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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997

    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-

        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;

        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;

        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;

        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
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        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.

$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/02/04 10:43:43 $
$Revision: 1.2 $
$Log: mipsdiags.c,v $
 * Revision 1.2  1998/02/04  10:43:43  release
 * Changes during testing.
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:56:06  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.3  1995/09/12  10:59:34  currie
 * gcc pedanttry
 * Revision 1.2  1995/08/16  16:06:54  currie
 * Shortened some .h names
 * Revision 1.1  1995/04/13  09:08:06  currie
 * Initial revision



Provides the routines for outputting diagnostic information, suitable for
MIPS dbx.
These diagnostics, in the absence of any documentation, have been
produced in a suck-it-and-see mode, but they are vaguely based
around the syms modules provided in the system library.

#include "config.h"
#include "cross_config.h"

#include <symconst.h>
#include CROSS_INCLUDE/symconst.h>

#include "common_types.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "exptypes.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "procrectypes.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "bitsmacs.h"
#include "diagtypes.h"
#include "xalloc.h"
#include "ibinasm.h"
#include "out_ba.h"
#include "syms.h"
#include "diag_fns.h"
#include "locate.h"
#include "mipsdiags.h"
#include "diagglob.h"
#include "mark_scope.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "new_code.h"
#include "new_symbol.h"

extern  FILE * as_file;

extern long currentfile;
 /* our current fileno  */
extern long mainfile;
 /* default fileno for no diags or shape output */
extern long fscopefile;         /* file of currect proc */

int  *file_dnos;                /* dense nos for files */

filename * fds;
int nofds = 0;
int szfds = 0;

void collect_files
    PROTO_N ( (f) )
    PROTO_T ( filename f )
        if (nofds>=szfds) {
                fds = (filename*)xrealloc(fds, (szfds+=5)*sizeof(filename));
        fds[nofds++] = f;

int find_file
    PROTO_N ( (f) )
    PROTO_T ( char * f )
   int i;
   for(i=0; i<nofds; i++) {
        if (strcmp(f, fds[i]->file.ints.chars)==0) return i;
   return 0;

void symnosforfiles
    PROTO_Z ()
{       /* produce symnos for all text files in compilation */
  int   i;
  file_dnos = (int *) xcalloc (nofds, sizeof (int));
  for (i = 0; i < nofds; i++) {
    file_dnos[i] = new_lsym_d (fds[i]->file.ints.chars, 0, stFile, scText, (diag_type)0, i);


static void x
    PROTO_N ( (i) )
    PROTO_T ( int i )
  if (i == EOF) {
    failer ("can't output");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

void stab_file
    PROTO_N ( (i) )
    PROTO_T ( int i )
{       /* output .file directive for file i */
  int   l;
  if (currentfile == i)
  l = strlen (fds[i]->file.ints.chars);
  if (as_file) {
    x (fprintf (as_file, "\t.file\t%d \"%s\"\n", file_dnos[i], fds[i]->file.ints.chars));
  out_value (file_dnos[i], ifile, l, 0);
  out_data (fds[i]->file.ints.chars, l);
  currentfile = i;

long  currentlno = -1;          /* the last line number output */

void stabd (findex, lno)        /* output .loc directive */
long  findex,
  if (findex==currentfile && lno==currentlno) return;
  stab_file (findex);
  if (as_file)
    x (fprintf (as_file, "\t.loc\t%d %ld\n", file_dnos[findex], lno));
  out_loc (file_dnos[findex], lno);
  currentlno = lno;

static char *lexlev = "0";       /* historic !!! */

void diagbr_open
    PROTO_N ( (findex) )
    PROTO_T ( long findex )
{/* block begin directive */
  int   symno;
  stab_file (findex);
  symno = new_lsym_d ((char *) 0, 0, stBlock, scText, (diag_type)0,
  if (as_file)
    x (fprintf (as_file, "\t.bgnb\t%d\n", symno));
  out_ent (symno, ibgnb, 0);

void diagbr_close
    PROTO_N ( (findex) )
    PROTO_T ( long findex )
{/* block end directive */
  int   symno;
  stab_file (findex);
  symno = new_lsym_d ((char *) 0, 0, stEnd, scText, (diag_type)0,
  if (as_file)
    x (fprintf (as_file, "\t.endb\t%d\n", symno));
  out_ent (symno, iendb, 0);

void stab_local
    PROTO_N ( (nm, dt, ldid, disp, findex) )
    PROTO_T ( char *nm X diag_type dt X exp ldid X long disp X long findex )
                            /* output appropriate rubbish to symbol
                               table to indicate the declaration of a
                               local identifier, nm, defined by id,
                               displaced by disp; findex is the index
                               of the file containing the declaration.
                                The text below gives o/p for
                               identifiers allocated in registers; in
                               fact, with current translator, none are
                               used by stab_local. I don't even know
                               whether the MIPS dbx can actually use
                               them. */
  long  fs = frame_size >> 3;
  exp id = son(ldid);
  short   sc;
  long  v;
  if (name (id) == ident_tag) {
    if ((props (id) & defer_bit) == 0) {
      if ((props (id) & inreg_bits) != 0) {
        sc = scRegister;
        v = no (id);
        if (as_file)
          x (fprintf (as_file, " # %s is in $%ld\n", nm, v));
        if ((props (id) & infreg_bits) != 0) {
          sc = scRegister;
          v = (no (id) << 1) + float_register;
          if (as_file)
            x (fprintf (as_file, " # %s is in $f%ld\n", nm, v - float_register));
        else {
          v = ((no (id) & ~0x3f) >> 4) + (locals_offset >> 3) + disp / 8 - fs;
          sc = scAbs;
          if (as_file)
            x (fprintf (as_file,
                  " # %s is in %ld($fp)  == %ld($29)\n", nm,
                  v, v + fs));

      IGNORE new_lsym_d (nm, v, (isparam(id))?stParam :stLocal, sc, dt, findex);
    else {
      exp sn = son (id);
      long  d = disp;
      while (sn != nilexp) {
        switch (name(sn)) {
          case name_tag:
              disp = d + no (sn);
              id = son (sn);
              if (isvar (id)) dt = dt->data.ptr.object;
              goto again;
          case reff_tag: {
              d += no (sn);
              sn = son (sn);
          case cont_tag: {
              sn = son (sn);


void output_diag
    PROTO_N ( (d, proc_no, e) )
    PROTO_T ( diag_info *d X int proc_no X exp e )
    exp x;
    if (d->key == DIAG_INFO_SOURCE) {
        sourcemark * s = & d->data.source.beg;
        int f = find_file(s->file->file.ints.chars);
        stabd(f, s->line_no.nat_val.small_nat);
    if (d->key != DIAG_INFO_ID) return;
    x = d->data.id_scope.access;
    if (isglob(son(x)) || no(son(x))==1) return;
            /* can't output global values as local names in dbx
                 && not only diag use */
    if (props(e) & 0x80) {
        stabd(currentfile, currentlno+1); /* don't have proper lineno */

    stab_local(d->data.id_scope.nme.ints.chars, d->data.id_scope.typ,
    if (last_param(son(x))) {
        stabd(currentfile, currentlno+1); /* don't have proper lineno */


void output_end_scope
    PROTO_N ( (d, e) )
    PROTO_T ( diag_info *d X exp e )
    if (d->key == DIAG_INFO_SOURCE) {
        sourcemark * s = & d->data.source.end;
        int f = find_file(s->file->file.ints.chars);
        long lno = s->line_no.nat_val.small_nat;
        stabd(f, lno);
    if (d -> key == DIAG_INFO_ID && props(e) & 0x80) {

        The following procs are concerned with expressing TDF
        types as dbx types.  The possible circularity of types and
        the vagaries of the type representation contribute to their

typedef struct {
  char *n;
  long  v;
  int   st;
  int   sc;
  diag_type s;
}               tsym;
static int  notsyms = 0;
static int  nexttsym = 0;
static  tsym * ats = (tsym *) 0;
 /* used to accumulate all the type reprs arising from shapes in the
    program by calling addtsym .... */

void addtsym
    PROTO_N ( (n ,v, st, sc, s) )
    PROTO_T ( char *n X long v X int st X int sc X diag_type s )
  tsym * a;
  if (nexttsym >= notsyms) {
    ats = (tsym *) xrealloc ((char *) ats, (nexttsym + 100) * sizeof (tsym));
    notsyms = nexttsym + 100;
  a = &ats[nexttsym++];
  a -> n = n;
  a -> v = v;
  a -> st = st;
  a -> sc = sc;
  a -> s = s;

typedef struct {
  diag_type sutype;
  int   symindex;
}               shauxt;
static int  noshaux = 0;
int   nextshaux = 0;
shauxt * shaux = (shauxt *) 0;
 /* used to remember all the indexes into the auxilliary symbol table for
    all the shapes in the program */

bool eq_sutype
    PROTO_N ( (a, b) )
    PROTO_T ( diag_type a X diag_type b )
   diag_field_list  fa;
   diag_field_list  fb;
   int j;
   if (a==b) return 1;
   if (a->key != b->key) return 0;
   if (a->key != DIAG_TYPE_STRUCT && a->key != DIAG_TYPE_UNION) return 0;
   if (strcmp(a->data.t_struct.nme.ints.chars, b->data.t_struct.nme.ints.chars))
        return 0;
   fa = a->data.t_struct.fields;
   fb = b->data.t_struct.fields;
   if (fa->lastused != fb->lastused) return 0;
   for(j=fa->lastused-1; j>=0; j--) {
       diag_field sfa = (fa->array)[j];
       diag_field sfb = (fb->array)[j];
       if (strcmp(sfa->field_name.ints.chars, sfb->field_name.ints.chars))
                return 0;
   return eq_shape(a->data.t_struct.tdf_shape, b->data.t_struct.tdf_shape);

long  find_aux
    PROTO_N ( (s) )
    PROTO_T ( diag_type s /* struct or union shape */ )
                                /* finds the index into the auxilliary
                                   table for type s */
  int   i;
  for (i = 0; i < nextshaux; i++) {
    if (eq_sutype(s, shaux[i].sutype) )
      return shaux[i].symindex;
  return - 1;

static  void addaux
    PROTO_N ( (s, ind) )
    PROTO_T ( diag_type s X int ind )
                                /* remembers ind as index into aux table
                                   for shape s */
          shauxt * x;
  if (nextshaux >= noshaux) {
    shaux =
      (shauxt *) xrealloc ((char *) shaux, (nextshaux + 10) * sizeof (shauxt));
  x = &shaux[nextshaux++];
  x -> sutype = s;
  x -> symindex = ind;

static diag_tagdef ** su_diags = (diag_tagdef**)0;
static long no_of_sus = 0;
static long leng_sus = 0;

    PROTO_Z ()
  diag_tagdef ** di = unit_ind_diagtags;
  unsigned long n = unit_no_of_diagtags;
  long i;
  long il = no_of_sus;

  for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
     diag_type d = di[i]->d_type;
     switch (d -> key)
        case DIAG_TYPE_STRUCT:
        case DIAG_TYPE_UNION: {
            int j;
            for(j=0; j < il; j++) {
               if (eq_sutype(d, su_diags[j]->d_type)) break;
            if (j!=il) break;
            if (no_of_sus >= leng_sus) {
                su_diags = (diag_tagdef**)xrealloc(su_diags,
                                (leng_sus+=20)*sizeof(diag_tagdef*) );
            su_diags[no_of_sus++] = di[i];
        default: break;

void stab_types
    PROTO_Z ()
{               /* outputs symbol table info for all
                   struct & union  in program */
  int   i;
  int   firsts = get_sym_index (mainfile);

  for (i = 0; i < no_of_sus; ++i) {/* treat struct shapes */
    int   j;
    diag_tagdef * sc = su_diags[i];
    switch (sc->d_type->key) {
        case DIAG_TYPE_STRUCT: case DIAG_TYPE_UNION: {
           diag_field_list  fields = sc->d_type->data.t_struct.fields;
           shape s = sc->d_type->data.t_struct.tdf_shape;
           char * nme = sc->d_type->data.t_struct.nme.ints.chars;
           addaux(sc->d_type, nexttsym+firsts);
           addtsym(nme, shape_size(s)>>3, stBlock, scInfo, sc->d_type);
           for(j=fields->lastused-1; j>=0; j--) {
                diag_field sf = (fields->array)[j];
                addtsym(sf->field_name.ints.chars, no(sf->where), stMember, scInfo, sf->field_type);
        default: ;
    addtsym ("", 0, stEnd, scInfo, (diag_type)0);

  for (i = 0; i < nexttsym; i++) {/* output accumulated type info */
    tsym * t = &ats[i];
      IGNORE new_lsym (t -> n, t -> v, t -> st, t -> sc, t->s, mainfile);

  for (i = 0; i < unit_diagvar_tab.lastused; ++i) {/* associated names of types */
        diag_descriptor * dd = unit_diagvar_tab.array+i;
        if (dd->key == DIAG_TYPEDEF_KEY) {
           IGNORE new_lsym_d(dd->data.typ.nme.ints.chars, 0, stTypedef, scInfo,
                                dd->data.typ.new_type, mainfile);
  xfree (ats);