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$Log: move.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:56:03 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.4 1997/01/29 10:19:12 wfs
* Fixed a minor bug in "move.c" and "oprators.c" due to immediates of >
* 14 bits appearing in the field of ldo instrcutions.
* Revision 1.3 1996/01/11 14:46:29 wfs
* Fixed bug in "ass_tag" case of scan(). Removed superfluous macro and comment.
* Revision 1.2 1995/12/18 13:12:02 wfs
* Put hppatrans uder cvs control. Major Changes made since last release
* include:
* (i) PIC code generation.
* (ii) Profiling.
* (iii) Dynamic Initialization.
* (iv) Debugging of Exception Handling and Diagnostics.
* Revision 5.2 1995/10/20 14:04:45 wfs
* gcc compilation changes.
* Revision 5.1 1995/09/25 10:39:33 wfs
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 5.0 1995/08/25 13:42:58 wfs
* Preperation for August 25 Glue release
* Revision 3.4 1995/08/25 09:54:19 wfs
* register synonyms changed. Wingz bug fixed.
* Revision 3.4 1995/08/25 09:54:19 wfs
* register synonyms changed. Wingz bug fixed.
* Revision 3.1 95/04/10 16:27:23 16:27:23 wfs (William Simmonds)
* Apr95 tape version.
* Revision 3.0 95/03/30 11:18:19 11:18:19 wfs (William Simmonds)
* Mar95 tape version with CRCR95_178 bug fix.
* Revision 2.0 95/03/15 15:28:09 15:28:09 wfs (William Simmonds)
* spec 3.1 changes implemented, tests outstanding.
* Revision 1.2 95/01/17 17:29:14 17:29:14 wfs (William Simmonds)
* Changed name of an included header file.
* Revision 1.1 95/01/11 13:13:14 13:13:14 wfs (William Simmonds)
* Initial revision
The procedure move produces code to move a value from a to the
destination dest. This takes the form of a switch test on the parameter
a (type ans) which is either a reg, freg instore or bitad value. In
each of the three cases the ans field of the dest is similarly dealt
with to determine the necessary instructions for the move. Sizes and
alignment are taken from the ash field of the destination.
Delivers register used if 1-word destination is instore; otherwise NOREG.
#include "config.h"
#include "myassert.h"
#include "hppains.h"
#include "inst_fmt.h"
#include "addrtypes.h"
#include "proctypes.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "getregs.h"
#include "labels.h"
#include "comment.h"
#include "bitsmacs.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "regmacs.h"
#include "maxminmacs.h"
#include "makecode.h"
#include "move.h"
extern char reg_name_tab[32][5];
#define MAX_STEPS_INLINE_MOVE 12 /* (was 8) 16 instructions */
#define NBITMASK(n) ((unsigned long)( (n)==32 ? 0L : ((1<<(n))-1) ))
* ins_sgn_pair[FALSE] unsigned instruction
* ins_sgn_pair[TRUE] signed instruction
typedef ins_p ins_sgn_pair[2 /* FALSE..TRUE */ ];
static CONST ins_sgn_pair st_ins_sz[] =
/* 0 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL},
/* 8 */ {i_stb, i_stb},
/* 16 */ {i_sth, i_sth},
/* 24 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL},
/* 32 */ {i_stw, i_stw},
/* 40 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL},
/* 48 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL},
/* 56 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL},
/* 64 */ {I_NIL, I_NIL}
/* the st instruction for object sized bits */
ins_p i_st_sz
PROTO_N ( ( bits ) )
PROTO_T ( int bits )
return st_ins_sz[(bits) / 8][0];
/* load address represented by is into reg */
void ld_addr
PROTO_N ( ( is, reg ) )
PROTO_T ( instore is X int reg )
comment1("ld_addr: adval=%d", is.adval);
if (is.adval)
if (IS_FIXREG(is.b.base))
/* get address represented by is */
int addr_reg
PROTO_N ( ( is, regs ) )
PROTO_T ( instore is X long regs )
int r;
comment1("addr_reg: adval=%d", is.adval);
if (is.adval && IS_FIXREG(is.b.base) && is.b.offset == 0)
/* simply return base reg */
return is.b.base;
/* otherwise load address into reg */
r = getreg(regs);
ld_addr(is, r);
return r;
int move
PROTO_N ( ( a, dest, regs, sgned ) )
PROTO_T ( ans a X where dest X long regs X bool sgned )
int al = dest.ashwhere.ashalign;
if ( dest.ashwhere.ashsize == 0 )
return NOREG ;
FULLCOMMENT4("move: %s -> %s, dest ashsize,ashalign = %d,%d",
(int)ANSDISCRIM_NAME(discrim ( a )),
(int)ANSDISCRIM_NAME(discrim ( dest.answhere )),
dest.ashwhere.ashsize, dest.ashwhere.ashalign);
assert((discrim ( dest.answhere ) == inreg && dest.answhere.val.regans == GR0) /* nowhere */
|| dest.ashwhere.ashsize > 0); /* unitialised dest.ashwhere */
switch (discrim ( a ))
case insomereg:
case insomefreg:
fail("move: source somereg not specified");
return NOREG;
case bitad:
/* source is bit address */
instore iss;
int bpos;
int bsize;
int bshift;
baseoff word_base;
int reg;
bool reg_is_dest;
/* +++ bitad to bitad move, minimise shifts and masks */
comment("move: source bit address");
if (discrim ( dest.answhere ) == inreg)
reg = dest.answhere.val.regans;
if (reg == 0)
/* dest is nowhere, do nothing */
return NOREG; /* nowhere */
reg_is_dest = 1;
reg = getreg(regs);
reg_is_dest = 0;
iss = bitadalt(a);
/* word_base is bit address of word containing source */
word_base.base = iss.b.base;
word_base.offset = iss.b.offset & ~31;
* Set bpos, bsize, bshift to number of bits in a 32 bit word as in
* following picture:
* < FIELD >
* 00000000000111111111100000000000
* < bpos >< bsize >< bshift >
bpos = iss.b.offset - word_base.offset;
bsize = dest.ashwhere.ashsize;
bshift = 32 - bpos - bsize;
comment4(" dest ashsize,ashalign = %d,%d, iss.b.offset=%d (%%32=%d)",
dest.ashwhere.ashsize, dest.ashwhere.ashalign, iss.b.offset, iss.b.offset % 32);
comment3(" bpos=%d, bsize=%d, bshift=%d", bpos, bsize, bshift);
if (bpos + bsize > 32)
fail("bit load > 32 ");
int tmp = bpos;
bpos = bshift;
bshift = tmp;
/* now adjust word_base to be a byte address */
word_base.offset /= 8;
#if 1
/* optimise when word, half or byte loads are possible */
if (!iss.adval && bsize == 8 && (bpos & 7) == 0)
/* byte load */
word_base.offset += bpos / 8;
bsize = 32;
else if (!iss.adval && bsize == 16 && (bpos & 15) == 0)
/* half load */
word_base.offset += bpos / 8;
bsize = 32;
else if (bsize == 32)
/* word load */
bsize = 32;
if (bsize == 32)
/* field is entire word, nothing to do */
else if (!sgned && bshift == 0)
* Field is at right of word, and no need to propagate sign bit,
* simply mask.
/* shift left than right, propagating sign if signed field */
if (sgned)
if (reg_is_dest)
/* already in its destination */
return NOREG;
setregalt(a, reg);
comment("move: source bit address now inreg");
* Source 'a' adjusted into fixed point reg. Fall through to 'inreg'
* code to process destination.
} /* end bitad source */
case inreg:
/* source in fixed point register */
int r = regalt(a);
switch (discrim ( dest.answhere ))
case inreg:
/* source and dest in fixed register */
int rd = regalt(dest.answhere);
if (rd != GR0 /* nowhere */ && rd != r)
/* move reg r to reg rd */
return NOREG;
} /* end inreg dest */
case insomereg:
/* source and dest in fixed register */
int *sr = someregalt(dest.answhere);
if (*sr != -1)
fail("move: somereg already set");
*sr = r;
return NOREG;
case infreg:
/* dest in floating point register */
freg fr;
fr = fregalt(dest.answhere);
st_ins(i_sw, r, mem_temp(0));
ldf_ins(i_fldw, mem_temp(0), 3*;
if (fr.dble)
/* +++ i_std when aligned wfs 27/1/94 change this */
ldf_ins(i_fldw, mem_temp(4), 3*(;
return NOREG;
} /* end infreg dest */
case notinreg:
/* dest instore */
int sz;
instore is;
if (al == 1)
sz = dest.ashwhere.ashsize;
assert(al == dest.ashwhere.ashsize);
sz = al;
sz = dest.ashwhere.ashsize;
if (al == 1)
if (sz<=8)
al = 8;
if (sz<=16)
al = 16;
al = 32;
if ( al == 64 ) al = 32 ;
is = insalt(dest.answhere);
if (is.adval) /* is the value an address? */
st_ins( (sz==8 ? i_sb : (sz==16 ? i_sh : i_sw)), r, is.b );
st_ir_ins( (sz==8 ? i_stbs : (sz==16 ? i_sths : i_stws)), cmplt_, r, fs_, empty_ltrl, 0, GR1);
return r;
} /* end notinreg dest */
case bitad:
/* source in fix reg, dest is bit address */
instore is ;
int rsrc = r;
int rtmp;
int bpos;
int bsize;
int bshift;
baseoff word_base;
unsigned long mask_left;
unsigned long mask_right;
unsigned long mask;
is = bitadalt(dest.answhere);
/* +++ const to bit address */
comment("move: dest bit address");
if (!is.adval)
fail("no move to var bits");
/* word_base is bit address of word containing source */
word_base.base = is.b.base;
word_base.offset = is.b.offset & ~31;
* Set bpos, bsize, bshift to number of bits in a 32 bit word as in
* following picture:
bpos = is.b.offset - word_base.offset;
bsize = dest.ashwhere.ashsize;
bshift = 32 - bpos - bsize;
comment4(" dest ashsize,ashalign = %d,%d, is.b.offset=%d (%%32=%d)",
dest.ashwhere.ashsize, dest.ashwhere.ashalign, is.b.offset, is.b.offset % 32);
comment3(" bpos=%d, bsize=%d, bshift=%d", bpos, bsize, bshift);
if (bpos + bsize > 32)
fail("store bits over w-boundary");
int tmp = bpos;
bpos = bshift;
bshift = tmp;
/* mask_left is all 1s to cover 'bpos' bits */
if (bpos == 0)
mask_left = 0;
mask_left = NBITMASK(bpos) << (32 - bpos);
/* mask_right is all 1s to cover 'bshift' bits */
if (bshift == 0)
mask_right = 0;
mask_right = NBITMASK(bshift);
mask = mask_left | mask_right;
comment2(" mask_left=%#x, mask_right=%#x", mask_left, mask_right);
/* now adjust word_base to be a byte address */
word_base.offset /= 8;
#if 1
/* optimise when word, half or byte stores are possible */
if (bsize == 32)
/* word store */
st_ins(i_sw, rsrc,word_base);
return NOREG;
else if (bsize == 16 && (bpos & 15) == 0)
/* half store */
word_base.offset += bpos / 8;
st_ins(i_sh, rsrc, word_base);
return NOREG;
else if (bsize == 16 && bpos == 8)
/* half store by two byte stores */
word_base.offset += bpos / 8 + 1;
st_ins(i_sb, rsrc, word_base);
word_base.offset -= 1;
/* cannot use GR1 as GR1 may be needed by st_ins() */
rtmp = getreg(regs);
st_ins(i_sb, rtmp, word_base);
return NOREG;
else if (bsize == 8 && (bpos & 7) == 0)
/* byte store */
word_base.offset += bpos / 8;
st_ins(i_sb, rsrc, word_base);
return NOREG;
* cannot use GR1 as GR1 may be needed by st_ins() or for big
* mask
rtmp = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(rtmp);
/* load dest word and mask out field */
if (mask != ~0)
int l,p;
if (bshift==0 || bshift==32)
if (bpos==0 || bpos==32)
/* shift source to dest field position */
if (bshift != 0)
rsrc = GR1;
/* safe to use GR1 as not needed for the st_ins() */
/* or source and dest and store out */
st_ins(i_sw, rtmp, word_base);
return NOREG;
fail("fixed -> wrong dest");
} /* end switch dest */
} /* end inreg a */
case infreg:
/* source in floating point register */
freg fr;
fr = fregalt(a);
switch (discrim ( dest.answhere ))
case inreg:
/* dest in fixed point register */
int rd = regalt(dest.answhere);
if (rd != 0)
/* store and load to move to fixed reg */
stf_ins(i_fstw, 3*, mem_temp(0));
if (fr.dble)
/* +++ i_std when aligned wfs, 27/1/94 must correect this */
stf_ins(i_fstw, (3*, mem_temp(4));
return NOREG;
} /* end inreg dest */
case insomereg:
/* source in flt reg, can choose dest reg */
int *sr = someregalt(dest.answhere);
if (*sr != -1)
fail("move: somereg already set");
*sr = getreg(regs);
setregalt(dest.answhere, *sr);
goto start;
case infreg:
/* source and dest in floating point registers */
freg frd;
frd = fregalt(dest.answhere);
if ( !=
if (frd.dble)
return NOREG;
} /* end infreg dest */
case notinreg:
/* source in flt reg, dest instore */
ins_p st = (fr.dble) ? i_fstd : i_fstw;
instore is;
if ((dest.ashwhere.ashsize == 64 && !fr.dble) ||
(dest.ashwhere.ashsize == 32 && fr.dble) )
fail("inconsistent sizes");
is = insalt(dest.answhere);
if (is.adval)
/* allow doubles not to be double aligned in mem, ie param */
/* wfs 27/1/94 must change */
if (fr.dble)
if ((is.b.offset & 7) == 0) /* double aligned in mem */
/* not double aligned in mem, ie parameter */
stf_ins(i_fstw, 3*, is.b);
is.b.offset += 4;
stf_ins(i_fstw, (3*, is.b);
/* single */
stf_ins(i_fstw, 3*, is.b);
baseoff b;
b.base = getreg(regs);
b.offset = 0;
if (st==i_fstw)
return ( fr.dble ? -( + 32) : ( + 32) );
} /* end notinreg dest */
} /* end switch dest */
} /* end infreg a */
case notinreg:
/* source instore */
/* get into register and repeat */
instore iss;
int size = dest.ashwhere.ashsize;
iss = insalt(a);
if (iss.adval && iss.b.offset == 0 && IS_FIXREG(iss.b.base))
/* address of [base_reg+0] is base_reg */
setregalt(a, iss.b.base);
goto start;
if (al == 1)
iss.b.offset *= 8;
setbitadalt(a, iss);
goto start;
if( al==1 )
if ( size<=8 )
al = 8;
if ( size<=16 )
al = 16;
al = 32;
if (al == 64)
al = 32; /* +++ we cannot manage 64 bit int regs yet */
/* determine which load instruction to use from al and adval */
switch (discrim ( dest.answhere ))
case insomereg:
/* source instore, can choose dest reg */
int *sr = someregalt(dest.answhere);
if (*sr != -1)
fail("move: somereg already set");
*sr = getreg(regs);
setregalt(dest.answhere, *sr);
/* and continue to next case */
case inreg:
/* source and dest in fixpnt reg */
int rd = regalt(dest.answhere);
if (rd != GR0 /* nowhere */ )
if (iss.adval)
/* generate address of source */
if (IS_FIXREG(iss.b.base))
set_ins("",iss.b, rd);
/* load source */
ld_ins(al==8 ? i_lb : (al==16 ? i_lh : i_lw),sgned,iss.b,rd);
return NOREG;
} /* end inreg dest */
case infreg:
/* source instore, dest in floating pnt reg */
freg frd ;
frd = fregalt(dest.answhere);
assert(!iss.adval); /* address should never go to float reg */
/* allow doubles not to be double aligned in mem, ie param */
if (frd.dble)
if ((iss.b.offset & 7) == 0) /* double aligned in mem */
ldf_ins(i_fldd, iss.b,(3*;
/* not double aligned in mem, ie parameter */
ldf_ins(i_fldw, iss.b, 3*;
iss.b.offset += 4;
ldf_ins(i_fldw, iss.b, (3*;
/* single */
ldf_ins(i_fldw, iss.b, 3*;
return NOREG;
} /* end infreg dest */
case bitad:
/* source instore, dest bitadd should be coped with elsewhere */
fail("mem to mem bit move");
case notinreg:
/* source and dest instore */
int bits;
int bits_per_step;
int bytes_per_step;
int no_steps;
ins_p i_l=I_NIL, i_s=I_NIL;
instore isd;
bool unalign = al < 32;
/* we are limited by 32 bit regs */
bits_per_step = MIN_OF(al, 32);
bytes_per_step = bits_per_step / 8;
* .ashsize gives precise size in bits, not as rounded up as if
* object is an array element. So we round up bits to convenient
* size, less than alignement.
bits = (dest.ashwhere.ashsize + bits_per_step - 1) & ~(bits_per_step - 1);
no_steps = (bits + bits_per_step - 1) / bits_per_step;
comment2("move: mem to mem dest.ashwhere.ashsize,ashalign=%d,%d",
dest.ashwhere.ashsize, dest.ashwhere.ashalign);
comment4("move: mem to mem bits=%d align=%d, bytes_per_step=%d no_steps=%d",
bits, al, bytes_per_step, no_steps);
if ((al % 8) != 0 || (bits % 8) != 0)
fail("move: bits mem to mem move");
return NOREG;
* we are assuming the following, eg 8 bit object cannot have 32 bit
* alignment
assert((bits % al) == 0);
assert(bytes_per_step > 0 && bytes_per_step <= 4);
assert(no_steps > 0);
assert((no_steps * bytes_per_step) == (bits / 8));
if (bits_per_step==8)
else if (bits_per_step==16)
else if (bits_per_step==32)
/* +++ use fp reg for float, except not passed free fp regs */
/* +++ use lss/std where poss */
* +++ use actual alignment which may be better than nominal
* alignment
isd = insalt(dest.answhere);
if (no_steps <= MAX_STEPS_INLINE_MOVE)
/* move in line */
if (no_steps == 1)
int r = getreg(regs); /* register for holding values
* transferred */
if (iss.adval)
/* generate address of source */
if (IS_FIXREG(iss.b.base))
if (iss.b.offset == 0)
comment("move: using adval base reg directly");
r = iss.b.base;
set_ins("",iss.b, r);
/* load source */
if (!isd.adval)
/* +++ move away from use below, but care for GR1 */
comment("move: !adval dest, using GR1");
isd.b.base = GR1;
isd.b.offset = 0;
st_ins(i_s, r, isd.b);
return (unalign) ? NOREG : r;
* Move using 2 regs ensuring load delay slot not occupied.
int ld_steps = no_steps;
int st_steps = no_steps;
int r1, r2; /* regs used to copy object */
comment("move: inline move");
assert(ld_steps >= 2);
/* moves of addresses not handled by this long move */
assert(bits_per_step <= 32); /* only using byte regs */
r1 = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(r1);
r2 = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(r2);
if (!IS_FIXREG(iss.b.base))
/* load source ptr in reg, note GR1 possibly in use for dest */
int pr = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(pr);
comment("move: load ptr to source");
set_ins("",iss.b, pr);
iss.b.base = pr;
iss.b.offset = 0;
if (!isd.adval)
int pr = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(pr);
comment("move: dest !adval");
isd.b.base = pr;
isd.b.offset = 0;
else if (!IS_FIXREG(isd.b.base))
int pr = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(pr);
comment("move: load ptr to dest");
set_ins("",isd.b, pr);
isd.b.base = pr;
isd.b.offset = 0;
/* first, pre-load both regs */
ld_ins(i_l,0,iss.b,r1);/* wfs 8/12/94 Changed sgned to 0 */
iss.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
ld_ins(i_l,0,iss.b,r2);/* wfs 8/12/94 Changed sgned to 0 */
iss.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
* now generate overlapping sequence with ld rX seperated from
* following st rX
* st r1
* ld r1
* st r2
* ld r2
* while there's still data
while (st_steps > 0)
/* st r1 */
isd.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
/* ld r1 */
if (ld_steps > 0)
ld_ins(i_l,0,iss.b,r1);/* wfs 8/12/94 Changed sgned to 0 */
iss.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
/* st r2 */
if (st_steps > 0)
isd.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
/* ld r2 */
if (ld_steps > 0)
ld_ins(i_l,0,iss.b,r2);/* wfs 8/12/94 Changed sgned to 0 */
iss.b.offset += bytes_per_step;
comment("move: end inline move");
assert(ld_steps == 0);
return NOREG;
} /* inline end */
* Copy with loop.
* Currently generate:
* !%srcptr and %destptr set mov bytes,%cnt loop: subc
* %cnt,bytes_per_step,%cnt ldX %tmp,[%srcptr+%cnt] stX
* %tmp,[%destptr+%cnt] bne loop
* +++ unroll, and use two copy regs to seperate ld and st using same
* reg
int srcptr;
int destptr;
int count;
int copy_reg;
int loop = new_label();
int blocksz;
comment("move: loop move");
/* moves of addresses not handled by this long move */
assert(bytes_per_step <= 4); /* only using 1 word regs */
count = getreg(regs);
regs |= RMASK(count);
iss.adval = 1; /* we want address of value */
srcptr = addr_reg(iss, regs);
regs |= RMASK(srcptr);
destptr = addr_reg(isd, regs);
regs |= RMASK(destptr);
copy_reg = GR1;
blocksz = bytes_per_step*no_steps;
if (SIMM14(blocksz))
if (bytes_per_step==1)
else if (bytes_per_step==2)
else if (bytes_per_step==4)
return NOREG;
} /* loop assign */
} /* end notinreg dest */
} /* end switch dest */
} /* end notinreg a */
} /* end switch a */
fail("move not handled");
return 0; /* NOTREACHED */