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* PostScript picture inclusion routines. Support for managing in-line pictures
* has been added, and works in combination with the simple picpack pre-processor
* that's supplied with this package. An in-line picture begins with a special
* device control command that looks like,
* x X InlinPicture name size
* where name is the pathname of the original picture file and size is the number
* of bytes in the picture, which begins immediately on the next line. When dpost
* encounters the InlinePicture device control command inlinepic() is called and
* that routine appends the string name and the integer size to a temporary file
* (fp_pic) and then adds the next size bytes read from the current input file to
* file fp_pic. All in-line pictures are saved in fp_pic and located later using
* the name string and picture file size that separate pictures saved in fp_pic.
* When a picture request (ie. an "x X PI" command) is encountered picopen() is
* called and it first looks for the picture file in fp_pic. If it's found there
* the entire picture (ie. size bytes) is copied from fp_pic to a new temp file
* and that temp file is used as the picture file. If there's nothing in fp_pic
* or if the lookup failed the original route is taken.
* Support for in-line pictures is an attempt to address requirements, expressed
* by several organizations, of being able to store a document as a single file
* (usually troff input) that can then be sent through dpost and ultimately to
* a PostScript printer. The mechanism may help some users, but the are obvious
* disadvantages to this approach, and the original mechanism is the recommended
* approach! Perhaps the most important problem is that troff output, with in-line
* pictures included, doesn't fit the device independent language accepted by
* important post-processors (like proff) and that means you won't be able to
* reliably preview a packed file on your 5620 (or whatever).
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ext.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "tr2post.h"
#include "comments.h" /* PostScript file structuring comments */
/* #include "gen.h" */ /* general purpose definitions */
#include "path.h" /* just for TEMPDIR definition */
/* #include "ext.h" */ /* external variable declarations */
Biobuf *bfp_pic = NULL;
Biobufhdr *Bfp_pic;
Biobufhdr *picopen(char *);
char *fields[MAXGETFIELDS];
int nfields;
extern int devres, hpos, vpos;
extern int picflag;
picture(Biobufhdr *inp, char *buf) {
int i;
int indent;
int length; /* line length */
int outline = 0; /* draw a box around the picture? */
int page = 1; /* page number pulled from name[] */
int poffset; /* page offset */
int scaleboth = 0; /* scale both dimensions? */
int totrap; /* distance to next trap */
int whiteout = 0; /* white out the box? */
char flags[20]; /* miscellaneous stuff */
char hwo[40], *p; /* height, width and offset strings */
char name[100]; /* picture file and page string */
char units; /* scale indicator for frame dimensions */
double adjx = 0.5; /* left-right adjustment */
double adjy = 0.5; /* top-bottom adjustment */
double frame[4]; /* height, width, y, and x offsets from hwo[] */
double rot = 0; /* rotation in clockwise degrees */
Biobufhdr *fp_in; /* for *name */
* Called from devcntrl() after an 'x X PI' command is found. The syntax of that
* command is:
* x X PI:args
* with args separated by colons and given by:
* poffset
* indent
* length
* totrap
* file[(page)]
* height[,width[,yoffset[,xoffset]]]
* [flags]
* poffset, indent, length, and totrap are given in machine units. height, width,
* and offset refer to the picture frame in inches, unless they're followed by
* the u scale indicator. flags is a string that provides a little bit of control
* over the placement of the picture in the frame. Rotation of the picture, in
* clockwise degrees, is set by the a flag. If it's not followed by an angle
* the current rotation angle is incremented by 90 degrees, otherwise the angle
* is set by the number that immediately follows the a.
if (!picflag) /* skip it */
flags[0] = '\0'; /* just to be safe */
nfields = getfields(buf, fields, MAXGETFIELDS, 0, ":\n");
if (nfields < 6) {
error(WARNING, "too few arguments to specify picture");
poffset = atoi(fields[1]);
indent = atoi(fields[2]);
length = atoi(fields[3]);
totrap = atoi(fields[4]);
strncpy(name, fields[5], sizeof(name));
strncpy(hwo, fields[6], sizeof(hwo));
if (nfields >= 6)
strncpy(flags, fields[7], sizeof(flags));
nfields = getfields(buf, fields, MAXGETFIELDS, 0, "()");
if (nfields == 2) {
strncpy(name, fields[0], sizeof(name));
page = atoi(fields[1]);
if ((fp_in = picopen(name)) == NULL) {
error(WARNING, "can't open picture file %s\n", name);
frame[0] = frame[1] = -1; /* default frame height, width */
frame[2] = frame[3] = 0; /* and y and x offsets */
for (i = 0, p = hwo-1; i < 4 && p != NULL; i++, p = strchr(p, ','))
if (sscanf(++p, "%lf%c", &frame[i], &units) == 2)
if (units == 'i' || units == ',' || units == '\0')
frame[i] *= devres;
if (frame[0] <= 0) /* check what we got for height */
frame[0] = totrap;
if (frame[1] <= 0) /* and width - check too big?? */
frame[1] = length - indent;
frame[3] += poffset + indent; /* real x offset */
for (i = 0; flags[i]; i++)
switch (flags[i]) {
case 'c': adjx = adjy = 0.5; break; /* move to the center */
case 'l': adjx = 0; break; /* left */
case 'r': adjx = 1; break; /* right */
case 't': adjy = 1; break; /* top */
case 'b': adjy = 0; break; /* or bottom justify */
case 'o': outline = 1; break; /* outline the picture */
case 'w': whiteout = 1; break; /* white out the box */
case 's': scaleboth = 1; break; /* scale both dimensions */
case 'a': if ( sscanf(&flags[i+1], "%lf", &rot) != 1 )
rot += 90;
/* restore(); */
Bprint(Bstdout, "cleartomark\n");
Bprint(Bstdout, "saveobj restore\n");
ps_include(fp_in, Bstdout, page, whiteout, outline, scaleboth,
frame[3]+frame[1]/2, -vpos-frame[2]-frame[0]/2, frame[1], frame[0], adjx, adjy, -rot);
/* save(); */
Bprint(Bstdout, "/saveobj save def\n");
Bprint(Bstdout, "mark\n");
* Responsible for finding and opening the next picture file. If we've accumulated
* any in-line pictures fp_pic won't be NULL and we'll look there first. If *path
* is found in *fp_pic we create another temp file, open it for update, unlink it,
* copy in the picture, seek back to the start of the new temp file, and return
* the file pointer to the caller. If fp_pic is NULL or the lookup fails we just
* open file *path and return the resulting file pointer to the caller.
Biobufhdr *
picopen(char *path) {
/* char name[100]; /* pathnames */
/* long pos; /* current position */
/* long total; /* and sizes - from *fp_pic */
Biobuf *bfp;
if ((bfp = Bopen(path, OREAD)) == 0)
error(FATAL, "can't open %s\n", path);
return bfp;
#ifdef UNDEF
if (Bfp_pic != NULL) {
Bseek(Bfp_pic, 0L, 0);
while (Bgetfield(Bfp_pic, 's', name, 99)>0
&& Bgetfield(Bfp_pic, 'd', &total, 0)>0) {
pos = Bseek(Bfp_pic, 0L, 1);
if (strcmp(path, name) == 0) {
if (tmpnam(pictmpname) == NULL)
error(FATAL, "can't generate temp file name");
if ( (bfp = Bopen(pictmpname, ORDWR)) == NULL )
error(FATAL, "can't open %s", pictmpname);
Bfp = &(bfp->Biobufhdr);
piccopy(Bfp_pic, Bfp, total);
Bseek(Bfp, 0L, 0);
Bseek(Bfp_pic, total+pos, 0);
return Bopen(path, OREAD);
* Adds an in-line picture file to the end of temporary file *Bfp_pic. All pictures
* grabbed from the input file are saved in the same temp file. Each is preceeded
* by a one line header that includes the original picture file pathname and the
* size of the picture in bytes. The in-line picture file is opened for update,
* left open, and unlinked so it disappears when we do.
/* *fp; /* current input file */
/* *buf; /* whatever followed "x X InlinePicture" */
#ifdef UNDEF
inlinepic(Biobufhdr *Bfp, char *buf) {
char name[100]; /* picture file pathname */
long total; /* and size - both from *buf */
if (Bfp_pic == NULL ) {
if ((bfp_pic = Bopen(pictmpname, ORDWR)) == 0)
error(FATAL, "can't open in-line picture file %s", ipictmpname);
if ( sscanf(buf, "%s %ld", name, &total) != 2 )
error(FATAL, "in-line picture error");
fseek(Bfp_pic, 0L, 2);
fprintf(Bfp_pic, "%s %ld\n", name, total);
piccopy(fp, fp_pic, total);
ungetc('\n', fp);
* Copies total bytes from file fp_in to fp_out. Used to append picture files to
* *fp_pic and then copy them to yet another temporary file immediately before
* they're used (in picture()).
/* *fp_in; input */
/* *fp_out; and output file pointers */
/* total; number of bytes to be copied */
piccopy(Biobufhdr *Bfp_in, Biobufhdr *Bfp_out, long total) {
long i;
for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (Bputc(Bfp_out, Bgetc(Bfp_in)) < 0)
error(FATAL, "error copying in-line picture file");