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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997, 1998
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
        party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
        these conditions;
        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
        quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
        no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
        it may be put.


    This module contains the syntax for the C language.


    The types BOOL, COUNT and LEX are natural types arising from the
    parser.  The remaining types directly correspond to types within the
    main program, or composite types formed from them.


CV ;


    This list of terminals corresponds to that given in symbols.h.  It can
    be automatically generated using the routine sid_terminals defined in
    debug.c (q.v).


!unknown ;

/* Identifiers */
identifier : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
type-name : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
!namespace-name : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
statement-name : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
!destructor-name : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
!template-id : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
!template-type : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;

/* Nested name specifiers */
!nested-name : () -> ( :NAMESPACE ) ;
!full-name : () -> ( :NAMESPACE ) ;
!nested-name-star : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
!full-name-star : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;

/* Literals */
!char-lit ; !wchar-lit ; !string-lit ; !wstring-lit ; !integer-lit ;

/* Literal expressions */
char-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
wchar-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
string-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
wstring-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
integer-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
floating-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

/* Token applications */
complex-exp : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
complex-stmt : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
complex-type : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;

/* Target-dependent preprocessing directives */
hash-if : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
hash-elif : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
hash-else ;
hash-endif ;
hash-pragma ;

/* End of file markers */
!newline ; eof ;

/* Symbols */
and-1 ; and-eq-1 ; arrow ; assign ; !backslash ; close-brace-1 ;
close-round ; close-square-1 ; colon ; comma ; compl-1 ; div ; div-eq ;
dot ; ellipsis ; eq ; greater ; greater-eq ; !hash-1 ; !hash-hash-1 ;
less ; less-eq ; logical-and-1 ; logical-or-1 ; lshift ; lshift-eq ;
minus ; minus-eq ; minus-minus ; not-1 ; not-eq-1 ; open-brace-1 ;
open-round ; open-square-1 ; or-1 ; or-eq-1 ; plus ; plus-eq ; plus-plus ;
question ; rem ; rem-eq ; rshift ; rshift-eq ; semicolon ; star ;
star-eq ; xor-1 ; xor-eq-1 ; !arrow-star ; !colon-colon ; !dot-star ;
abs ; max ; min ;

/* Digraphs */
!close-brace-2 ; !close-square-2 ; !hash-2 ; !hash-hash-2 ;
!open-brace-2 ; !open-square-2 ;

/* C keywords */
auto ; break ; case ; char ; const ; continue ; default ; do ; double ;
else ; enum ; extern ; float ; for ; goto ; if ; int ; long ; register ;
return ; short ; signed ; sizeof ; static ; struct ; switch ; typedef ;
union ; unsigned ; void ; volatile ; while ;

/* C++ keywords */
asm ; !bool ; !catch ; !class ; !const-cast ; !delete ; !dynamic-cast ;
!explicit ; !export ; !false ; !friend ; inline ; !mutable ; !namespace ;
!new ; !operator ; !private ; !protected ; !public ; !reinterpret-cast ;
!static-cast ; !template ; !this ; !throw ; !true ; !try ; !typeid ;
!typename ; !using ; !virtual ; wchar-t ;

/* ISO keywords */
!and-2 ; !and-eq-2 ; !compl-2 ; !logical-and-2 ; !logical-or-2 ;
!not-2 ; !not-eq-2 ; !or-2 ; !or-eq-2 ; !xor-2 ; !xor-eq-2 ;

/* TenDRA keywords */
!accept ; !after ; alignof ; !all ; !allow ; !ambiguous ; !analysis ;
!argument ; !arith-cap ; !array ; !as ; !assert ; !assignment ; !begin ;
!bitfield ; !block ; bottom ; !cast ; !character ; !class-cap ; !code ;
!comment ; !compatible ; !complete ; !compute ; !conditional ;
!conversion ; !decimal ; !decl ; !define ; !define-cap ; !defined ;
!definition ; !depth ; !directive ; !directory ; !disallow ; discard ;
!dollar ; !either ; !elif ; ellipsis-exp ; !end ; !endif ; !environment ;
!equality ; !error ; !escape ; exhaustive ; !exp-cap ; !explain ;
!extend ; !external ; !extra ; fall ; !file ; !float-cap ; !forward ;
!func-cap ; !function ; !hexadecimal ; !hiding ; !ident ; !identif ;
!ifdef ; !ifndef ; !ignore ; !implement ; !implicit ; !import ; !include ;
!includes ; !include-next ; !incompatible ; !incomplete ; !indented ;
!initialization ; !integer ; !interface ; !internal ; !into ; !int-cap ;
!keyword ; !limit ; !line ; !linkage ; !lit ; !longlong ; !lvalue ;
!macro ; !main ; !member ; !member-cap ; !name ; !nat-cap ; !nested ;
!nline ; !no ; !no-def ; !object ; !octal ; !of ; !off ; !on ; !option ;
!overflow ; !overload ; !pointer ; !postpone ; !pragma ; !precedence ;
!preserve ; !printf ; !proc-cap ; !promote ; !promoted ; !prototype ;
ptrdiff-t ; !qualifier ; !quote ; reachable ; !reference ; !reject ;
!representation ; !reset ; !resolution ; !rvalue ; !scalar-cap ; !scanf ;
set ; size-t ; !size-t-2 ; !sort ; !std ; !stmt-cap ; !string ;
!struct-cap ; !suspend ; !tag ; !tag-cap ; !tendra ; !text ; !this-name ;
!token ; !type ; !type-cap ; !typeof ; !un-known ; !unassert ; !undef ;
!unify ; !union-cap ; !unmatched ; !unpostpone ; unreachable ; unused ;
!use ; !value ; !variable ; !variety-cap ; !volatile-t ; !vtable ;
!warning ; weak ; !writeable ; !zzzz ;

/* Miscellaneous symbols */
!array-op ; !builtin-file ; !builtin-line ; !close-template ; !cond-op ;
!delete-full ; !delete-array ; !delete-array-full ; !func-op ; !hash-op ;
!hash-hash-op ; inset-start ; inset-end ; !macro-arg ; !new-full ;
!new-array ; !new-array-full ; !open-init ; !open-template ; !zzzzzz ;


    The ISO keywords and digraphs will have been replaced by their primary
    representations by this stage.  These rules are effectively identities
    for these alternatives.  Don't try removing them - SID gets very


close-brace =   { close-brace-1 ; } ;
close-square =  { close-square-1 ; } ;
open-brace =    { open-brace-1 ; } ;
open-square =   { open-square-1 ; } ;

and =           { and-1 ; } ;
and-eq =        { and-eq-1 ; } ;
compl =         { compl-1 ; } ;
logical-and =   { logical-and-1 ; } ;
logical-or =    { logical-or-1 ; } ;
not =           { not-1 ; } ;
not-eq =        { not-eq-1 ; } ;
or =            { or-1 ; } ;
or-eq =         { or-eq-1 ; } ;
xor =           { xor-1 ; } ;
xor-eq =        { xor-eq-1 ; } ;


    These actions give the lexical token numbers for various symbols.

<lex_crt> : () -> ( :LEX ) ;
<lex_open_round> : () -> ( :LEX ) ;
<lex_semicolon> : () -> ( :LEX ) ;
<lex_alignof> : () -> ( :LEX ) ;
<lex_sizeof> : () -> ( :LEX ) ;


    These rules are used when a certain symbol is expected.  If it is
    not present then the action expected is called with the appropriate
    lexical token number.

<expected> : ( :LEX ) -> () ;
<error_fatal> : () -> () ;
<error_syntax> : () -> () ;

open-round-x = {
        open-round ;
    ##  t = <lex_open_round> ; <expected> ( t ) ;
} ;

semicolon-x = {
        semicolon ;
    ##  t = <lex_semicolon> ; <expected> ( t ) ;
} ;


    The identifier terminal is exclusive - it does not include those
    identifiers which are actually type and namespace names.  This rule
    gives all identifiers and sets the appropriate identifier type.

<id_anon> : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
<id_none> : () -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;

any-identifier : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = identifier ;
    ||  id = type-name ;
    ||  id = statement-name ;
} ;

any-identifier-opt : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = any-identifier ;
    ||  id = <id_anon> ;
} ;

id-entry : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = any-identifier ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        id = <id_none> ;
} ;

operator-id : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        <error_syntax> ;
        id = <id_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the literal expressions.  These are the integer
    and floating point literals and the character and string literals.
    Concatenation of adjacent string literals has already been performed.

integer-literal : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = integer-exp ;
} ;

character-literal : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = char-exp ;
    ||  e = wchar-exp ;
} ;

floating-literal : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = floating-exp ;
} ;

string-literal : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = string-exp ;
    ||  e = wstring-exp ;
} ;

literal : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = integer-literal ;
    ||  e = character-literal ;
    ||  e = floating-literal ;
    ||  e = string-literal ;
} ;


    This rule describes the primary expressions.  These include the
    literals, the identity expressions, the this expression and the
    parenthesised expressions.  The assertion expressions are an

<exp_ellipsis> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_paren_begin> : () -> () ;
<exp_paren_end> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_identifier> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

expression : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

primary-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = literal ;
        id = identifier ;
        e = <exp_identifier> ( id ) ;
        ellipsis-exp ;
        e = <exp_ellipsis> ;
        open-round ;
        <exp_paren_begin> ;
        a = expression ;
        e = <exp_paren_end> ( a ) ;
        close-round ;
        e = complex-exp ;
} ;


    These rules describes the lists of expressions.  Note that the
    constituents are assignment-expressions so that any commas are list
    separators rather than comma operators.

<list_exp_null> : () -> ( :LIST-EXP ) ;
<list_exp_cons> : ( :EXP, :LIST-EXP ) -> ( :LIST-EXP ) ;

assignment-expression : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

expression-list : () -> ( p : LIST-EXP ) = {
        e = assignment-expression ;
                comma ; q = expression-list ;
            ||  q = <list_exp_null> ;
        } ;
        p = <list_exp_cons> ( e, q ) ;
} ;

expression-list-opt : () -> ( p : LIST-EXP ) = {
        p = expression-list ;
    ||  p = <list_exp_null> ;
} ;


    These rules are used to perform field selector look-up following a
    '.' or '->' operator.  The input namespace gives the class being
    selected from (or the null namespace in case of an error).  Note
    the provisions for dummy destructor calls.

<rescan_member> : ( :NAMESPACE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;

field-id-expression : ( ns : NAMESPACE ) -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        uid = any-identifier ;
        id = <rescan_member> ( ns, uid ) ;
} ;


    These rules describes the postfix expressions.  These include array
    indexing, function calls and function style casts, field selectors,
    postfix increment and decrement operations, new style casts and
    type identification operators.

<exp_postinc> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_postdec> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_index> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_func> : ( :EXP, :LIST-EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

<exp_dot_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP, :TYPE, :NAMESPACE ) ;
<exp_dot_end> : ( :EXP, :TYPE, :NAMESPACE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_arrow_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP, :TYPE, :NAMESPACE ) ;
<exp_arrow_end> : ( :EXP, :TYPE, :NAMESPACE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<rescan_token> : () -> () ;

<no_type_defns> : () -> ( :COUNT ) ;
<no_side_effects> : () -> ( :COUNT ) ;
<diff_type_defns> : ( :COUNT ) -> ( :COUNT ) ;
<diff_side_effects> : ( :COUNT ) -> ( :COUNT ) ;
<sizeof_begin> : () -> () ;
<sizeof_end> : () -> () ;

type-id : () -> ( :TYPE, :COUNT ) ;
type-id-false : () -> ( :TYPE, :COUNT ) ;
type-id-true : () -> ( :TYPE, :COUNT ) ;

postfix-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = primary-expression ;
        a = postfix-expression ;
        open-square ; b = expression ; close-square ;
        e = <exp_index> ( a, b ) ;
        a = postfix-expression ;
        open-round ; p = expression-list-opt ;
        e = <exp_func> ( a, p ) ;
        close-round ;
        a = postfix-expression ;
        ( b, t, ns ) = <exp_dot_begin> ( a ) ;
        dot ; id = field-id-expression ( ns ) ;
        e = <exp_dot_end> ( b, t, ns, id ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
        a = postfix-expression ;
        ( b, t, ns ) = <exp_arrow_begin> ( a ) ;
        arrow ; id = field-id-expression ( ns ) ;
        e = <exp_arrow_end> ( b, t, ns, id ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
        a = postfix-expression ; plus-plus ;
        e = <exp_postinc> ( a ) ;
        a = postfix-expression ; minus-minus ;
        e = <exp_postdec> ( a ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the unary expressions.  These include the simple
    unary operations (indirection, address, unary plus, unary minus, logical
    negation and bitwise complement), the prefix increment and decrement
    operations and sizeof expressions, as well as the new and delete

<exp_not> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_ref> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_indir> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_unary> : ( :LEX, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_preinc> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_predec> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

<exp_none> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_sizeof> : ( :LEX, :TYPE, :EXP, :COUNT ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<type_of> : ( :LEX, :EXP, :COUNT ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;

unary-expression : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
cast-expression : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

sizeof-expression : ( op : LEX ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        <sizeof_begin> ;
        n1 = <no_side_effects> ;
        m1 = <no_type_defns> ;
                a = unary-expression ;
                n2 = <diff_side_effects> ( n1 ) ;
                m2 = <diff_type_defns> ( m1 ) ;
                t = <type_of> ( op, a, n2 ) ;
                c = <exp_sizeof> ( op, t, a, m2 ) ;
                open-round ; ( t, m2 ) = type-id-true ;
                a = <exp_none> ;
                c = <exp_sizeof> ( op, t, a, m2 ) ;
                close-round ;
        } ;
        <sizeof_end> ;
        e = c ;
} ;

unary-operator : () -> () = {
        plus ;
    ||  minus ;
    ||  compl ;
    ||  abs ;
} ;

unary-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = postfix-expression ;
        plus-plus ; a = unary-expression ;
        e = <exp_preinc> ( a ) ;
        minus-minus ; a = unary-expression ;
        e = <exp_predec> ( a ) ;
        star ; a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_indir> ( a )  ;
        and ; a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_ref> ( a )  ;
        not ; a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_not> ( a ) ;
        op = <lex_crt> ; unary-operator ;
        a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_unary> ( op, a ) ;
        sizeof ; op = <lex_sizeof> ; e = sizeof-expression ( op ) ;
        alignof ; op = <lex_alignof> ; e = sizeof-expression ( op ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the traditional style cast expressions, consisting
    of a bracketed type identifier followed by an expression.  The ignore
    keyword is an extension which is semantically equivalent to casting
    to void.

<exp_cast> : ( :TYPE, :EXP, :COUNT ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_ignore> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

cast-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = unary-expression ;
        open-round ; ( t, n ) = type-id-false ; close-round ;
        a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_cast> ( t, a, n ) ;
        discard ; a = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_ignore> ( a ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the multiplicative expressions.  These include
    the division and remainder operations, as well as multiplication.

<exp_div> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_rem> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_mult> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

multiplicative-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = cast-expression ;
        a = multiplicative-expression ; star ; b = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_mult> ( a, b ) ;
        a = multiplicative-expression ; div ; b = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_div> ( a, b ) ;
        a = multiplicative-expression ; rem ; b = cast-expression ;
        e = <exp_rem> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the additive expressions.  These include both the
    addition and the subtraction operations.

<exp_plus> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_minus> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

additive-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = multiplicative-expression ;
        a = additive-expression ; plus ; b = multiplicative-expression ;
        e = <exp_plus> ( a, b ) ;
        a = additive-expression ; minus ; b = multiplicative-expression ;
        e = <exp_minus> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the shift expressions.  Both left and right shifts
    are included.

<exp_lshift> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_rshift> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

shift-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = additive-expression ;
        a = shift-expression ; lshift ; b = additive-expression ;
        e = <exp_lshift> ( a, b ) ;
        a = shift-expression ; rshift ; b = additive-expression ;
        e = <exp_rshift> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the relational expressions, less than, greater
    than, less than or equal and greater than or equal.

<exp_relation> : ( :LEX, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

relational-operator : () -> () = {
        less ;
    ||  greater ;
    ||  less-eq ;
    ||  greater-eq ;
} ;

relational-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = shift-expression ;
        a = relational-expression ;
        op = <lex_crt> ; relational-operator ;
        b = shift-expression ;
        e = <exp_relation> ( op, a, b ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the equality expressions, equal and not equal.

<exp_equality> : ( :LEX, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

equality-operator : () -> () = {
        eq ;
    ||  not-eq ;
} ;

equality-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = relational-expression ;
        a = equality-expression ;
        op = <lex_crt> ; equality-operator ;
        b = relational-expression ;
        e = <exp_equality> ( op, a, b ) ;
} ;


    These rules describes the maximum and minimum expressions.

<exp_maxmin> : ( :LEX, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

maxmin-operator : () -> () = {
        max ;
    ||  min ;
} ;

maxmin-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = equality-expression ;
        a = maxmin-expression ;
        op = <lex_crt> ; maxmin-operator ;
        b = equality-expression ;
        e = <exp_maxmin> ( op, a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the bitwise and expressions.

<exp_and> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

and-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = maxmin-expression ;
        a = and-expression ; and ; b = maxmin-expression ;
        e = <exp_and> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the bitwise exclusive or expressions.

<exp_xor> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

exclusive-or-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = and-expression ;
        a = exclusive-or-expression ; xor ; b = and-expression ;
        e = <exp_xor> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the bitwise inclusive or expressions.

<exp_or> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

inclusive-or-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = exclusive-or-expression ;
        a = inclusive-or-expression ; or ; b = exclusive-or-expression ;
        e = <exp_or> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the logical and expressions.

<exp_log_and> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

logical-and-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = inclusive-or-expression ;
        a = logical-and-expression ;
        logical-and ; b = inclusive-or-expression ;
        e = <exp_log_and> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the logical or expressions.

<exp_log_or> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

logical-or-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = logical-and-expression ;
        a = logical-or-expression ;
        logical-or ; b = logical-and-expression ;
        e = <exp_log_or> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the conditional expressions, consisting of the
    '?:' operator.

<exp_cond> : ( :EXP, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

conditional-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = logical-or-expression ;
        c = logical-or-expression ;
        question ; a = expression ;
        colon ; b = conditional-expression ;
        e = <exp_cond> ( c, a, b ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the assignment expressions.  These include both
    simple assignment and the 'operate and becomes' operators like '+='.

<exp_assign> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_assign_op> : ( :LEX, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

assignment-operator : () -> () = {
        and-eq ;
    ||  div-eq ;
    ||  lshift-eq ;
    ||  minus-eq ;
    ||  or-eq ;
    ||  plus-eq ;
    ||  rem-eq ;
    ||  rshift-eq ;
    ||  star-eq ;
    ||  xor-eq ;
} ;

assignment-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = conditional-expression ;
        a = unary-expression ;
        assign ; b = assignment-expression ;
        e = <exp_assign> ( a, b ) ;
        a = unary-expression ;
        op = <lex_crt> ; assignment-operator ;
        b = assignment-expression ;
        e = <exp_assign_op> ( op, a, b ) ;
} ;

expression-entry : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = assignment-expression ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;


    This rule describes the flow analysis expressions, which are an
    extension to the standard syntax.  These consist of the assignment
    expressions, plus operations for setting and discarding values.

<exp_set> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_unused> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

flow-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        set ; open-round ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_set> ( a ) ;
        close-round ;
        unused ; open-round ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_unused> ( a ) ;
        close-round ;
} ;

inset-flow-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        inset-start ; set ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_set> ( a ) ;
        inset-end ;
        inset-start ; unused ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_unused> ( a ) ;
        inset-end ;
} ;

inset-flow-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        inset-start ; set ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_set> ( a ) ;
        semicolon ; inset-end ;
        inset-start ; unused ; a = expression ;
        e = <exp_unused> ( a ) ;
        semicolon ; inset-end ;
} ;


    This rule describes the top level expressions.  These are derived
    from the flow-expressions by the addition of the comma operator.

<exp_comma> : ( :LIST-EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

comma-expression-head : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = assignment-expression ; comma ;
        e = flow-expression ;
        e = inset-flow-expression ;
} ;

comma-expression-tail : () -> ( p : LIST-EXP ) = {
        a = assignment-expression ;
        q = <list_exp_null> ;
        p = <list_exp_cons> ( a, q ) ;
        a = comma-expression-head ; q = comma-expression-tail ;
        p = <list_exp_cons> ( a, q ) ;
} ;

expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = assignment-expression ;
        a = comma-expression-head ; q = comma-expression-tail ;
        p = <list_exp_cons> ( a, q ) ;
        e = <exp_comma> ( p ) ;
} ;


    An initialiser expression consists of an assignment expression
    with all its temporary variables bound to it.

initialiser-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = assignment-expression ;
} ;


    This rule describes the constant expressions.  Lexically these are
    identical to the conditional-expressions, but with restrictions on
    the permitted operands.  Constant expressions are identified by
    evaluation - whenever a valid constant expression is encountered it
    is evaluated to give an integer literal expression.

<exp_eval> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

constant-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        a = conditional-expression ;
        e = <exp_eval> ( a ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the labelled statements.  These include the case
    and default statements as well as the simple labels.  Note that the
    statements following the labels are only the first component of the
    label body.  Actually imposing some structure on the labelled statements
    is the most difficult part of the statement processing.

<stmt_case_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_case_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_default_begin> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_default_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_label_begin> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_label_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_label_set> : () -> () ;
<stmt_label_mod> : () -> () ;
<stmt_label_clear> : () -> () ;

statement : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

fall-check : () -> () = {
        fall ; <stmt_label_set> ;
    ||  fall ; semicolon ; <stmt_label_set> ;
    ||  $ ;
} ;

labelled-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        fall-check ;
        case ; c = constant-expression ;
        a = <stmt_case_begin> ( c ) ;
        <stmt_label_set> ;
        colon ; b = statement ;
        e = <stmt_case_end> ( a, b ) ;
        fall-check ;
        default ;
        a = <stmt_default_begin> ;
        <stmt_label_set> ;
        colon ; b = statement ;
        e = <stmt_default_end> ( a, b ) ;
        id = any-identifier ;
        <stmt_label_mod> ;
        a = <stmt_label_begin> ( id ) ;
        colon ; b = statement ;
        e = <stmt_label_end> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the expression statements, consisting of an optional
    expression followed by a semicolon.

<stmt_exp> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_none> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<reach_check> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<reach_prev> : ( :BOOL ) -> () ;

block-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = expression ;
    ||  e = flow-expression ;
} ;

expression-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        a = block-expression ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        e = <stmt_exp> ( a ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon ;
        a = inset-flow-statement ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        e = <stmt_exp> ( a ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon ;
        e = <stmt_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the compound statements, consisting of a list of
    statements enclosed within braces.  Note that compound statements
    automatically define a local scope.

<stmt_compound_begin> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_compound_end> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_compound_add> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_compound_block> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<stmt_compound_mark> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;
<stmt_return_fall> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

<bool_true> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<bool_false> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;

declaration-statement : ( :BOOL ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

statement-seq-opt : ( c : EXP, d : BOOL ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        a = statement ;
        b = <stmt_compound_add> ( c, a ) ;
        db = <bool_false> ;
        e = statement-seq-opt ( b, db ) ;
        a = declaration-statement ( d ) ;
        b = <stmt_compound_add> ( c, a ) ;
        e = statement-seq-opt ( b, d ) ;
        e = c ;
} ;

compound-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        c = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        open-brace ;
        d = <stmt_compound_block> ( c ) ;
        a = statement-seq-opt ( c, d ) ;
        close-brace ;
        e = <stmt_compound_end> ( a ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
} ;

function-body : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        c = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        open-brace ;
        d = <stmt_compound_block> ( c ) ;
        b = statement-seq-opt ( c, d ) ;
        r = <stmt_return_fall> ;
        a = <stmt_compound_add> ( b, r ) ;
        close-brace ;
        e = <stmt_compound_end> ( a ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
} ;

function-definition-entry : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = function-body ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;


    Several statements, in addition to the compound statements, form local
    scopes (for example, the body of an iteration statement).  This rule
    describes such scopes, the initial scope expression begin passed in as
    c to avoid predicate problems.  Note that local scopes which are also
    compound statements are treated differently from other (simple)

simple-statement : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

scoped-stmt-body : ( c : EXP ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        open-brace ;
        d = <stmt_compound_block> ( c ) ;
        e = statement-seq-opt ( c, d ) ;
        close-brace ;
        a = simple-statement ;
        e = <stmt_compound_add> ( c, a ) ;
} ;

scoped-statement : ( c : EXP ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        a = scoped-stmt-body ( c ) ;
        e = <stmt_compound_end> ( a ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <stmt_compound_end> ( c ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
} ;


    This rule describes the (non-empty) declaration statements, consisting
    of just a declaration.  See expression-statement for a discussion of
    empty statements.  The look-ahead required to distinguish declaration-
    statements from expression-statements is implemented using the predicate

<is_decl_statement> : ( :BOOL ) -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<stmt_decl> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

declaration : () -> () ;

declaration-statement : ( d : BOOL ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        ? = <is_decl_statement> ( d ) ;
        declaration ;
        e = <stmt_decl> ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the unresolved target dependent conditional
    compilations.  Note that these must be structured, as opposed to the
    normal unstructured preprocessing directives.  Any braces required
    to make the lists of statements in target dependent conditional
    bodies into compound statements are automatically inserted by the

<stmt_hash_if> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_hash_elif> : ( :EXP, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_hash_endif> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<cond_hash_if> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<cond_hash_elif> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;
<cond_hash_else> : () -> () ;
<cond_hash_endif> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;

target-condition-head : () -> ( e : EXP, p : EXP, r : BOOL ) = {
        c = hash-if ;
        p = <cond_hash_if> ( c ) ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        a = compound-statement ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_hash_if> ( c, a ) ;
        ( a, p, r ) = target-condition-head ;
        c = hash-elif ;
        <cond_hash_elif> ( c ) ;
        s = <reach_check> ;
        b = compound-statement ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_hash_elif> ( a, c, b ) ;
} ;

target-condition : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        ( a, p, r ) = target-condition-head ;
                hash-else ;
                <cond_hash_else> ;
                s = <reach_check> ;
                b = compound-statement ;
                b = <stmt_none> ;
        } ;
        <cond_hash_endif> ( p ) ;
        hash-endif ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_hash_endif> ( a, b ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the selection statements, consisting of the if
    and switch statements, plus the target dependent conditionals above.
    The way that the dangling else problem is dealt with is interesting.
    A simple optional else-block leads to an ambiguity, however an
    exception handler gives precisely what is required.  To paraphrase,
    an if statement always has an associated else, except when it doesn't.

<stmt_if_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_if_cont> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_if_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_else> : () -> () ;
<stmt_no_else> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_switch_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_switch_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP, :BOOL ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

<condition_get> : () -> ( :CONDITION ) ;
<condition_set> : ( :CONDITION ) -> () ;

selection-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        if ;
        x = <condition_get> ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        open-round-x ; c = expression ;
        a = <stmt_if_begin> ( c ) ;
        close-round ;
        bs = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        b = scoped-statement ( bs ) ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        d = <stmt_if_cont> ( a, b ) ;
                else ;
                <stmt_else> ;
                fs = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
                f = scoped-statement ( fs ) ;
                f = <stmt_no_else> ;
        } ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_if_end> ( d, f ) ;
        <condition_set> ( x ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        switch ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        open-round ; c = expression ;
        a = <stmt_switch_begin> ( c ) ;
        close-round ;
                exhaustive ; ex = <bool_true> ;
            ||  ex = <bool_false> ;
        } ;
        bs = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        b = scoped-statement ( bs ) ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_switch_end> ( a, b, ex ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        e = target-condition ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the iteration statements, consisting of the
    while, do and for statements.

<stmt_while_begin> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_while_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_do_begin> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_do_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_for_begin> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_for_init> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_for_cond> : ( :EXP, :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_for_end> : ( :EXP, :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<bind_temporary> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<exp_location> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

for-init-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = expression-statement ;
} ;

for-cond-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
                a = expression ;
            ||  a = <exp_none> ;
        } ;
        b = <bind_temporary> ( a ) ;
        e = <exp_location> ( b ) ;
        semicolon ;
} ;

for-end-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        a = expression ;
        b = <stmt_exp> ( a ) ;
        e = <bind_temporary> ( b ) ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;

iteration-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        while ;
        x = <condition_get> ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        open-round ; c0 = expression ;
        c = <bind_temporary> ( c0 ) ;
        a = <stmt_while_begin> ( c ) ;
        close-round ;
        bs = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        b = scoped-statement ( bs ) ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_while_end> ( a, b ) ;
        <condition_set> ( x ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        do ;
        x = <condition_get> ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        a = <stmt_do_begin> ;
        bs = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        b = scoped-statement ( bs ) ;
        while ; open-round ; c0 = expression ;
        c = <bind_temporary> ( c0 ) ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_do_end> ( a, b, c ) ;
        close-round ;
        <condition_set> ( x ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon-x ;
        for ;
        x = <condition_get> ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        open-round ;
        f = <stmt_for_begin> ;
        a = for-init-statement ;
        g = <stmt_for_init> ( f, a ) ;
        c = for-cond-statement ;
        ds = <stmt_compound_begin> ;
        b = for-end-statement ;
        h = <stmt_for_cond> ( g, c, b ) ;
        close-round ;
        <stmt_compound_mark> ( ds ) ;
        d = scoped-statement ( ds ) ;
        <reach_prev> ( r ) ;
        e = <stmt_for_end> ( h, d ) ;
        <condition_set> ( x ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        <rescan_token> ;
} ;


    This rule describes the jump statements, consisting of the break,
    continue, return and goto statements.

<stmt_break> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_continue> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_return> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_goto> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_goto_case> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_goto_default> : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

jump-label : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        id = any-identifier ;
        e = <stmt_goto> ( id ) ;
        case ; c = constant-expression ;
        e = <stmt_goto_case> ( c ) ;
        default ;
        e = <stmt_goto_default> () ;
} ;

jump-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        break ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        e = <stmt_break> ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon-x ;
        continue ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        e = <stmt_continue> ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon-x ;
        return ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
                a = expression ;
            ||  a = <exp_none> ;
        } ;
        e = <stmt_return> ( a ) ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon-x ;
        goto ;
        r = <reach_check> ;
        e = jump-label ;
        <stmt_label_clear> ;
        semicolon-x ;
} ;


    This rule describes the extensions added to the statements to handle
    flow control and variable analysis commands.

<reach_set> : () -> () ;
<reach_unset> : () -> () ;
<stmt_reach> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;
<stmt_unreach> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

control-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        reachable ; <reach_set> ;
        a = statement ;
        e = <stmt_reach> ( a ) ;
        unreachable ; <reach_unset> ;
        a = statement ;
        e = <stmt_unreach> ( a ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the tokenised statements.  This comprises the
    statement names and the complex statements.

token-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        id = statement-name ;
        a = <exp_identifier> ( id ) ;
        e = <stmt_exp> ( a ) ;
        a = complex-stmt ;
        e = <stmt_exp> ( a ) ;
} ;


    This rule describes the asm definitions.  These consist of 'asm' followed
    by a bracketed string literal and a semicolon.

<declare_asm> : ( :EXP, :LIST-EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

asm-definition : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        asm ; open-round ;
        a = string-literal ;
                comma ; p = expression-list ;
            ||  p = <list_exp_null> ;
        } ;
        e = <declare_asm> ( a, p ) ;
        close-round ;
        semicolon-x ;
} ;


    This rule describes the statements.  These consist of the all the
    types of statements listing above, including the try blocks.

simple-statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = labelled-statement ;
    ||  e = expression-statement ;
    ||  e = selection-statement ;
    ||  e = iteration-statement ;
    ||  e = jump-statement ;
    ||  e = control-statement ;
    ||  e = token-statement ;
    ||  e = asm-definition ;
} ;

statement : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = simple-statement ;
    ||  e = compound-statement ;
} ;

statement-entry : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = statement ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the lists of const and volatile type qualifiers.

<cv_none> : () -> ( :CV ) ;
<cv_const> : () -> ( :CV ) ;
<cv_volatile> : () -> ( :CV ) ;
<cv_join> : ( :CV, : CV ) -> ( :CV ) ;

cv-qualifier : () -> ( cv : CV ) = {
        const ; cv = <cv_const> ;
    ||  volatile ; cv = <cv_volatile> ;
} ;

cv-qualifier-seq : () -> ( cv : CV ) = {
        a = cv-qualifier ;
                cv = a ;
            ||  b = cv-qualifier-seq ; cv = <cv_join> ( a, b ) ;
        } ;
} ;

cv-qualifier-seq-opt : () -> ( cv : CV ) = {
        cv = <cv_none> ;
    ||  cv = cv-qualifier-seq ;
} ;


    These rules describe the simple type specifiers.  These comprise the
    type names (class names, enumeration names and typedef names) plus the
    basic type keywords.  size_t and ptrdiff_t have been included for
    future convenience only.  Each simple type specifier gives a partial
    type, which is only completed using type_complete when the entire type
    specifier has been given.

<btype_none> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_char> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_short> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_int> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_long> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_signed> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_unsigned> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_float> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_double> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_wchar_t> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_size_t> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_ptrdiff_t> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_void> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_bottom> : () -> ( :BTYPE ) ;
<btype_join> : ( :BTYPE, :BTYPE ) -> ( :BTYPE ) ;

<type_none> : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_pre> : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_name> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_join> : ( :TYPE, :TYPE ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_complete> : ( :BTYPE, :TYPE, :CV ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;

class-specifier : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;
enum-specifier : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;

base-type-specifier : () -> ( bt : BTYPE ) = {
        char ; bt = <btype_char> ;
    ||  short ; bt = <btype_short> ;
    ||  int ; bt = <btype_int> ;
    ||  long ; bt = <btype_long> ;
    ||  signed ; bt = <btype_signed> ;
    ||  unsigned ; bt = <btype_unsigned> ;
    ||  float ; bt = <btype_float> ;
    ||  double ; bt = <btype_double> ;
    ||  wchar-t ; bt = <btype_wchar_t> ;
    ||  size-t ; bt = <btype_size_t> ;
    ||  ptrdiff-t ; bt = <btype_ptrdiff_t> ;
    ||  void ; bt = <btype_void> ;
    ||  bottom ; bt = <btype_bottom> ;
} ;

type-specifier : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE ) = {
        bt = base-type-specifier ;
        t = <type_pre> ;
        id = type-name ;
        t = <type_name> ( id ) ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = complex-type ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = class-specifier ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = enum-specifier ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the class member specifiers.

member-declaration : () -> () ;

member-specification-opt : () -> () = {
        member-declaration ;
        member-specification-opt ;
        $ ;
} ;


    These rules describe the class (which includes structure and union)
    type specifiers.  These consist of a class key followed by an optional
    class name, a list of base classes, and the class definition body.
    This body consists of a list of member declarations enclosed within

<type_class_begin> : ( :IDENTIFIER, :KEY ) -> ( :IDENTIFIER, :BOOL ) ;
<type_class_end> : ( :IDENTIFIER, :BOOL ) -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
<type_elaborate> : ( :IDENTIFIER, :KEY ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<key_struct> : () -> ( :KEY ) ;
<key_union> : () -> ( :KEY ) ;
<key_enum> : () -> ( :KEY ) ;

class-key : () -> ( key : KEY ) = {
        struct ; key = <key_struct> ;
    ||  union ; key = <key_union> ;
} ;

class-specifier : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        key = class-key ;
                id = any-identifier-opt ;
                ( p, f ) = <type_class_begin> ( id, key ) ;
                open-brace ; member-specification-opt ; close-brace ;
                tid = <type_class_end> ( p, f ) ;
                t = <type_name> ( tid ) ;
                <rescan_token> ;
                id = any-identifier ;
                t = <type_elaborate> ( id, key ) ;
        } ;
} ;


    These rules describe the enumeration type specifiers.  These consist
    of 'enum' followed by an optional identifier and an enumeration
    definition body.  This body consists of a list of enumerator definitions
    enclosed within braces.

<error_comma> : () -> () ;
<type_enum_begin> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
<type_enum_end> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :IDENTIFIER ) ;
<declarator_begin> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;
<declare_enum> : ( :IDENTIFIER, :IDENTIFIER, :EXP ) -> () ;

enumerator-definition : ( e : IDENTIFIER ) -> () = {
        id = any-identifier ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
                assign ; c = constant-expression ;
            ||  c = <exp_none> ;
        } ;
        <declare_enum> ( e, id, c ) ;
} ;

enumerator-list : ( e : IDENTIFIER ) -> () = {
        enumerator-definition ( e ) ;
                comma ; enumerator-list ( e ) ;
            ||  comma ; comma ; <error_comma> ; enumerator-list ( e ) ;
            ||  comma ; <error_comma> ;
            ||  $ ;
        } ;
} ;

enum-specifier : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        enum ;
                id = any-identifier-opt ;
                p = <type_enum_begin> ( id ) ;
                open-brace ;
                        enumerator-list ( p ) ;
                    ||  $ ;
                } ;
                close-brace ;
                tid = <type_enum_end> ( p ) ;
                t = <type_name> ( tid ) ;
                id = any-identifier ;
                key = <key_enum> ;
                t = <type_elaborate> ( id, key ) ;
        } ;
} ;


    These rules describes the type specifiers.  These consist of the simple
    type specifiers, the class definitions, the enumeration definitions,
    the elaborated type specifiers and the const and volatile qualifiers.
    Sequences of these specifiers may be combined into a single partial
    type using type_join.  The partial type is not turned into a real
    type until type_complete is applied to it.

<is_type_specifier> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<check_decl_specifier> : () -> () ;

type-qualifier : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV ) = {
        ( bt, t ) = type-specifier ;
        cv = <cv_none> ;
        cv = cv-qualifier ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
} ;

type-specifier-seq : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV ) = {
        ( b1, t1, cv1 ) = type-qualifier ;
                ( b2, t2, cv2 ) = type-specifier-seq ;
                bt = <btype_join> ( b1, b2 ) ;
                t = <type_join> ( t1, t2 ) ;
                cv = <cv_join> ( cv1, cv2 ) ;
                bt = b1 ;
                t = t1 ;
                cv = cv1 ;
        } ;
} ;

check-type-specifier-seq : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV ) = {
        ? = <is_type_specifier> ;
        ( b1, t1, cv1 ) = type-qualifier ;
        <check_decl_specifier> ;
                ( b2, t2, cv2 ) = check-type-specifier-seq ;
                bt = <btype_join> ( b1, b2 ) ;
                t = <type_join> ( t1, t2 ) ;
                cv = <cv_join> ( cv1, cv2 ) ;
                bt = b1 ;
                t = t1 ;
                cv = cv1 ;
        } ;
} ;


    This rule describes the storage class specifiers, including 'typedef'
    as well as the more obvious 'static', 'extern' and so on.  'inline'
    has been added as an extension.

<dspec_auto> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_extern> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_static> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_register> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_typedef> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_inline> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;

storage-class-specifier : () -> ( ds : DSPEC ) = {
        auto ; ds = <dspec_auto> ;
    ||  extern ; ds = <dspec_extern> ;
    ||  static ; ds = <dspec_static> ;
    ||  register ; ds = <dspec_register> ;
    ||  typedef ; ds = <dspec_typedef> ;
    ||  inline ; ds = <dspec_inline> ;
} ;


    These rules describes the declaration specifiers.  These consist of
    the type specifiers, the cv-qualifiers, and the storage class
    specifiers.  Like type specifiers, declaration specifiers can be
    formed into lists which are only turned into complete types and
    declaration specifiers later.

<dspec_none> : () -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_join> : ( :DSPEC, :DSPEC ) -> ( :DSPEC ) ;
<dspec_check> : ( :DSPEC ) -> () ;

<is_decl_specifier> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;

decl-specifier : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV, ds : DSPEC ) = {
        ds = storage-class-specifier ;
        <dspec_check> ( ds ) ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        cv = <cv_none> ;
        cv = cv-qualifier ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        ds = <dspec_none> ;
        ( bt, t ) = type-specifier ;
        cv = <cv_none> ;
        ds = <dspec_none> ;
} ;

decl-specifier-seq : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV, ds : DSPEC ) = {
        ( b1, t1, cv1, ds1 ) = decl-specifier ;
        <check_decl_specifier> ;
                ( b2, t2, cv2, ds2 ) = decl-specifier-seq ;
                bt = <btype_join> ( b1, b2 ) ;
                t = <type_join> ( t1, t2 ) ;
                cv = <cv_join> ( cv1, cv2 ) ;
                ds = <dspec_join> ( ds1, ds2 ) ;
                bt = b1 ;
                t = t1 ;
                cv = cv1 ;
                ds = ds1 ;
        } ;
} ;

check-decl-specifier-seq : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV, ds : DSPEC ) = {
        ? = <is_decl_specifier> ;
        ( b1, t1, cv1, ds1 ) = decl-specifier ;
        <check_decl_specifier> ;
                ( b2, t2, cv2, ds2 ) = check-decl-specifier-seq ;
                bt = <btype_join> ( b1, b2 ) ;
                t = <type_join> ( t1, t2 ) ;
                cv = <cv_join> ( cv1, cv2 ) ;
                ds = <dspec_join> ( ds1, ds2 ) ;
                bt = b1 ;
                t = t1 ;
                cv = cv1 ;
                ds = ds1 ;
        } ;
} ;

check-decl-specifier-seq-opt : () -> ( bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE, cv : CV, ds : DSPEC ) = {
        ( bt, t, cv, ds ) = check-decl-specifier-seq ;
        bt = <btype_none> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        cv = <cv_none> ;
        ds = <dspec_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the pointer, reference and pointer to member
    operators.  They build up a partial type, containing the pointer
    information, but not what is pointed to.  This is only filled in later
    by type_inject.  The const and volatile qualified references have been
    included in the grammar, but are weeded out by type_ref.

<type_ptr> : ( :CV ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;

ptr-operator : () -> ( p : TYPE ) = {
        star ; cv = cv-qualifier-seq-opt ;
        p = <type_ptr> ( cv ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the declarators.  The rule declarator-aux
    builds up a partial type, containing pointer, array, and other
    type information, but not the base type of what is pointed to etc.
    This base type is provided by the rule declarator and filled in
    using type_inject.

<type_array> : ( :EXP ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_inject> : ( :TYPE, :TYPE ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_build> : ( :TYPE, :TYPE ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_func> : ( :BOOL ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_func_weak> : ( :BOOL ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_func_none> : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_func_old> : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;

<declarator_bad> : ( :TYPE ) -> () ;

<param_begin> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;
<param_end> : () -> () ;

declarator-aux : () -> ( :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) ;
parameter-declaration-list : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
parameter-id-list : () -> () ;

declarator-tail : ( id : IDENTIFIER ) -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        open-round ;
        <param_begin> ( id ) ;
                ell = parameter-declaration-list ;
                s = <type_func> ( ell ) ;
                close-round ;
                parameter-id-list ;
                s = <type_func_old> ;
                close-round ;
                s = <type_func_none> ;
                close-round ;
        } ;
        t = s ;
        <param_end> ;
        open-square ;
                e = constant-expression ;
            ||  e = <exp_none> ;
        } ;
        t = <type_array> ( e ) ;
        close-square ;
        weak ; open-round ;
        <param_begin> ( id ) ;
                ell = parameter-declaration-list ;
            ||  ell = <bool_false> ;
        } ;
        t = <type_func_weak> ( ell ) ;
        close-round ;
        <param_end> ;
} ;

direct-declarator : () -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = any-identifier ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        ( p, id ) = direct-declarator ;
        q = declarator-tail ( id ) ;
        t = <type_build> ( p, q ) ;
        open-round ; ( t, id ) = declarator-aux ;
        <declarator_bad> ( t ) ;
        close-round ;
} ;

declarator-aux : () -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ( t, id ) = direct-declarator ;
        p = ptr-operator ; ( q, id ) = declarator-aux ;
        t = <type_build> ( q, p ) ;
} ;

declarator : ( p : TYPE ) -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ( q, id ) = declarator-aux ;
        t = <type_inject> ( q, p ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the abstract declarators.  These are identical
    to the declarators except that they do not have a declarator-id.
    Also initialisers cannot appear in abstract declarators.

abstract-declarator-aux : () -> ( :TYPE ) ;

abstract-declarator-tail : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        open-round ;
        id = <id_none> ;
        <param_begin> ( id ) ;
                ell = parameter-declaration-list ;
                s = <type_func> ( ell ) ;
                s = <type_func_none> ;
        } ;
        close-round ;
        t = s ;
        <param_end> ;
        open-square ;
                e = constant-expression ;
            ||  e = <exp_none> ;
        } ;
        t = <type_array> ( e ) ;
        close-square ;
        weak ; open-round ;
        id = <id_none> ;
        <param_begin> ( id ) ;
                ell = parameter-declaration-list ;
            ||  ell = <bool_false> ;
        } ;
        t = <type_func_weak> ( ell ) ;
        close-round ;
        <param_end> ;
} ;

direct-abstract-declarator : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        t = abstract-declarator-tail ;
        p = direct-abstract-declarator ;
        q = abstract-declarator-tail ;
        t = <type_build> ( p, q ) ;
        open-round ; t = abstract-declarator-aux ;
        <declarator_bad> ( t ) ;
        close-round ;
} ;

abstract-declarator-aux : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        t = direct-abstract-declarator ;
        t = ptr-operator ;
        p = ptr-operator ; q = abstract-declarator-aux ;
        t = <type_build> ( q, p ) ;
} ;

abstract-declarator-opt : ( p : TYPE ) -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        q = abstract-declarator-aux ;
        t = <type_inject> ( q, p ) ;
        t = p ;
} ;


    A parameter declarator can be a declarator, an abstract-declarator or
    be empty.  The easiest way to do this is as a separate set of rules.
    A predicate is necessary to distinguish declarator-ids from type names.

<is_parameter> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;

parameter-declarator-aux : () -> ( :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) ;
parameter-declarator-aux-opt : () -> ( :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) ;

direct-parameter-declarator : () -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ? = <is_parameter> ;
        id = any-identifier ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        ( p, id ) = direct-parameter-declarator ;
        q = abstract-declarator-tail ;
        t = <type_build> ( p, q ) ;
        t = abstract-declarator-tail ;
        id = <id_anon> ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        open-round ;
        ( t, id ) = parameter-declarator-aux ;
        <declarator_bad> ( t ) ;
        close-round ;
} ;

parameter-declarator-aux : () -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ( t, id ) = direct-parameter-declarator ;
        p = ptr-operator ;
        ( q, id ) = parameter-declarator-aux-opt ;
        t = <type_build> ( q, p ) ;
} ;

parameter-declarator-aux-opt : () -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ( t, id ) = parameter-declarator-aux ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        id = <id_anon> ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
} ;

parameter-declarator-opt : ( p : TYPE ) -> ( t : TYPE, id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        ( q, id ) = parameter-declarator-aux-opt ;
        t = <type_inject> ( q, p ) ;
} ;


    These rules describe the function parameter declarations.  The rules
    differ slightly from those given in the standard, which was clearly
    not written with LL(1) parsers in mind, but are equivalent.

<dspec_complete> : ( :BTYPE, :TYPE, :CV, :DSPEC ) -> ( :TYPE, :DSPEC ) ;
<declare_param> : ( :DSPEC, :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :DECL ) ;
<decl_none> : () -> ( :DECL ) ;

parameter-declaration : () -> ( d : DECL ) = {
        ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) = decl-specifier-seq ;
        ( t2, ds ) = <dspec_complete> ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) ;
        ( t, id ) = parameter-declarator-opt ( t2 ) ;
        d = <declare_param> ( ds, t, id ) ;
} ;

parameter-declaration-list : () -> ( ell : BOOL ) = {
        ellipsis ;
        ell = <bool_true> ;
        d = parameter-declaration ;
                comma ;
                ell = parameter-declaration-list ;
                ell = <bool_false> ;
        } ;
} ;

parameter-entry : ( s : TYPE, p : NUMBER ) -> ( d : DECL ) = {
        d = parameter-declaration ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        d = <decl_none> ;
} ;

template-type-param : () -> ( d : DECL ) = {
        <error_syntax> ;
        d = <decl_none> ;
} ;


    This rules describes the list of function parameter names which
    occur in a non-prototype function definition.

<declare_weak_param> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;
<declarator_weak> : ( :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;

first-parameter-id : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = identifier ;
    ||  id = statement-name ;
} ;

second-parameter-id : () -> ( id : IDENTIFIER ) = {
        id = first-parameter-id ;
    ||  id = type-name ; <declarator_weak> ( id ) ;
} ;

parameter-id-tail : () -> () = {
        comma ; id = second-parameter-id ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        <declare_weak_param> ( id ) ;
        parameter-id-tail ;
        $ ;
} ;

parameter-id-list : () -> () = {
        id = first-parameter-id ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        <declare_weak_param> ( id ) ;
        parameter-id-tail ;
} ;


    This rule describes the type identifiers.  There is a predicate to
    distinguish type identifiers from expressions in, for example, sizeof
    expressions.  A count of the number of types defined in the type
    identifier is maintained.

<is_type_id_false> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<is_type_id_true> : () -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<type_bitfield> : ( :TYPE, :BTYPE, :EXP ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;
<type_check> : ( :TYPE ) -> () ;

type-id : () -> ( t : TYPE, n : COUNT ) = {
        n1 = <no_type_defns> ;
        ( bt, p, cv ) = type-specifier-seq ;
        q = <type_complete> ( bt, p, cv ) ;
        t = abstract-declarator-opt ( q ) ;
        n = <diff_type_defns> ( n1 ) ;
        <type_check> ( t ) ;
} ;

type-id-false : () -> ( t : TYPE, n : COUNT ) = {
        ? = <is_type_id_false> ;
        ( t, n ) = type-id ;
} ;

type-id-true : () -> ( t : TYPE, n : COUNT ) = {
        ? = <is_type_id_true> ;
        ( t, n ) = type-id ;
} ;

token-type-id : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        ( bt, p, cv ) = type-specifier-seq ;
        q = <type_complete> ( bt, p, cv ) ;
        t = abstract-declarator-opt ( q ) ;
} ;

member-type-id : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        ( bt, p, cv ) = type-specifier-seq ;
        q = <type_complete> ( bt, p, cv ) ;
                t = abstract-declarator-opt ( q ) ;
                rem ;
                c = constant-expression ;
                t = <type_bitfield> ( q, bt, c ) ;
        } ;
} ;

type-id-entry : () -> ( t : TYPE ) = {
        t = token-type-id ;
        <type_check> ( t ) ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the initialisers.  This includes the assignment
    style and aggregate initialisers.

<exp_aggregate> : ( :LIST-EXP ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

initialiser-clause : ( :DECL ) -> ( :EXP ) ;

initialiser-list : ( d : DECL ) -> ( p : LIST-EXP ) = {
        b = initialiser-clause ( d ) ;
        a = <exp_location> ( b ) ;
                comma ; q = initialiser-list ( d ) ;
            ||  comma ; q = <list_exp_null> ;
            ||  q = <list_exp_null> ;
        } ;
        p = <list_exp_cons> ( a, q ) ;
} ;

initialiser-clause : ( d : DECL ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = initialiser-expression ;
        open-brace ;
                p = initialiser-list ( d ) ;
            ||  p = <list_exp_null> ;
        } ;
        close-brace ;
        e = <exp_aggregate> ( p ) ;
} ;

initialiser-opt : ( d : DECL ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        assign ; e = initialiser-clause ( d ) ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;

initialiser-entry : ( d : DECL ) -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = initialiser-clause ( d ) ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the declarators with initialisers.  In fact the
    first element in any init-declarator-list is handled separately in the
    rule declaration.  See above for the handling of function style

<declare_id> : ( :DSPEC, :BTYPE, :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :DECL ) ;
<initialise_id> : ( :DECL, :EXP ) -> () ;

init-declarator : ( ds : DSPEC, bt : BTYPE, p : TYPE ) -> () = {
        ( t, id ) = declarator ( p ) ;
        d = <declare_id> ( ds, bt, t, id ) ;
        e = initialiser-opt ( d ) ;
        <initialise_id> ( d, e ) ;
} ;

init-declarator-list : ( ds : DSPEC, bt : BTYPE, t : TYPE ) -> () = {
        init-declarator ( ds, bt, t ) ;
                comma ;
                init-declarator-list ( ds, bt, t ) ;
                $ ;
        } ;
} ;


    These rules describe the unresolved target dependent conditional
    declarations.  See target-condition for details.  The '#pragma'
    directives are included in this rule for convenience.

<decl_hash_if> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;
<decl_hash_elif> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;
<decl_hash_else> : () -> () ;
<decl_hash_endif> : () -> () ;

declaration-seq-opt : () -> () ;

declaration-cond-body : () -> () = {
        open-brace ;
        ds = <dspec_none> ;
        t = <type_none> ;
        declaration-seq-opt () ;
        close-brace ;
} ;

declaration-cond-head : () -> ( p : EXP ) = {
        c = hash-if ;
        p = <cond_hash_if> ( c ) ;
        <decl_hash_if> ( c ) ;
        declaration-cond-body ;
        p = declaration-cond-head ;
        c = hash-elif ;
        <cond_hash_elif> ( c ) ;
        <decl_hash_elif> ( c ) ;
        declaration-cond-body ;
} ;

declaration-cond : () -> () = {
        p = declaration-cond-head ;
                hash-else ;
                <cond_hash_else> ;
                <decl_hash_else> ;
                declaration-cond-body ;
                $ ;
        } ;
        <cond_hash_endif> ( p ) ;
        hash-endif ;
        <decl_hash_endif> ;
        hash-pragma ;
} ;


    These rules describe the declaration sequences, consisting of a simple
    list of declarations.

<declare_extern> : ( :EXP ) -> () ;
<declare_empty> : () -> () ;

external-declaration : () -> ( :EXP ) ;

declaration-elem : () -> () = {
        e = external-declaration ;
        <declare_extern> ( e ) ;
        declaration-cond ;
        semicolon ;
        <declare_empty> ;
} ;

declaration-seq-opt : () -> () = {
        declaration-elem ;
        declaration-seq-opt ;
        $ ;
} ;


    This rule describes the declarations.

<declare_id_empty> : ( :DSPEC, :BTYPE, :TYPE, :CV ) -> () ;

declaration : () -> () = {
        ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) = check-decl-specifier-seq ;
                ( t, ds ) = <dspec_complete> ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) ;
                init-declarator-list ( ds, bt, t ) ;
                <declare_id_empty> ( ds1, bt, t1, cv ) ;
        } ;
        semicolon ;
} ;

declaration-entry : ( t : TYPE, ds : DSPEC ) -> () = {
        declaration ;
        <error_syntax> ;
} ;


    This rule describes the external declarations.  Note that the normal
    declaration rule has been unrolled once to allow it to be combined
    with the function-definition rule.

<is_function> : ( :TYPE ) -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<define_func> : ( :DSPEC, :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :DECL ) ;
<function_begin> : ( :DECL ) -> ( :BOOL ) ;
<function_end> : ( :DECL, :EXP, :BOOL ) -> () ;

external-declaration : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) = check-decl-specifier-seq-opt ;
        ( t, ds ) = <dspec_complete> ( bt, t1, cv, ds1 ) ;
        ( s, id ) = declarator ( t ) ;
                d = <declare_id> ( ds, bt, s, id ) ;
                a = initialiser-opt ( d ) ;
                <initialise_id> ( d, a ) ;
                        comma ;
                        init-declarator-list ( ds, bt, t ) ;
                        $ ;
                } ;
                semicolon ;
                ? = <is_function> ( s ) ;
                d = <define_func> ( ds, s, id ) ;
                b = <function_begin> ( d ) ;
                a = function-body ;
                <function_end> ( d, a, b ) ;
                <rescan_token> ;
        } ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
        ( bt, t, cv, ds ) = check-decl-specifier-seq ;
        <declare_id_empty> ( ds, bt, t, cv ) ;
        semicolon ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
        e = asm-definition ;
} ;


    These rules describe the class member declarators.  Note that the
    rule member-specifier-opt is intended to handle both pure-specifier
    and constant-initialiser.  Also two types are passed into these
    rules, one reflecting the declaration type and the other the sequence
    of type-specifiers used to describe this type.  This is because
    in bitfields 'signed int' is not synonomous with 'int'.

<declare_member> : ( :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;
<declare_bitfield> : ( :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER ) -> () ;
<type_bitfield_mem> : ( :TYPE, :BTYPE, :EXP, :IDENTIFIER ) -> ( :TYPE ) ;

member-declarator : ( p : TYPE, q : BTYPE ) -> () = {
        ( t, id ) = declarator ( p ) ;
        <declare_member> ( t, id ) ;
        id = any-identifier-opt ;
        <declarator_begin> ( id ) ;
        colon ; c = constant-expression ;
        t = <type_bitfield_mem> ( p, q, c, id ) ;
        <declare_bitfield> ( t, id ) ;
} ;

member-declarator-list : ( p : TYPE, q : BTYPE ) -> () = {
        member-declarator ( p, q ) ;
                comma ;
                member-declarator-list ( p, q ) ;
                $ ;
        } ;
} ;


    This rule describes the class memeber declarations.

<declare_member_empty> : ( :BTYPE, :TYPE, :CV ) -> () ;

member-declaration : () -> () = {
        ( bt, p, cv ) = check-type-specifier-seq ;
        t = <type_complete> ( bt, p, cv ) ;
        member-declarator ( t, bt ) ;
                semicolon ;
                comma ;
                member-declarator-list ( t, bt ) ;
                semicolon ;
        } ;
        ( bt, p, cv ) = check-type-specifier-seq ;
        <declare_member_empty> ( bt, p, cv ) ;
        semicolon ;
} ;


    This is the main entry point for the grammar.  A translation unit
    consists of a (possibly empty) sequence of declarations, followed
    by the end of the file.

translation-unit : ( t : TYPE, ds : DSPEC ) -> () = {
        declaration-seq-opt ; eof ;
        <error_fatal> ;
} ;


    This rule is the alternative entry point for the conditions following
    #if and #elif preprocessing directives.  It consists of a constant
    expression.  The end of line marker which follows this expression is
    handled by the calling routine.

hash-if-expression : () -> ( e : EXP ) = {
        e = constant-expression ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        e = <exp_none> ;
} ;


    These rules describe the constant member offsets.  The entry point
    constant-offset is used for reading member token definitions.

<offset_nspace> : ( :TYPE ) -> ( :NAMESPACE ) ;
<offset_index> : ( :OFFSET, :TYPE, :EXP ) -> ( :OFFSET, :TYPE ) ;
<offset_member> : ( :OFFSET, :TYPE, :IDENTIFIER, :NAMESPACE ) -> ( :OFFSET, :TYPE ) ;

member-designator : ( b : OFFSET, s : TYPE ) -> ( a : OFFSET, t : TYPE ) = {
        ns = <offset_nspace> ( s ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
        id = field-id-expression ( ns ) ;
        ( a, t ) = <offset_member> ( b, s, id, ns ) ;
        <rescan_token> ;
} ;

designator : ( b : OFFSET, s : TYPE ) -> ( a : OFFSET, t : TYPE ) = {
        dot ; ( a, t ) = member-designator ( b, s ) ;
        open-square ; e = constant-expression ;
        ( a, t ) = <offset_index> ( b, s, e ) ;
        close-square ;
} ;

designator-list : ( b : OFFSET, s : TYPE ) -> ( a : OFFSET, t : TYPE ) = {
        ( a, t ) = designator ( b, s ) ;
        ( c, u ) = designator-list ( b, s ) ;
        ( a, t ) = designator ( c, u ) ;
} ;

constant-offset : ( b : OFFSET, s : TYPE ) -> ( a : OFFSET, t : TYPE ) = {
        ( c, u ) = member-designator ( b, s ) ;
                a = c ;
                t = u ;
                ( a, t ) = designator-list ( c, u ) ;
        } ;
        <error_syntax> ;
        a = b ;
        t = s ;
} ;


    There are a large number of entry points for the grammar, the main
    one being translation-unit, with others for expressions, types etc.

%entry% translation-unit, expression-entry, function-definition-entry,
        declaration-entry, id-entry, operator-id, type-id-entry,
        token-type-id, member-type-id, parameter-entry, statement-entry,
        initialiser-entry, hash-if-expression, template-type-param,
        constant-offset ;