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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ip.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "protos.h"

typedef struct Hdr      Hdr;
struct Hdr
        uchar   vihl;           /* Version and header length */
        uchar   tos;            /* Type of service */
        uchar   length[2];      /* packet length */
        uchar   id[2];          /* ip->identification */
        uchar   frag[2];        /* Fragment information */
        uchar   ttl;            /* Time to live */
        uchar   proto;          /* Protocol */
        uchar   cksum[2];       /* Header checksum */
        uchar   src[4];         /* IP source */
        uchar   dst[4];         /* IP destination */

        IPHDR           = 20,           /* sizeof(Iphdr) */
        IP_VER          = 0x40,         /* Using IP version 4 */
        IP_DF           = 0x4000,       /* Don't fragment */
        IP_MF           = 0x2000,       /* More fragments */

static Mux p_mux[] =
        { "icmp", 1, },
        { "igmp", 2, },
        { "ggp", 3, },
        { "ip", 4, },
        { "st", 5, },
        { "tcp", 6, },
        { "ucl", 7, },
        { "egp", 8, },
        { "igp", 9, },
        { "bbn-rcc-mon", 10, },
        { "nvp-ii", 11, },
        { "pup", 12, },
        { "argus", 13, },
        { "emcon", 14, },
        { "xnet", 15, },
        { "chaos", 16, },
        { "udp", 17, },
        { "mux", 18, },
        { "dcn-meas", 19, },
        { "hmp", 20, },
        { "prm", 21, },
        { "xns-idp", 22, },
        { "trunk-1", 23, },
        { "trunk-2", 24, },
        { "leaf-1", 25, },
        { "leaf-2", 26, },
        { "rdp", 27, },
        { "irtp", 28, },
        { "iso-tp4", 29, },
        { "netblt", 30, },
        { "mfe-nsp", 31, },
        { "merit-inp", 32, },
        { "sep", 33, },
        { "3pc", 34, },
        { "idpr", 35, },
        { "xtp", 36, },
        { "ddp", 37, },
        { "idpr-cmtp", 38, },
        { "tp++", 39, },
        { "il", 40, },
        { "sip", 41, },
        { "sdrp", 42, },
        { "sip-sr", 43, },
        { "sip-frag", 44, },
        { "idrp", 45, },
        { "rsvp", 46, },
        { "gre", 47, },
        { "mhrp", 48, },
        { "bna", 49, },
        { "sipp-esp", 50, },
        { "sipp-ah", 51, },
        { "i-nlsp", 52, },
        { "swipe", 53, },
        { "nhrp", 54, },
        { "any", 61, },
        { "cftp", 62, },
        { "any", 63, },
        { "sat-expak", 64, },
        { "kryptolan", 65, },
        { "rvd", 66, },
        { "ippc", 67, },
        { "any", 68, },
        { "sat-mon", 69, },
        { "visa", 70, },
        { "ipcv", 71, },
        { "cpnx", 72, },
        { "cphb", 73, },
        { "wsn", 74, },
        { "pvp", 75, },
        { "br-sat-mon", 76, },
        { "sun-nd", 77, },
        { "wb-mon", 78, },
        { "wb-expak", 79, },
        { "iso-ip", 80, },
        { "vmtp", 81, },
        { "secure-vmtp", 82, },
        { "vines", 83, },
        { "ttp", 84, },
        { "nsfnet-igp", 85, },
        { "dgp", 86, },
        { "tcf", 87, },
        { "igrp", 88, },
        { "ospf", 89, },
        { "sprite-rpc", 90, },
        { "larp", 91, },
        { "mtp", 92, },
        { "ax.25", 93, },
        { "ipip", 94, },
        { "micp", 95, },
        { "scc-sp", 96, },
        { "etherip", 97, },
        { "encap", 98, },
        { "any", 99, },
        { "gmtp", 100, },
        { "rudp", 254, },
        { 0 }

        Os,     /* source */
        Od,     /* destination */
        Osd,    /* source or destination */
        Ot,     /* type */

static Field p_fields[] =
        {"s",   Fv4ip,  Os,     "source address",       } ,
        {"d",   Fv4ip,  Od,     "destination address",  } ,
        {"a",   Fv4ip,  Osd,    "source|destination address",} ,
        {"sd",  Fv4ip,  Osd,    "source|destination address",} ,
        {"t",   Fnum,   Ot,     "sub protocol number",  } ,

static void
p_compile(Filter *f)
        Mux *m;

        if(f->op == '='){
                compile_cmp(, f, p_fields);
        for(m = p_mux; m->name != nil; m++)
                if(strcmp(f->s, m->name) == 0){
                        f->pr = m->pr;
                        f->ulv = m->val;
                        f->subop = Ot;
        sysfatal("unknown ip field or protocol: %s", f->s);

static int
p_filter(Filter *f, Msg *m)
        Hdr *h;

        if(m->pe - m->ps < IPHDR)
                return 0;

        h = (Hdr*)m->ps;
        m->ps += (h->vihl & 0xf) << 2;

        case Os:
                return NetL(h->src) == f->ulv;
        case Od:
                return NetL(h->dst) == f->ulv;
        case Osd:
                return NetL(h->src) == f->ulv || NetL(h->dst) == f->ulv;
        case Ot:
                return h->proto == f->ulv;
        return 0;

static int
p_seprint(Msg *m)
        int f, len, hl;
        uchar *p;
        Hdr *h;

        if(m->pe - m->ps < IPHDR)
                return -1;
        h = (Hdr*)m->ps;

        /* next protocol, just dump unless this is the first fragment */
        m->pr = &dump;
        f = NetS(h->frag);
        if((f & ~(IP_DF|IP_MF)) == 0)
                demux(p_mux, h->proto, h->proto, m, &dump);

        /* truncate the message if there's extra */
        len = NetS(h->length);
        if(len < m->pe - m->ps)
                m->pe = m->ps + len;

        /* next header */
        hl = (h->vihl  &0xf) << 2;

        m->p = seprint(m->p, m->e, "s=%V d=%V id=%4.4ux frag=%4.4ux ttl=%3d pr=%d ln=%d hl=%d",
                h->src, h->dst, NetS(h->id), NetS(h->frag), h->ttl, h->proto,
                (h->vihl & 0xf) << 2);

        m->ps += hl;
        p = (uchar *)(h + 1);
        if(p < m->ps){
                m->p = seprint(m->p, m->e, " opts=(");
                while(p < m->ps)
                        m->p = seprint(m->p, m->e, "%.2ux", *p++);
                m->p = seprint(m->p, m->e, ")");

        return 0;

Proto ip =