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/* 80x86/codec.c */
$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:51 $
$Revision: $
$Log: codec.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:51 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.28 1997/08/23 13:45:19 pwe
* initial ANDF-DE
* Revision 1.27 1996/10/07 13:30:54 pwe
* push make_value, and env_offset v id out_of_line
* Revision 1.26 1996/05/20 14:30:00 pwe
* improved 64-bit handling
* Revision 1.25 1996/05/13 12:51:44 pwe
* undo premature commit
* Revision 1.23 1996/02/01 09:34:31 pwe
* PIC oddities for AVS
* Revision 1.22 1996/01/31 12:24:11 pwe
* is_crc v is_opnd & end_contop must not preceed move_reg
* Revision 1.21 1995/12/01 10:48:31 pwe
* PIC static variables
* Revision 1.20 1995/10/11 17:16:08 pwe
* error treatment for remainder
* Revision 1.19 1995/09/19 15:42:41 pwe
* round, fp overflow etc
* Revision 1.18 1995/09/13 14:25:04 pwe
* tidy for gcc
* Revision 1.17 1995/08/30 16:06:12 pwe
* prepare exception trapping
* Revision 1.16 1995/08/23 09:42:21 pwe
* track fpu control word for trap etc
* Revision 1.15 1995/08/14 13:53:15 pwe
* several corrections, tail calls and error jumps
* Revision 1.14 1995/08/04 08:28:53 pwe
* 4.0 general procs implemented
* Revision 1.13 1995/03/07 14:00:12 pwe
* offset_pad byte->bit conversion
* Revision 1.12 1995/02/24 16:11:03 pwe
* dynamic offsets, including mixed bit/byte representations
* Revision 1.11 1995/02/23 11:05:26 pwe
* offset_div change variety after 32_bit division
* Revision 1.10 1995/02/13 11:16:56 pwe
* REM etc should ignore overflow flag
* Revision 1.9 1995/02/10 14:36:39 pwe
* consequence of correct test(reff,..) etc
* Revision 1.8 1995/02/10 12:58:11 pwe
* correct test(reff,..) etc
* Revision 1.7 1995/02/08 17:21:03 pwe
* remove incorrect overflow test after div
* Revision 1.6 1995/02/06 15:15:18 pwe
* correct fp overflow check
* Revision 1.5 1995/02/02 15:17:21 pwe
* implement offset_max as max
* Revision 1.4 1995/01/30 12:55:57 pwe
* Ownership -> PWE, tidy banners
* Revision 1.3 1994/11/24 14:11:50 jmf
* Cleared cond1_set after retcells
* Revision 1.2 1994/11/08 10:06:58 jmf
* Added power not implemented
* Revision 1.1 1994/10/27 14:15:22 jmf
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1994/07/12 14:26:39 jmf
* Initial revision
codec produces code for operations which produce values.
e is the operation and dest is where the result is to be put.
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "instr386.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "operand.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "instrmacs.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "coder.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "codermacs.h"
#include "instr.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "messages_8.h"
#include "reg_record.h"
#include "readglob.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "codec.h"
/* returns true if is_o(e) but not a possible 80386 operand */
int is_crc
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
/* make sure (is_o && is_crc -> !is_opnd) */
if (name(e) == name_tag) {
if (isvar(son(e)))
return (!isglob(son(e)) || PIC_code);
/* else */
return (son(son(e)) == nilexp ||
(isglob(son(e)) && PIC_code && name(sh(son(e))) == prokhd &&
!(brog(son(e)) -> dec_u.dec_val.extnamed)) ||
(name(son(son(e))) == ident_tag && isparam(son(son(e))) ));
if (name(e) == reff_tag || name(e) == field_tag)
return 1;
if (name(e) != cont_tag)
return 0;
if (name(son(e)) == cont_tag)
return 1;
return name(son(e)) == reff_tag &&
name(son(son(e))) == cont_tag;
/* op is a procedure for encoding a unary
operation. If a is a possible 80386
operand, uop applies this operator to
produce the code for a, leaving the
result in dest. sha gives the shape for
the operation. If a is not a possible
80386 operand, then uop produces code
for a to put it into eax (reg0) and
then applies op to eax, putting the
result into dest. */
void uop
PROTO_N ( (op, sha, a, dest, stack) )
PROTO_T ( void (*op) PROTO_S ((shape, where, where)) X shape sha X
exp a X where dest X ash stack )
if (!is_o (name (a)) || is_crc(a)) {
where qw;
if (!inmem(dest))
qw.where_exp = copyexp (dest.where_exp);
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sha;
qw.where_off = 0;
coder (qw, stack, a);
(*op) (sha, qw, dest);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
(*op) (sha, mw (a, 0), dest);
static int no_reg_needed
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
if (name(e) == val_tag)
return 1;
if (name(e) == cont_tag &&
name(son(e)) == name_tag &&
isvar(son(son(e))) &&
ptno(son(son(e))) != reg_pl)
return 1;
if (name(e) == name_tag &&
!isvar(son(e)) &&
ptno(son(e)) != reg_pl)
return 1;
return 0;
/* op is a procedure for encoding a binary
operation. Not more than one of a and b
will not be a possible 80386 operand.
This has been ensured by scan2. If a
and b are both possible 80386 operands,
bop applies this operator to produce
the code, leaving the result in dest.
sha gives the shape for the operation.
If either a or b is not a possible
80386 operand, then bop produces code
for it to put it into eax (reg0) and
then applies op to eax and the other
operand, putting the result into dest.
void bop
PROTO_N ( (op, sha, a, b, dest, stack) )
PROTO_T ( void (*op) PROTO_S ((shape, where, where, where)) X
shape sha X exp a X exp b X where dest X ash stack )
where qw;
if (!is_o (name (a)) || is_crc(a)) {
if (!inmem(dest) && no_reg_needed(b))
qw.where_exp = copyexp (dest.where_exp);
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sha;
qw.where_off = 0;
coder (qw, stack, a);
(*op) (sha, qw, mw (b, 0), dest);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
if (!is_o (name (b)) || is_crc(b)) {
if (!inmem(dest) && no_reg_needed(a))
qw.where_exp = copyexp (dest.where_exp);
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sha;
qw.where_off = 0;
coder (qw, stack, b);
(*op) (sha, mw (a, 0), qw, dest);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
(*op) (sha, mw (a, 0), mw (b, 0), dest);
/* process the binary logical operation
exp. op is the compiling procedure for
the operation. It is commutative and
associative, the operation takes a
variable number of arguments. It is
therefore necessary to avoid the
mistake of assigning to the destination
(dest) inappropriately if its value is
used in the expression. At most one of
the arguments will not be a possible
80386 operand. If there is such an
argument, logop precomputes it, putting
the value into reg0. */
static void logop
PROTO_N ( (op, e, dest, stack) )
PROTO_T ( void (*op) PROTO_S ((shape, where, where, where)) X
exp e X where dest X ash stack )
exp arg1 = son (e);
exp arg2 = bro (arg1);
shape sha = sh(e);
exp t, u;
where qw;
if (last (arg1)) {
coder (dest, stack, arg1);
if (last (arg2)) { /* just two arguments. */
bop (op, sha, arg1, arg2, dest, stack);
/* need to take care about overlap between dest and args or to avoid
extra push. So use reg0. */
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sha;
qw.where_off = 0;
t = arg1;
/* now look for an argument which is not a possible 80386 operand */
while (1) {
if (!is_o (name (t)) || is_crc(t))
if (last (t)) {
t = nilexp;
t = bro (t);
if (t == nilexp) { /* all arguments are possible 80386
operands */
(*op) (sha, mw (arg1, 0), mw (arg2, 0), qw);
t = bro (arg2);
while (!last (t)) {
(*op) (sha, mw (t, 0), qw, qw);/* encode operations in turn */
t = bro (t);
(*op) (sha, mw (t, 0), qw, dest);/* encode final operation */
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
coder (qw, stack, t); /* encode the single argument which is not
a possible 80386 operend */
u = arg1;
/* now encode the remaining operations */
while (1) {
if (t != u) {
if (last (u) || (bro (u) == t && last (bro (u))))
(*op) (sha, mw (u, 0), qw, dest);
(*op) (sha, mw (u, 0), qw, qw);
if (last (u))
u = bro (u);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
/* process the multiply operation
exp. op is the compiling procedure for
the operation. It is commutative and
associative, the operation takes a
variable number of arguments. It is
therefore necessary to avoid the
mistake of assigning to the destination
(dest) inappropriately if its value is
used in the expression. At most one of
the arguments will not be a possible
80386 operand. If there is such an
argument, it is precomputed, putting
the value into reg0. */
static void multop
PROTO_N ( (op, e, dest, stack) )
PROTO_T ( void (*op) PROTO_S ((shape, where, where, where)) X
exp e X where dest X ash stack )
exp arg1 = son (e);
exp arg2 = bro (arg1);
exp t, u;
where qw;
if (last (arg1)) {
coder (dest, stack, arg1);
if (last (arg2)) { /* just two arguments. */
bop (op, sh (e), arg1, arg2, dest, stack);
/* need to take care about overlap between dest and args or to avoid
extra push. So use reg0. */
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sh (e);
qw.where_off = 0;
t = arg1;
/* now look for an argument which is not a possible 80386 operand */
while (1) {
if (!is_o (name (t)) || is_crc(t))
if (last (t)) {
t = nilexp;
t = bro (t);
if (t == nilexp) { /* all arguments are possible 80386
operands */
(*op) (sh (e), mw (arg1, 0), mw (arg2, 0), qw);
t = bro (arg2);
while (!last (t)) {
(*op) (sh (e), mw (t, 0), qw, qw);/* encode operations in turn */
t = bro (t);
(*op) (sh (e), mw (t, 0), qw, dest);/* encode final operation */
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
coder (qw, stack, t); /* encode the single argument which is not
a possible 80386 operend */
u = arg1;
/* now encode the remaining operations */
while (1) {
if (t != u) {
if (last (u) || (bro (u) == t && last (bro (u))))
(*op) (sh (e), mw (u, 0), qw, dest);
(*op) (sh (e), mw (u, 0), qw, qw);
if (last (u))
u = bro (u);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
/* if a is a negation form b-son(a)
otherwise b+a in dest */
static void addsub
PROTO_N ( (sha, a, b, dest, e) )
PROTO_T ( shape sha X where a X where b X where dest X exp e )
if (name (a.where_exp) == neg_tag)
sub (sha, mw (son (a.where_exp), 0), b, dest);
add (sha, a, b, dest);
codec outputs the code which evaulates e and puts the result into
/* encode e, putting the result into dest.
stack is the current stack level */
void codec
PROTO_N ( (dest, stack, e) )
PROTO_T ( where dest X ash stack X exp e )
switch (name (e)) {
case plus_tag:
{ /* at most one of the arguments will not
be a possible 80386 operand */
exp arg1 = son (e);
exp arg2 = bro (arg1);
exp t, u, v;
where qw;
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (last (arg1)) { /* there is only one argument */
coder (dest, stack, arg1);
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
if (last (arg2) && is_o (name (arg1)) && !is_crc(arg1) &&
((is_o (name (arg2)) && !is_crc(arg2))||
(name (arg2) == neg_tag &&
!is_crc(son(arg2)) &&
is_o (name (son (arg2)))))) {
/* just two arguments. */
addsub (sh (e), mw (arg2, 0), mw (arg1, 0), dest, e);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
/* need to take care about overlap between dest and args or to
avoid extra push. So use reg0. */
t = arg1;
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sh (e);
qw.where_off = 0;
/* now look for argument which is not a possible 80386 operand */
while (1) {
if ((!is_o (name (t)) || is_crc(t)) &&
(name (t) != neg_tag || !is_o (name (son (t))) ||
if (last (t)) {
t = nilexp;
t = bro (t);
if (t == nilexp && name (arg1) == neg_tag &&
name (arg2) == neg_tag)
t = arg1;
if (t == nilexp) { /* all arguments are possible 80386
operands */
t = bro (arg2);
if (name (arg1) == neg_tag)
addsub (sh (e), mw (arg1, 0), mw (arg2, 0),
(t == e) ? dest : qw, e);
addsub (sh (e), mw (arg2, 0), mw (arg1, 0),
(t == e) ? dest : qw, e);
if (t == e)
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
while (!last (t)) {
u = bro (t);
addsub (sh (e), mw (t, 0), qw, qw, e);
t = u;
addsub (sh (e), mw (t, 0), qw, dest, e);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
coder (qw, stack, t); /* encode the argument which is not a
possible 80386 operand */
u = arg1;
/* now encode the remaining operations */
while (1) {
v = bro (u);
if (t != u) {
if (last (u) || (v == t && last (v)))
addsub (sh (e), mw (u, 0), qw, dest, e);
addsub (sh (e), mw (u, 0), qw, qw, e);
if (last (u))
u = v;
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case addptr_tag: { /* use index operation */
mova (mw (e, 0), dest);
case chvar_tag: {
exp a = son (e);
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
if (!is_o (name (a)) || is_crc(a)) {
/* argument is not a possible 80386
operand, so evaluate it in reg0 */
if (inmem (dest) ||
(shape_size(sh(a)) == 8 && bad_from_reg(dest)) ||
shape_size(sh(a)) == 64) {
where qw;
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sh (a);
qw.where_off = 0;
coder (qw, stack, a);
change_var_check (sh (e), qw, dest);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
coder (dest, stack, a);
if (name(sh(e)) > name(sh(a)))
change_var_sh (sh (e), sh (a), dest, dest);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
change_var_check (sh (e), mw (a, 0), dest);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case minus_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (sub, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case subptr_tag:
case minptr_tag:
case make_stack_limit_tag:
bop (sub, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case mult_tag:
if (!optop(e))
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
overflow_e = e;
multop (multiply, e, dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
multop (mult, e, dest, stack);
case div2_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (div2, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case div1_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (div1, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case div0_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (div0, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case neg_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
uop (negate, sh (e), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case shl_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
overflow_e = e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (shiftl, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case shr_tag:
bop (shiftr, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case rotl_tag:
bop (rotatel, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case rotr_tag:
bop (rotater, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case mod_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (mod, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case rem2_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (rem2, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case rem0_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (errhandle(e))
overflow_e = e;
bop (rem0, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case round_tag:
shape s = sh (e);
where d;
d = dest;
if (shape_size(s) < 32) {
s = slongsh;
if (inmem(dest))
d = reg0;
switch (round_number(e)) {
case 0:
uop (frnd0, s, son (e), d, stack);
case 1:
uop (frnd1, s, son (e), d, stack);
case 2:
uop (frnd2, s, son (e), d, stack);
case 3:
uop (frnd3, s, son (e), d, stack);
case 4:
uop (frnd4, s, son (e), d, stack);
test_fl_ovfl(e, d);
if (name(s) != name(sh(e))) {
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
change_var_sh (sh(e), s, d, dest);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case fplus_tag:
fl_multop (fplus_tag, sh (e), son (e), dest);
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case fmult_tag:
fl_multop (fmult_tag, sh (e), son (e), dest);
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case fminus_tag:
fl_binop (fminus_tag, sh (e), mw (bro (son (e)), 0),
mw (son (e), 0), dest, bro (son (e)));
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case fdiv_tag:
fl_binop (fdiv_tag, sh (e), mw (bro (son (e)), 0),
mw (son (e), 0), dest, bro (son (e)));
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case fneg_tag: {
fl_neg (sh (e), mw (son (e), 0), dest);
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case fabs_tag: {
fl_abs (sh (e), mw (son (e), 0), dest);
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case float_tag: {
floater (sh (e), mw (son (e), 0), dest);
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case chfl_tag: {
if (name(sh(e)) < name(sh(son(e))))
changefl (sh (e), mw (son (e), 0), dest);
if (name(sh(e)) < name(sh(son(e))))
test_fl_ovfl(e, dest);
case and_tag: {
logop (and, e, dest, stack);
case or_tag: {
logop (or, e, dest, stack);
case xor_tag: {
logop (xor, e, dest, stack);
case not_tag: {
uop (not, sh (e), son (e), dest, stack);
case offset_pad_tag:
if (al2(sh(son(e))) >= al2(sh(e)))
if (al2(sh(e)) != 1 || al2(sh(son(e))) == 1)
coder(dest, stack, son(e));
else {
coder(reg0, stack, son(e));
shiftl (slongsh, mw(zeroe, 3), reg0, dest);
int al = al2(sh(e))/8;
coder(reg0, stack, son(e));
if (al2(sh(son(e))) == 1) {
add (slongsh, mw(zeroe, al*8 -1), reg0, reg0);
shiftr (slongsh, mw(zeroe, 3), reg0, reg0);
add (slongsh, mw(zeroe, al-1), reg0, reg0);
and (slongsh, mw(zeroe, -al), reg0, dest);
case offset_add_tag:
bop (add, sh (e), son (e), bro (son (e)), dest, stack);
case abs_tag:
exp old_overflow_e = overflow_e;
if (!optop(e))
overflow_e = e;
uop (absop, sh(e), son (e), dest, stack);
overflow_e = old_overflow_e;
case offset_max_tag:
case max_tag:
bop (maxop, sh(e), son (e), bro (son (e)), dest, stack);
case min_tag:
bop (minop, sh(e), son (e), bro (son (e)), dest, stack);
case offset_subtract_tag:
bop (sub, sh(e), bro(son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case offset_mult_tag:
bop (mult, slongsh, son (e), bro (son (e)), dest, stack);
case offset_negate_tag: {
uop (negate, sh (e), son (e), dest, stack);
case offset_div_by_int_tag:
bop (div0, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
case offset_div_tag:
if (shape_size (sh (e)) == 32)
bop (div0, sh (e), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
if (inmem(dest)) {
bop (div0, sh (son(e)), bro (son (e)), son (e), reg0, stack);
change_var (sh (e), reg0, dest);
else {
bop (div0, sh (son(e)), bro (son (e)), son (e), dest, stack);
change_var (sh (e), dest, dest);
case absbool_tag:
case int_to_bitf_tag:
int mask = lsmask[shape_size(sh(e))];
move(slongsh, mw(son(e), 0), dest);
and(slongsh, mw(zeroe, mask), dest, dest);
case bitf_to_int_tag:
coder(reg0, stack, son(e));
change_var_sh (sh (e), sh(son(e)), reg0, dest);
case alloca_tag:
coder(dest, stack, e);
case power_tag:
failer("integer power not implemented");
case cont_tag:
if (!newcode && name(sh(e)) == bitfhd)
mem_to_bits(e, sh(e), dest, stack);
/* deliberate fall through into default */
if (!is_o (name (e))) { /* e is not a possible 80386 operand,
precompute it into reg0 and move to
dest */
where qw;
qw.where_exp = copyexp (reg0.where_exp);
sh (qw.where_exp) = sh (e);
qw.where_off = 0;
coder (qw, stack, e);
move (sh (e), qw, dest);
retcell (qw.where_exp);
cond1_set = 0;
if (is_crc(e) && name(e) != name_tag
&& name(e) != reff_tag && name(e) != field_tag) {
exp s = son(e);
exp ss = son(s);
exp sss = ss;
exp * p = & son(e);
if (name(s) == reff_tag) {
sss = son(ss);
p = & son(s);
if (name(sss) == name_tag && ptno(son(sss)) == reg_pl) {
move(sh(e), mw(e, 0), dest);
else {
exp temp = copyexp(reg0.where_exp);
exp preserve = *p;
coder(reg0, stack, *p);
*p = temp;
move(sh(e), mw(e, 0), dest);
*p = preserve; /* may still be needed for diags */
if (name (e) == reff_tag &&
(name (son (e)) == name_tag ||
(name (son (e)) == cont_tag &&
name (son (son (e))) == name_tag))) {
/* look for case when reff should be done by add */
add (slongsh, mw (son (e), 0), mw (zeroe, no (e) / 8), dest);
if ((name (e) == name_tag && isvar (son (e))) ||
name (e) == reff_tag ||
(PIC_code && name(e) == name_tag && isglob(son(e)) &&
name(sh(son(e))) == prokhd &&
!brog(son(e)) -> dec_u.dec_val.extnamed)) {
if (ptno(son(e)) != nowhere_pl)
mova (mw (e, 0), dest);
if (name(e) == clear_tag)
if ((name (sh (e)) >= shrealhd && name (sh (e)) <= doublehd &&
!inmem(dest)) || name (dest.where_exp) == apply_tag)
move(sh(e), fzero, dest);
/* other values */
if (name (e) != top_tag && name(e) != prof_tag)
move (sh (e), mw (e, 0), dest);
top_regsinuse = regsinuse;