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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
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to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
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This file assumes that the parameters to the functions defined here are
64-bit integers:
Tokdef INT64 = [] SHAPE integer (var_width(true, 64));
Tokdef UINT64 = [] SHAPE integer (var_width(false, 64));
If it required that structures be passed, changing these tokens definitions
Tokdef INT64 = [] SHAPE STRUCT_64;
Tokdef UINT64 = [] SHAPE USTRUCT_64;
(and putting them in an appropriate place further down the file) should
produce the required behaviour.
** abstract.pl
** This file contains PL_TDF token definitions which
** are declare in the PL_TDF file abstract.ph.
/* Define the generic 32-bit signed and unsigned types */
Tokdef ~INT32 = [] VARIETY var_width (true, 32);
Tokdef INT32 = [] SHAPE integer(~INT32);
Tokdef ~UINT32 = [] VARIETY var_width (false, 32);
Tokdef UINT32 = [] SHAPE integer(~UINT32);
/* Define the new types for 64-bit integers and */
/* Macros for extracting the high- and low-32 bits */
Tokdef INT64 = [] SHAPE integer (var_width(true, 64));
Tokdef UINT64 = [] SHAPE integer (var_width(false, 64));
/* Define the widest floating variety - not possibe in C */
/* These are defined in the target-dependent tokens library */
Tokdec .~rep_fv : [NAT] FLOATING_VARIETY;
Tokdec .~rep_fv_width : [NAT] NAT;
Tokdec rep_fv : [NAT] FLOATING_VARIETY;
Tokdef rep_fv = [n:NAT] FLOATING_VARIETY
FLOATING_VARIETY ? ( ? { ? ((+ .~rep_fv_width [
computed_nat(1(Int) + (+ n(Int)))] (Int)) == 0(Int));
.~rep_fv [n],
rep_fv [computed_nat(1(Int) + (+ n(Int)))]
Tokdef ~BigFloat = [] FLOATING_VARIETY rep_fv [1];
Tokdef BigFloat = [] SHAPE floating(~BigFloat);
/* Macros for extracting the high- and low-32 bits */
/* (These necessarily differ from the C equivalents) */
/* This is a boolean preserved by the .c files */
Tokdec BIGEND_INT64 : [] EXP;
Tokdef s1 = [] SHAPE SHAPE ? ( BIGEND_INT64, INT32, UINT32 );
Tokdef s2 = [] SHAPE SHAPE ? ( BIGEND_INT64, UINT32, INT32 );
Struct STRUCT_64 (x1 : s1, x2 : s2 );
Struct STRUCT_U64 (x3 : UINT32, x4 : UINT32 );
Tokdef hi_32 = [a:EXP] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, x1[a], x2[a]);
Tokdef lo_32 = [a:EXP] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, x2[a], x1[a]);
Tokdef hi_u32 = [a:EXP] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, x3[a], x4[a]);
Tokdef lo_u32 = [a:EXP] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, x4[a], x3[a]);
Tokdef .hi_32 = [] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, .x1, .x2);
Tokdef .lo_32 = [] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, .x2, .x1);
Tokdef .hi_u32 = [] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, .x3, .x4);
Tokdef .lo_u32 = [] EXP EXP ? ( BIGEND_INT64, .x4, .x3);
Struct STRUCT_64 (hi_32 : INT32, lo_32 : UINT32 );
Struct STRUCT_U64 (hi_u32 : UINT32, lo_u32 : UINT32 );
Struct Union64 ( PARAM : INT64);
Struct UnionU64 (UPARAM : UINT64);
Tokdef TDF_INT64 = [] SHAPE
compound (shape_offset(INT64) .max. shape_offset(STRUCT_64));
/* 64-bit constants used in the implementation */
Tokdef const_0 = [] EXP
Cons [shape_offset(TDF_INT64)] (.lo_32: 0(~UINT32), .hi_32: 0(~INT32));
Tokdef const_u0 = [] EXP
Cons [shape_offset(TDF_INT64)] (.lo_u32: 0(~UINT32), .hi_u32: 0(~INT32));
Tokdef const_1 = [] EXP
Cons [shape_offset(TDF_INT64)] (.lo_32: 1(~UINT32), .hi_32: 0(~INT32));
Tokdef const_u1 = [] EXP
Cons [shape_offset(TDF_INT64)] (.lo_u32: 1(~UINT32), .hi_u32: 0(~INT32));
Keep ( ~INT32, ~UINT32, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64, TDF_INT64,
~BigFloat, BigFloat, PARAM, .PARAM, UPARAM, .UPARAM,
hi_32, lo_32, hi_u32, lo_u32, .hi_32, .lo_32, .hi_u32, .lo_u32,
const_0, const_u0, const_1, const_u1)
Generated by GNU Enscript 1.6.6.