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-*- indented-text -*-

          The TDF Linker - Program Documentation: Program Overview

                            Written:  April 1994

                          Last Modified: July 1995

                            Author: Steve Folkes

                             Issue Number: 4.0


This document gives an overview of the linker source code.  The next
section describes the directory structure.  The remaining sections describe
how the various parts of the linker work.


The sources to the new version of the TDF linker are spread over several
directories.  These directories are described below:


        The top level directory contains the "main.[ce]" files that contain
        the top level function for the linker.


        This directory contains the low level interface to the operating
        system and compiler.  All target dependent code should be in this
        directory.  Much of this code is shared with SID, so not all of the
        functions will be used.  Because this is intended to be shared code,
        it is documented in the header files.


        This directory contains some generic library routines.  It is
        similar to the "os-interface" directory except that all code in this
        directory should be target independent.  Much of this code is shared
        with SID, so not all of the functions will be used.  Because this is
        intended to be shared code, it is documented in the header files.


        This directory is where the automatically generated files are put.
        Currently this is just the error messages.


        This is where the majority of the files that do the actual work are.


        This is where the files that implement the frontends to the linker
        are stored.

This document doesn't describe the behaviour of the content of the
"os-interface" and "library" directories, as it is documented in the header
files.  It also doesn't describe the behaviour of the content of the
"generated" directory, as this is described (where necessary) in the files
from which it is generated.


This section describes the four types of hash table that are used by the
linker.  These data structures are fundamental to the linker, and most of
the linker's behaviour involves adding things to the hash tables or writing
out information stored in them.

The four types of hash table are the unit set table, the shape table, the
name table, and the mapping table.  Name tables only exist as part of
entries in a shape table, and mapping tables only exist as part of entries
in a unit set table.

When linking, there is one unit set table and one shape table into which the
information read from capsules is stored.  There is a second shape table
into which the information from the library index is stored.

When building libraries, one unit set table and one shape table are used for
reading capsules in the same way as for linking, but one shape table is used
for each library that is read (they are only used for checking the validity
of the index, and are discarded immediately after the library has been

For showing the library content, and extracting capsules from a library,
only a single shape table is used to store the library index.


The first hash table type is the unit set hash table, defined in
"tdf/unit-table.[ch]".  Each entry in the table (defined in
"tdf/unit-entry.[ch]") has the following information:


        This is a pointer to the next entry in the hash table.


        This is the unit set name.


        This is the order number of the unit set.  When reading unit set
        names from a capsule, each unit set must have a higher order number
        than the preceding unit sets.


        These are the start and end pointers of the list of units in the
        unit set that this entry represents.

Each unit in the unit list contains the following information:


        This is a pointer to the next unit in the list.


        This is the unit mapping table.  It contains the unit scope
        identifier limits (counts) and the unit scope to capsule scope
        identifier mapping tables for each shape in the capsule that the
        unit came from.


        This is the unit's TDF content.


The second main hash table type is the shape table defined in
"shape-table.[ch]".  Each entry in the table (defined in "shape-entry.[ch]")
has the following information:


        This is a pointer to the next entry in the hash table.


        This is the shape name.


        This is a table that contains the external names for the shape.


        This stores the next available capsule scope identifier for the


        This is set to true during the capsule output routines if the shape
        is to be output (if it has either unit scope identifiers or capsule
        scope identifiers).


        This is used to cache the number of identifiers of the shape that
        are going to be written out to the library index.


        These store a list of name entries as they are added to the name
        table "names".  As new names are added to the the name table, they
        are also added to this list.  When trying to resolve undefined
        external names, the names are removed from the front of this list,
        and definitions are looked up in the libraries.  When all such lists
        are empty, then all possible name resolution has been done.


The third hash table type is the name table defined in "name-table.[ch]".
Each entry in the table (defined in "name-entry.[ch]") has the following


        This is a pointer to the next entry in the hash table.


        This is the name's name.


        This is the type of the name.  There are five types: "NT_INDIRECT",
        "NT_PLACEHOLDER".  The first three types are all indirect names
        (used by the renaming); the last type is also used by the renaming.
        The direct name type is the real name type.

        When renaming information is read, it is entered into each name
        table of the appropriate shape.  Initially, a place holder name is
        created for the new name, and an indirect name is created for the
        old name.  The indirect name contains a pointer to the place holder
        name (actually, this may also be an indirect name if it has also
        been renamed).

        Once all of the renamed names have been added to the table, the
        renamings are checked for cycles, and the indirect entries are set
        so that they all point to a place holder entry (so that it will not
        be necessary to follow chains of indirect entries).  The other two
        indirect types are used by this process.  After the process has
        completed, all entries in the table will be of type
        "NT_INDIRECT_DONE" or "NT_PLACEHOLDER".  At this stage, there will
        be no direct entries.

        Direct entries are added when capsules and libraries are read.
        Place holder entries will automatically turn into direct entries
        when a direct entry of the same name is added.  Attempts to add an
        entry with the same name as an indirect entry will result in the
        entry it points to being used instead.

        The name table hides all of the renaming: the functions that get
        entries from the name table follow indirect entries, and ignore
        place holder entries; the iteration function only iterates across
        direct entries.  In this way, nothing outside of the name table
        structure needs to worry about renaming.


        This contains a pointer to another entry that is to be used in place
        of this entry.  It is only used if the entry is an indirect entry of
        some form.

        This contains the capsule scope identifier that has been allocated
        for this name.  It is only used if the entry is a direct entry (as
        is the case for all other "" fields).

        This contains the name's usage information (as read from the linker
        information unit).  In addition, an otherwise unused bit is used to
        indicate that the name is hidden.

        This contains a pointer to the capsule object that defined the name.
        It is used for reporting the original definition for multiply
        defined names.  It is also used to indicate that the name has a
        definition (it is set to the nil pointer if the name has no
        definition, or if the definition has been suppressed).  It is only
        used for names not in a library index.

        This contains a pointer to the library capsule object that defined
        the name.  It is only used for names in a library index, to indicate
        which capsule should be loaded to define the name.  It is set to
        the nil pointer if the name has no library definition, or if the
        definition has been suppressed.

        This contains a pointer to the next name in the list of names of
        this shape (the list that the "head" and "tail" fields in the shape
        entry structure represent).


The last hash table type is the mapping table defined in "map-table.[ch]".
Each entry in the table (defined in "map-entry.[ch]") has the following


        This is a pointer to the next entry in the hash table.


        This is the shape name.


        This contains the unit scope identifier limit for the shape in the
        unit that contains the table that the entry is an entry in.


        This contains the number of unit scope to capsule scope identifier
        mappings for the shape in the unit that contains the table that the
        entry is an entry in.


        This contains the unit scope to capsule scope identifier mappings
        for the shape in the unit that contains the table that the entry is
        an entry in.