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#include "e.h"


This file contains parameter values for many of the
tuning parameters in eqn.  Names are defined words.

Strings are plugged in verbatim.
Floats are usually in ems.


/* In main.c: */

double  BeforeSub = 1.2;        /* line space before a subscript */
double  AfterSub  = 0.2;        /* line space after a subscript */

/* diacrit.c: */

double  Dvshift = 0.25;         /* vertical shift for diacriticals on tall letters */
double  Dhshift = 0.025;        /* horizontal shift for tall letters */
double  Dh2shift = 0.05;        /* horizontal shift for small letters */
double  Dheight = 0.25;         /* increment to height for diacriticals */
double  Barv    = 0.68;         /* vertical shift for bar */
double  Barh    = 0.05;         /* 1/2 horizontal shrink for bar */
double  Ubarv   = 0.1;          /* shift underbar up this much ems */
double  Ubarh   = 0.05;         /* 1/2 horizontal shrink for underbar */

/* Also:
        Vec, Dyad, Hat, Tilde, Dot, Dotdot, Utilde */

/* eqnbox.c: */

char    *IRspace = "\\^";       /* space between italic & roman boxes */

/* fat.c: */

double  Fatshift = 0.05;        /* fattening shifts by Fatshift ems */

/* funny.c: */

int     Funnyps = 5;            /* point size change (== 5 above) */
double  Funnyht = 0.2;          /* height correction */
double  Funnybase = 0.3;        /* base correction */

/* integral.c: */

int     Intps   = 4;            /* point size change for integral (== 4 above) */
double  Intht   = 1.15;         /* ht of integral in ems */
double  Intbase = 0.3;          /* base in ems */
double  Int1h   = 0.4;          /* lower limit left */
double  Int1v   = 0.2;          /* lower limit down */
double  Int2h   = 0.05;         /* upper limit right was 8 */
double  Int2v   = 0.1;          /* upper limit up */

/* matrix.c: */

char    *Matspace = "\\ \\ ";   /* space between matrix columns */

/* over.c: */

double  Overgap = 0.3;          /* gap between num and denom */
double  Overwid = 0.5;          /* extra width of box */
double  Overline = 0.1;         /* extra length of fraction bar */

/* paren.c* */

double  Parenbase = 0.4;        /* shift of base for even count */
double  Parenshift = 0.13;      /* how much to shift parens down in left ... */
                                /* ignored unless postscript */
double  Parenheight = 0.3;      /* extra height above builtups */

/* pile.c: */

double  Pilegap = 0.4;          /* gap between pile elems */
double  Pilebase = 0.5;         /* shift base of even # of piled elems */

/* shift.c: */

double  Subbase = 0.2;          /* subscript base belowe main base */
double  Supshift = 0.4;         /* superscript .4 up main box */
char    *Sub1space = "\\|";     /* italic sub roman space */
char    *Sup1space = "\\|";     /* italic sup roman space */
char    *Sub2space = "\\^";     /* space after subscripted thing */
char    *SS1space = "\\^";      /* space before sub in x sub i sup j */
char    *SS2space = "\\^";      /* space before sup */

/* sqrt.c: */
        /* sqrt is hard!  punt for now. */
        /* part of the problem is that every typesetter does it differently */
        /* and we have several typesetters to run. */

/* text.c: */
        /* ought to be done by a table */

struct tune {
        char    *name;
        char    *cval;
} tune[]        ={
  /* diacrit.c */
        "vec_def",      "\\f1\\v'-.5m'\\s-3\\(->\\s0\\v'.5m'\\fP",      /* was \s-2 & .45m */
        "dyad_def",     "\\f1\\v'-.5m'\\s-3\\z\\(<-\\|\\(->\\s0\\v'.5m'\\fP",
        "hat_def",      "\\f1\\v'-.05m'\\s+1^\\s0\\v'.05m'\\fP",        /* was .1 */
        "tilde_def",    "\\f1\\v'-.05m'\\s+1~\\s0\\v'.05m'\\fP",
        "dot_def",      "\\f1\\v'-.67m'.\\v'.67m'\\fP",
        "dotdot_def",   "\\f1\\v'-.67m'..\\v'.67m'\\fP",
        "utilde_def",   "\\f1\\v'1.0m'\\s+2~\\s-2\\v'-1.0m'\\fP",
  /* funny.c */
        "sum_def",      "\\|\\v'.3m'\\s+5\\(*S\\s-5\\v'-.3m'\\|",
        "union_def",    "\\|\\v'.3m'\\s+5\\(cu\\s-5\\v'-.3m'\\|",
        "inter_def",    "\\|\\v'.3m'\\s+5\\(ca\\s-5\\v'-.3m'\\|",
        "prod_def",     "\\|\\v'.3m'\\s+5\\(*P\\s-5\\v'-.3m'\\|",
  /* integral.c */
        "int_def",      "\\v'.1m'\\s+4\\(is\\s-4\\v'-.1m'",
        0, 0

tbl     *ftunetbl[TBLSIZE];     /* user-defined names */

char *ftunes[] ={       /* this table intentionally left small */

void init_tune(void)
        int i;

        for (i = 0; tune[i].name != NULL; i++)
                install(deftbl, tune[i].name, tune[i].cval, 0);
        for (i = 0; ftunes[i] != NULL; i++)
                install(ftunetbl, ftunes[i], (char *) 0, 0);

#define eq(s, t) (strcmp(s,t) == 0)

void ftune(char *s, char *t)    /* brute force for now */
        double dummy;
        double f = atof(t);
        double *target;

        while (*t == ' ' || *t == '\t')
        if (eq(s, "Subbase"))
                target = &Subbase;
        else if (eq(s, "Supshift"))
                target = &Supshift;
                target = &dummy;
        if (t[0] == '+' || t[0] == '-')
                *target += f;
                *target = f;