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$Header: /u/g/release/CVSROOT/Source/src/installers/680x0/common/ops_float.c,v 1998/01/17 15:55:49 release Exp $
$Log: ops_float.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:49 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
Revision 1.3 1997/11/09 14:04:53 ma
round_with_mode rewritten.
Revision 1.2 1997/10/29 10:22:24 ma
Replaced use_alloca with has_alloca.
Revision 1997/10/13 12:42:56 ma
First version.
Revision 1.4 1997/10/13 08:49:44 ma
Made all pl_tests for general proc & exception handling pass.
Revision 1.3 1997/09/25 06:45:23 ma
All general_proc tests passed
Revision 1.2 1997/06/18 12:04:55 ma
Merged with Input Baseline changes.
* Revision 1.3 1997/06/06 14:36:26 john
* Fixed rounding modes
* Revision 1.2 1997/06/05 10:55:48 john
* Fix to unsigned conversion
* Revision 1997/04/25 12:32:40 john
* Revision 1.2 1996/07/05 14:23:53 john
* Changes for spec 3.1
* Revision 1996/03/26 15:45:15 john
* Revision 1.2 93/03/03 14:48:21 14:48:21 ra (Robert Andrews)
* Started adding support for error treatments.
* Revision 1.1 93/02/22 17:16:17 17:16:17 ra (Robert Andrews)
* Initial revision
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "assembler.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "fbase.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "flpttypes.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "mach.h"
#include "mach_ins.h"
#include "where.h"
#include "mach_op.h"
#include "instr.h"
#include "codex.h"
#include "instrs.h"
#include "coder.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "operations.h"
#include "evaluate.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "translate.h"
#include "ops_shared.h"
#if ( FBASE == 10 )
extern where mfw PROTO_S ( ( int, char *, int ) ) ;
#define FBASE_10
extern where mfw PROTO_S ( ( int, long *, int ) ) ;
#undef FBASE_10
extern int need_dummy_double;
Test for overflow.
freg is a Freg which is moved to a dummy memory location to force the
overflow (if any) before the test.
void test_float_overflow_reg
PROTO_N ( ( freg, sz ) )
PROTO_T ( where freg X long sz )
if (have_overflow()) {
ins2 ( insf ( sz, ml_fmove ), sz, sz, freg, dummy_double_dest, 1 ) ;
test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ;
need_dummy_double = 1 ;
Test for overflow.
If dest is zero, freg is moved to a memory location to force the
overflow (if any) before the test.
void test_float_overflow
PROTO_N ( ( freg, dest, sz ) )
PROTO_T ( where freg X where dest X long sz )
if (have_overflow()) {
if (eq_where(dest, zero)) {
ins2 ( insf ( sz, ml_fmove ), sz, sz, freg, dummy_double_dest, 1 ) ;
need_dummy_double = 1 ;
test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ;
The values a1 and a2 of shape sha have the binary floating-point
operation indicated by the tag t applied to them and the result is
stored in dest.
void fl_binop
PROTO_N ( ( t, sha, a1, a2, dest ) )
PROTO_T ( int t X shape sha X where a1 X where a2 X where dest )
int op, op1, op2 ;
bool commutes = 0 ;
int err = ON_FP_OVERFLOW ;
long sz = shape_size ( sha ) ;
switch ( t ) {
case fplus_tag : {
commutes = 1 ;
op1 = insf ( sz, ml_fadd ) ;
op2 = m_faddx ;
break ;
case fminus_tag : {
op1 = insf ( sz, ml_fsub ) ;
op2 = m_fsubx ;
break ;
case fmult_tag : {
commutes = 1 ;
op1 = insf ( sz, ml_fmul ) ;
op2 = m_fmulx ;
break ;
case fdiv_tag : {
op1 = insf ( sz, ml_fdiv ) ;
op2 = m_fdivx ;
err = ON_FP_CARRY ;
break ;
default : {
error ( "Illegal floating operation" ) ;
return ;
if ( whereis ( dest ) == Freg ) {
if ( eq_where ( a1, dest ) ) {
if ( commutes ) {
op = ( whereis ( a2 ) == Freg ? op2 : op1 ) ;
ins2 ( op, sz, sz, a2, dest, 1 ) ;
if (t == fdiv_tag) test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ; /* divided by 0 ? */
test_float_overflow_reg(dest, sz) ;
else {
move ( sha, a2, FP0 ) ;
ins2 ( op2, sz, sz, a1, FP0, 1 ) ;
if (t == fdiv_tag) test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ; /* divided by 0 ? */
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
} else {
move ( sha, a2, dest ) ;
op = ( whereis ( a1 ) == Freg ? op2 : op1 ) ;
ins2 ( op, sz, sz, a1, dest, 1 ) ;
if (t == fdiv_tag) test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ; /* divided by 0 ? */
test_float_overflow_reg(dest, sz) ;
else {
move ( sha, a2, FP0 ) ;
op = ( whereis ( a1 ) == Freg ? op2 : op1 ) ;
ins2 ( op, sz, sz, a1, FP0, 1 ) ;
if (t == fdiv_tag) test_overflow(ON_FP_OVERFLOW) ; /* divided by 0 ? */
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
test_float_overflow(FP0, dest, sz) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
return ;
The floating-point value a of shape sha is negated and stored in dest.
void negate_float
PROTO_N ( ( sha, a, dest ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where a X where dest )
if ( whereis ( a ) == Freg ) {
if ( whereis ( dest ) == Freg ) {
ins2 ( m_fnegx, L64, L64, a, dest, 1 ) ;
test_float_overflow_reg(dest, L64) ;
} else {
negate_float ( sha, a, FP0 ) ;
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
else {
move ( sha, a, FP0 ) ;
negate_float ( sha, FP0, FP0 ) ;
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
test_float_overflow(FP0, dest, shape_size(sha)) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
The floating-point value a of shape sha is has its absolute value
stored in dest.
void abs_float
PROTO_N ( ( sha, a, dest ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where a X where dest )
if ( whereis ( a ) == Freg ) {
if ( whereis ( dest ) == Freg ) {
ins2 ( m_fabsx, L64, L64, a, dest, 1 ) ;
test_float_overflow_reg(dest, L64) ;
} else {
abs_float ( sha, a, FP0 ) ;
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
} else {
move ( sha, a, FP0 ) ;
abs_float ( sha, FP0, FP0 ) ;
move ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
The floating-point value from is converted to a value of shape sha
and stored in to.
void change_flvar
PROTO_N ( ( sha, from, to ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where from X where to )
shape shf = sh ( from.wh_exp ) ;
if ( whereis ( to ) == Freg ) {
if ( whereis ( from ) == Freg ) {
move ( realsh, from, to ) ;
return ;
if ( shape_size ( shf ) > shape_size ( sha ) ) {
move ( shf, from, to ) ;
move ( sha, to, D0 ) ;
move ( sha, D0, to ) ;
return ;
move ( shf, from, to ) ;
return ;
if ( whereis ( from ) == Freg ) {
move ( sha, from, to ) ;
test_float_overflow_reg(to, shape_size(sha)) ;
return ;
move ( shf, from, FP0 ) ;
move ( sha, FP0, to ) ;
test_float_overflow(FP0, to, shape_size(sha)) ;
This gives the rounding mode for round_float.
int crt_rmode = R2NEAR ;
/* Make floating point representing range_min(sha) - adjustment
Where Adjustment(adj) is 0,1,0.5 when adj is 0,1,2
where get_min_limit
PROTO_N ( ( sha, adj ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X int adj )
long fmd[4], min;
if (name(sha)==ulonghd) {
switch (adj) {
case 0:
/* res = 0 */
fmd[0] = 0;
fmd[1] = -1;
return mfw(0,fmd,0);
case 1:
/* res = -1 */
fmd[0] = 1;
fmd[1] = -1;
return mfw(-1,fmd,1);
case 2:
/* res = - 0.5 */
fmd[0] = 0x8000;
fmd[1] = -1;
return mfw(-1,fmd,-1);
if (name(sha)==slonghd) {
switch (adj) {
case 0:
break ;
case 1:
/* res = - 2**31 - 1 */
fmd[0] = 0x8000;
fmd[1] = 0x0001;
fmd[2] = -1;
return mfw(-1,fmd,1);
case 2:
/* res = - 2**31 - 0.5 */
fmd[0] = 0x8000;
fmd[1] = 0x0000;
fmd[2] = 0x8000;
fmd[3] = -1;
return mfw(-1,fmd,-1);
min = range_min(sha) ;
switch (adj) {
case 0:
case 1:
/* min - (0|1) */
min -= adj ;
fmd[0] = (min>>16) & 0xffff;
fmd[1] = min & 0xffff;
fmd[2] = -1;
return mfw((is_signed(sha)||adj)? -1 : 0,fmd,1);
case 2:
/* min - 0.5 */
min -= 1 ;
fmd[0] = (min>>16) & 0xffff;
fmd[1] = min & 0xffff;
fmd[2] = 0x8000;
fmd[3] = -1;
return mfw(-1,fmd,-1);
/* Shouldn't happen */
fmd[0] = 0;
fmd[1] = -1;
return mfw(0,fmd,0);
/* Make floating point representing range_max(sha) + adjustment
Where Adjustment(adj) is 0,1,0.5 when adj is 0,1,2
where get_max_limit
PROTO_N ( ( sha, adj ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X int adj )
long fmd[6];
long max = range_max(sha) ;
if (name(sha)==ulonghd) {
switch (adj) {
case 0:
/* max */
fmd[0] = 0xffff;
fmd[1] = 0xffff;
fmd[2] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,1);
case 1:
/* max + 1 */
fmd[0] = 1;
fmd[1] = 0;
fmd[2] = 0;
fmd[3] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,2);
case 2:
/* max + 0.5 */
fmd[0] = 1;
fmd[1] = 0;
fmd[2] = 0;
fmd[3] = 0;
fmd[4] = 0x8000;
fmd[5] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,-1);
else {
switch (adj) {
case 0:
case 1:
/* max + (0|1) */
max += adj ;
fmd[0] = (max>>16) & 0xffff;
fmd[1] = max & 0xffff;
fmd[2] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,1);
case 2:
/* max + 0.5 */
fmd[0] = (max>>16) & 0xffff;
fmd[1] = max & 0xffff;
fmd[2] = 0x8000;
fmd[3] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,-1);
/* Shouldn't happen */
fmd[0] = 0xffff;
fmd[1] = 0xffff;
fmd[2] = -1;
return mfw(1,fmd,1);
/* Test number against limit */
void check_limit
PROTO_N ( ( number, limit, tst ) )
PROTO_T ( where number X where limit X int tst )
int sw, instr ;
sw = cmp(realsh,number,FP1,tst);
instr = branch_ins(tst,sw,1,1);
Check that the floating point value in 'from' will, when rounded, fall
within the range of the integer variety given by 'sha'.
static void check_float_round_overflow
PROTO_N ( (sha,from,mode) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where from X int mode )
if (overflow_jump == -1) {
make_comment("error_teatment is trap");
make_comment("check_float_round_overflow ...");
/* Setup min and max limits & decide tests */
switch (mode) {
case R2PINF:
make_comment(" (toward larger) min-1 < x <= max");
/* error if x <= min-1 or x > max */
check_limit(from, get_min_limit(sha,1),tst_le) ;
check_limit(from, get_max_limit(sha,0),tst_gr) ;
case R2NINF:
make_comment(" (toward smaller) min <= x < max+1");
/* error if x < min or x >= max+1 */
check_limit(from, get_min_limit(sha,0),tst_ls) ;
check_limit(from, get_max_limit(sha,1),tst_ge) ;
case R2ZERO:
make_comment(" (toward zero) min-1 < x < max+1") ;
/* error if x <= min-1 or x >= max+1 */
check_limit(from, get_min_limit(sha,1),tst_le) ;
check_limit(from, get_max_limit(sha,1),tst_ge) ;
case R2NEAR:
make_comment(" (to nearest) min-0.5 <= x < max+0.5");
/* error if x < min-0.5 or x >= max+0.5 */
check_limit(from, get_min_limit(sha,2),tst_le) ;
check_limit(from, get_max_limit(sha,2),tst_gr) ;
case 4:
make_comment(" (internal mode) min <= x <= max");
/* error if x < min or x > max */
check_limit(from, get_min_limit(sha,0),tst_ls) ;
check_limit(from, get_max_limit(sha,0),tst_gr) ;
error("check_float_round_overflow: wrong rounding mode");
make_comment("check_float_round_overflow done");
Changes the default floating point rounding mode.
Set bits 4 & 5 of fpcr (floating point control register)
according to rounding mode.
The global flag changed_round_mode is set to TRUE.
bool changed_round_mode = 0 ;
void set_round_mode
PROTO_N ( (mode) )
PROTO_T ( int mode )
if (mode == f_to_nearest && ! changed_round_mode ) return ;
changed_round_mode = 1 ;
case R2NEAR:
make_comment("round mode to nearest");
/* to nearest => bit 4 = 0, bit 5 = 0 */
case R2PINF:
make_comment("round mode to larger");
/* to + INF => bit 4 =1, bit5 = 1 */
case R2NINF:
make_comment("round mode to smaller");
/* to - INF => bit 4 = 0, bit 5 = 1 */
case R2ZERO:
make_comment("round mode to zero");
/* to zero => bit 4 = 1, bit 5 = 0
This should never occur, as fintrz is always used
for round to zero */
error("wrong rounding mode");
void reset_round_mode
if ( changed_round_mode ) {
set_round_mode ( f_to_nearest ) ;
changed_round_mode = 0;
The floating-point value from is rounded to an integer value of shape
sha and stored in to. The rounding mode is given by crt_rmode.
void round_float
PROTO_N ( ( sha, from, to ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where from X where to )
where fr ;
where dest ;
int mode = crt_rmode ;
if ( name ( sha ) == ulonghd ) {
if(have_overflow()) {
/* This must be checked before a round operation is attempted
because out-of-range values can cause an exception */
if ( mode == f_toward_zero|| mode == 4 ) {
#ifdef float_to_unsigned
change_flvar ( realsh, from, FP0 ) ;
push_float ( L64, FP0 ) ;
#ifdef float_to_unsigned_uses_fp1
if ( mode == 4 && eq_where ( from, FP1 ) {
push_float ( L64, FP1 ) ;
libcall ( float_to_unsigned ) ;
pop_float ( L64, FP1 ) ;
} else
libcall ( float_to_unsigned ) ;
dec_stack ( -64 ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
move ( ulongsh, D0, to ) ;
where fm ;
long lab1 = next_lab () ;
long lab2 = next_lab () ;
exp jt = simple_exp ( 0 ) ;
ptno ( jt ) = lab1 ;
regsinproc |= regmsk ( REG_FP1 ) ;
#ifdef FBASE_10
fm = mfw ( 1, "2147483648", 9 ) ;
static long fmd [] = { 32768, 0, -1 } ;
fm = mfw ( 1, fmd, 1 ) ;
change_flvar ( realsh, from, FP0 ) ;
move ( realsh, fm, FP1 ) ;
regsinproc |= regmsk ( REG_FP1 ) ;
ins2_cmp ( m_fcmpx, L64, L64, FP0, FP1, 0 ) ;
branch ( tst_gr, jt, 1, 1, 1 ) ;
ins2 ( m_fsubx, L64, L64, FP1, FP0, regmsk ( REG_FP0 ) ) ;
if ( whereis ( to ) == Dreg ) {
ins2 (m_fintrzx,L32,L32,FP0,FP0,1);
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, to, 1 ) ;
or ( ulongsh, to, mnw ( (long)2147483648UL ), to ) ;
} else {
ins2 (m_fintrzx,L32,L32,FP0,FP0,1);
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, D0, 1 ) ;
or ( ulongsh, D0, mnw ( (long)2147483648UL ), D0 ) ;
move ( ulongsh, D0, to ) ;
make_jump ( m_bra, lab2 ) ;
make_label ( lab1 ) ;
if ( whereis ( to ) == Dreg ) {
ins2 (m_fintrzx,L32,L32,FP0,FP0,1);
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, to, 1 ) ;
} else {
ins2 (m_fintrzx,L32,L32,FP0,FP0,1);
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, D0, 1 ) ;
move ( ulongsh, D0, to ) ;
make_label ( lab2 ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
return ;
} else {
if ( mode == 4 ) {
/* Special case - move FP0 into the register to */
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, to, 1 ) ;
/* This might generate operand error */
have_cond = 0 ;
change_var_sh ( sha, slongsh, to, to ) ;
return ;
if(have_overflow()) {
/* This must be checked before a round operation is attempted
because out-of-range values can cause an exception */
if ( mode == f_toward_zero || mode == f_to_nearest ) {
/* Rounding to nearest or towards zero are easy */
int instr ;
shape shf = sh ( from.wh_exp ) ;
long szf = shape_size ( shf ) ;
if ( mode == f_toward_zero ) {
instr = m_fintrzx ;
if ( whereis ( from ) != Freg ) {
instr = insf ( szf, ml_fint ) ;
} else {
instr = m_fintx ;
if ( whereis ( from ) != Freg ) {
instr = insf ( szf, ml_fintrz ) ;
ins2 ( instr, szf, szf, from, FP0, 1 ) ;
if ( whereis ( to ) == Dreg ) {
dest = to ;
} else {
dest = D0 ;
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L32, FP0, dest, 1 ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
change_var_sh ( sha, slongsh, dest, to ) ;
return ;
/* Other modes : firstly find some registers */
if ( whereis ( to ) == Dreg ) {
dest = to ;
} else {
dest = D0 ;
if ( whereis ( from ) == Freg && !eq_where ( from, FP0 ) ) {
fr = from ;
} else {
shape shf = sh ( from.wh_exp ) ;
fr = FP1 ;
regsinproc |= regmsk ( REG_FP1 ) ;
move ( shf, from, fr ) ;
/* Round fr into FP0 */
if ( mode == f_toward_zero ) {
ins2 ( m_fintrzx, 64, 64, fr, FP0, 1 ) ;
else {
ins2 ( m_fintx, 64, 64, fr, FP0, 1 ) ;
/* Move FP0 into dest */
crt_rmode = 4 ;
round_float ( sha, FP0, dest ) ;
crt_rmode = mode ;
/* Move result into place */
have_cond = 0 ;
move ( sha, dest, to ) ;
return ;
The integer value from is converted to a floating-point value of
shape sha and stored in to. Unsigned longs are difficult. Error
treatments are ignored (they cannot occur at present).
void int_to_float
PROTO_N ( ( sha, from, to ) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where from X where to )
where fpr ;
shape shf = sh ( from.wh_exp ) ;
#ifdef REJECT
fpr = ( whereis ( to ) == Freg ? to : FP0 ) ;
fpr = FP0 ;
if ( name ( shf ) == ulonghd ) {
#ifdef unsigned_to_float
if ( whereis ( from ) == Dreg ) {
push ( slongsh, L32, from ) ;
} else {
move ( shf, from, D0 ) ;
push ( slongsh, L32, D0 ) ;
libcall ( unsigned_to_float ) ;
dec_stack ( -32 ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
move ( realsh, D0_D1, fpr ) ;
move ( sha, fpr, to ) ;
return ;
where fm ;
long lab = next_lab () ;
exp jt = simple_exp ( 0 ) ;
ptno ( jt ) = lab ;
#ifdef FBASE_10
fm = mfw ( 1, "4294967296", 9 ) ;
static long fmd [] = { 1, 0, 0, -1 } ;
fm = mfw ( 1, fmd, 2 ) ;
if ( whereis ( from ) == Dreg ) {
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L64, from, fpr, 1 ) ;
} else {
move ( slongsh, from, D0 ) ;
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L64, D0, fpr, 1 ) ;
branch ( tst_ge, jt, 1, 1, 1 ) ;
add ( sha, fpr, fm, fpr ) ;
make_label ( lab ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
move ( sha, fpr, to ) ;
return ;
if ( name ( shf ) == slonghd && whereis ( from ) == Dreg ) {
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L64, from, fpr, 1 ) ;
} else {
change_var_sh ( slongsh, shf, from, D0 ) ;
ins2 ( m_fmovel, L32, L64, D0, fpr, 1 ) ;
move ( sha, fpr, to ) ;
have_cond = 0 ;
return ;