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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
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/* $Id: stream.h,v 1.11 2002/06/16 05:00:54 lpd Exp $ */
/* Definitions for Ghostscript stream package */
/* Requires stdio.h */
#ifndef stream_INCLUDED
# define stream_INCLUDED
#include "scommon.h"
#include "srdline.h"
/* See scommon.h for documentation on the design of streams. */
/* ------ Stream structure definition ------ */
* We expose the stream structure definition to clients so that
* they can get reasonable performance out of the basic operations.
/* Define the "virtual" stream procedures. */
typedef struct {
/* Store # available for reading. */
/* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error or not implemented. */
#define stream_proc_available(proc)\
int proc(stream *, long *)
/* Set position. */
/* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error or not implemented. */
#define stream_proc_seek(proc)\
int proc(stream *, long)
/* Clear buffer and, if relevant, unblock channel. */
/* Cannot cause an error. */
#define stream_proc_reset(proc)\
void proc(stream *)
/* Flush buffered data to output, or drain input. */
/* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error. */
#define stream_proc_flush(proc)\
int proc(stream *)
/* Flush data (if writing) & close stream. */
/* Return 0 if OK, ERRC if error. */
#define stream_proc_close(proc)\
int proc(stream *)
/* Process a buffer, updating the cursor pointers. */
/* See strimpl.h for details. */
/* Switch the stream to read or write mode. */
/* false = read, true = write. */
/* If the procedure is 0, switching is not allowed. */
#define stream_proc_switch_mode(proc)\
int proc(stream *, bool)
} stream_procs;
/* ------ The actual stream structure ------ */
struct stream_s {
* To allow the stream itself to serve as the "state"
* of a couple of heavily used types, we start its
* definition with the common stream state.
* The following invariants apply at all times for read streams:
* s->cbuf - 1 <= s->srptr <= s->srlimit.
* The amount of data in the buffer is s->srlimit + 1 - s->cbuf.
* s->position represents the stream position as of the beginning
* of the buffer, so the current position is s->position +
* (s->srptr + 1 - s->cbuf).
* Analogous invariants apply for write streams:
* s->cbuf - 1 <= s->swptr <= s->swlimit.
* The amount of data in the buffer is s->swptr + 1 - s->cbuf.
* s->position represents the stream position as of the beginning
* of the buffer, so the current position is s->position +
* (s->swptr + 1 - s->cbuf).
stream_cursor cursor; /* cursor for reading/writing data */
byte *cbuf; /* base of buffer */
uint bsize; /* size of buffer, 0 if closed */
uint cbsize; /* size of buffer */
* end_status indicates what should happen when the client
* reaches the end of the buffer:
* 0 in the normal case;
* EOFC if a read stream has reached EOD or a write
* stream has written the EOD marker;
* ERRC if an error terminated the last read or write
* operation from or to the underlying data source
* or sink;
* INTC if the last transfer was interrupted (NOT
* CALLC if a callout is required.
short end_status; /* status at end of buffer (when */
/* reading) or now (when writing) */
byte foreign; /* true if buffer is outside heap */
byte modes; /* access modes allowed for this stream */
#define s_mode_read 1
#define s_mode_write 2
#define s_mode_seek 4
#define s_mode_append 8 /* (s_mode_write also set) */
#define s_is_valid(s) ((s)->modes != 0)
#define s_is_reading(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_read) != 0)
#define s_is_writing(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_write) != 0)
#define s_can_seek(s) (((s)->modes & s_mode_seek) != 0)
gs_string cbuf_string; /* cbuf/cbsize if cbuf is a string, */
/* 0/? if not */
long position; /* file position of beginning of */
/* buffer */
stream_procs procs;
stream *strm; /* the underlying stream, non-zero */
/* iff this is a filter stream */
int is_temp; /* if >0, this is a temporary */
/* stream and should be freed */
/* when its source/sink is closed; */
/* if >1, the buffer is also */
/* temporary */
int inline_temp; /* temporary for inline access */
/* (see spgetc_inline below) */
stream_state *state; /* state of process */
* The following are for the use of the interpreter.
* See files.h for more information on read_id and write_id,
* zfile.c for more information on prev and next,
* zfilter.c for more information on close_strm.
ushort read_id; /* "unique" serial # for detecting */
/* references to closed streams */
/* and for validating read access */
ushort write_id; /* ditto to validate write access */
stream *prev, *next; /* keep track of all files */
bool close_strm; /* CloseSource/CloseTarget */
bool close_at_eod; /*(default is true, only false if "reusable")*/
int (*save_close)(stream *); /* save original close proc */
* In order to avoid allocating a separate stream_state for
* file streams, which are the most heavily used stream type,
* we put their state here.
FILE *file; /* file handle for C library */
gs_const_string file_name; /* file name (optional) -- clients must */
/* access only through procedures */
uint file_modes; /* access modes for the file, */
/* may be a superset of modes */
/* Clients must only set the following through sread_subfile. */
long file_offset; /* starting point in file (reading) */
long file_limit; /* ending point in file (reading) */
/* The descriptor is only public for subclassing. */
#define public_st_stream() /* in stream.c */\
gs_public_st_composite_final(st_stream, stream, "stream",\
stream_enum_ptrs, stream_reloc_ptrs, stream_finalize)
/* Initialize the checking IDs of a stream. */
#define s_init_ids(s) ((s)->read_id = (s)->write_id = 1)
#define s_init_read_id(s) ((s)->read_id = 1, (s)->write_id = 0)
#define s_init_write_id(s) ((s)->read_id = 0, (s)->write_id = 1)
#define s_init_no_id(s) ((s)->read_id = (s)->write_id = 0)
/* ------ Stream functions ------ */
#define srptr cursor.r.ptr
#define srlimit cursor.r.limit
#define swptr cursor.w.ptr
#define swlimit cursor.w.limit
/* Some of these are macros -- beware. */
/* Note that unlike the C stream library, */
/* ALL stream procedures take the stream as the first argument. */
#define sendrp(s) ((s)->srptr >= (s)->srlimit) /* NOT FOR CLIENTS */
#define sendwp(s) ((s)->swptr >= (s)->swlimit) /* NOT FOR CLIENTS */
* Following are valid for all streams.
/* flush is NOT a no-op for read streams -- it discards data until EOF. */
/* close is NOT a no-op for non-file streams -- */
/* it actively disables them. */
/* The close routine must do a flush if needed. */
#define sseekable(s) s_can_seek(s)
int savailable(stream *, long *);
#define sreset(s) (*(s)->procs.reset)(s)
#define sflush(s) (*(s)->procs.flush)(s)
int sclose(stream *);
int sswitch(stream *, bool);
* Following are only valid for read streams.
int spgetcc(stream *, bool); /* bool indicates close at EOD */
#define spgetc(s) spgetcc(s, true) /* a procedure equivalent of sgetc */
* Note that sgetc must call spgetc one byte early, because filter must read
* ahead to detect EOD.
* In the definition of sgetc, the first alternative should read
* (int)(*++((s)->srptr))
* but the Borland compiler generates truly atrocious code for this.
* The SCO ODT compiler requires the first, pointless cast to int.
#define sgetc(s)\
((int)((s)->srlimit - (s)->srptr > 1 ? (++((s)->srptr), (int)*(s)->srptr) : spgetc(s)))
int sgets(stream *, byte *, uint, uint *);
int sungetc(stream *, byte); /* ERRC on error, 0 if OK */
#define sputback(s) ((s)->srptr--) /* can only do this once! */
#define seofp(s) (sendrp(s) && (s)->end_status == EOFC)
#define serrorp(s) (sendrp(s) && (s)->end_status == ERRC)
int spskip(stream *, long, long *);
#define sskip(s,nskip,pskipped) spskip(s, (long)(nskip), pskipped)
* Attempt to refill the buffer of a read stream.
* Only call this if the end_status is not EOFC,
* and if the buffer is (nearly) empty.
int s_process_read_buf(stream *);
* Following are only valid for write streams.
int spputc(stream *, byte); /* a procedure equivalent of sputc */
* The first alternative should read
* ((int)(*++((s)->swptr)=(c)))
* but the Borland compiler generates truly atrocious code for this.
#define sputc(s,c)\
(!sendwp(s) ? (++((s)->swptr), *(s)->swptr=(c), 0) : spputc((s),(c)))
int sputs(stream *, const byte *, uint, uint *);
* Attempt to empty the buffer of a write stream.
* Only call this if the end_status is not EOFC.
int s_process_write_buf(stream *, bool);
/* Following are only valid for positionable streams. */
long stell(stream *);
int spseek(stream *, long);
#define sseek(s,pos) spseek(s, (long)(pos))
/* Following are for high-performance reading clients. */
/* bufptr points to the next item. */
#define sbufptr(s) ((s)->srptr + 1)
#define sbufavailable(s) ((s)->srlimit - (s)->srptr)
#define sbufskip(s, n) ((s)->srptr += (n), 0)
* Define the minimum amount of data that must be left in an input buffer
* after a read operation to handle filter read-ahead, either 0 or 1
* byte(s).
#define max_min_left 1
* The stream.state min_left value is the minimum amount of data that must
* be left in an input buffer after a read operation to handle filter
* read-ahead. Once filters reach EOD, return 0 since read-ahead is
* no longer relevant.
#define sbuf_min_left(s) \
((s->end_status == EOFC || s->end_status == ERRC ? 0 : s->state->min_left))
/* The following are for very high-performance clients of read streams, */
/* who unpack the stream state into local variables. */
/* Note that any non-inline operations must do a s_end_inline before, */
/* and a s_begin_inline after. */
#define s_declare_inline(s, cp, ep)\
register const byte *cp;\
const byte *ep
#define s_begin_inline(s, cp, ep)\
cp = (s)->srptr, ep = (s)->srlimit
#define s_end_inline(s, cp, ep)\
(s)->srptr = cp
#define sbufavailable_inline(s, cp, ep)\
(ep - cp)
#define sendbufp_inline(s, cp, ep)\
(cp >= ep)
/* The (int) is needed to pacify the SCO ODT compiler. */
#define sgetc_inline(s, cp, ep)\
((int)(sendbufp_inline(s, cp, ep) ? spgetc_inline(s, cp, ep) : *++cp))
#define spgetc_inline(s, cp, ep)\
(s_end_inline(s, cp, ep), (s)->inline_temp = spgetc(s),\
s_begin_inline(s, cp, ep), (s)->inline_temp)
#define sputback_inline(s, cp, ep)\
/* Allocate a stream or a stream state. */
stream *s_alloc(gs_memory_t *, client_name_t);
stream_state *s_alloc_state(gs_memory_t *, gs_memory_type_ptr_t, client_name_t);
* Initialize a separately allocated stream or stream state, as if allocated
* by s_alloc[_state].
void s_init(stream *, gs_memory_t *);
void s_init_state(stream_state *, const stream_template *, gs_memory_t *);
/* Create a stream on a string or a file. */
void sread_string(stream *, const byte *, uint),
sread_string_reusable(stream *, const byte *, uint),
swrite_string(stream *, byte *, uint);
void sread_file(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint),
swrite_file(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint),
sappend_file(stream *, FILE *, byte *, uint);
/* Confine reading to a subfile. This is primarily for reusable streams. */
int sread_subfile(stream *s, long start, long length);
/* Set the file name of a stream, copying the name. */
/* Return <0 if the copy could not be allocated. */
int ssetfilename(stream *, const byte *, uint);
/* Return the file name of a stream, if any. */
/* There is a guaranteed 0 byte after the string. */
int sfilename(stream *, gs_const_string *);
/* Create a stream that tracks the position, */
/* for calculating how much space to allocate when actually writing. */
void swrite_position_only(stream *);
/* Standard stream initialization */
void s_std_init(stream *, byte *, uint, const stream_procs *, int /*mode */ );
/* Standard stream finalization */
void s_disable(stream *);
/* Generic stream procedures exported for templates */
int s_std_null(stream *);
void s_std_read_reset(stream *), s_std_write_reset(stream *);
int s_std_read_flush(stream *), s_std_write_flush(stream *), s_std_noavailable(stream *, long *),
s_std_noseek(stream *, long), s_std_close(stream *), s_std_switch_mode(stream *, bool);
/* Generic procedures for filters. */
int s_filter_write_flush(stream *), s_filter_close(stream *);
/* Generic procedure structures for filters. */
extern const stream_procs s_filter_read_procs, s_filter_write_procs;
* Add a filter to an output pipeline. The client must have allocated the
* stream state, if any, using the given allocator. For s_init_filter, the
* client must have called s_init and s_init_state.
* Note that if additional buffering is needed, s_add_filter may add
* an additional filter to provide it.
int s_init_filter(stream *fs, stream_state *fss, byte *buf, uint bsize,
stream *target);
stream *s_add_filter(stream **ps, const stream_template *template,
stream_state *ss, gs_memory_t *mem);
* Close the filters in a pipeline, up to a given target stream, freeing
* their buffers and state structures.
int s_close_filters(stream **ps, stream *target);
/* Define templates for the NullEncode/Decode filters. */
/* They have no state. */
extern const stream_template s_NullE_template;
extern const stream_template s_NullD_template;
#endif /* stream_INCLUDED */