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* USB host driver for BCM2835
* Synopsis DesignWare Core USB 2.0 OTG controller
* Device register definitions
typedef unsigned int Reg;
typedef struct Dwcregs Dwcregs;
typedef struct Hostchan Hostchan;
enum {
Maxchans = 16, /* actual number of channels in ghwcfg2 */
struct Dwcregs {
/* Core global registers 0x000-0x140 */
Reg gotgctl; /* OTG Control and Status */
Reg gotgint; /* OTG Interrupt */
Reg gahbcfg; /* Core AHB Configuration */
Reg gusbcfg; /* Core USB Configuration */
Reg grstctl; /* Core Reset */
Reg gintsts; /* Core Interrupt */
Reg gintmsk; /* Core Interrupt Mask */
Reg grxstsr; /* Receive Status Queue Read (RO) */
Reg grxstsp; /* Receive Status Queue Read & POP (RO) */
Reg grxfsiz; /* Receive FIFO Size */
Reg gnptxfsiz; /* Non Periodic Transmit FIFO Size */
Reg gnptxsts; /* Non Periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status (RO) */
Reg gi2cctl; /* I2C Access */
Reg gpvndctl; /* PHY Vendor Control */
Reg ggpio; /* General Purpose Input/Output */
Reg guid; /* User ID */
Reg gsnpsid; /* Synopsys ID (RO) */
Reg ghwcfg1; /* User HW Config1 (RO) (DEVICE) */
Reg ghwcfg2; /* User HW Config2 (RO) */
Reg ghwcfg3; /* User HW Config3 (RO) */
Reg ghwcfg4; /* User HW Config4 (RO)*/
Reg glpmcfg; /* Core LPM Configuration */
Reg gpwrdn; /* Global PowerDn */
Reg gdfifocfg; /* Global DFIFO SW Config (DEVICE?) */
Reg adpctl; /* ADP Control */
Reg reserved0[39];
Reg hptxfsiz; /* Host Periodic Transmit FIFO Size */
Reg dtxfsiz[15]; /* Device Periodic Transmit FIFOs (DEVICE) */
char pad0[0x400-0x140];
/* Host global registers 0x400-0x420 */
Reg hcfg; /* Configuration */
Reg hfir; /* Frame Interval */
Reg hfnum; /* Frame Number / Frame Remaining (RO) */
Reg reserved1;
Reg hptxsts; /* Periodic Transmit FIFO / Queue Status */
Reg haint; /* All Channels Interrupt */
Reg haintmsk; /* All Channels Interrupt Mask */
Reg hflbaddr; /* Frame List Base Address */
char pad1[0x440-0x420];
/* Host port register 0x440 */
Reg hport0; /* Host Port 0 Control and Status */
char pad2[0x500-0x444];
/* Host channel specific registers 0x500-0x700 */
struct Hostchan {
Reg hcchar; /* Characteristic */
Reg hcsplt; /* Split Control */
Reg hcint; /* Interrupt */
Reg hcintmsk; /* Interrupt Mask */
Reg hctsiz; /* Transfer Size */
Reg hcdma; /* DMA Address */
Reg reserved;
Reg hcdmab; /* DMA Buffer Address */
} hchan[Maxchans];
char pad3[0xE00-0x700];
/* Power & clock gating control register 0xE00 */
Reg pcgcctl;
enum {
/* gotgctl */
Sesreqscs = 1<<0,
Sesreq = 1<<1,
Vbvalidoven = 1<<2,
Vbvalidovval = 1<<3,
Avalidoven = 1<<4,
Avalidovval = 1<<5,
Bvalidoven = 1<<6,
Bvalidovval = 1<<7,
Hstnegscs = 1<<8,
Hnpreq = 1<<9,
Hstsethnpen = 1<<10,
Devhnpen = 1<<11,
Conidsts = 1<<16,
Dbnctime = 1<<17,
Asesvld = 1<<18,
Bsesvld = 1<<19,
Otgver = 1<<20,
Multvalidbc = 0x1F<<22,
Chirpen = 1<<27,
/* gotgint */
Sesenddet = 1<<2,
Sesreqsucstschng= 1<<8,
Hstnegsucstschng= 1<<9,
Hstnegdet = 1<<17,
Adevtoutchng = 1<<18,
Debdone = 1<<19,
Mvic = 1<<20,
/* gahbcfg */
Glblintrmsk = 1<<0,
/* bits 1:4 redefined for BCM2835 */
Axiburstlen = 0x3<<1,
BURST1 = 3<<1,
BURST2 = 2<<1,
BURST3 = 1<<1,
BURST4 = 0<<1,
Axiwaitwrites = 1<<4,
Dmaenable = 1<<5,
Nptxfemplvl = 1<<7,
NPTX_EMPTY = 1<<7,
Ptxfemplvl = 1<<8,
PTX_EMPTY = 1<<8,
Remmemsupp = 1<<21,
Notialldmawrit = 1<<22,
Ahbsingle = 1<<23,
/* gusbcfg */
Toutcal = 0x7<<0,
Phyif = 1<<3,
Ulpi_utmi_sel = 1<<4,
Fsintf = 1<<5,
FsUnidir = 0<<5,
FsBidir = 1<<5,
Physel = 1<<6,
PhyHighspeed = 0<<6,
PhyFullspeed = 1<<6,
Ddrsel = 1<<7,
Srpcap = 1<<8,
Hnpcap = 1<<9,
Usbtrdtim = 0xf<<10,
OUsbtrdtim = 10,
Phylpwrclksel = 1<<15,
Otgutmifssel = 1<<16,
Ulpi_fsls = 1<<17,
Ulpi_auto_res = 1<<18,
Ulpi_clk_sus_m = 1<<19,
Ulpi_ext_vbus_drv= 1<<20,
Ulpi_int_vbus_indicator= 1<<21,
Term_sel_dl_pulse= 1<<22,
Indicator_complement= 1<<23,
Indicator_pass_through= 1<<24,
Ulpi_int_prot_dis= 1<<25,
Ic_usb_cap = 1<<26,
Ic_traffic_pull_remove= 1<<27,
Tx_end_delay = 1<<28,
Force_host_mode = 1<<29,
Force_dev_mode = 1<<30,
/* grstctl */
Csftrst = 1<<0,
Hsftrst = 1<<1,
Hstfrm = 1<<2,
Intknqflsh = 1<<3,
Rxfflsh = 1<<4,
Txfflsh = 1<<5,
Txfnum = 0x1f<<6,
TXF_ALL = 0x10<<6,
Dmareq = 1<<30,
Ahbidle = 1<<31,
/* gintsts, gintmsk */
Curmode = 1<<0,
HOSTMODE = 1<<0,
DEVMODE = 0<<0,
Modemismatch = 1<<1,
Otgintr = 1<<2,
Sofintr = 1<<3,
Rxstsqlvl = 1<<4,
Nptxfempty = 1<<5,
Ginnakeff = 1<<6,
Goutnakeff = 1<<7,
Ulpickint = 1<<8,
I2cintr = 1<<9,
Erlysuspend = 1<<10,
Usbsuspend = 1<<11,
Usbreset = 1<<12,
Enumdone = 1<<13,
Isooutdrop = 1<<14,
Eopframe = 1<<15,
Restoredone = 1<<16,
Epmismatch = 1<<17,
Inepintr = 1<<18,
Outepintr = 1<<19,
Incomplisoin = 1<<20,
Incomplisoout = 1<<21,
Fetsusp = 1<<22,
Resetdet = 1<<23,
Portintr = 1<<24,
Hcintr = 1<<25,
Ptxfempty = 1<<26,
Lpmtranrcvd = 1<<27,
Conidstschng = 1<<28,
Disconnect = 1<<29,
Sessreqintr = 1<<30,
Wkupintr = 1<<31,
/* grxsts[rp] */
Chnum = 0xf<<0,
Bcnt = 0x7ff<<4,
Dpid = 0x3<<15,
Pktsts = 0xf<<17,
PKTSTS_IN = 2<<17,
/* hptxfsiz, gnptxfsiz */
Startaddr = 0xffff<<0,
Depth = 0xffff<<16,
ODepth = 16,
/* gnptxsts */
Nptxfspcavail = 0xffff<<0,
Nptxqspcavail = 0xff<<16,
Nptxqtop_terminate= 1<<24,
Nptxqtop_token = 0x3<<25,
Nptxqtop_chnep = 0xf<<27,
/* gpvndctl */
Regdata = 0xff<<0,
Vctrl = 0xff<<8,
Regaddr16_21 = 0x3f<<16,
Regwr = 1<<22,
Newregreq = 1<<25,
Vstsbsy = 1<<26,
Vstsdone = 1<<27,
Disulpidrvr = 1<<31,
/* ggpio */
Gpi = 0xffff<<0,
Gpo = 0xffff<<16,
/* ghwcfg2 */
Op_mode = 0x7<<0,
Architecture = 0x3<<3,
SLAVE_ONLY = 0<<3,
EXT_DMA = 1<<3,
INT_DMA = 2<<3,
Point2point = 1<<5,
Hs_phy_type = 0x3<<6,
PHY_UTMI = 1<<6,
PHY_ULPI = 2<<6,
Fs_phy_type = 0x3<<8,
Num_dev_ep = 0xf<<10,
Num_host_chan = 0xf<<14,
ONum_host_chan = 14,
Perio_ep_supported= 1<<18,
Dynamic_fifo = 1<<19,
Nonperio_tx_q_depth= 0x3<<22,
Host_perio_tx_q_depth= 0x3<<24,
Dev_token_q_depth= 0x1f<<26,
Otg_enable_ic_usb= 1<<31,
/* ghwcfg3 */
Xfer_size_cntr_width = 0xf<<0,
Packet_size_cntr_width = 0x7<<4,
Otg_func = 1<<7,
I2c = 1<<8,
Vendor_ctrl_if = 1<<9,
Optional_features = 1<<10,
Synch_reset_type = 1<<11,
Adp_supp = 1<<12,
Otg_enable_hsic = 1<<13,
Bc_support = 1<<14,
Otg_lpm_en = 1<<15,
Dfifo_depth = 0xffff<<16,
ODfifo_depth = 16,
/* ghwcfg4 */
Num_dev_perio_in_ep = 0xf<<0,
Power_optimiz = 1<<4,
Min_ahb_freq = 1<<5,
Hiber = 1<<6,
Xhiber = 1<<7,
Utmi_phy_data_width = 0x3<<14,
Num_dev_mode_ctrl_ep = 0xf<<16,
Iddig_filt_en = 1<<20,
Vbus_valid_filt_en = 1<<21,
A_valid_filt_en = 1<<22,
B_valid_filt_en = 1<<23,
Session_end_filt_en = 1<<24,
Ded_fifo_en = 1<<25,
Num_in_eps = 0xf<<26,
Desc_dma = 1<<30,
Desc_dma_dyn = 1<<31,
/* glpmcfg */
Lpm_cap_en = 1<<0,
Appl_resp = 1<<1,
Hird = 0xf<<2,
Rem_wkup_en = 1<<6,
En_utmi_sleep = 1<<7,
Hird_thres = 0x1f<<8,
Lpm_resp = 0x3<<13,
Prt_sleep_sts = 1<<15,
Sleep_state_resumeok= 1<<16,
Lpm_chan_index = 0xf<<17,
Retry_count = 0x7<<21,
Send_lpm = 1<<24,
Retry_count_sts = 0x7<<25,
Hsic_connect = 1<<30,
Inv_sel_hsic = 1<<31,
/* gpwrdn */
Pmuintsel = 1<<0,
Pmuactv = 1<<1,
Restore = 1<<2,
Pwrdnclmp = 1<<3,
Pwrdnrstn = 1<<4,
Pwrdnswtch = 1<<5,
Dis_vbus = 1<<6,
Lnstschng = 1<<7,
Lnstchng_msk = 1<<8,
Rst_det = 1<<9,
Rst_det_msk = 1<<10,
Disconn_det = 1<<11,
Disconn_det_msk = 1<<12,
Connect_det = 1<<13,
Connect_det_msk = 1<<14,
Srp_det = 1<<15,
Srp_det_msk = 1<<16,
Sts_chngint = 1<<17,
Sts_chngint_msk = 1<<18,
Linestate = 0x3<<19,
Idsts = 1<<21,
Bsessvld = 1<<22,
Adp_int = 1<<23,
Mult_val_id_bc = 0x1f<<24,
/* gdfifocfg */
Gdfifocfg = 0xffff<<0,
Epinfobase = 0xffff<<16,
/* adpctl */
Prb_dschg = 0x3<<0,
Prb_delta = 0x3<<2,
Prb_per = 0x3<<4,
Rtim = 0x7ff<<6,
Enaprb = 1<<17,
Enasns = 1<<18,
Adpres = 1<<19,
Adpen = 1<<20,
Adp_prb_int = 1<<21,
Adp_sns_int = 1<<22,
Adp_tmout_int = 1<<23,
Adp_prb_int_msk = 1<<24,
Adp_sns_int_msk = 1<<25,
Adp_tmout_int_msk= 1<<26,
Ar = 0x3<<27,
/* hcfg */
Fslspclksel = 0x3<<0,
HCFG_30_60_MHZ = 0<<0,
HCFG_48_MHZ = 1<<0,
HCFG_6_MHZ = 2<<0,
Fslssupp = 1<<2,
Ena32khzs = 1<<7,
Resvalid = 0xff<<8,
Descdma = 1<<23,
Frlisten = 0x3<<24,
Modechtimen = 1<<31,
/* hfir */
Frint = 0xffff<<0,
Hfirrldctrl = 1<<16,
/* hfnum */
Frnum = 0xffff<<0,
MAX_FRNUM = 0x3FFF<<0,
Frrem = 0xffff<<16,
/* hptxsts */
Ptxfspcavail = 0xffff<<0,
Ptxqspcavail = 0xff<<16,
Ptxqtop_terminate= 1<<24,
Ptxqtop_token = 0x3<<25,
Ptxqtop_chnum = 0xf<<27,
Ptxqtop_odd = 1<<31,
/* haint, haintmsk */
#define CHANINT(n) (1<<(n))
/* hport0 */
Prtconnsts = 1<<0, /* connect status (RO) */
Prtconndet = 1<<1, /* connect detected R/W1C) */
Prtena = 1<<2, /* enable (R/W1C) */
Prtenchng = 1<<3, /* enable/disable change (R/W1C) */
Prtovrcurract = 1<<4, /* overcurrent active (RO) */
Prtovrcurrchng = 1<<5, /* overcurrent change (R/W1C) */
Prtres = 1<<6, /* resume */
Prtsusp = 1<<7, /* suspend */
Prtrst = 1<<8, /* reset */
Prtlnsts = 0x3<<10, /* line state {D+,D-} (RO) */
Prtpwr = 1<<12, /* power on */
Prttstctl = 0xf<<13, /* test */
Prtspd = 0x3<<17, /* speed (RO) */
HIGHSPEED = 0<<17,
FULLSPEED = 1<<17,
LOWSPEED = 2<<17,
/* hcchar */
Mps = 0x7ff<<0, /* endpoint maximum packet size */
Epnum = 0xf<<11, /* endpoint number */
OEpnum = 11,
Epdir = 1<<15, /* endpoint direction */
Epout = 0<<15,
Epin = 1<<15,
Lspddev = 1<<17, /* device is lowspeed */
Eptype = 0x3<<18, /* endpoint type */
Epctl = 0<<18,
Episo = 1<<18,
Epbulk = 2<<18,
Epintr = 3<<18,
Multicnt = 0x3<<20, /* transactions per μframe */
/* or retries per periodic split */
OMulticnt = 20,
Devaddr = 0x7f<<22, /* device address */
ODevaddr = 22,
Oddfrm = 1<<29, /* xfer in odd frame (iso/interrupt) */
Chdis = 1<<30, /* channel disable (write 1 only) */
Chen = 1<<31, /* channel enable (write 1 only) */
/* hcsplt */
Prtaddr = 0x7f<<0, /* port address of recipient */
/* transaction translator */
Hubaddr = 0x7f<<7, /* dev address of transaction */
/* translator's hub */
OHubaddr = 7,
Xactpos = 0x3<<14, /* payload's position within transaction */
POS_MID = 0<<14,
POS_END = 1<<14,
POS_BEGIN = 2<<14,
POS_ALL = 3<<14, /* all of data (<= 188 bytes) */
Compsplt = 1<<16, /* do complete split */
Spltena = 1<<31, /* channel enabled to do splits */
/* hcint, hcintmsk */
Xfercomp = 1<<0, /* transfer completed without error */
Chhltd = 1<<1, /* channel halted */
Ahberr = 1<<2, /* AHB dma error */
Stall = 1<<3,
Nak = 1<<4,
Ack = 1<<5,
Nyet = 1<<6,
Xacterr = 1<<7, /* transaction error (crc, t/o, bit stuff, eop) */
Bblerr = 1<<8,
Frmovrun = 1<<9,
Datatglerr = 1<<10,
Bna = 1<<11,
Xcs_xact = 1<<12,
Frm_list_roll = 1<<13,
/* hctsiz */
Xfersize = 0x7ffff<<0, /* expected total bytes */
Pktcnt = 0x3ff<<19, /* expected number of packets */
OPktcnt = 19,
Pid = 0x3<<29, /* packet id for initial transaction */
DATA0 = 0<<29,
DATA1 = 2<<29, /* sic */
DATA2 = 1<<29, /* sic */
MDATA = 3<<29, /* (non-ctl ep) */
SETUP = 3<<29, /* (ctl ep) */
Dopng = 1<<31, /* do PING protocol */
/* pcgcctl */
Stoppclk = 1<<0,
Gatehclk = 1<<1,
Pwrclmp = 1<<2,
Rstpdwnmodule = 1<<3,
Enbl_sleep_gating = 1<<5,
Phy_in_sleep = 1<<6,
Deep_sleep = 1<<7,
Resetaftsusp = 1<<8,
Restoremode = 1<<9,
Enbl_extnd_hiber = 1<<10,
Extnd_hiber_pwrclmp = 1<<11,
Extnd_hiber_switch = 1<<12,
Ess_reg_restored = 1<<13,
Prt_clk_sel = 0x3<<14,
Port_power = 1<<16,
Max_xcvrselect = 0x3<<17,
Max_termsel = 1<<19,
Mac_dev_addr = 0x7f<<20,
P2hd_dev_enum_spd = 0x3<<27,
P2hd_prt_spd = 0x3<<29,
If_dev_mode = 1<<31,