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* omap3530 machine assist, definitions
* cortex-a8 processor
* loader uses R11 as scratch.
#include "mem.h"
#include "arm.h"
#undef B /* B is for 'botch' */
#define KADDR(pa) (KZERO | ((pa) & ~KSEGM))
#define PADDR(va) (PHYSDRAM | ((va) & ~KSEGM))
#define L1X(va) (((((va))>>20) & 0x0fff)<<2)
#define PTEDRAM (Dom0|L1AP(Krw)|Section|Cached|Buffered)
#define PTEIO (Dom0|L1AP(Krw)|Section)
#define DOUBLEMAPMBS 256 /* megabytes of low dram to double-map */
/* steps on R0 */
#define DELAY(label, mloops) \
MOVW $((mloops)*1000000), R0; \
label: \
SUB.S $1, R0; \
BNE label
/* wave at the user; clobbers R0, R1 & R6; needs R12 (SB) set */
#define PUTC(c) \
MOVW $(c), R1; \
MOVW R1, (R6); \
* new instructions
#define SMC WORD $0xe1600070 /* low 4-bits are call # (trustzone) */
/* flush branch-target cache; zeroes R0 (cortex) */
#define FLBTC \
MOVW $0, R0; \
MCR CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEinvi), CpCACHEflushbtc
/* flush one entry of the branch-target cache, va in R0 (cortex) */
#define FLBTSE \
MCR CpSC, 0, R0, C(CpCACHE), C(CpCACHEinvi), CpCACHEflushbtse
/* arm v7 arch defines these */
#define WFI WORD $0xe320f003 /* wait for interrupt */
#define DMB WORD $0xf57ff05f /* data mem. barrier; last f = SY */
#define DSB WORD $0xf57ff04f /* data synch. barrier; last f = SY */
#define ISB WORD $0xf57ff06f /* instr. sync. barrier; last f = SY */
#define NOOP WORD $0xe320f000
#define CLZ(s, d) WORD $(0xe16f0f10 | (d) << 12 | (s)) /* count leading 0s */
#define CPSIE WORD $0xf1080080 /* intr enable: zeroes I bit */
#define CPSID WORD $0xf10c0080 /* intr disable: sets I bit */
/* floating point */
#define VMRS(fp, cpu) WORD $(0xeef00a10 | (fp)<<16 | (cpu)<<12) /* FP → arm */
#define VMSR(cpu, fp) WORD $(0xeee00a10 | (fp)<<16 | (cpu)<<12) /* arm → FP */
* a popular code sequence used to write a pte for va is:
* MOVW R(n), TTB[LnX(va)]
* // clean the cache line
* // invalidate tlb entry for va
* PFF (now ISB)
/* zeroes R0 */
* invoked with PTE bits in R2, pa in R3, PTE pointed to by R4.
* fill PTE pointed to by R4 and increment R4 past it.
* increment R3 by a MB. clobbers R1.
#define FILLPTE() \
ORR R3, R2, R1; /* pte bits in R2, pa in R3 */ \
MOVW R1, (R4); \
ADD $4, R4; /* bump PTE address */ \
ADD $MiB, R3; /* bump pa */ \
/* zero PTE pointed to by R4 and increment R4 past it. assumes R0 is 0. */
#define ZEROPTE() \
MOVW R0, (R4); \
ADD $4, R4; /* bump PTE address */
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