illustrates many of the main principles. what follows is
two sets of mappings for disparate architectures; the first gives a
more or less standard meaning to alignments but the second may be less
<sect2 id="model-for-32bit-architecture">
<title>Model for a 32-bit standard architecture</title>
<para>Almost all current architectures use a "flat-store" model of
memory. There is no enforced segregation of one kind of data from
another - in general, one can access one unit of memory as a linear
offset from any other. Here, TDF ALIGNMENTs are a reflection of
constraints for the efficient access of different kinds of data
objects - usually one finds that 32-bit integers are most
efficiently accessed if they start at 32 bit boundaries and so
<sect3 id="S91">
<title>Alignment model</title>
<para>The representation of ALIGNMENT in a typical standard
architecture is a single integer where:
REPR[{ }] = 1
REPR[{bitfield}] = 1
REPR[{char_variety}] = 8
REPR[{short_variety}] = 16
Otherwise, for all other primitive ALIGNMENTS a:
REPR[{a}] = 32
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:
REPR[A xc8 B] = Max(REPR[A], REPR[B])
i.e. MAP[unite_alignment] = Max
while the ALIGNMENT inclusion predicate is given by:
REPR[A ... B]= REPR[A] xb3 REPR[B]
All the constructions which make ALIGNMENTs are represented here
and they will always reduce to an integer known at translate-time.
Note that the mappings for xc8 and ... must preserve the basic
algebraic properties derived from sets; for example the mapping of
xc8 must be idempotent, commutative and associative, which is true
for Max.</para>
<sect3 id="offset-and-pointer-model">
<title>Offset and pointer model</title>
<para>Most standard architectures use byte addressing; to address
bits requires more complication. Hence, a value with SHAPE
POINTER(A) where REPR[A)]xb9 1 is represented by a 32-bit byte
<para>We are not allowed to construct pointers where REPR[A] = 1,
but we still have offsets whose second alignment is a bitfield.
Thus a offsets to bitfield are represented differently to offsets
to other alignments:</para>
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) xb9 1 is
represented by a 32-bit byte-offset.</para>
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR(B) = 1 is
represented by a 32-bit bit-offset.</para>
<sect3 id="size-model">
<title>Size model</title>
<para>In principle, the representation of a SHAPE is a pair of an
ALIGNMENT and a size, given by shape_offset applied to the SHAPE.
This pair is constant which can be evaluated at translate time.
The construction, shape_offset(S), has SHAPE OFFSET(alignment(s),
{ }) and hence is represented by a bit-offset:
REPR[shape_offset(top())] = 0
REPR[shape_offset(integer(char_variety))] = 8
REPR[shape_offset(integer(short_variety))] = 16
.... etc. for other numeric varieties
REPR[shape_offset(pointer(A))]= 32
REPR[shape_offset(compound(E))] = REPR[E]
REPR[shape_offset(bitfield(bfvar_bits(b, N)))] = N
REPR[shape_offset(nof(N, S))] = N * REPR[offset_pad(alignment(S), shape_offset(S))]
where S is not a bitfield shape
Similar considerations apply to the other offset-arithmetic
constructors. In general, we have:
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = 0 for all A
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C, D)) =
((REPR[X] + REPR[A] - 1) / (REPR[A])) * REPR[A] / 8
if REPR[A] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D] =1
REPR[offset_pad(A, X:OFFSET(C, D)) =
((REPR[X] + REPR[A] - 1) / (REPR[A])) * REPR[A]
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] * 8 + REPR[Y]
if REPR[B] xb9 1 xd9 REPR[D] = 1
REPR[offset_add(X, Y)] = REPR[X] + REPR[Y]
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(REPR[X], 8 * REPR[Y]
if REPR[B] = 1 xd9 REPR[D] xb9 1
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(8 * REPR[X], REPR[Y]
if REPR[D] = 1 xd9 REPR[B] xb9 1
REPR[offset_max(X, Y)] = Max(REPR[X], REPR[Y])
REPR[offset_mult(X, E)] = REPR[X] * REPR[E]
IA translator working to this model maps ALIGNMENTs into the
integers and their inclusion constraints into numerical
comparisons. As a result, it will correctly allow many OFFSETs
which are disallowed in general; for example, OFFSET({pointer},
{char_variety}) is allowed since REPR[{pointer}] xb3
REPR[{char_variety}]. Rather fewer of these extra relationships
are allowed in the next model considered.</para>
<title>Model for machines like the iAPX-432</title>
<para>The iAPX-432 does not have a linear model of store. The address
of a word in store is a pair consisting of a block-address and a
displacement within that block. In order to take full advantage of
the protection facilities of the machine, block-addresses are
strictly segregated from scalar data like integers, floats,
displacements etc. There are at least two different kind of blocks,
one which can only contain block-addresses and the other which
contains only scalar data. There are clearly difficulties here in
describing data-structures which contain both pointers and scalar
<para>Let us assume that the machine has bit-addressing to avoid the
bit complications already covered in the first model. Also assume
that instruction blocks are just scalar blocks and that block
addresses are aligned on 32-bit boundaries.</para>
<sect3 id="S95">
<title>Alignment model</title>
<para>An ALIGNMENT is represented by a pair consisting of an
integer, giving the natural alignments for scalar data, and
boolean to indicate the presence of a block-address. Denote this
(s:alignment_of_scalars, b:has_blocks)
We then have:
REPR[alignment({ })] = (s:1, b:FALSE)
REPR[alignment({char_variety}) = (s:8, b:FALSE)
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
REPR[alignment({pointer})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
REPR[alignment({proc})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
REPR[alignment({local_label_value})] = (s:32, b:TRUE)
The representation of a compound ALIGNMENT is given by:
REPR[A xc8 B] = (s:Max(REPR[A].s, REPR[B].s), b:REPR[A].b xda REPR[B].b)
and their inclusion relationship is given by:
REPR[A ... B] = (REPR[A].s xb3 REPR[B].s) xd9 (REPR[A].b xda REPR[B].b)
<sect3 id="S96">
<title>Offset and pointer model</title>
<para>A value with SHAPE POINTER A where REPR[A].b is represented
by a pair consisting of a block-address of a scalar block and an
integer bit-displacement within that block. Denote this by:
(sb:scalar_block_address, sd:bit_displacement)
A value with SHAPE POINTER A where REPR[A].b is represented by a
quad word consisting of two block-addresses and two
bit-displacements within these blocks. One of these block
addresses will contain the scalar information pointed at by one of
the bit-displacements; similarly, the other pair will point at the
block addresses in the data are held. Denote this by:
(sb:scalar_block_address, ab:address_block_address,
sd:scalar_displacement, ad:address_displacement)
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR[A].b is represented
by an integer bit-displacement.</para>
<para>A value with SHAPE OFFSET(A, B) where REPR[A].b is represented
by a pair of bit-displacements, one relative to a scalar-block and
the other to an address-block. Denote this by:
(sd:scalar_displacement, ad:address_displacement)
<sect3 id="S97">
<title>Size model</title>
<para>The sizes given by shape_offset are now:
REPR[shape_offset(integer(char_variety))] = 8
... etc. for other numerical and bitfield varieties.
REPR[shape_offset(pointer(A))] = (REPR[A].b) ? (sd:64, ad:64) : (sd:32, ad:32)
REPR[shape_offset(offset(A, B))] = (REPR[A].b) ? 64 : 32)
REPR[shape_offset(proc)] = (sd:32, ad:32)
REPR[shape_offset(compound(E))] = REPR[E]
REPR[shape_offset(nof(N, S))] = N * REPR[offset_pad(alignment(S)), shape_offset(S))]
REPR[shape_offset(top)] = 0
<sect3 id="S98">
<title>Offset arithmetic</title>
<para>The other OFFSET constructors are given by:</para>
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = 0 if REPR[A].b
REPR[offset_zero(A)] = (sd: 0, ad: 0) if REPR[A].b
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] + REPR[Y]
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:REPR[X].sd + REPR[Y].sd, ad: REPR[X].ad + REPR[Y].ad)
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:REPR[X].sd + REPR[Y], ad:REPR[X].ad)
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = (REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:(REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s, ad:REPR[Y].ad)
if REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_pad(A, Y: OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:(REPR[Y] + REPR[A].s - 1) / REPR[A].s, ad:0)
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = Max(REPR[X], REPR[Y])
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:Max(REPR[X].sd, REPR[Y].sd), ad:Max(REPR[X].a, REPR[Y].ad))
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:Max(REPR[X].sd, REPR[Y]), ad:REPR[X].ad)
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_max(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:Max(REPR[Y].sd, REPR[X]), ad: REPR[Y].ad)
if REPR[C].b xd9 REPR[A].b
REPR[offset_subtract(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X] - REPR[Y]
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_subtract(X:OFFSET(A,B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] =
(sd:REPR[X].sd - REPR[Y].sd, ad:REPR[X].ad - REPR[Y].ad)
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
REPR[offset_add(X:OFFSET(A, B), Y:OFFSET(C, D))] = REPR[X].sd - REPR[Y]
if REPR[A].b xd9 REPR[C].b
.... and so on.
<para>Unlike the previous one, this model of ALIGNMENTs would reject
OFFSETs such as OFFSET({long_variety}, {pointer}) but not
OFFSET({pointer}, {long_variety}) since:</para>
REPR[{long_variety} ... {pointer}] = FALSE
REPR[{pointer} ... {long_variety}] = TRUE
<para>This just reflects the fact that there is no way that one can
extract a block-address necessary for a pointer from a
scalar-block, but since the representation of a pointer includes a
scalar displacement, one can always retrieve a scalar from a
pointer to a pointer.</para>
<para>This commentary is not complete. I have tended to go into
considerable detail into aspects which I consider might be unfamiliar
and skip over others which occur in most compiling systems. I also
have a tendency to say things more than once, albeit in different
words; however if something is worth saying, it is worth saying
<para>I shall continue tracking further revisions of the TDF
specification in later releases or appendices to this document.</para>