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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
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    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
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/**** error.h --- Error reporting.
 ** Author: Steve Folkes <>
 **** Commentary:
 ***=== INTRODUCTION =========================================================
 * This file specifies the interface to an error message reporting facility.
 * This facility allows for named errors, with variables (called tags) inside
 * the error messages.  This allows the messages to be redefined (e.g.  in a
 * different language) with the variable components of the message in a
 * different order.
 * In addition to the error mesage support, this facility also provides
 * support for named strings whose text may be redefined.  This is useful for
 * allowing the text of help messages to be redefined.
 ***=== TYPES ================================================================
 ** Type:       EseverityT
 ** Type:       EseverityP
 *                    ERROR_SEVERITY_INTERNAL}
 * This is the error severity level type.  The lowest error severity is
 * ``ERROR_SEVERITY_INFORMATION'', which is used for information messages (not
 * normally printed out).  The highest severity of error is
 * ``ERROR_SEVERITY_INTERNAL'' which is used for internal program errors.
 ** Type:       ETagT
 ** Type:       ETagP
 ** Repr:       <private>
 * This is the error tag type.  A tag is used to represent a variable inside
 * an error message, such as the file name in which the error occured.  A
 * string of the form "${tag name}" inside an error message is replaced by the
 * tag of the same name.
 ** Type:       ErrorListT
 ** Type:       ErrorListP
 ** Repr:       <private>
 * This is used by the error type.
 ** Type:       ErrorT
 ** Type:       ErrorP
 ** Repr:       <private>
 * This is the error type.
 ** Type:       EStringT
 ** Type:       EStringP
 ** Repr:       <private>
 * This is the named string type.
 ** Type:       ErrorProcP
 ** Repr:       void (*) PROTO_S ((OStreamP, ETagP, GenericP))
 * This is the type of a procedure that is used to display the contents of a
 * tag when reporting an error.
 ** Type:       ErrorInitProcP
 ** Repr:       void (*) PROTO_S ((void))
 * This is the type of the procedure that will be called to define all of the
 * error messages for the current program.
 ** Type:       ETagDataT
 ** Type:       ETagDataP
 ** Repr:       union {CStringP name; ETagP tag;}
 * This is the type of an element in a vector of error tags to be passed to
 * the ``error_intern_tags'' function.  The vector should be initialised with
 * the tag names (surrounded by the ``UB'' and ``UE'' macros for union
 * initialisation), terminated by the ``ERROR_END_TAG_LIST'' macro, e.g.
 *      static ETagDataT tags [] = {
 *          UB "tag 1" UE,
 *          UB "tag 2" UE,
 *          ERROR_END_TAG_LIST
 *      };
 * Once the ``error_intern_tags'' function has been called, the ``tag'' field
 * should be used to access the tag object.
 ** Type:       ErrorDataT
 ** Type:       ErrorDataP
 ** Repr:       union {struct {CStringP name; EseverityP severity;
 *                             CStringP message; GenericP data;} s;
 *                     ErrorP error;}
 * This is the type of an element in a vector of errors to be passed to the
 * ``error_intern_errors'' function.  The vector should be initialised with
 * the error names, severity levels, message text, and a pointer to a
 * non-function object (all surrounded by the ``UB'' and ``UE'' macros for
 * union initialisation).  The vector should be terminated by the
 * ``ERROR_END_ERROR_LIST'' macro, e.g.
 *      static ErrorDataT errors [] = {
 *          UB {
 *              "error 1", ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR,
 *              "error 1 occured at line ${line}", NIL (GenericP)
 *          } UE, ERROR_END_ERROR_LIST
 *      };
 * Once the ``error_intern_errors'' function has been called, the ``error''
 * field should be used to access the error object.
 ** Type:       EStringDataT
 ** Type:       EStringDataP
 ** Repr:       union {struct {CStringP name; CStringP contents;} s;
 *                     EStringP estring;}
 * This is the type of an element in a vector of named strings to be passed to
 * the ``error_intern_strings'' function.  The vector should be initialised
 * with the string names and contents (all surrounded by the ``UB'' and ``UE''
 * macros for union initialisation).  The vector should be terminated by the
 * ``ERROR_END_STRING_LIST'' macro, e.g.
 *      static EStringDataT strings [] = {
 *          UB {"string name", "string contents"} UE,
 *      };
 * Once the ``error_intern_strings'' function has been called, the ``estring''
 * field should be used to access the error string object.
 ** Type:       ErrorStatusT
 ** Type:       ErrorStatusP
 *                    ERROR_STATUS_BAD_ERROR}
 * This is the return type of the ``error_redefine_error'' function.
 ***=== FUNCTIONS ============================================================
 ** Function:   void                    error_init
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP program, ErrorInitProcP proc))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function initialises the error reporting mechanism.  It should only be
 * called once, at the start of the program.  The basename of the program
 * string is used as the program name, for the "${program name}" tag. The
 * procedure is registered as the error initialisation procedure.  The error
 * initialisation procedure should be called once before attempting to report
 * errors.  The best way of doing this, is to call the
 * ``error_call_init_proc'' function which guarantees to only call the
 * function once.  Note that the error initialisation procedure is not
 * expected to be used to initialise named strings: these should be explicitly
 * initialised before they are used.
 ** Function:   void                    error_call_init_proc
 *                      PROTO_S ((void))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This calls the error initialisation procedure if it has not already been
 * called.  This function should be called before ``error_report'' (actually,
 * it should be called before the error value that will be passed to that
 * function is accessed).
 ** Function:   ETagP                   error_define_tag
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function defines a tag with the specified name, and returns it.  The
 * name should not be modified or deallocated.  It is possible to define the
 * same tag more than once (but the same value will be returned each time).
 ** Function:   ErrorP                  error_define_error
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name, ESeverityT severity,
 *                                CStringP message, GenericP data))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function defines an error with the specified name, and returns it.
 * The name should not be modified or deallocated.  The severity level is used
 * to decide whether or not an error should be shown and whether or not the
 * program should abort, when the ``error_report'' function is called.  The
 * message is split up into a list of strings and tags, which will be printed
 * when the error is reported (the sequence "${tag name}" will be replaced by
 * the value of the tag when the error is reported).  The data is for use by
 * the program.
 ** Function:   void                    error_intern_tags
 *                      PROTO_S ((ETagDataP vector))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function changes the name entries in the specified vector into error
 * tags.  The vector should be terminated by the macro ``ERROR_END_TAG_LIST''.
 * This function should only be called once on any vector.
 ** Function:   void                    error_intern_errors
 *                      PROTO_S ((ErrorDataP vector))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function changes the name entries in the specified vector into errors.
 * The vector should be terminated by the macro ``ERROR_END_ERROR_LIST''.
 * This function should only be called once on any vector.
 ** Function:   ErrorStatusT            error_redefine_error
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name, CStringP message))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function changes the error message for the error with the specified
 * name.  If necessary, the error initialisation procedure will be called to
 * initialise the errors before they are redefined.  If the error does not
 * exist, the function will return ``ERROR_STATUS_BAD_ERROR''.  If the error
 * message contains an unterminated tag, the function will return
 * ``ERROR_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE''.  If the function succeeds, it will return
 ** Function:   ErrorP                  error_lookup_error
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the error with the specified name.  If the error does
 * not exist, it returns the null pointer.  If necessary, the error
 * initialisation procedure will be called to initialise the error messages
 * before they are looked up.
 ** Function:   GenericP                error_data
 *                      PROTO_S ((ErrorP error))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the data associated with the specified error.
 ** Function:   void                    error_report
 *                      PROTO_S ((ErrorP error, ErrorProcP proc,
 *                                GenericP closure))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory, XX_ostream_write_error
 * This function reports the specified error.  The procedure is used to print
 * out information for tags.  It is called with the output stream, the tag and
 * the specified closure.  If the procedure doesn't know about the tag, it
 * should ignore it.  The error message is only reported if the severity level
 * of the error is greater than or equal to the minimum severity level set by
 * the ``error_set_min_severity'' function.  The function will cause the
 * program to exit if the error's severity level is ``ERROR_SEVERITY_FATAL''
 * or higher.
 ** Function:   void                    error_set_min_report_severity
 *                      PROTO_S ((ESeverityT severity))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function sets the minimum severity of error that should be reported.
 ** Function:   ESeverityT              error_get_min_report_severity
 *                      PROTO_S ((void))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the minimum severity of error that will be reported.
 ** Function:   ESeverityT              error_max_reported_severity
 *                      PROTO_S ((void))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the severity of the error with the highest severity
 * that has been passed to ``error_report''.
 ** Function:   void                    error_set_severity_message
 *                      PROTO_S ((ESeverityT severity, CStringP message))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function sets the message to be displayed when the "${severity}" tag
 * is encountered for the specified severity.  Tags are not expanded in the
 * message. The message should not be modified or deallocated.
 ** Function:   BoolT                   error_set_prefix_message
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP message))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function sets the error message prefix string.  This string is output
 * by ``error_display'' before outputting any actual error message.  Tags are
 * expanded, but only for the standard tags: "${program name}", "${severity}",
 * "${dollar}", "${this error name}", "${open brace}", and "${close brace}".
 * All other tags will be ignored.  The function returns true if the message
 * was valid, and false if there was an unterminated tag in the message.
 ** Function:   EStringP                error_define_string
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name, CStringP contents))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function defines a named string with the specified name, and assigns
 * it the specified contents.  Neither the name nor the contents should be
 * modified or deallocated.  No tag splitting is performed on the contents.
 ** Function:   void                    error_intern_strings
 *                      PROTO_S ((EStringDataP vector))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function changes the name and contents entries in the specified vector
 * into named strings.  The vector should be terminated by the macro
 * ``ERROR_END_STRING_LIST''.  This function should only be called once on any
 * vector.
 ** Function:   BoolT                   error_redefine_string
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name, CStringP contents))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory
 * This function changes the contents of the named string with the specified
 * name.  If the name does not exist, the function returns false, otherwise it
 * returns true.
 ** Function:   EStringP                error_lookup_string
 *                      PROTO_S ((CStringP name))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the named string with the specified name.  If the
 * named string does not exist, the function returns the null pointer.
 ** Function:   CStringP                error_string_contents
 *                      PROTO_S ((EStringP estring))
 ** Exceptions:
 * This function returns the contents of the specified named string.  The
 * returned string should not be modified or deallocated.
 ** Function:   void                    write_error_file
 *                      PROTO_S ((OStreamP ostream))
 ** Exceptions: XX_dalloc_no_memory, XX_ostream_write_error
 * This function writes out an error file (in the same format as parsed by the
 * functions in "error-file.[ch]") to the specified ostream.
 ***=== MACROS ===============================================================
 ** Macro:      ERROR_END_TAG_LIST
 ** Exceptions:
 * This macro should form the last entry in a vector of ``ETagDataT'' objects.
 ** Macro:      ERROR_END_ERROR_LIST
 ** Exceptions:
 * This macro should form the last entry in a vector of ``ErrorDataT''
 * objects.
 ** Exceptions:
 * This macro should form the last entry in a vector of ``EStringDataT''
 * objects.
 **** Change log:
 * $Log: error.h,v $
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:57:17  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
 * Revision 1.2  1994/12/12  11:44:43  smf
 * Performing changes for 'CR94_178.sid+tld-update' - bringing in line with
 * OSSG C Coding Standards.
 * Revision  1994/07/25  16:05:51  smf
 * Initial import of library shared files.


#ifndef H_ERROR
#define H_ERROR

#include "os-interface.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "dstring.h"
#include "ostream.h"


#ifdef FS_NO_ENUM
typedef int ESeverityT, *ESeverityP;
#define ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING          (1)
#define ERROR_SEVERITY_ERROR            (2)
#define ERROR_SEVERITY_FATAL            (3)
#define ERROR_SEVERITY_INTERNAL         (4)
typedef enum {
} ESeverityT, *ESeverityP;    
#endif /* defined (FS_NO_ENUM) */

typedef struct ETagT {
    struct ETagT               *next;
    CStringP                    name;
} ETagT, *ETagP;

typedef struct ErrorListT {
    struct ErrorListT          *next;
#ifdef FS_NO_ENUM
    int                         tag;
#define ERROR_TAG_STRING        (0)
#define ERROR_TAG_TAG           (1)
    enum {
    }                           tag;
#endif /* defined (FS_NO_ENUM) */
    union {
        NStringT                string;
        ETagP                   tag;
    } u;
} ErrorListT, *ErrorListP;

typedef struct ErrorT {
    struct ErrorT              *next;
    CStringP                    name;
    ESeverityT                  severity;
    ErrorListP                  error_list;
    GenericP                    data;
} ErrorT, *ErrorP;

typedef struct EStringT {
    struct EStringT            *next;
    CStringP                    name;
    CStringP                    contents;
} EStringT, *EStringP;

typedef void (*ErrorProcP) PROTO_S ((OStreamP, ETagP, GenericP));
typedef void (*ErrorInitProcP) PROTO_S ((void));
typedef UNION ETagDataT {
    CStringP                    name;
    ETagP                       tag;
} ETagDataT, *ETagDataP;
typedef UNION ErrorDataT {
    struct {
        CStringP                name;
        ESeverityT              severity;
        CStringP                message;
        GenericP                data;
    } s;
    ErrorP                      error;
} ErrorDataT, *ErrorDataP;
typedef UNION EStringDataT {
    struct {
        CStringP                name;
        CStringP                contents;
    } s;
    EStringP                    estring;
} EStringDataT, *EStringDataP;

#ifdef FS_NO_ENUM
typedef int ErrorStatusT, *ErrorStatusP;
#define ERROR_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE        (0)
#define ERROR_STATUS_SUCCESS            (1)
#define ERROR_STATUS_BAD_ERROR          (2)
typedef enum {
} ErrorStatusT, *ErrorStatusP;
#endif /* defined (FS_NO_ENUM) */


extern void                     error_init
        PROTO_S ((CStringP, ErrorInitProcP));
extern void                     error_call_init_proc
        PROTO_S ((void));
extern ETagP                    error_define_tag
        PROTO_S ((CStringP));
extern ErrorP                   error_define_error
        PROTO_S ((CStringP, ESeverityT, CStringP, GenericP));
extern void                     error_intern_tags
        PROTO_S ((ETagDataP));
extern void                     error_intern_errors
        PROTO_S ((ErrorDataP));
extern ErrorStatusT             error_redefine_error
        PROTO_S ((CStringP, CStringP));
extern ErrorP                   error_lookup_error
        PROTO_S ((CStringP));
extern GenericP                 error_data
        PROTO_S ((ErrorP));
extern void                     error_report
        PROTO_S ((ErrorP, ErrorProcP, GenericP));
extern void                     error_set_min_report_severity
        PROTO_S ((ESeverityT));
extern ESeverityT               error_get_min_report_severity
        PROTO_S ((void));
extern ESeverityT               error_max_reported_severity
        PROTO_S ((void));
extern void                     error_set_severity_message
        PROTO_S ((ESeverityT, CStringP));
extern BoolT                    error_set_prefix_message
        PROTO_S ((CStringP));
extern EStringP                 error_define_string
        PROTO_S ((CStringP, CStringP));
extern void                     error_intern_strings
        PROTO_S ((EStringDataP));
extern BoolT                    error_redefine_string
        PROTO_S ((CStringP, CStringP));
extern EStringP                 error_lookup_string
        PROTO_S ((CStringP));
extern CStringP                 error_string_contents
        PROTO_S ((EStringP));

extern void                     write_error_file
        PROTO_S ((OStreamP));


UB {NIL (CStringP), (ESeverityT) 0, NIL (CStringP), NIL (GenericP)} UE
#define ERROR_END_STRING_LIST UB {NIL (CStringP), NIL (CStringP)} UE

#endif /* !defined (H_ERROR) */
 * Local variables(smf):
 * eval: (include::add-path-entry "../os-interface" "../generated")
 * end: