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#include "../dhcp.h"

        Maxstr= 256,

typedef struct Binding Binding;
struct Binding
        Binding *next;
        uchar   ip[IPaddrlen];

        char    *boundto;       /* id last bound to */
        char    *offeredto;     /* id we've offered this to */

        long    lease;          /* absolute time at which binding expires */
        long    expoffer;       /* absolute time at which offer times out */
        long    offer;          /* lease offered */
        long    lasttouched;    /* time this entry last assigned/unassigned */
        long    lastcomplained; /* last time we complained about a used but not leased */
        long    tried;          /* last time we tried this entry */

        Qid     q;              /* qid at the last syncbinding */

typedef struct Info     Info;
struct Info
        int     indb;                   /* true if found in database */
        char    domain[Maxstr]; /* system domain name */
        char    bootf[Maxstr];          /* boot file */
        char    bootf2[Maxstr]; /* alternative boot file */
        uchar   tftp[NDB_IPlen];        /* ip addr of tftp server */
        uchar   tftp2[NDB_IPlen];       /* ip addr of alternate server */
        uchar   ipaddr[NDB_IPlen];      /* ip address of system */
        uchar   ipmask[NDB_IPlen];      /* ip network mask */
        uchar   ipnet[NDB_IPlen];       /* ip network address (ipaddr & ipmask) */
        uchar   etheraddr[6];           /* ethernet address */
        uchar   gwip[NDB_IPlen];        /* gateway ip address */
        uchar   fsip[NDB_IPlen];        /* file system ip address */
        uchar   auip[NDB_IPlen];        /* authentication server ip address */
        char    rootpath[Maxstr];       /* rootfs for diskless nfs clients */
        char    dhcpgroup[Maxstr];
        char    vendor[Maxstr]; /* vendor info */

/* from dhcp.c */
extern int      validip(uchar*);
extern void     warning(int, char*, ...);
extern int      minlease;

/* from db.c */
extern char*    tohex(char*, uchar*, int);
extern char*    toid(uchar*, int);
extern void     initbinding(uchar*, int);
extern Binding* iptobinding(uchar*, int);
extern Binding* idtobinding(char*, Info*, int);
extern Binding* idtooffer(char*, Info*);
extern int      commitbinding(Binding*);
extern int      releasebinding(Binding*, char*);
extern int      samenet(uchar *ip, Info *iip);
extern void     mkoffer(Binding*, char*, long);
extern int      syncbinding(Binding*, int);

/* from ndb.c */
extern int      lookup(Bootp*, Info*, Info*);
extern int      lookupip(uchar*, Info*, int);
extern void     lookupname(char*, Ndbtuple*);
extern Iplifc*  findlifc(uchar*);
extern int      forme(uchar*);
extern int      lookupserver(char*, uchar**, Ndbtuple *t);
extern Ndbtuple* lookupinfo(uchar *ipaddr, char **attr, int n);

/* from icmp.c */
extern int      icmpecho(uchar*);

extern char     *binddir;
extern int      debug;
extern char     *blog;
extern Ipifc    *ipifcs;
extern long     now;
extern char     *ndbfile;