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# this file configures a boot program (/boot) for a kernel.
if(! ~ $#* 1){
echo usage: mkboot file >[1=2]
exit 1
cat <<'---'
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include "../boot/boot.h"
Method method[]={
# configure all remote methods, i.e. all methods in the 'boot' section
# boot
# incon
# 9600
# 19200
../port/mkextract boot 0 $* | awk '{
printf " { \"" "" $1 "\", "\
"config" $1 ", "\
"connect" $1 ", "
print fieldn(2) " },"
func fieldn(n, s,i)
s = $0
while (n > 1) {
sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", s)
if (substr(s, 1, 1) == "\"") {
sub(/^"[^\"]*"/, "", s)
} else {
sub(/^[^ \t]*/, "", s)
sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", s)
if (substr(s, 1, 1) == "\"") {
i = index(substr(s, 2), "\"")
if (i > 0)
return substr(s, 1, i+1)
return s
} else {
sub(/[ \t].*/, "", s)
return s
cat <<'---'
{ 0 },
awk '
BEGIN { cpuflag = 0; bootprog = "boot"; bootdisk = "#S/sdC0/"; rootdir = "/root"; }
$0 ~ "^boot" && $2=="cpu"\
{ cpuflag = 1
if(NF == 4 && $3 == "boot")
bootdisk = $4
$0 ~ "^boot" && $2=="rootdir" && NF==3\
{ rootdir = $3 }
$0 ~ "^boot" && ($2=="bboot" || $2=="romboot" || $2=="dosboot")\
{ cpuflag = 1; bootprog = $2; }
$0 ~ "^boot" && $2=="boot" && NF==3\
{ bootdisk = $3 }
END { print "int cpuflag = " cpuflag ";"
print "char* rootdir = \"" rootdir "\";"
print "char* bootdisk = \"" bootdisk "\";"
print "extern void " bootprog "(int, char**);"
print "void"
print "main(int argc, char **argv)"
print "{"
print "\t" bootprog "(argc, argv);"
print "}"
' $1
# configure in a cache file system if a
# /386/bin/root appears in the bootdir section.
../port/mkextract bootdir 0 $* | awk '
BEGIN { cfs = 0 }
$1 ~ "bin/cfs$" { cfs = 1 }
END { if(cfs)
print "int (*cfs)(int) = cache;"
print "int (*cfs)(int) = 0;"