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/* Copyright (C) 1995, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
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/* $Id: gxalloc.h,v 1.12 2005/10/12 10:45:21 leonardo Exp $ */
/* Structure definitions for standard allocator */
/* Requires gsmemory.h, gsstruct.h */
#ifndef gxalloc_INCLUDED
# define gxalloc_INCLUDED
#ifndef gs_ref_memory_DEFINED
# define gs_ref_memory_DEFINED
typedef struct gs_ref_memory_s gs_ref_memory_t;
#include "gsalloc.h"
#include "gxobj.h"
/* ================ Chunks ================ */
* We obtain memory from the operating system in `chunks'. A chunk
* may hold only a single large object (or string), or it may hold
* many objects (allocated from the bottom up, always aligned)
* and strings (allocated from the top down, not aligned).
* Refs are allocated in the bottom-up section, along with struct objects.
* In order to keep the overhead for refs small, we make consecutive
* blocks of refs into a single allocator object of type st_refs.
* To do this, we remember the start of the current ref object (if any),
* and the end of the last block of allocated refs. As long as
* the latter is equal to the top of the allocated area, we can add
* more refs to the current object; otherwise, we have to start a new one.
* We assume that sizeof(ref) % obj_align_mod == 0; this means that if we
* ever have to pad a block of refs, we never add as much as one entire ref.
* When we do a save, we create a new 'inner' chunk out of the remaining
* space in the currently active chunk. Inner chunks must not be freed
* by a restore.
* The garbage collector implements relocation for refs by scanning
* forward to a free object. Because of this, every ref object must end
* with a dummy ref that can hold the relocation for the last block.
* In order to put a reasonable upper bound on the scanning time, we
* limit the length of the objects that contain runs of refs.
#define max_size_st_refs (50 * sizeof(ref))
* Strings carry some additional overhead for use by the GC.
* At the top of the chunk is a table of relocation values for
* 16N-character blocks of strings, where N is sizeof(uint).
* This table is aligned, by adding padding above it if necessary.
* Just below it is a mark table for the strings. This table is also aligned,
* to improve GC performance. The actual string data start below
* the mark table. These tables are not needed for a chunk that holds
* a single large (non-string) object, but they are needed for all other
* chunks, including chunks created to hold a single large string.
* Define the unit of data manipulation for marking strings.
typedef uint string_mark_unit;
#define log2_sizeof_string_mark_unit arch_log2_sizeof_int
* Define the quantum of relocation for strings, which determines
* the quantum for reserving space. This value must be a power of 2,
* must be at least sizeof(string_mark_unit) * 8, and (because of the
* unrolled loops in igcstr.c) currently must be equal to either 32 or 64.
typedef uint string_reloc_offset;
#define log2_string_data_quantum (arch_log2_sizeof_int + 4)
#define string_data_quantum (1 << log2_string_data_quantum)
* Define the quantum for reserving string space, including data,
* marks, and relocation.
#define string_space_quantum\
(string_data_quantum + (string_data_quantum / 8) +\
* Compute the amount of space needed for a chunk that holds only
* a string of a given size.
#define string_chunk_space(nbytes)\
(((nbytes) + (string_data_quantum - 1)) / string_data_quantum *\
* Compute the number of string space quanta in a given amount of storage.
#define string_space_quanta(spacebytes)\
((spacebytes) / string_space_quantum)
* Compute the size of string marks for a given number of quanta.
#define string_quanta_mark_size(nquanta)\
((nquanta) * (string_data_quantum / 8))
* Compute the size of the string freelists for a chunk.
(((cp->climit - csbase(cp) + 255) >> 8) * sizeof(*cp->sfree1))
* To allow the garbage collector to combine chunks, we store in the
* head of each chunk the address to which its contents will be moved.
/*typedef struct chunk_head_s chunk_head_t; *//* in gxobj.h */
/* Structure for a chunk. */
typedef struct chunk_s chunk_t;
struct chunk_s {
chunk_head_t *chead; /* chunk head, bottom of chunk; */
/* csbase is an alias for chead */
#define csbase(cp) ((byte *)(cp)->chead)
/* Note that allocation takes place both from the bottom up */
/* (aligned objects) and from the top down (strings). */
byte *cbase; /* bottom of chunk data area */
byte *int_freed_top; /* top of most recent internal free area */
/* in chunk (which may no longer be free), */
/* used to decide when to consolidate */
/* trailing free space in allocated area */
byte *cbot; /* bottom of free area */
/* (top of aligned objects) */
obj_header_t *rcur; /* current refs object, 0 if none */
byte *rtop; /* top of rcur */
byte *ctop; /* top of free area */
/* (bottom of strings) */
byte *climit; /* top of strings */
byte *cend; /* top of chunk */
chunk_t *cprev; /* chain chunks together, */
chunk_t *cnext; /* sorted by address */
chunk_t *outer; /* the chunk of which this is */
/* an inner chunk, if any */
uint inner_count; /* number of chunks of which this is */
/* the outer chunk, if any */
bool has_refs; /* true if any refs in chunk */
* Free lists for single bytes in blocks of 1 to 2*N-1 bytes, one per
* 256 bytes in [csbase..climit), where N is sizeof(uint). The chain
* pointer is a (1-byte) self-relative offset, terminated by a 0;
* obviously, the chain is sorted by increasing address. The free list
* pointers themselves are offsets relative to csbase.
* Note that these lists overlay the GC relocation table, and that
* sizeof(*sfree1) / 256 must be less than sizeof(string_reloc_offset) /
* string_data_quantum (as real numbers).
#define SFREE_NB 4 /* # of bytes for values on sfree list */
uint *sfree1;
* Free list for blocks of >= 2*N bytes. Each block begins
* with a N-byte size and a N-byte next block pointer,
* both big-endian. This too is sorted in increasing address order.
uint sfree;
/* The remaining members are for the GC. */
byte *odest; /* destination for objects */
byte *smark; /* mark bits for strings */
uint smark_size;
byte *sbase; /* base for computing smark offsets */
string_reloc_offset *sreloc; /* relocation for string blocks */
byte *sdest; /* destination for (top of) strings */
byte *rescan_bot; /* bottom of rescanning range if */
/* the GC mark stack overflows */
byte *rescan_top; /* top of range ditto */
/* The chunk descriptor is exported only for isave.c. */
#define public_st_chunk() /* in ialloc.c */\
gs_public_st_ptrs2(st_chunk, chunk_t, "chunk_t",\
chunk_enum_ptrs, chunk_reloc_ptrs, cprev, cnext)
* Macros for scanning a chunk linearly, with the following schema:
* SCAN_CHUNK_OBJECTS(cp) << declares pre, size >>
* << code for all objects -- size not set yet >>
* << code for all objects -- size is set >>
* NB on error END_OBJECTS_SCAN calls gs_abort in debug systems.
{ obj_header_t *pre = (obj_header_t *)((cp)->cbase);\
obj_header_t *end = (obj_header_t *)((cp)->cbot);\
uint size;\
for ( ; pre < end;\
pre = (obj_header_t *)((char *)pre + obj_size_round(size))\
#define DO_ALL\
size = pre_obj_contents_size(pre);\
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( pre != end )\
{ lprintf2("Chunk parsing error, 0x%lx != 0x%lx\n",\
(ulong)pre, (ulong)end);\
/*gs_abort((const gs_memory_t *)NULL);*/ \
/* Initialize a chunk. */
/* This is exported for save/restore. */
void alloc_init_chunk(chunk_t *, byte *, byte *, bool, chunk_t *);
/* Initialize the string freelists in a chunk. */
void alloc_init_free_strings(chunk_t *);
/* Find the chunk for a pointer. */
/* Note that ptr_is_within_chunk returns true even if the pointer */
/* is in an inner chunk of the chunk being tested. */
#define ptr_is_within_chunk(ptr, cp)\
PTR_BETWEEN((const byte *)(ptr), (cp)->cbase, (cp)->cend)
#define ptr_is_in_inner_chunk(ptr, cp)\
((cp)->inner_count != 0 &&\
PTR_BETWEEN((const byte *)(ptr), (cp)->cbot, (cp)->ctop))
#define ptr_is_in_chunk(ptr, cp)\
(ptr_is_within_chunk(ptr, cp) && !ptr_is_in_inner_chunk(ptr, cp))
typedef struct chunk_locator_s {
const gs_ref_memory_t *memory; /* for head & tail of chain */
chunk_t *cp; /* one-element cache */
} chunk_locator_t;
bool chunk_locate_ptr(const void *, chunk_locator_t *);
#define chunk_locate(ptr, clp)\
(((clp)->cp != 0 && ptr_is_in_chunk(ptr, (clp)->cp)) ||\
chunk_locate_ptr(ptr, clp))
/* Close up the current chunk. */
/* This is exported for save/restore and for the GC. */
void alloc_close_chunk(gs_ref_memory_t * mem);
/* Reopen the current chunk after a GC. */
void alloc_open_chunk(gs_ref_memory_t * mem);
/* Insert or remove a chunk in the address-ordered chain. */
/* These are exported for the GC. */
void alloc_link_chunk(chunk_t *, gs_ref_memory_t *);
void alloc_unlink_chunk(chunk_t *, gs_ref_memory_t *);
/* Free a chunk. This is exported for save/restore and for the GC. */
void alloc_free_chunk(chunk_t *, gs_ref_memory_t *);
/* Print a chunk debugging message. */
/* Unfortunately, the ANSI C preprocessor doesn't allow us to */
/* define the list of variables being printed as a macro. */
#define dprintf_chunk_format\
"%s 0x%lx (0x%lx..0x%lx, 0x%lx..0x%lx..0x%lx)\n"
#define dprintf_chunk(msg, cp)\
msg, (ulong)(cp), (ulong)(cp)->cbase, (ulong)(cp)->cbot,\
(ulong)(cp)->ctop, (ulong)(cp)->climit, (ulong)(cp)->cend)
#define if_debug_chunk(c, msg, cp)\
if_debug7(c, dprintf_chunk_format,\
msg, (ulong)(cp), (ulong)(cp)->cbase, (ulong)(cp)->cbot,\
(ulong)(cp)->ctop, (ulong)(cp)->climit, (ulong)(cp)->cend)
/* ================ Allocator state ================ */
/* Structures for save/restore (not defined here). */
struct alloc_save_s;
struct alloc_change_s;
/* Stream structure, only needed for the streams member of the state. */
#ifndef stream_DEFINED
# define stream_DEFINED
typedef struct stream_s stream;
* Ref (PostScript object) type, only needed for the binary_token_names
* member of the state. This really shouldn't be visible at this level at
* all: we include it here only to avoid splitting gs_ref_memory_t two
* levels, which would be architecturally better but would involve too much
* work at this point.
#ifndef ref_DEFINED
typedef struct ref_s ref;
# define ref_DEFINED
* Define the number of freelists. The index in the freelist array
* is the ceiling of the size of the object contents (i.e., not including
* the header) divided by obj_align_mod. There is an extra entry used to
* keep a list of all free blocks > max_freelist_size.
#define max_freelist_size 800 /* big enough for gstate & contents */
#define num_small_freelists\
((max_freelist_size + obj_align_mod - 1) / obj_align_mod + 1)
#define num_freelists (num_small_freelists + 1)
* Define the index of the freelist containing all free blocks >
* max_freelist_size.
#define LARGE_FREELIST_INDEX num_small_freelists
/* Define the memory manager subclass for this allocator. */
struct gs_ref_memory_s {
/* The following are set at initialization time. */
uint chunk_size;
uint large_size; /* min size to give large object */
/* its own chunk: must be */
/* 1 mod obj_align_mod */
uint space; /* a_local, a_global, a_system */
unsigned space_id:3; /* r_space_bits + 1 bit for "instability". */
# endif
/* Callers can change the following dynamically */
/* (through a procedural interface). */
gs_memory_gc_status_t gc_status;
/* The following are updated dynamically. */
bool is_controlled; /* if true, this allocator doesn't manage */
/* its own chunks */
ulong limit; /* signal a VMerror when total */
/* allocated exceeds this */
chunk_t *cfirst; /* head of chunk list */
chunk_t *clast; /* tail of chunk list */
chunk_t cc; /* current chunk */
chunk_t *pcc; /* where to store cc */
chunk_locator_t cfreed; /* chunk where last object freed */
ulong allocated; /* total size of all chunks */
/* allocated at this save level */
long inherited; /* chunks allocated at outer save */
/* levels that should be counted */
/* towards the GC threshold */
/* (may be negative, but allocated + */
/* inherited >= 0 always) */
ulong gc_allocated; /* value of (allocated + */
/* previous_status.allocated) after last GC */
struct lost_ { /* space freed and 'lost' (not put on a */
/* freelist) */
ulong objects;
ulong refs;
ulong strings;
} lost;
* The following are for the interpreter's convenience: the
* library initializes them as indicated and then never touches them.
int save_level; /* # of saves with non-zero id */
uint new_mask; /* l_new or 0 (default) */
uint test_mask; /* l_new or ~0 (default) */
stream *streams; /* streams allocated at current level */
ref *names_array; /* system_names or user_names, if needed */
/* Garbage collector information */
gs_gc_root_t *roots; /* roots for GC */
/* Sharing / saved state information */
int num_contexts; /* # of contexts sharing this VM */
struct alloc_change_s *changes;
struct alloc_save_s *saved;
long total_scanned;
struct alloc_save_s *reloc_saved; /* for GC */
gs_memory_status_t previous_status; /* total allocated & used */
/* in outer save levels */
uint largest_free_size; /* largest (aligned) size on large block list */
/* We put the freelists last to keep the scalar offsets small. */
obj_header_t *freelists[num_freelists];
/* The descriptor for gs_ref_memory_t is exported only for */
/* the alloc_save_t subclass; otherwise, it should be private. */
#define public_st_ref_memory() /* in gsalloc.c */\
gs_public_st_composite(st_ref_memory, gs_ref_memory_t,\
"gs_ref_memory", ref_memory_enum_ptrs, ref_memory_reloc_ptrs)
#define st_ref_memory_max_ptrs 4 /* streams, names_array, changes, saved */
/* Define the procedures for the standard allocator. */
/* We export this for subclasses. */
extern const gs_memory_procs_t gs_ref_memory_procs;
* Scan the chunks of an allocator:
* SCAN_MEM_CHUNKS(mem, cp)
* << code to process chunk cp >>
#define SCAN_MEM_CHUNKS(mem, cp)\
{ chunk_t *cp = (mem)->cfirst;\
for ( ; cp != 0; cp = cp->cnext )\
/* ================ Debugging ================ */
#ifdef DEBUG
* Define the options for a memory dump. These may be or'ed together.
typedef enum {
dump_do_default = 0, /* pro forma */
dump_do_strings = 1,
dump_do_type_addresses = 2,
dump_do_no_types = 4,
dump_do_pointers = 8,
dump_do_pointed_strings = 16, /* only if do_pointers also set */
dump_do_contents = 32,
dump_do_marks = 64
} dump_options_t;
* Define all the parameters controlling what gets dumped.
typedef struct dump_control_s {
dump_options_t options;
const byte *bottom;
const byte *top;
} dump_control_t;
/* Define the two most useful dump control structures. */
extern const dump_control_t dump_control_default;
extern const dump_control_t dump_control_all;
/* ------ Procedures ------ */
/* Print one object with the given options. */
/* Relevant options: type_addresses, no_types, pointers, pointed_strings, */
/* contents. */
void debug_print_object(const gs_memory_t *mem, const void *obj, const dump_control_t * control);
/* Print the contents of a chunk with the given options. */
/* Relevant options: all. */
void debug_dump_chunk(const gs_memory_t *mem, const chunk_t * cp, const dump_control_t * control);
void debug_print_chunk(const gs_memory_t *mem, const chunk_t * cp); /* default options */
/* Print the contents of all chunks managed by an allocator. */
/* Relevant options: all. */
void debug_dump_memory(const gs_ref_memory_t *mem,
const dump_control_t *control);
/* Find all the objects that contain a given pointer. */
void debug_find_pointers(const gs_ref_memory_t *mem, const void *target);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* gxalloc_INCLUDED */