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The TDF Linker - Program Documentation: File Formats
Written: April 1994
Last Modified: July 1995
Author: Steve Folkes
Issue Number: 4.0
This document describes the formats of the files used by the TDF linker.
There are two file formats: the capsule format and the library format. It
also describes the format of the linker information units within capsules.
The capsule format is described in more detail in the TDF specification.
The structure of a TDF capsule is defined properly in the TDF specification.
This section describes the basic components of the TDF format that the
linker uses, and the remaining sections describe the format of a TDF
capsule, a TDF library and a linker information unit in terms of these
components. The basic components are:
This is a byte alignment. It forces the next object to
begin on an eight bit boundary.
This is an unsigned number of unbounded size. Its
representation is described properly in the TDF
specification. It is a series of nibbles (four bits), with
the high bit used as a terminator and the low three bits
used as an octal digit. The terminator bit is set on the
final octal digit. As an example, the number ten would be
represented (in binary) as: 0001 1010.
This is an eight bit quantity. BYTEs are always aligned on
an eight bit boundary.
A TDFIDENT is a sequence of characters. It is possible to
change the size of the characters, although the current
implementation will produce an error for TDFIDENTs with
character sizes other than eight bits. A TDFIDENT is
represented by two TDFINTs (the size of the characters in
bits and the number of characters in the TDFIDENT), and a
sequence of BYTEs.
A UNIQUE is a list of TDFIDENTs. It is represented as a
TDFINT specifying the number of TDFIDENTs in the UNIQUE,
followed by that many TDFIDENTs.
An EXTERNAL is a mechanism for identifying external
identifiers. It is represented as a discriminating tag,
followed by a byte ALIGNment, followed by either a TDFIDENT
or a UNIQUE. The tag is a two bit number, where one
represents a TDFIDENT, two represents a UNIQUE, and zero and
three are currently illegal. UNIQUEs are only used as part
of an EXTERNAL; TDFIDENTs are used as entities in their own
right, as well as in EXTERNALs.
In the following descriptions, the syntax "<name>: <type>" is used to
specify an object in the structure. The "<name>" is used to describe the
purpose of the object; the "<type>" is used to describe what the object
is. A "<type>" is one of the following:
This represents one of the basic types listed above.
<type> * <integer>
This represents a sequence of objects of the specified
type. The <integer> may be either an integer literal, or a
name that has been previously mentioned and is a TDFINT
{ <name1>: <type1> ... <nameN>: <typeN> }
This represents a structure composed of the elements
"<name1>: <type1>" to "<nameN>: <typeN>". It is used for
sequences of objects where the objects are not of basic
<type> = ( <value1> | ... | <valueN> )
This represents a type with a constraint imposed upon it.
The object value must be one of <value1> to <valueN>.
A TDF capsule has the following structure:
magic BYTE * 4 = "TDFC"
major_version TDFINT
minor_version TDFINT
num_prop_names: TDFINT
prop_names: TDFIDENT * num_prop_names
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
linkable_entities: {
num_capsule_scope_identifiers: TDFINT
} * num_linkable_entities
num_external_linkages: TDFINT = num_linkable_entities
external_linkages: {
num_entries: TDFINT
entries: {
capsule_scope_id: TDFINT
external_name: EXTERNAL
} * num_entries
} * num_external_linkages
num_unit_groups: TDFINT = num_prop_names
unit_groups: {
num_units: TDFINT
units: {
num_counts: TDFINT = (num_linkable_entities | 0)
counts: TDFINT * num_counts
num_link_sets: TDFINT = num_counts
link_sets: {
num_links: TDFINT
links: {
internal: TDFINT
external: TDFINT
} * num_links
} * num_link_sets
num_bytes_tdf: TDFINT
tdf: BYTE * num_bytes_tdf
} * num_units
} * num_unit_groups
The rest of this section describes the format of a capsule.
The capsule begins with a header that contains a four byte magic number
("<magic>": "TDFC"), followed by the major ("<major_version>") and minor
("<minor_version>") version numbers of the TDF in the capsule. This is then
followed by a byte alignment and then the the capsule body.
The first part of a capsule tells the linker how many types of unit groups
there are in the capsule ("<num_prop_names>"), and what the names of these
unit group types are ("<prop_names>"). There can be many unit group types,
but the linker must know what they are called, and the order in which they
should occur. At present the linker knows about "tld", "tld2", "versions",
"tokdec", "tokdef", "aldef", "diagtype", "tagdec", "diagdef", "tagdef" and
"linkinfo" (this can be changed from the command line). There is nothing
special about any unit group type except for the "tld" unit group type,
which contains information that the linker uses (and the "tld2" unit group
type, which is obsolete, but is treated as a special case of the "tld" unit
group type). The format of the "tld" unit group type is described in a
later section.
The second part of the capsule tells the linker how many linkable entities
it should be linking on ("<num_linkable_entities>"), the name of each
linkable entity ("<name>"), and the number of identifiers of each linkable
entity at capsule scope ("<num_capsule_scope_identifiers>"). Identifiers at
capsule scope should be numbers from zero to one less than
"<num_capsule_scope_identifiers>". The identifier allocation may be sparse,
but the linker is optimized for continuous identifier allocation.
The third part of the capsule tells the linker which external names the
capsule contains for each linkable entity. For each linkable entity listed
in the second part, the number of external names of that linkable entity are
listed in this part ("<num_entries>"), along with each of the external names
("<external_name>") and the corresponding capsule scope identifiers
("<capsule_scope_id>"). The ordering of the linkable entities in part three
must be identical to the ordering of linkable entities in part two.
The fourth and final part of the capsule contains the unit groups
themselves. The unit groups occur in the same order as the unit group types
were listed in part one. For each unit group, there is a TDFINT specifying
the number of units in that unit group ("<num_units>"), followed by that
many units.
Each unit contains a list of counts ("<counts>") and the number of counts in
that list ("<num_counts>"), which must be either zero or the same as the
number of linkable entities in the capsule ("<num_linkable_entities>").
Each count contains the number of unit scope identifiers of the given
linkable entity in the unit. If the number of counts is non-zero, then the
counts must be in the same order as the linkable entity names.
After the counts come the unit scope identifier to capsule scope identifier
mapping tables. The number of these tables is specified by
"<num_link_sets>" and must be the same as the number of counts
("<num_counts>"), which is either zero or the same as the number of linkable
entities in the capsule. There is one table for each linkable entity (if
"<num_link_sets>" is non-zero), and each table contains "<num_links>" pairs
of TDFINTs. The "<internal>" TDFINT is the unit scope identifier; the
"<external>" TDFINT is the capsule scope identifier.
After the mapping tables there is a length ("<num_bytes_tdf>"), and that many
bytes of TDF data ("<tdf>").
The "tld" unit group (if it exists in the capsule) should contain one unit
only. This unit should begin with two zeroes (i.e. no counts, and no
identifier mapping tables), a length (which must be correct), and a sequence
of bytes.
The bytes encode information useful to the linker. The first thing in the
byte sequence of a "tld" unit is a TDFINT that is the type of the unit.
What follows depends upon the type. There are currently two types that are
supported: zero and one. Type zero units contain the same information as
the old "tld2" units (if a "tld2" unit is read, it is treated as if it were
a "tld" unit that began with a type of zero; it is illegal for a capsule to
contain both a "tld" unit group and a "tld2" unit group). Type one units
contain more information (described below), and are what the linker writes
out in the generated capsule.
A version one unit contains a sequence of TDFINTs. There is one TDFINT for
each external name in part two of the capsule. These TDFINTs should be in
the same order as the external names were. The TDFINTs are treated as a
sequence of bits, with the following meanings:
0 The name is used within this capsule.
1 The name is declared within this capsule.
2 The name is uniquely defined within this capsule.
If this bit is set for a tag, then the declared bit
must also be set (i.e. a declaration must exist).
3 The name is defined in this capsule, but may have
other definitions provided by other capsules. This
bit may not be set for tokens. If a tag has this
bit set, then the declared bit must also be set
(i.e. a declaration must exist).
All of the other bits in the TDFINT are reserved. The linker uses the
information provided by this unit to check that names do not have multiple
unique definitions, and to decide whether libraries should be consulted to
provide a definition for an external name. If a capsule contains no linker
information unit group, then the external names in that capsule will have no
information, and hence these checks will not be made. A similar situation
arises when the information for a name has no bits set.
A version zero unit contains a sequence of TDFINTs. There is one TDFINT
for each external token name, and one TDFINT for each external tag name.
These TDFINTs should be in the same order as the external names were (but
the tokens always come before the tags). The TDFINTs are treated as a
sequence of bits, with the same meanings as above.
A TDF library begins with a header, followed by a TDFINT, that is the type
of the library. At present only type zero libraries are supported. The
format of a type zero library is as follows:
magic: BYTE * 4 = "TDFL"
major_version: TDFINT
minor_version: TDFINT
type: TDFINT = 0
num_capsules: TDFINT
capsules: {
capsule_name: TDFIDENT
capsule_length: TDFINT
capsule_body: BYTE * capsule_length
} * num_capsules
num_linkable_entities: TDFINT
linkable_entities: {
linkable_entity_name: TDFIDENT
num_this_linkable_entity: TDFINT
this_linkable_entity_names: {
info: TDFINT
capsule: TDFINT
} * num_this_linkable_entity
} * num_linkable_entities
The library begins with a four byte magic number ("<magic>": "TDFL"),
followed by the major ("<major_version>") and minor ("<minor_version>")
versions of the TDF in the library (the major version must be the same for
each capsule in the library; the minor version is the highest of the minor
version numbers of all of the the capsules contained in the library). This
is followed by a byte alignment, the type of the library ("<type>": 0), and
the number of capsules in the library ("<num_capsules>"), followed by that
many capsules.
Each of the "<capsules>" has a name ("<capsule_name>"), and the capsule
content, which consists of the length of the capsule ("<capsule_length>")
and that many bytes ("<capsule_body>"). The capsule name is the name of the
file from which the capsule was obtained when the library was built. The
names of capsules within a library must all be different.
The library is terminated by the index. This contains information about
where to find definitions for external names. The index begins with the
number of linkable entities whose external names the library will provide
definitions for ("<num_linkable_entities>").
For each of these linkable entities, the linkable entity index begins with
the name of the linkable entity ("<linkable_entity_name>"), followed by the
number of external names of the linkable entity that have entries in the
index ("<num_this_linkable_entity>"). This is followed by the index
information for each of the names.
For each name, the index contains the name ("<name>"); a TDFINT that
provides information about the name ("<info>") with the same meaning as the
TDFINTs in the linker information units; and the index of the capsule that
contains the definition for the name ("<capsule>"). The index of the first
capsule is zero.