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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
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** ============
** This file contains the pl_tdf definitions of
** functions which perform floating-point to 64-bit
** integer conversions. Since there is a separate
** function for each rounding mode, code is going
** to be duplicated; for this reason, TDF tokens
** have been used:
** round_to_smaller: converts assuming 'towards_smaller'
** fixup_difference: makes any necessary correction
** The general format is as follows:
** i) Do error checking
** ii) Call 'round_to_smaller'
** iii) Make correction with 'fixup_difference
** (For the functions with rounding mode 'towards_smaller',
** there is no need to make a correction.)
#include ""
/* External declaration */
Iddec printf : proc; /* definition provided by ANSI library */
Iddec print_bignum : proc;
Iddec print_sbignum : proc;
/* TDFUshl is a C macro which is defined in the C file */
/* which implements the remaining functions in the 64- */
/* bit arithmetic library. TDFC then outputs it as a */
/* TDF token, which is used in this file. */
Tokdec TDFUshl : [EXP, EXP, EXP] EXP;
/* Tokens for handling Error Treatments */
/* DIV_ZERO_ERROR if distinct from OVERFLOW_ERROR, but the */
/* installers don't distinguish, so reflect this here. */
Vardec __TDFerror : Int;
Tokdef OVERFLOW_ERROR = [] EXP __TDFerror = -1(Int);
/* Tokdef DIV_ZERO_ERROR = [] EXP __TDFerror = 0(Int); */
Tokdef CLEAR_ERRORS = [] EXP __TDFerror = 1(Int);
/* Tokens for rounding floating-point number to TDF_INT64 */
/* (Some of these error treatments must be 'continue', */
/* and some of them may be 'impossible'.) */
Tokdef Sround_to_smaller = [new_int:EXP, x:EXP] EXP
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = round_with_mode (continue, toward_smaller, ~INT32,
floating_div (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = round_with_mode (continue, toward_smaller, ~UINT32,
floating_minus (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
floating_mult (impossible,
float_int(impossible, ~BigFloat,
hi_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
Tokdef Uround_to_smaller = [new_int:EXP, x:EXP] EXP
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = round_with_mode (continue, toward_smaller, ~UINT32,
floating_div (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = round_with_mode (continue, toward_smaller, ~UINT32,
floating_minus (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
floating_mult (impossible,
float_int(impossible, ~BigFloat,
hi_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
/* Tokens for making the correction */
Tokdef Sfixup_difference = [new_int:EXP, x:EXP, MODE:ROUNDING_MODE] EXP
Var new_float : BigFloat
Var difference : BigFloat
/* Construct the approximation */
new_float = floating_plus (impossible,
float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, lo_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
floating_mult (impossible,
float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, hi_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
difference = floating_minus (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
(* new_float));
? { ? { F? ((*(BigFloat) x) >= 0.0(~BigFloat));
? (1(~INT32) == round_with_mode (continue, MODE, ~INT32,
(* difference)) | L)
? (0(~INT32) == round_with_mode (continue, MODE, ~INT32,
floating_minus (impossible,
(* difference),
1.0(~BigFloat))) | L)
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = (lo_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] + 1(~UINT32));
? (lo_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] == 0(~UINT32) | L);
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = (hi_32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] + 1(~INT32))
| :L: /* answer is correct - do nothing */
Tokdef Ufixup_difference = [new_int:EXP, x:EXP, MODE:ROUNDING_MODE] EXP
Var new_float : BigFloat
Var difference : BigFloat
/* Construct the approximation */
new_float = floating_plus (impossible,
float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, lo_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
floating_mult (impossible,
float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, hi_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int]),
difference = floating_minus (impossible,
(*(BigFloat) x),
(* new_float));
? { ? (1(~UINT32) == round_with_mode (continue, MODE, ~UINT32,
* difference));
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = (lo_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] + 1(~UINT32));
? (lo_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] == 0(~UINT32));
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = (hi_u32[*(TDF_INT64) new_int] + 1(~UINT32));
make_top /* result is correct - do nothing */
/* Procedures for SIGNED conversions */
/* SIGNED round_towards_negative_infinity */
Proc __TDFUs_R2NINF = INT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x >= -9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat));
Sround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
return (PARAM [* new_int])
/* SIGNED round_towards_positive_infinity */
Proc __TDFUs_R2PINF = INT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x <= 9223372036854775807.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -9223372036854775809.0(~BigFloat));
? { F? (* x < -9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = -2147483648(~INT32);
Sround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Sfixup_difference [new_int, x, toward_larger];
return (PARAM [* new_int])
/* SIGNED round_to_nearest */
Proc __TDFUs_R2NEAR = INT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
/* Use a strict test here else result is undefined */
? { F? (* x < 9223372036854775807.5(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -9223372036854775807.5(~BigFloat));
? { F? (* x < -9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = -2147483648(~INT32);
Sround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Sfixup_difference [new_int, x, to_nearest];
return (PARAM[* new_int])
/* SIGNED round_to_zero */
Proc __TDFUs_R2ZERO = INT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -9223372036854775809.0(~BigFloat));
? { F? (* x < -9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = -2147483648(~INT32);
Sround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Sfixup_difference [new_int, x, toward_zero];
return (PARAM[* new_int])
/* SIGNED round_as_state */
Proc __TDFUs_ASSTATE = INT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -9223372036854775809.0(~BigFloat));
? { F? (* x < -9223372036854775808.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = -2147483648(~INT32);
Sround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Sfixup_difference [new_int, x, round_as_state];
return (PARAM[* new_int])
/* Procedures for UNSIGNED conversions */
/* UNSIGNED round_towards_negative_infinity */
Proc __TDFUu_R2NINF = UINT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 18446744073709551616.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x >= 0.0(~BigFloat))
Uround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
return (UPARAM[* new_int])
/* UNSIGNED round_towards_positive_infinity */
Proc __TDFUu_R2PINF = UINT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x <= 18446744073709551615.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -1.0(~BigFloat))
? { F? (* x < 0.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
Uround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Ufixup_difference [new_int, x, toward_larger];
return (UPARAM[* new_int])
/* UNSIGNED round_to_nearest */
Proc __TDFUu_R2NEAR = UINT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
/* Use a strict test here else result is undefined */
? { F? (* x < 18446744073709551615.5(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -0.5(~BigFloat))
? { F? (* x < 0.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
Uround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Ufixup_difference [new_int, x, to_nearest];
return (UPARAM[* new_int])
/* UNSIGNED round_to_zero */
Proc __TDFUu_R2ZERO = UINT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 18446744073709551616.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -1.0(~BigFloat))
? { F? (* x < 0.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
Uround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Ufixup_difference [new_int, x, toward_zero];
return (UPARAM[* new_int])
/* UNSIGNED round_as_state */
Proc __TDFUu_ASSTATE = UINT64 (x:BigFloat)
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
? { F? (* x < 18446744073709551616.0(~BigFloat));
F? (* x > -1.0(~BigFloat))
? { F? (* x < 0.0(~BigFloat)); /* cannot round down */
(new_int *+. .lo_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
(new_int *+. .hi_u32) = 0(~UINT32);
Uround_to_smaller [new_int, x];
Ufixup_difference [new_int, x, round_as_state];
return (UPARAM[* new_int])
** __TDFUs_float
** Ian Currie suggested this, and I think it works:
** The identity:
** a = 2^32 * lo(a) + lo(a)
** holds for all a.
** When a is negative, there is no loss of accuracy
** due to loss of relative accuracy since both numbers
** are stored exactly and as long as truncation doesn't
** occur, the result will be exact. Truncation itself
** might theoretically be a problem: consider
** (0xf8000000, n) (where n!=0)
** Here, the significant word is: -0x8000000, so the
** calculation:
** -0x8000000 * 2^32 + n
** discards a certain number of bits when n is
** denormalised before the addition. On the other
** hand, by converting the number to a positive value
** before doing the conversion, it becomes:
** 0x7ffffff * 2^32 + (2^32-n)
** The number of bits discarded from (2^32-n) is one
** less than the number discarded above from n, and so
** this appears to give more accuracy in the result.
** However, this does not seem to occur in practice.
/* None of the floating-point operations here will overflow */
Proc __TDFUs_float = BigFloat (param_a:INT64)
Var a : TDF_INT64
(a *+. .PARAM) = (* param_a);
Let lo_float = float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, lo_32[* a])
Let hi_float = float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, hi_32[* a])
return (floating_plus (impossible,
floating_mult (impossible,
** __TDFUu_float
** No errors here since each 64-bit integer is
** representable by a 'BIG_FLOAT'.
Proc __TDFUu_float = BigFloat (param_a:UINT64)
Var a : TDF_INT64
(a *+. .UPARAM) = (* param_a);
Let lo_float = float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, lo_u32[* a])
Let hi_float = float_int (impossible, ~BigFloat, hi_u32[* a])
return (floating_plus (impossible,
floating_mult (impossible,
** __TDFUs_shl:
** If n=64, the result overflows unless a=0.
** Otherwise, checks that the top (n+1) bits
** are identical - necessary to avoid overflow.
** Implements an unsigned shift.
Proc __TDFUs_shl = INT64 (param_a:INT64, n:UINT32)
Var a : TDF_INT64
(a *+. .PARAM) = (* param_a);
? { ? ((* n) == 0(~UINT32));
return (* param_a)
? { ? ((* n) > 63(~UINT32)); /* This is undefined */
? { ? (lo_32[* a] == 0(~UINT32)); /* unless a = 0 */
? (hi_32[* a] == 0(~INT32));
return (PARAM[const_0])
make_top /* 0 <= n < 64 */
Labelled {
? ((* n) !< 32(~UINT32) | L_small_shift);
? (hi_32[* a] !> 0(~INT32) | L_overflow);
? (hi_32[* a] !< -1(~INT32) | L_overflow);
? (shift_right (change_variety (continue, ~INT32, lo_32[* a]),
63(~UINT32) - (* n)) == hi_32[* a] | L_overflow)
| :L_small_shift:
? (hi_32[* a] == shift_right (shift_left (continue,
hi_32[* a], (* n)), (* n)) | L_overflow)
| :L_overflow:
TDFUshl [a, (* a), (* n)];
return (PARAM[* a])
Proc __TDFUs_shr = INT64 (param_a:INT64, n:UINT32)
Var a : TDF_INT64
Var new_int : TDF_INT64
(a *+. .PARAM) = (* param_a);
? { ? (* n >= 32(~UINT32));
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = change_variety (impossible, ~UINT32,
shift_right (hi_32[* a], (* n) - 32(~UINT32)));
? { ? (hi_32[* a] < 0(~INT32));
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = -1(~INT32)
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = 0(~INT32)
(new_int *+. .lo_32) = or (shift_right (lo_32[* a], (* n)),
change_variety (impossible, ~UINT32,
shift_left(continue, hi_32[* a],
32(~UINT32) - (* n))));
(new_int *+. .hi_32) = shift_right (hi_32[* a], (* n))
return (PARAM[* new_int])
__TDFUs_float, __TDFUu_float, __TDFUs_shl, __TDFUs_shr )