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typedef struct Chan Chan;
typedef struct Command Command;
typedef struct Conf Conf;
typedef struct Cons Cons;
typedef struct Devcall Devcall;
#define MAXBUFSIZE (16*1024) /* max. buffer size */
#include "portdat.h"
struct Chan
int chan; /* fd request came in on */
QLock rlock, wlock; /* lock for reading/writing messages on chan */
int type;
int flags;
long whotime;
File* flist; /* base of file structures */
Lock flock; /* manipulate flist */
RWLock reflock; /* lock for Tflush */
int msize; /* version */
int authed; /* someone other than ``none'' has authed */
/* 9p1 auth */
uchar chal[8];
uchar rchal[8];
int idoffset;
int idvec;
Lock idlock;
* console cons.flag flags
Fchat = (1<<0), /* print out filesys rpc traffic */
Fuid = (1<<2), /* print out uids */
/* debugging flags for drivers */
struct Cons
int flags; /* overall flags for all channels */
int uid; /* botch -- used to get uid on cons_create */
int gid; /* botch -- used to get gid on cons_create */
int allow; /* no-protection flag */
long offset; /* used to read files, c.f. fchar */
char* arg; /* pointer to remaining line */
Chan *chan; /* console channel */
Chan *srvchan; /* local server channel */
Filter work; /* thruput in messages */
Filter rate; /* thruput in bytes */
Filter bhit; /* getbufs that hit */
Filter bread; /* getbufs that miss and read */
Filter binit; /* getbufs that miss and dont read */
Filter tags[MAXTAG]; /* reads of each type of block */
struct Conf
ulong niobuf; /* number of iobufs to allocate */
ulong nuid; /* distinct uids */
ulong uidspace; /* space for uid names -- derrived from nuid */
ulong gidspace; /* space for gid names -- derrived from nuid */
ulong nserve; /* server processes */
ulong nfile; /* number of fid -- system wide */
ulong nwpath; /* number of active paths, derrived from nfile */
ulong bootsize; /* number of bytes reserved for booting */
struct Command
char *string;
void (*func)(void);
char *args;
struct Devcall
void (*init)(Device);
void (*ream)(Device);
int (*check)(Device);
long (*super)(Device);
long (*root)(Device);
long (*size)(Device);
int (*read)(Device, long, void*);
int (*write)(Device, long, void*);
* device types
Devnone = 0,
* file systems
* should be in portdat.h
#define QPDIR 0x80000000L
#define QPNONE 0
#define QPROOT 1
#define QPSUPER 2
* perm argument in p9 create
#define PDIR (1L<<31) /* is a directory */
#define PAPND (1L<<30) /* is append only */
#define PLOCK (1L<<29) /* is locked on open */
#define NOF (-1)
#define FID1 1
#define FID2 2
#define FID3 3
#define SECOND(n) (n)
#define MINUTE(n) (n*SECOND(60))
#define HOUR(n) (n*MINUTE(60))
#define DAY(n) (n*HOUR(24))
#define TLOCK MINUTE(5)
#define CHAT(cp) (chat)
#define QID9P1(a,b) (Qid9p1){a,b}
extern Uid* uid;
extern char* uidspace;
extern short* gidspace;
extern char* errstring[MAXERR];
extern Chan* chans;
extern RWLock mainlock;
extern long boottime;
extern Tlock *tlocks;
extern Device devnone;
extern Filsys filesys[];
extern char service[];
extern char* tagnames[];
extern Conf conf;
extern Cons cons;
extern Command command[];
extern Chan *chan;
extern Devcall devcall[];
extern char *progname;
extern char *procname;
extern long niob;
extern long nhiob;
extern Hiob *hiob;
extern int chat;
extern int writeallow;
extern int wstatallow;
extern int allownone;
extern int noatime;
extern int writegroup;
extern Lock wpathlock;