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 * Program Status Registers
#define PsrMusr         0x00000010              /* mode */
#define PsrMfiq         0x00000011
#define PsrMirq         0x00000012
#define PsrMsvc         0x00000013
#define PsrMabt         0x00000017
#define PsrMund         0x0000001B
#define PsrMsys         0x0000001F
#define PsrMask         0x0000001F

#define PsrDfiq         0x00000040              /* disable FIQ interrupts */
#define PsrDirq         0x00000080              /* disable IRQ interrupts */

#define PsrV            0x10000000              /* overflow */
#define PsrC            0x20000000              /* carry/borrow/extend */
#define PsrZ            0x40000000              /* zero */
#define PsrN            0x80000000              /* negative/less than */

 * Coprocessors
#define CpFP            10                      /* float FP, VFP cfg. */
#define CpDFP           11                      /* double FP */
#define CpSC            15                      /* System Control */

 * opcode 1
#define CpDef           0                        /* default */
#define CpL2            1                       /* L2 cache operations */

 * Primary (CRn) CpSC registers.
#define CpID            0                        /* ID and cache type */
#define CpCONTROL       1                       /* miscellaneous control */
#define CpTTB           2                       /* Translation Table Base */
#define CpDAC           3                       /* Domain Access Control */
#define CpFSR           5                       /* Fault Status */
#define CpFAR           6                       /* Fault Address */
#define CpCACHE         7                       /* cache/write buffer control */
#define CpTLB           8                       /* TLB control */
#define CpCLD           9                       /* Cache Lockdown */
#define CpTLD           10                      /* TLB Lockdown */
#define CpPID           13                      /* Process ID */
#define CpTESTCFG       15                      /* test config. (arm926) */

 * CpID Secondary (CRm) registers.
#define CpIDidct        0
 * CpID op1==0 opcode2 fields.
#define CpIDid          0                        /* main ID */
#define CpIDct          1                       /* cache type */

#define CpCmmu          0x00000001              /* M: MMU enable */
#define CpCalign        0x00000002              /* A: alignment fault enable */
#define CpCdcache       0x00000004              /* C: data cache on */
#define CpCwb           0x00000008              /* W: write buffer turned on */
#define CpCi32          0x00000010              /* P: 32-bit program space */
#define CpCd32          0x00000020              /* D: 32-bit data space */
#define CpCbe           0x00000080              /* B: big-endian operation */
#define CpCsystem       0x00000100              /* S: system permission */
#define CpCrom          0x00000200              /* R: ROM permission */
#define CpCicache       0x00001000              /* I: instruction cache on */
#define CpChv           0x00002000              /* V: high vectors */

 * CpCACHE Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
 * In ARM-speak, 'flush' means invalidate and 'clean' means writeback.
 * In arm arch v6, these must be available in user mode:
 *      CpCACHEinvi, CpCACHEwait (prefetch flush)
 *      CpCACHEwb, CpCACHEwait (DSB: data sync barrier)
 *      CpCACHEwb, CpCACHEdmbarr (DMB: data memory barrier)
#define CpCACHEintr     0                        /* interrupt */
#define CpCACHEinvi     5                       /* instruction */
#define CpCACHEinvd     6                       /* data */
#define CpCACHEinvu     7                       /* unified (I+D) */
#define CpCACHEwb       10                      /* writeback D */
#define CpCACHEwbu      11                      /* writeback U (not 926ejs) */
#define CpCACHEwbi      14                      /* writeback D + invalidate */
#define CpCACHEwbui     15                      /* writeback U + inval (not 926ejs) */

 * the 926ejs manual says that we can't use CpCACHEall nor CpCACHEwait
 * for writeback operations on the 926ejs, except for CpCACHEwb + CpCACHEwait,
 * which means `drain write buffer'.
#define CpCACHEall      0                        /* entire */
#define CpCACHEse       1                       /* single entry */
#define CpCACHEsi       2                       /* set/index */
#define CpCACHEtest     3                       /* test loop */
#define CpCACHEwait     4                       /* wait */
#define CpCACHEdmbarr   5                       /* wb: data memory barrier */

 * CpTLB Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields.
#define CpTLBinvi       5                       /* instruction */
#define CpTLBinvd       6                       /* data */
#define CpTLBinvu       7                       /* unified */

#define CpTLBinv        0                        /* invalidate all */
#define CpTLBinvse      1                       /* invalidate single entry */

 * CpTESTCFG Secondary (CRm) registers and opcode2 fields; sheeva only.
 * opcode1 == CpL2 (1).  L2 cache operations block the CPU until finished.
 * Specifically, write-back (clean) blocks until all dirty lines have been
 * drained from the L2 buffers.
#define CpTCl2cfg       1
#define CpTCl2flush     9                       /* cpu blocks until flush done */
#define CpTCl2waylck    10
#define CpTCl2inv       11
#define CpTCl2perfctl   12
#define CpTCl2perfcnt   13

/* CpTCl2cfg */
#define CpTCl2conf      0

/* CpTCl2conf bits */
#define CpTCldcstream   (1<<29)                 /* D cache streaming switch */
#define CpTCl2wralloc   (1<<28)                 /* cache write allocate */
#define CpTCl2prefdis   (1<<24)                 /* l2 cache prefetch disable */
#define CpTCl2ena       (1<<22)                 /* l2 cache enable */

/* CpTCl2flush & CpTCl2inv */
#define CpTCl2all       0
#define CpTCl2seva      1
#define CpTCl2way       2
#define CpTCl2sepa      3
#define CpTCl2valow     4
#define CpTCl2vahigh    5                       /* also triggers flush or inv */

/* CpTCl2flush
#define CpTCecccnt      6                       /* ecc error count */
#define CpTCeccthr      7                       /* ecc error threshold */

/* CpTCl2waylck */
#define CpTCl2waylock   7

/* CpTCl2inv */
#define CpTCl2erraddr   7                       /* ecc error address */

/* CpTCl2perfctl */
#define CpTCl2perf0ctl  0
#define CpTCl2perf1ctl  1

/* CpTCl2perfcnt */
#define CpTCl2perf0low  0
#define CpTCl2perf0high 1
#define CpTCl2perf1low  2
#define CpTCl2perf1high 3

 * MMU page table entries.
 * Mbo (0x10) bit is implementation-defined and mandatory on some pre-v7 arms.
#define Mbo             0x10                    /* must be 1 on earlier arms */
#define Fault           0x00000000              /* L[12] pte: unmapped */

#define Coarse          (Mbo|1)                 /* L1 */
#define Section         (Mbo|2)                 /* L1 1MB */
#define Fine            (Mbo|3)                 /* L1 */

#define Large           0x00000001u             /* L2 64KB */
#define Small           0x00000002u             /* L2 4KB */
#define Tiny            0x00000003u             /* L2 1KB, deprecated */
#define Buffered        0x00000004u             /* L[12]: write-back not -thru */
#define Cached          0x00000008u             /* L[12] */

#define Dom0            0
#define Noaccess        0                        /* AP, DAC */
#define Krw             1                       /* AP */
#define Uro             2                       /* AP */
#define Urw             3                       /* AP */
#define Client          1                       /* DAC */
#define Manager         3                       /* DAC */

#define AP(n, v) F((v), ((n)*2)+4, 2)
#define L1AP(ap) (AP(3, (ap)))          /* in L1, only Sections have AP */
#define L2AP(ap) (AP(3, (ap))|AP(2, (ap))|AP(1, (ap))|AP(0, (ap))) /* pre-armv7 */
#define DAC(n, v) F((v), (n)*2, 2)

#define HVECTORS        0xffff0000              /* addr of vectors */