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/*** rule-factor.c --- Factorisation of rules.
** Author: Steve Folkes <>
*** Commentary:
* This file implements the SID factorisation routines.
* The factorisation process consists of the following phases:
* 1. The rule is reordered so that alternatives with the same initial item
* are grouped together, for example the rule:
* A = x A,
* x B,
* y A,
* z A,
* y B;
* would be reordered to:
* A = x A,
* x B,
* y A,
* y B,
* z A;
* and three groups would have been created:
* x A, x B
* y A, y B
* z A
* Each group has its first set calculated (this is the union of the first
* sets of each of the alternatives in the group), and its priority. The
* priority of a group is one more than the priority of the rule with the
* highest priority in any of the group's alternatives, which is not preceded
* by an action. If there is no such rule, then the group's priority is one.
* The ``rule_group_by_initial_item'' function is responsible for this
* re-ordering. It uses the rule's alternative tail pointer (``alt_tail'') to
* indicate where in the rule it should start the grouping from. Nothing
* before this point is modified (it is assumed that it is already grouped).
* The pointer will always be restored to the end of the alternative list by
* the time this function returns.
* 2. Having split the rule up into groups, it then looks at each group to see
* if there are alternatives of the form:
* B C ...
* where "B" is a see through rule, and the first set of "B" contains some
* terminals from the first set of "C ...". If it finds any, it removes the
* group from the rule, and expands "B" in all alternatives in the group,
* putting the new alternatives at the end of the rule. It also looks for
* alternatives that begin with a rule which has a predicate in its first set,
* in which case it also expands the rule in all alternatives in the group.
* It then recomputes the groups for the new alternatives, and tries again.
* This phase and the next phase are implemented by the function
* ``rule_expand_item_clashes''. It is not possible to expand a rule that has
* an exception handler into another rule that has an exception handler
* (unless the exception handlers are identical).
* 3. The next phase is to check to see if any of the groups have common
* terminals in their first sets. If this is the case (and the first item in
* each alternative in at least one of the groups is a rule), then the group
* with the highest priority is removed from the rule, and the first item is
* expanded in all alternatives in the group, putting the new alternatives at
* the end of the rule. It then recalculates the groups for the new
* alternatives, and tries again.
* 4. The last stage is to change a group of the form:
* B C
* | B D
* into
* B X
* X = C
* | D
* where "X" is a newly created rule. The algorithm actually removes all
* initial items that are the same for all members of the group. It also
* performs renaming of the result names of the final item in the group of
* identical items if necessary.
* It is possible that this final stage of the factorization process will go
* on forever. To prevent this, there is a limit on the number of new rules
* that can be created. This stage of the factorisation process is
* implemented by the functions ``rule_factor_2'', ``rule_factor_3'', and
* ``rule_factor_4''.
* When the new rule is created, the ``rule_compute_first_set_1'' function is
* called to calculate its first set, whether or not it is see through and its
* priority. The new rules are created untraced, to ensure that the
* factorisation process will be applied to them as well.
*** Change Log:
* $Log: rule-factor.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:57:46 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.2 1994/12/15 09:58:37 smf
* Brought into line with OSSG C Coding Standards Document, as per
* "CR94_178.sid+tld-update".
* Revision 1994/07/25 16:04:38 smf
* Initial import of SID 1.8 non shared files.
#include "rule.h"
#include "basic.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "entry-list.h"
#include "gen-errors.h"
#include "types.h"
typedef struct AltGroupT {
struct AltGroupT *next;
BitVecT first_set;
EntryListT predicate_first;
unsigned priority;
AltP *alt_ref;
} AltGroupT, *AltGroupP;
typedef struct AltGroupListT {
AltGroupP head;
AltGroupP *tail;
} AltGroupListT, *AltGroupListP;
static unsigned rule_factor_limit = 1000;
static unsigned rule_overlaps
PROTO_S ((ItemP, BitVecP, EntryListP));
static AltGroupP
group_create PROTO_N ((item, alt_ref))
PROTO_T (ItemP item X
AltP *alt_ref)
AltGroupP group = ALLOCATE (AltGroupT);
group->next = NIL (AltGroupP);
bitvec_init (&(group->first_set));
entry_list_init (&(group->predicate_first));
group->priority = rule_overlaps (item, &(group->first_set),
group->alt_ref = alt_ref;
return (group);
static AltGroupP
group_deallocate PROTO_N ((group))
PROTO_T (AltGroupP group)
AltGroupP next = group->next;
bitvec_destroy (&(group->first_set));
entry_list_destroy (&(group->predicate_first));
return (next);
static unsigned
rule_overlaps PROTO_N ((initial_item, first_set, predicate_first))
PROTO_T (ItemP initial_item X
BitVecP first_set X
EntryListP predicate_first)
unsigned priority = 0;
BoolT see_through = TRUE;
BoolT no_action = TRUE;
ItemP item;
for (item = initial_item; see_through && (item != NIL (ItemP));
item = item_next (item)) {
switch (item_type (item)) EXHAUSTIVE {
ASSERT (item == initial_item);
entry_list_add_if_missing (predicate_first, item_entry (item));
see_through = FALSE;
no_action = FALSE;
case ET_RULE: {
EntryP entry = item_entry (item);
RuleP item_rule = entry_get_rule (entry);
unsigned item_priority = rule_get_priority (item_rule);
bitvec_or (first_set, rule_first_set (item_rule));
entry_list_append (predicate_first,
rule_predicate_first (item_rule));
see_through = rule_is_see_through (item_rule);
if ((item_priority > priority) && no_action) {
priority = item_priority;
case ET_BASIC: {
BasicP basic = entry_get_basic (item_entry (item));
see_through = FALSE;
bitvec_set (first_set, basic_terminal (basic));
case ET_NAME:
case ET_TYPE:
return (priority + 1);
static void
rule_group_by_initial_item PROTO_N ((rule, groups))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
AltGroupListP groups)
AltP *alt_ref = (rule->alt_tail);
AltP alt;
while ((alt = *alt_ref) != NIL (AltP)) {
ItemP item = alt_item_head (alt);
AltGroupP group;
for (group = groups->head; group; group = group->next) {
AltP *group_alt_ref = group->alt_ref;
ItemP alt_item = alt_item_head (*group_alt_ref);
if (((item_entry (item) == item_entry (alt_item)) &&
types_equal_numbers (item_param (item),
item_param (alt_item)) &&
types_equal_numbers (item_result (item),
item_result (alt_item))) ||
(item_is_rename (item) && item_is_rename (alt_item) &&
types_equal_names (item_param (item),
item_param (alt_item)) &&
types_equal_names (item_result (item),
item_result (alt_item)))) {
unsigned priority;
*alt_ref = alt_next (alt);
alt_set_next (alt, *group_alt_ref);
*group_alt_ref = alt;
priority = rule_overlaps (item, &(group->first_set),
if (priority > group->priority) {
group->priority = priority;
goto next_alt;
group = group_create (item, alt_ref);
*(groups->tail) = group;
groups->tail = &(group->next);
alt_ref = alt_next_ref (alt);
rule->alt_tail = alt_ref;
static void rule_factor_1
PROTO_S ((RuleP, FactorClosureP));
static void
rule_expand PROTO_N ((rule, closure, group, groups))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
FactorClosureP closure X
AltGroupP group X
AltGroupListP groups)
AltP alt = (*(group->alt_ref));
ItemP item = alt_item_head (alt);
RuleP item_rule = entry_get_rule (item_entry (item));
AltP handler = rule_get_handler (item_rule);
AltGroupP *last;
AltP *tail;
TypeTransT translator;
rule_factor_1 (item_rule, closure);
if (handler && (!alt_equal (handler, rule_get_handler (rule)))) {
E_factor_handler_mismatch (item_rule, rule);
if (!non_local_list_is_empty (rule_non_locals (item_rule))) {
E_factor_nl_entry (item_rule, rule);
for (last = &(groups->head); *last != group; last = &((*last)->next)) {
if (((*last) = (group->next)) != NIL (AltGroupP)) {
*(group->alt_ref) = *(group->next->alt_ref);
*(group->next->alt_ref) = NIL (AltP);
group->next->alt_ref = group->alt_ref;
} else {
groups->tail = last;
*(group->alt_ref) = NIL (AltP);
rule->alt_tail = group->alt_ref;
(void) group_deallocate (group);
tail = rule->alt_tail;
while (alt) {
AltP item_alt = rule_alt_head (item_rule);
SaveTransT state;
trans_init (&translator, rule_param (rule), rule_result (rule), alt);
trans_add_translations (&translator, rule_param (item_rule),
item_param (alt_item_head (alt)));
trans_add_translations (&translator, rule_result (item_rule),
item_result (alt_item_head (alt)));
trans_save_state (&translator, &state);
if (rule_has_empty_alt (item_rule)) {
AltP new_alt = alt_create_merge (NIL (ItemP),
item_next (alt_item_head (alt)),
&translator, closure->table);
*tail = new_alt;
tail = alt_next_ref (new_alt);
trans_restore_state (&translator, &state);
for (; item_alt; item_alt = alt_next (item_alt)) {
AltP new_alt = alt_create_merge (alt_item_head (item_alt),
item_next (alt_item_head (alt)),
&translator, closure->table);
*tail = new_alt;
tail = alt_next_ref (new_alt);
trans_restore_state (&translator, &state);
trans_destroy (&translator);
alt = alt_deallocate (alt);
static BoolT
rule_expand_item_clashes PROTO_N ((rule, closure, groups))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
FactorClosureP closure X
AltGroupListP groups)
BitVecP bitvec1 = &(closure->bitvec1);
BitVecP bitvec2 = &(closure->bitvec2);
AltGroupP group;
for (group = groups->head; group; group = group->next) {
AltGroupP group2;
AltP first_alt = (*(group->alt_ref));
ItemP item = alt_item_head (first_alt);
if (item_is_rule (item)) {
RuleP item_rule = entry_get_rule (item_entry (item));
if (!entry_list_is_empty (rule_predicate_first (item_rule))) {
rule_expand (rule, closure, group, groups);
return (TRUE);
} else if (rule_is_see_through (item_rule)) {
AltP alt = first_alt;
AltP end = NIL (AltP);
EntryListT predicate_first;
if (group->next) {
end = *(group->next->alt_ref);
bitvec_replace (bitvec1, rule_first_set (item_rule));
do {
bitvec_empty (bitvec2);
entry_list_init (&predicate_first);
(void) rule_overlaps (item_next (alt_item_head (alt)),
bitvec2, &predicate_first);
if (bitvec_intersects (bitvec1, bitvec2) ||
(!entry_list_is_empty (&predicate_first))) {
entry_list_destroy (&predicate_first);
rule_expand (rule, closure, group, groups);
return (TRUE);
entry_list_destroy (&predicate_first);
} while ((alt = alt_next (alt)) != end);
for (group2 = groups->head; group2; group2 = group2->next) {
if ((group2 != group) &&
(bitvec_intersects (&(group2->first_set),
&(group->first_set)))) {
if (group->priority > group2->priority) {
rule_expand (rule, closure, group, groups);
} else {
rule_expand (rule, closure, group2, groups);
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
static ItemP
rule_create_factored PROTO_N ((params, result, alt, table))
PROTO_T (TypeTupleP params X
TypeTupleP result X
AltP alt X
TableP table)
static unsigned factorised_rules = 0;
EntryP new_entry;
ItemP new_item;
RuleP new_rule;
if (factorised_rules == rule_factor_limit) {
E_too_many_factorisations (rule_factor_limit);
factorised_rules ++;
new_entry = table_add_generated_rule (table, FALSE);
new_rule = entry_get_rule (new_entry);
types_copy (rule_param (new_rule), params);
types_copy (rule_result (new_rule), result);
while (alt) {
AltP tmp_alt = alt;
alt = alt_next (alt);
alt_set_next (tmp_alt, NIL (AltP));
if (alt_item_head (tmp_alt)) {
rule_add_alt (new_rule, tmp_alt);
} else {
rule_add_empty_alt (new_rule);
(void) alt_deallocate (tmp_alt);
rule_compute_first_set_1 (new_rule);
new_item = item_create (new_entry);
types_assign (item_param (new_item), params);
types_assign (item_result (new_item), result);
types_make_references (rule_param (new_rule), item_param (new_item));
return (new_item);
static BoolT
rule_factor_4 PROTO_N ((rule, old_alt, new_alt, table, predicate_id, params,
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
AltP old_alt X
AltP new_alt X
TableP table X
EntryP predicate_id X
TypeTupleP params X
BoolP items_equal_ref)
ItemP old_item = alt_item_head (old_alt);
BoolT result_equal = TRUE;
AltP alt;
TypeBTransT translator;
for (alt = alt_next (old_alt); alt; alt = alt_next (alt)) {
ItemP item = alt_item_head (alt);
if (((item == NIL (ItemP)) && (old_item != NIL (ItemP))) ||
((item != NIL (ItemP)) && (old_item == NIL (ItemP)))) {
*items_equal_ref = FALSE;
return (TRUE);
} else if ((item == NIL (ItemP)) && (old_item == NIL (ItemP))) {
} else if (((item_entry (old_item) == item_entry (item)) &&
types_equal_numbers (item_param (old_item),
item_param (item)) &&
types_equal_numbers (item_result (old_item),
item_result (item))) ||
(item_is_rename (item) && item_is_rename (old_item) &&
types_equal_names (item_param (item),
item_param (old_item)) &&
types_equal_names (item_result (item),
item_result (old_item)))) {
if (result_equal) {
result_equal = types_equal_names (item_result (old_item),
item_result (item));
} else {
*items_equal_ref = FALSE;
return (TRUE);
if (old_item == NIL (ItemP)) {
*items_equal_ref = FALSE;
return (FALSE);
btrans_init (&translator);
for (alt = old_alt; alt; alt = alt_next (alt)) {
ItemP item = alt_unlink_item_head (alt);
if (!result_equal) {
ItemP new_item;
if (alt == old_alt) {
new_item = btrans_generate_non_pred_names (&translator,
item_result (item),
rule_result (rule),
types_translate (item_result (item), &translator);
} else {
new_item = btrans_regen_non_pred_names (&translator,
item_result (item),
rule_result (rule),
item_translate_list (alt_item_head (alt), &translator);
if (new_item) {
alt_add_item (alt, new_item);
if (alt == old_alt) {
types_add_new_names (params, item_result (item), predicate_id);
alt_add_item (new_alt, item);
} else {
(void) item_deallocate (item);
btrans_destroy (&translator);
return (TRUE);
static void
rule_factor_3 PROTO_N ((rule, table, predicate_id, old_alt, new_alt))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
TableP table X
EntryP predicate_id X
AltP old_alt X
AltP new_alt)
BoolT items_equal = TRUE;
BoolT found_items;
TypeTupleT params;
TypeTupleT result;
types_copy (¶ms, rule_param (rule));
types_copy (&result, rule_result (rule));
do {
found_items = rule_factor_4 (rule, old_alt, new_alt, table,
predicate_id, ¶ms, &items_equal);
} while (items_equal);
if (found_items) {
ItemP new_item;
types_unlink_used (&result, ¶ms);
types_unlink_unused (¶ms, old_alt);
new_item = rule_create_factored (¶ms, &result, old_alt, table);
alt_add_item (new_alt, new_item);
} else {
types_destroy (¶ms);
while (old_alt) {
AltP tmp_alt = old_alt;
old_alt = alt_next (old_alt);
ASSERT (alt_item_head (tmp_alt) == NIL (ItemP));
(void) alt_deallocate (tmp_alt);
static void
rule_factor_2 PROTO_N ((rule, table, predicate_id, groups))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
TableP table X
EntryP predicate_id X
AltGroupListP groups)
AltGroupP group;
for (group = groups->head; group; group = group_deallocate (group)) {
AltP alt = *(group->alt_ref);
AltP new_alt;
if (group->next) {
if (group->next->alt_ref == alt_next_ref (*(group->alt_ref))) {
goto done;
new_alt = alt_create ();
alt_set_next (new_alt, *(group->next->alt_ref));
*(group->next->alt_ref) = NIL (AltP);
group->next->alt_ref = alt_next_ref (new_alt);
} else {
if (alt_next (*(group->alt_ref)) == NIL (AltP)) {
goto done;
new_alt = alt_create ();
rule->alt_tail = alt_next_ref (new_alt);
*(group->alt_ref) = new_alt;
rule_factor_3 (rule, table, predicate_id, alt, new_alt);
static void
rule_factor_1 PROTO_N ((rule, closure))
PROTO_T (RuleP rule X
FactorClosureP closure)
AltGroupListT groups;
groups.head = NIL (AltGroupP);
groups.tail = &(groups.head);
if (rule_is_factored (rule)) {
rule_factored (rule);
rule->alt_tail = &(rule->alt_head);
do {
rule_renumber (rule, FALSE, closure->predicate_id);
rule_group_by_initial_item (rule, &groups);
} while (rule_expand_item_clashes (rule, closure, &groups));
rule_factor_2 (rule, closure->table, closure->predicate_id, &groups);
rule_factor PROTO_N ((entry, gclosure))
PROTO_T (EntryP entry X
GenericP gclosure)
FactorClosureP closure = (FactorClosureP) gclosure;
if (entry_is_rule (entry)) {
RuleP rule = entry_get_rule (entry);
rule_factor_1 (rule, closure);
rule_set_factor_limit PROTO_N ((limit))
PROTO_T (unsigned limit)
rule_factor_limit = limit;
* Local variables(smf):
* eval: (include::add-path-entry "../os-interface" "../library")
* eval: (include::add-path-entry "../generated")
* end: