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# case conversion for postmaster
pOsTmAsTeR alias postmaster
# local mail
[^!@]+ translate "/bin/upas/aliasmail '&'"
local!(.*) >> /mail/box/\1/mbox
\l!(.*) alias \1
(helix|!(.*) alias \2
# we can be just as complicated as BSD sendmail...
# convert source domain address to a chain a@b@c@d...
@([^@!,]*):([^!@]*)@([^!]*) alias \2@\3@\1
@([^@!]*),([^!@,]*):([^!@]*)@([^!]*) alias @\1:\3@\4@\2
# convert a chain a@b@c@d... to ...d!c!b!a
([^@]+)@([^@]+)@(.+) alias \2!\1@\3
([^@]+)@([^@]+) alias \2!\1
# /mail/lib/remotemail will take care of gating to systems we don't know
([^!]*)!(.*) | "/mail/lib/qmail '\s' 'net!\1'" "'\2'"