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 * download - host resident font downloader
 * Prepends host resident fonts to PostScript input files. The program assumes
 * the input files are part of a single PostScript job and that requested fonts
 * can be downloaded at the start of each input file. Downloaded fonts are the
 * ones named in a %%DocumentFonts: comment and listed in a special map table.
 * Map table pathnames (supplied using the -m option) that begin with a / are
 * taken as is. Otherwise the final pathname is built using *hostfontdir (-H
 * option), *mapname (-m option), and *suffix.
 * The map table consists of fontname-filename pairs, separated by white space.
 * Comments are introduced by % (as in PostScript) and extend to the end of the
 * current line. The only fonts that can be downloaded are the ones listed in
 * the active map table that point the program to a readable Unix file. A request
 * for an unlisted font or inaccessible file is ignored. All font requests are
 * ignored if the map table can't be read. In that case the program simply copies
 * the input files to stdout.
 * An example (but not one to follow) of what can be in a map table is,
 *      %
 *      % Map requests for Bookman-Light to file *hostfontdir/KR
 *      %
 *        Bookman-Light         KR      % Keeping everything (including the map
 *                                      % table) in *hostfontdir seems like the
 *                                      % cleanest approach.
 *      %
 *      % Map Palatino-Roman to file *hostfontdir/palatino/Roman
 *      %
 *        Palatino-Roman        palatino/Roman
 *      % Map ZapfDingbats to file /usr/lib/host/dingbats
 *        ZapfDingbats          /usr/lib/host/dingbats
 * Once again, file names that begin with a / are taken as is. All others have
 * *hostfontdir/ prepended to the file string associated with a particular font.
 * Map table can be associated with a printer model (e.g. a LaserWriter), a
 * printer destination, or whatever - the choice is up to an administrator.
 * By destination may be best if your spooler is running several private
 * printers. Host resident fonts are usually purchased under a license that
 * restricts their use to a limited number of printers. A font licensed for
 * a single printer should only be used on that printer.
 * Was written quickly, so there's much room for improvement. Undoubtedly should
 * be a more general program (e.g. scan for other comments).


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "comments.h"                   /* PostScript file structuring comments */
#include "gen.h"                        /* general purpose definitions */
#include "path.h"                       /* for temporary directory */
#include "ext.h"                        /* external variable declarations */
#include "download.h"                   /* a few special definitions */

char    *temp_dir = TEMPDIR;            /* temp directory - for copying stdin */
char    *hostfontdir = HOSTDIR;         /* host resident directory */
char    *mapname = "map";               /* map table - usually in *hostfontdir */
char    *suffix = "";                   /* appended to the map table pathname */
Map     *map = NULL;                    /* device font map table */
char    *stringspace = NULL;            /* for storing font and file strings */
int     next = 0;                       /* next free slot in map[] */

char    *residentfonts = NULL;          /* list of printer resident fonts */
char    *printer = NULL;                /* printer name - only for Unix 4.0 lp */

char    buf[2048];                      /* input file line buffer */
char    *comment = DOCUMENTFONTS;       /* look for this comment */
int     atend = FALSE;                  /* TRUE only if a comment says so */

FILE    *fp_in = stdin;                 /* next input file */
FILE    *fp_temp = NULL;                /* for copying stdin */

void    arguments(void);
void    copyfonts(char *);
void    copyinput(void);
void    done(void);
void    download(void);
void    init_signals(void);
void    options(void);
void    readmap(void);
void    readresident(void);

main(agc, agv)
    int         agc;
    char        *agv[];
 * Host resident font downloader. The input files are assumed to be part of a
 * single PostScript job.

    argc = agc;                         /* other routines may want them */
    argv = agv;

    prog_name = argv[0];                /* just for error messages */

    init_signals();                     /* sets up interrupt handling */
    options();                          /* first get command line options */
    readmap();                          /* read the font map table */
    readresident();                     /* and the optional resident font list */
    arguments();                        /* then process non-option arguments */
    done();                             /* and clean things up */
    exit(x_stat);                       /* not much could be wrong */
    return 0;

 * Makes sure we handle interrupts properly.

    if ( signal(SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_IGN ) {
        signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
        signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
        signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
    } else {
        signal(SIGHUP, interrupt);
        signal(SIGQUIT, interrupt);

    signal(SIGTERM, interrupt);

    int         ch;                     /* return value from getopt() */
    char        *optnames = "c:fm:p:r:H:T:DI";

    extern char *optarg;                /* used by getopt() */
    extern int  optind;

 * Reads and processes the command line options.

    while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF ) {
        switch ( ch ) {
            case 'c':                   /* look for this comment */
                    comment = optarg;

            case 'f':                   /* force a complete input file scan */
                    atend = TRUE;

            case 'm':                   /* printer map table name */
                    mapname = optarg;

            case 'p':                   /* printer name - for Unix 4.0 lp */
                    printer = optarg;

            case 'r':                   /* resident font list */
                    residentfonts = optarg;

            case 'H':                   /* host resident font directory */
                    hostfontdir = optarg;

            case 'T':                   /* temporary file directory */
                    temp_dir = optarg;

            case 'D':                   /* debug flag */
                    debug = ON;

            case 'I':                   /* ignore FATAL errors */
                    ignore = ON;

            case '?':                   /* don't understand the option */
                    error(FATAL, "");

            default:                    /* don't know what to do for ch */
                    error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c\n", ch);
        }   /* End switch */
    }   /* End while */

    argc -= optind;                     /* get ready for non-option args */
    argv += optind;

    char        *path;
    char        *ptr;
    int         fd;
    struct stat sbuf;

 * Initializes the map table by reading an ASCII mapping file. If mapname begins
 * with a / it's the map table. Otherwise hostfontdir, mapname, and suffix are
 * combined to build the final pathname. If we can open the file we read it all
 * into memory, erase comments, and separate the font and file name pairs. When
 * we leave next points to the next free slot in the map[] array. If it's zero
 * nothing was in the file or we couldn't open it.

    if ( hostfontdir == NULL || mapname == NULL )

    if ( *mapname != '/' ) {
        if ( (path = malloc(strlen(hostfontdir) + strlen(mapname) +
                                                strlen(suffix) + 2)) == NULL )
            error(FATAL, "no memory");
        sprintf(path, "%s/%s%s", hostfontdir, mapname, suffix);
    } else path = mapname;

    if ( (fd = open(path, 0)) != -1 ) {
        if ( fstat(fd, &sbuf) == -1 )
            error(FATAL, "can't fstat %s", path);
        if ( (stringspace = malloc(sbuf.st_size + 2)) == NULL )
            error(FATAL, "no memory for %s (%d bytes)", path, sbuf.st_size + 2);
        if ( read(fd, stringspace, sbuf.st_size) == -1 )
            error(FATAL, "can't read %s", path);

        stringspace[sbuf.st_size] = '\n';       /* just to be safe */
        stringspace[sbuf.st_size+1] = '\0';
        for ( ptr = stringspace; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++ )  /* erase comments */
            if ( *ptr == '%' )
                for ( ; *ptr != '\n' ; ptr++ )
                    *ptr = ' ';

        for ( ptr = stringspace; ; next++ ) {
            if ( (next % 50) == 0 )
                map = allocate(map, next+50);
            map[next].downloaded = FALSE;
            map[next].font = strtok(ptr, " \t\n");
            map[next].file = strtok(ptr = NULL, " \t\n");
            if ( map[next].font == NULL )
            if ( map[next].file == NULL )
                error(FATAL, "map table format error - check %s", path);

    FILE        *fp;
    char        *path;
    int         ch;
    int         n;

 * Reads a file that lists the resident fonts for a particular printer and marks
 * each font as already downloaded. Nothing's done if the file can't be read or
 * there's no mapping file. Comments, as in the map file, begin with a % and
 * extend to the end of the line. Added for Unix 4.0 lp.

    if ( next == 0 || (printer == NULL && residentfonts == NULL) )

    if ( printer != NULL ) {            /* use Unix 4.0 lp pathnames */
        sprintf(buf, "%s/printers/%s", HOSTDIR, printer);
        path = buf;
    } else path = residentfonts;

    if ( (fp = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL ) {
        while ( fscanf(fp, "%s", buf) != EOF )
            if ( buf[0] == '%' )
                while ( (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && ch != '\n' ) ;
            else if ( (n = lookup(buf)) < next )
                map[n].downloaded = TRUE;

 * Makes sure all the non-option command line arguments are processed. If we get
 * here and there aren't any arguments left, or if '-' is one of the input files
 * we'll translate stdin. Assumes input files are part of a single PostScript
 * job and fonts can be downloaded at the start of each file.

    if ( argc < 1 )
    else {
        while ( argc > 0 ) {
            fp_temp = NULL;
            if ( strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0 )
                fp_in = stdin;
            else if ( (fp_in = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL )
                error(FATAL, "can't open %s", *argv);
            if ( fp_in != stdin )
            if ( fp_temp != NULL )

 * Clean things up before we quit.
    if ( temp_file != NULL )

    int         infontlist = FALSE;

 * If next is zero the map table is empty and all we do is copy the input file
 * to stdout. Otherwise we read the input file looking for %%DocumentFonts: or
 * continuation comments, add any accessible fonts to the output file, and then
 * append the input file. When reading stdin we append lines to fp_temp and
 * recover them when we're ready to copy the input file. fp_temp will often
 * only contain part of stdin - if there's no %%DocumentFonts: (atend) comment
 * we stop reading fp_in after the header.

    if ( next > 0 ) {
        if ( fp_in == stdin ) {
            if ( (temp_file = tempnam(temp_dir, "post")) == NULL )
                error(FATAL, "can't generate temp file name");
            if ( (fp_temp = fopen(temp_file, "w+r")) == NULL )
                error(FATAL, "can't open %s", temp_file);
        }   /* End if */

        while ( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in) != NULL ) {
            if ( fp_temp != NULL )
                fprintf(fp_temp, "%s", buf);
            if ( buf[0] != '%' || buf[1] != '%' ) {
                if ( (buf[0] != '%' || buf[1] != '!') && atend == FALSE )
                infontlist = FALSE;
            } else if ( strncmp(buf, comment, strlen(comment)) == 0 ) {
                infontlist = TRUE;
            } else if ( buf[2] == '+' && infontlist == TRUE )
            else infontlist = FALSE;

    char        *list;
    char        *font;
    char        *path;
    int         n;

 * list points to a %%DocumentFonts: or continuation comment. What follows the
 * the keyword will be a list of fonts separated by white space (or (atend)).
 * Look for each font in the map table and if it's found copy the font file to
 * stdout (once only).

    strtok(list, " \n");                /* skip to the font list */

    while ( (font = strtok(NULL, " \t\n")) != NULL ) {
        if ( strcmp(font, ATEND) == 0 ) {
            atend = TRUE;
        if ( (n = lookup(font)) < next ) {
            if ( *map[n].file != '/' ) {
                if ( (path = malloc(strlen(hostfontdir)+strlen(map[n].file)+2)) == NULL )
                    error(FATAL, "no memory");
                sprintf(path, "%s/%s", hostfontdir, map[n].file);
            } else cat(map[n].file);
            map[n].downloaded = TRUE;

 * Copies the input file to stdout. If fp_temp isn't NULL seek to the start and
 * add it to the output file - it's a partial (or complete) copy of stdin made
 * by download(). Then copy fp_in, but only seek to the start if it's not stdin.

    if ( fp_temp != NULL ) {
        fseek(fp_temp, 0L, 0);
        while ( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_temp) != NULL )
            printf("%s", buf);
    }   /* End if */

    if ( fp_in != stdin )
        fseek(fp_in, 0L, 0);

    while ( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in) != NULL )
        printf("%s", buf);

    char        *font;
    int         i;

 * Looks for *font in the map table. Return the map table index if found and
 * not yet downloaded - otherwise return next.

    for ( i = 0; i < next; i++ )
        if ( strcmp(font, map[i].font) == 0 ) {
            if ( map[i].downloaded == TRUE )
                i = next;
        }   /* End if */


}   /* End of lookup */

 * Allocates space for num Map elements. Calls malloc() if ptr is NULL and
 * realloc() otherwise.
Map *
allocate(Map *ptr, int num)
        if (ptr == NULL)
                ptr = (Map *)malloc(num * sizeof(Map));
                ptr = (Map *)realloc(ptr, num * sizeof(Map));
        if (ptr == NULL)
                error(FATAL, "no map memory");
        return ptr;