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 * postmd - matrix display program for PostScript printers.
 * A simple program that can be used to display a matrix as a gray scale image on
 * a PostScript printer using the image operator. Much of the code was borrowed
 * from postdmd, the bitmap display program DMD screen dumps. May help if you have
 * a large matix (of floating point numbers) and want a simple way to look for
 * patterns.
 * Matrix elements are a series of floating point numbers arranged in the input
 * file in row major order. The actual matrix elements can be preceeded by a simple
 * header that sets things like the matrix dimensions, interval list, and possibly
 * a window into the matrix that we'll use for display. The dimension statement is
 * perhaps the most important. If present it determines the number of rows and
 * columns in the matrix. For example, either of the following defines a 50x50
 * matrix,
 *              dimension       50
 *              dimension       50x50
 * If no dimension statement appears in the input file, the matrix is assumed to
 * be square, and the number of rows (and columns) is set to the square root of
 * the number of elements in the input file.
 * Each matrix element is mapped into an integer in the range 0 to 255 (actually
 * 254) and PostScript's image operator then maps that number into a gray scale
 * appropriate for the particular printer. The mapping from the floating point
 * matrix elements to integers is accomplished using an interval list that can be
 * set using the -i option. The format of the interval string is,
 *              num1,num2,num3,...,numn
 * where each num is a floating point number. The list must be given in increasing
 * numerical order. A list of n numbers partitions the real line into 2n+1 regions
 * given as,
 *              region1         element < num1
 *              region2         element = num1
 *              region3         element < num2
 *              region4         element = num2
 *                 .
 *                 .
 *                 .
 *              region2n        element = numn
 *              region2n+1      element > numn
 * Every number in a region is mapped one integer in the range 0 to 254, and that
 * number, when displayed on a printer using the image operator, prints as a square
 * filled with a gray shade that reflects the integer that was chosen. 0 maps to
 * black and 255 maps to white (which by default will not be used).
 * The default gray scale gets darker as the region number increases, but can be
 * changed by supplying a gray scale list with the -g option or in the optional
 * matrix header. The color map is again a comman or space separated list that
 * looks like,
 *              color1,color2, ... ,color2n+1
 * where color1 applies to region 1 and color2n+1 applies to region2n+1. Each
 * number in the list should be an integer between 0 and 255. If less than 2n+1
 * colors are given default assignments will be used for missing regions.
 * The size of the matrix that we can display reasonably well is a function of the
 * number of elements in the interval list, paper size, and printer resolution.
 * For example a 300dpi printer using 8.5x11 inch paper gives us an image area of
 * about 2400x2400 pixels. An interval list of two numbers generates five separate
 * regions and will therefore need that many different shades of gray. Since we're
 * not using white we'll need to partion our image area into 4x4 pixel squares,
 * and that means a 600x600 matrix is about as big as we can go. In practice that's
 * optimistic, but the argument illustrates some of the limitations.
 * A submatrix can be selected to display by windowing into the matrix. The window
 * list can be given using the -w option or can be set in the optional header that
 * can preceed each matrix.  The list should be a comma or space separated list
 * that looks like,
 *              lower-column, lower-row, upper-column, upper-row
 * where each element in the list must be a positive integer. Rows and columns in
 * the input matrix start at 1. The dimension of the displayed window will be from
 * lower-column to upper-column and from lower-row to upper-row inclusive.
 * The encoding produced by the program is essentially identical to what's done
 * by postdmd. See the comments at the beginning of that program if you need more
 * details. The prologue also shares much of the same code. 
 * The PostScript prologue is copied from *prologue before any of the input files
 * are translated. The program expects that the following PostScript procedures
 * are defined in that file:
 *      setup
 *        mark ... setup -
 *          Handles special initialization stuff that depends on how this program
 *          was called. Expects to find a mark followed by key/value pairs on the
 *          stack. The def operator is applied to each pair up to the mark, then
 *          the default state is set up.
 *      pagesetup
 *        page pagesetup -
 *          Does whatever is needed to set things up for the next page. Expects
 *          to find the current page number on the stack.
 *      bitmap
 *        columns rows bitmap -
 *          Prints the image that's read as a hex string from standard input. The
 *          image consists of rows lines, each of which includes columns elements.
 *          Eight bits per pixel are used to encode the matrix elements.
 *      labelmatrix
 *        matrixname matrixlimits labelmatrix -
 *          Prints string matrixname just below the lower left corner of the image
 *          and prints string martixlimits near the lower right corner. Outlines
 *          the entire image with a (one pixel wide) box and then draws tick marks
 *          along the top and left sides of the image. One tick mark is printed
 *          for every ten elements.
 *      legend
 *        n1 ... nN N c1 m1 ... cM mM total regions legend -
 *          Prints the legend as a bar graph below the matrix image. n1 ... nN are
 *          strings that represent the interval list. c1 m1 ... cm mM are pairs
 *          that consist of a region's color and the statistics count. Actually
 *          the c's are trivial procedures that just leave a one character string
 *          on the stack when they're executed by image - which is the way the
 *          bar graph is drawn.
 *      done
 *        done
 *          Makes sure the last page is printed. Only needed when we're printing
 *          more than one page on each sheet of paper.
 * Many default values, like the magnification and orientation, are defined in 
 * the prologue, which is where they belong. If they're changed (by options), an
 * appropriate definition is made after the prologue is added to the output file.
 * The -P option passes arbitrary PostScript through to the output file. Among
 * other things it can be used to set (or change) values that can't be accessed by
 * other options.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef plan9
#define isascii(c)      ((unsigned char)(c)<=0177)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "comments.h"                   /* PostScript file structuring comments */
#include "gen.h"                        /* general purpose definitions */
#include "path.h"                       /* for the prologue */
#include "ext.h"                        /* external variable declarations */
#include "postmd.h"                     /* special matrix display definitions */

char    *optnames = "a:b:c:d:g:i:m:n:o:p:w:x:y:A:C:E:J:L:P:R:DI";

char    *prologue = POSTMD;             /* default PostScript prologue */
char    *formfile = FORMFILE;           /* stuff for multiple pages per sheet */
char    *temp_dir = TEMPDIR;            /* temp directory for copying stdin */

int     formsperpage = 1;               /* page images on each piece of paper */
int     copies = 1;                     /* and this many copies of each sheet */
int     bytespp = 6;                    /* bytes per pattern - on output */

int     dostats = ON;                   /* permanent statistics flag */
int     nxtstat = ON;                   /* and the one for the next matrix */

char    *interval = DFLTILIST;          /* string representations of the interval */
char    *colormap = NULL;               /* color map */
char    *window = NULL;                 /* and window lists */
char    *matrixname = "pipe.end";       /* name for the next plot */

Ilist   ilist[128];                     /* active interval list and color map */
int     next = 0;                       /* one past the last element in ilist[] */
int     regions;                        /* an index assigned to the last region */
int     wlist[4];                       /* upper left and lower right corners */

int     page = 0;                       /* last page we worked on */
int     printed = 0;                    /* and the number of pages printed */

int     dfltrows = 0;                   /* default rows */
int     dfltcols = 0;                   /* and columns - changed by -d option */
int     rows;                           /* real number of rows */
int     columns;                        /* and columns in the matrix */
int     patcount = 0;                   /* will be set to columns * rows */

double  element;                        /* next matrix element */

char    *raster = NULL;                 /* next raster line */
char    *rptr;                          /* next free byte in raster */
char    *eptr;                          /* one past the last byte in raster */

FILE    *fp_in = stdin;                 /* read from this file */
FILE    *fp_out = stdout;               /* and write stuff here */
FILE    *fp_acct = NULL;                /* for accounting data */


main(agc, agv)

    int         agc;
    char        *agv[];


 * Bitmap display program for matrices. Only one matrix is allowed per input file,
 * and each one will be displayed on a page by itself. Input files consist of an
 * optional header followed by floating point numbers that represent the matrix
 * elements - in row major order.

    argc = agc;                         /* other routines may want them */
    argv = agv;

    prog_name = argv[0];                /* really just for error messages */

    init_signals();                     /* sets up interrupt handling */
    header();                           /* PostScript header comments */
    options();                          /* handle the command line options */
    setup();                            /* for PostScript */
    arguments();                        /* followed by each input file */
    done();                             /* print the last page etc. */
    account();                          /* job accounting data */

    exit(x_stat);                       /* not much could be wrong */

}   /* End of main */




 * Make sure we handle interrupts.

    if ( signal(SIGINT, interrupt) == SIG_IGN )  {
        signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
        signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
        signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
    } else {
        signal(SIGHUP, interrupt);
        signal(SIGQUIT, interrupt);
    }   /* End else */

    signal(SIGTERM, interrupt);
    signal(SIGFPE, interrupt);

}   /* End of init_signals */




    int         ch;                     /* return value from getopt() */
    int         old_optind = optind;    /* for restoring optind - should be 1 */

 * Scans the option list looking for things, like the prologue file, that we need
 * right away but could be changed from the default. Doing things this way is an
 * attempt to conform to Adobe's latest file structuring conventions. In particular
 * they now say there should be nothing executed in the prologue, and they have
 * added two new comments that delimit global initialization calls. Once we know
 * where things really are we write out the job header, follow it by the prologue,
 * and then add the ENDPROLOG and BEGINSETUP comments.

    while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF )
        if ( ch == 'L' )
            prologue = optarg;
        else if ( ch == '?' )
            error(FATAL, "");

    optind = old_optind;                /* get ready for option scanning */

    fprintf(stdout, "%s", CONFORMING);
    fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", VERSION, PROGRAMVERSION);
    fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", DOCUMENTFONTS, ATEND);
    fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", PAGES, ATEND);
    fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDCOMMENTS);

    if ( cat(prologue) == FALSE )
        error(FATAL, "can't read %s", prologue);

    fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDPROLOG);
    fprintf(stdout, "%s", BEGINSETUP);
    fprintf(stdout, "mark\n");

}   /* End of header */




    int         ch;                     /* return value from getopt() */

 * Reads and processes the command line options. Added the -P option so arbitrary
 * PostScript code can be passed through. Expect it could be useful for changing
 * definitions in the prologue for which options have not been defined.

    while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF )  {
        switch ( ch )  {
            case 'a':                   /* aspect ratio */
                    fprintf(stdout, "/aspectratio %s def\n", optarg);

            case 'b':                   /* bytes per pattern - on output */
                    bytespp = atoi(optarg);

            case 'c':                   /* copies */
                    copies = atoi(optarg);
                    fprintf(stdout, "/#copies %s store\n", optarg);

            case 'd':                   /* default matrix dimensions */
                    sscanf(optarg, "%dx%d", &dfltrows, &dfltcols);

            case 'g':                   /* set the colormap (ie. grayscale) */
                    colormap = optarg;

            case 'i':                   /* matrix element interval list */
                    interval = optarg;

            case 'm':                   /* magnification */
                    fprintf(stdout, "/magnification %s def\n", optarg);

            case 'n':                   /* forms per page */
                    formsperpage = atoi(optarg);
                    fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", FORMSPERPAGE, optarg);
                    fprintf(stdout, "/formsperpage %s def\n", optarg);

            case 'o':                   /* output page list */

            case 'p':                   /* landscape or portrait mode */
                    if ( *optarg == 'l' )
                        fprintf(stdout, "/landscape true def\n");
                    else fprintf(stdout, "/landscape false def\n");

            case 'w':                   /* set the window */
                    window = optarg;

            case 'x':                   /* shift things horizontally */
                    fprintf(stdout, "/xoffset %s def\n", optarg);

            case 'y':                   /* and vertically on the page */
                    fprintf(stdout, "/yoffset %s def\n", optarg);

            case 'A':                   /* force job accounting */
            case 'J':
                    if ( (fp_acct = fopen(optarg, "a")) == NULL )
                        error(FATAL, "can't open accounting file %s", optarg);

            case 'C':                   /* copy file straight to output */
                    if ( cat(optarg) == FALSE )
                        error(FATAL, "can't read %s", optarg);

            case 'E':                   /* text font encoding */
                    fontencoding = optarg;

            case 'L':                   /* PostScript prologue file */
                    prologue = optarg;

            case 'P':                   /* PostScript pass through */
                    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", optarg);

            case 'R':                   /* special global or page level request */

            case 'D':                   /* debug flag */
                    debug = ON;

            case 'I':                   /* ignore FATAL errors */
                    ignore = ON;

            case '?':                   /* don't understand the option */
                    error(FATAL, "");

            default:                    /* don't know what to do for ch */
                    error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c\n", ch);
        }   /* End switch */
    }   /* End while */

    argc -= optind;                     /* get ready for non-option args */
    argv += optind;

}   /* End of options */




 * Handles things that must be done after the options are read but before the
 * input files are processed.

    writerequest(0, stdout);            /* global requests eg. manual feed */
    fprintf(stdout, "setup\n");

    if ( formsperpage > 1 )  {
        if ( cat(formfile) == FALSE )
            error(FATAL, "can't read %s", formfile);
        fprintf(stdout, "%d setupforms\n", formsperpage);
    }   /* End if */

    fprintf(stdout, "%s", ENDSETUP);

}   /* End of setup */




 * Makes sure all the non-option command line arguments are processed. If we get
 * here and there aren't any arguments left, or if '-' is one of the input files
 * we'll process stdin.

    if ( argc < 1 )
    else  {                             /* at least one argument is left */
        while ( argc > 0 )  {
            matrixname = *argv;
            if ( strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0 )  {
                fp_in = stdin;
                matrixname = "pipe.end";
            } else if ( (fp_in = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL )
                error(FATAL, "can't open %s", *argv);
            if ( fp_in != stdin )
        }   /* End while */
    }   /* End else */

}   /* End of arguments */




 * Finished with all the input files, so mark the end of the pages, make sure the
 * last page is printed, and restore the initial environment.

    fprintf(stdout, "%s", TRAILER);
    fprintf(stdout, "done\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "%s %d\n", PAGES, printed);

    if ( temp_file != NULL )

}   /* End of done */




 * Writes an accounting record to *fp_acct provided it's not NULL. Accounting
 * is requested using the -A or -J options.

    if ( fp_acct != NULL )
        fprintf(fp_acct, " print %d\n copies %d\n", printed, copies);

}   /* End of account */




    int         count;                  /* pattern repeats this many times */
    long        total;                  /* expect this many patterns */

 * Reads a matrix from *fp_in, translates it into a PostScript gray scale image,
 * and writes the result on stdout. For now only one matrix is allowed per input
 * file. Matrix elements are floating point numbers arranged in row major order
 * in the input file. In addition each input file may contain an optional header
 * that defines special things like the dimension of the matrix, a window into
 * the matrix that will be displayed, and an interval list.
 * If we're reading from stdin we first make a copy in a temporary file so we can
 * can properly position ourselves after we've looked for the header. Originally
 * wasn't always making a copy of stdin, but I've added a few things to what's
 * accepted in the header and this simplifies the job. An alternative would be
 * to always require a header and mark the end of it by some string. Didn't like
 * that approach much - may fix things up later.

    if ( fp_in == stdin )               /* make a copy so we can seek etc. */

    rows = dfltrows;                    /* new dimensions for the next matrix */
    columns = dfltcols;

    buildilist(interval);               /* build the default ilist[] */
    addcolormap(colormap);              /* add the colormap - if not NULL */
    setwindow(window);                  /* and setup the initial matrix window */
    nxtstat = dostats;                  /* want statistics? */
    getheader();                        /* matrix dimensions at the very least */
    dimensions();                       /* make sure we have the dimensions etc. */

    patcount = 0;
    total = rows * columns;

    eptr = rptr + (wlist[2] - wlist[0] + 1);


    fprintf(fp_out, "%s %d %d\n", PAGE, page, printed+1);
    fprintf(fp_out, "/saveobj save def\n");
    writerequest(printed+1, fp_out);
    fprintf(fp_out, "%d %d bitmap\n", wlist[2] - wlist[0] + 1, wlist[3] - wlist[1] + 1);

    while ( patcount != total && fscanf(fp_in, "%f", &element) != EOF )  {
        if ( inwindow() ) *rptr++ = mapfloat(element);
        if ( ++patcount % columns == 0 )
            if ( inrange() )
    }   /* End while */

    if ( total != patcount )
        error(FATAL, "matrix format error");


    if ( fp_out == stdout ) printed++;

    fprintf(fp_out, "showpage\n");
    fprintf(fp_out, "saveobj restore\n");
    fprintf(fp_out, "%s %d %d\n", ENDPAGE, page, printed);

}   /* End of matrix */




    int         fd_out;                 /* for the temporary file */
    int         fd_in;                  /* for stdin */
    int         buf[512];               /* buffer for reads and writes */
    int         count;                  /* number of bytes put in buf */

 * If we're reading the matrix from stdin and the matrix dimension isn't set by
 * a dimension statement at the beginning of the file we'll copy stdin to a
 * temporary file and reset *fp_in so reads come from the temp file. Simplifies
 * reading the header (if present), but is expensive.

    if ( temp_file != NULL )            /* been here already */

    if ( (temp_file = tempnam(temp_dir, "post")) == NULL )
        error(FATAL, "can't generate temp file name");

    if ( (fd_out = creat(temp_file, 0660)) == -1 )
        error(FATAL, "can't create %s", temp_file);

    fd_in = fileno(stdin);

    while ( (count = read(fd_in, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0 )
        if ( write(fd_out, buf, count) != count )
            error(FATAL, "error writing to %s", temp_file);


    if ( (fp_in = fopen(temp_file, "r")) == NULL )
        error(FATAL, "can't open %s", temp_file);

}   /* End of copystdin */




    char        buf[512];               /* temporary string space */
    char        *cmap = NULL;           /* remember header colormap list */
    long        pos;                    /* for seeking back to first element */

 * Looks for the optional header information at the beginning of the input file,
 * reads it if it's there, and sets *fp_in to be just past the header. That should
 * be the beginning of the matrix element list. The recognized header keywords are
 * dimension, interval, colormap (or grayscale), window, name, and statistics. All
 * are optional, but may be useful in a spooling environment when the user doesn't
 * doesn't actually run the translator.
 * The dimension statement specifies the number of rows and columns. For example
 * either of the following two lines define a 50 by 50 element matrix,
 *      dimension       50
 *      dimension       50x50
 * The first integer is the number of rows and the second, if given, is the number
 * of columns. If columns are missing from the dimension statement we assume the
 * matrix is square.
 * interval can be used to redefine the interval list used for mapping floating
 * point numbers into integers in the range 0 to 254. The string following the
 * interval keyword has the same format as the -i option. For example to set the
 * interval list to -1, 0, and 1 you can add the line,
 *      interval        -1,0,1
 * The numbers are floats given in increasing order, and separated by commas or
 * blanks. The last interval list in a header takes precedence.
 * colormap can be used to redefine the grayscale list.  The string following
 * the colormap keyword has the same format as the -g option.  For example
 *      colormap        0,50,100,150,200,250
 * or   grayscale       0,50,100,150,200,250
 * The window keyword can be used to select a submatrix. The numbers following
 * window are the upper left and lower right matix coordinates. May not be
 * implemented yet but shouldn't be difficult. For example
 *      window          10 10 40 40
 * selects the submatrix with corners at (10, 10) and (40, 40). The edges of the
 * window are included in the display.
 * The name keyword can be used to define the title of the display.  For example,
 *      name            Plot Of Matrix 1
 * prints the string "Plot Of Matrix 1" at the top of the page. Everything up to
 * the next newline is taken as the name string.

    pos = ftell(fp_in);

    while ( fscanf(fp_in, "%s", buf) != EOF )  {
        if ( strncmp(buf, "dimension", strlen("dimension")) == 0 )
            fscanf(fp_in, "%dx%d", &rows, &columns);
        else if ( strncmp(buf, "window", strlen("window")) == 0 )  {
            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in);
        } else if ( strncmp(buf, "name", strlen("name")) == 0 )  {
            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in);
            matrixname = savestring(buf);
        } else if ( strncmp(buf, "colormap", strlen("colormap")) == 0 )  {
            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in);
            cmap = savestring(buf);
        } else if ( strncmp(buf, "grayscale", strlen("grayscale")) == 0 )  {
            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in);
            cmap = savestring(buf);
        } else if ( strncmp(buf, "interval", strlen("interval")) == 0 )  {
            fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp_in);
        } else if ( strncmp(buf, "statistics", strlen("statistics")) == 0 )  {
            fscanf(fp_in, "%s", buf);
            if ( strcmp(buf, "on") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "ON") == 0 )
                nxtstat = ON;
            else nxtstat = OFF;
        } else break;
        pos = ftell(fp_in);
    }   /* End while */

    addcolormap(cmap);                  /* must happen last */
    fseek(fp_in, pos, 0);               /* back to the start of the matrix */

}   /* End of getheader */




    char        buf[100];               /* temporary storage for the elements */
    long        count = 0;              /* number of elements in the matrix */
    long        pos;                    /* matrix elements start here */

 * Need to know the dimensions of the matrix before we can go any farther. If
 * rows and columns are still 0 we'll read the entire input file, starting from
 * the current position, count the number of elements, take the square root of it,
 * and use it as the number of rows and columns. Then we seek back to the start
 * of the real matrix, make sure columns is set, and allocate enough memory for
 * storing each raster line. After we're certain we've got the number of rows and
 * columns we check the window coordinates, and if they're not legitimate they're
 * reset to cover the entire matrix.

    if ( rows == 0 )  {
        pos = ftell(fp_in);
        while ( fscanf(fp_in, "%s", buf) != EOF )
        rows = sqrt((double) count);
        fseek(fp_in, pos, 0);
    }   /* End if */

    if ( columns <= 0 ) columns = rows;

    if ( raster != NULL ) free(raster);

    if ( (rptr = raster = malloc(columns)) == NULL )
        error(FATAL, "no memory");

    eptr = rptr + columns;

    if ( rows <= 0 || columns <= 0 )
        error(FATAL, "bad matrix dimensions");

    if ( wlist[0] > wlist[2] || wlist[1] > wlist[3] )  {
        wlist[0] = wlist[1] = 1;
        wlist[2] = columns;
        wlist[3] = rows;
    }   /* End if */

}   /* End of dimensions */



    char        *list;                  /* use this as the interval list */


    static char *templist = NULL;       /* a working copy of the list */
    char        *ptr;                   /* next number in *templist */
    int         i;                      /* loop index - for checking the list */

 * Reads string *list and builds up the ilist[] that will be used in the next
 * matrix. Since strtok() modifies the string it's parsing we make a copy first.
 * The format of the interval list is described in detail in the comments at the
 * beginning of this program. Basically consists of a comma or space separated
 * list of floating point numbers that must be given in increasing numerical order.
 * The list determines how floating point numbers are mapped into integers in the
 * range 0 to 254.

    if ( templist != NULL )             /* free the space used by the last list */

    while ( isascii(*list) && isspace(*list) )

    for ( ptr = list, regions = 3; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++ )  {
        if ( *ptr == ',' || *ptr == '/' || isspace(*ptr) )
            regions += 2;
        while ( isascii(*ptr) && isspace(*ptr) ) ptr++;
    }   /* End for */

    next = 0;
    templist = savestring(list);

    ptr = strtok(templist, ",/ \t\n");
    while ( ptr != NULL )  {
        ilist[next].count = 0;
        ilist[next++].color = 254 * (regions - 1 - next) / (regions - 1);
        ilist[next].val = atof(ptr);
        ilist[next].count = 0;
        ilist[next++].color = 254 * (regions - 1 - next) / (regions - 1);
        ptr = strtok(NULL, ",/ \t\n");
    }   /* End while */

    ilist[next].count = 0;
    ilist[next].color = 254 * (regions - 1 - next) / (regions - 1);

    if ( next == 0 )                    /* make sure we have a list */
        error(FATAL, "missing interval list");

    for ( i = 3; i < next; i += 2 )     /* that's in increasing numerical order */
        if ( ilist[i].val <= ilist[i-2].val )
            error(FATAL, "bad interval list");

}   /* End of buildilist */



    char        *list;                  /* use this color map */


    static char *templist = NULL;       /* a working copy of the color list */
    char        *ptr;                   /* next color in *templist */
    int         i = 0;                  /* assigned to this region in ilist[] */

 * Assigns the integers in *list to the color field for the regions defined in
 * ilist[]. Assumes ilist[] has already been setup.

    if ( list != NULL )  {
        if ( templist != NULL )
        templist = savestring(list);

        ptr = strtok(templist, ",/ \t\n");
        while ( ptr != NULL )  {
            ilist[i++].color = atoi(ptr) % 256;
            ptr = strtok(NULL, ",/ \t\n");
        }   /* End while */
    }   /* End if */

}   /* End of addcolormap */



    char        *list;                  /* corners of window into the matrix */


    static char *templist = NULL;       /* a working copy of the window list */
    char        *ptr;                   /* next window coordinate in *templist */
    int         i = 0;                  /* assigned to this region in wlist[] */

 * Sets up an optional window into the matrix.

    wlist[0] = wlist[1] = 1;
    wlist[2] = wlist[3] = 0;

    if ( list != NULL )  {
        if ( templist != NULL )
        templist = savestring(list);

        ptr = strtok(templist, ",/ \t\n");
        while ( ptr != NULL )  {
            wlist[i++] = atoi(ptr);
            ptr = strtok(NULL, ",/ \t\n");
        }   /* End while */
    }   /* End if */

}   /* End of setwindow */




    int         r;                      /* row of the patcount element */
    int         c;                      /* column of the patcount element */

 * Checks if the patcount element of the matrix is in the window.

    r = (patcount/columns) + 1;
    c = (patcount%columns) + 1;

    return((c >= wlist[0]) && (r >= wlist[1]) && (c <= wlist[2]) && (r <= wlist[3]));

}   /* End of inwindow */




 * Checks if the current row lies in the window. Used right before we output the
 * raster lines.

    return(((patcount/columns) >= wlist[1]) && ((patcount/columns) <= wlist[3]));

}   /* End of inrange */



    double      element;                /* floating point matrix element */


    int         i;                      /* loop index */

 * Maps element into an integer in the range 0 to 255, and returns the result to
 * the caller. Mapping is done using the color map that was saved in ilist[]. Also
 * updates the count field for the region that contains element - not good!

    for ( i = 1; i < next && ilist[i].val < element; i += 2 ) ;

    if ( i > next || element < ilist[i].val )


}   /* End of mapfloat */




    char        *p1, *p2;               /* starting and ending columns */
    int         n;                      /* set to bytes per pattern */
    int         i;                      /* loop index */

 * Takes the scanline that's been saved in *raster, encodes it according to the
 * value that's been assigned to bytespp, and writes the result to *fp_out. Each
 * line in the output bitmap is terminated by a 0 on a line by itself.

    n = (bytespp <= 0) ? columns : bytespp;

    for ( p1 = raster, p2 = raster + n; p1 < eptr; p1 = p2 )
        if ( patncmp(p1, n) == TRUE )  {
            while ( patncmp(p2, n) == TRUE ) p2 += n;
            p2 += n;
            fprintf(fp_out, "%d ", n);
            for ( i = 0; i < n; i++, p1++ )
                fprintf(fp_out, "%.2X", ((int) *p1) & 0377);
            fprintf(fp_out, " %d\n", (p2 - p1) / n);
        } else {
            while ( p2 < eptr && patncmp(p2, n) == FALSE ) p2 += n;
            if ( p2 > eptr ) p2 = eptr;
            fprintf(fp_out, "%d ", p2 - p1);
            while ( p1 < p2 )
                fprintf(fp_out, "%.2X", ((int) *p1++) & 0377);
            fprintf(fp_out, " 0\n");
        }   /* End else */

    fprintf(fp_out, "0\n");

    rptr = raster;

}   /* End of putrow */




    int         total;                  /* number of elements in the window */
    int         i;                      /* loop index */

 * Responsible for generating the PostScript calls that label the matrix, generate
 * the legend, and print the matrix name.

    fprintf(fp_out, "(%s) ((%d, %d) to (%d, %d)) labelmatrix\n", matrixname,
                        wlist[0], wlist[1], wlist[2], wlist[3]);

    total = (wlist[2] - wlist[0] + 1) * (wlist[3] - wlist[1] + 1);

    if ( nxtstat == OFF )
        for ( i = 0; i < regions; i++ )
            ilist[i].count = 0;

    for ( i = 1; i < next; i += 2 )
        fprintf(fp_out, "(%g) ", ilist[i].val);
    fprintf(fp_out, "%d ", (regions - 1) / 2);

    for ( i = regions - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        fprintf(fp_out, "{(\\%.3o)} %d ", ilist[i].color, ilist[i].count);
    fprintf(fp_out, "%d %d legend\n", total, regions);

}   /* End of labelmatrix */


patncmp(p1, n)

    char        *p1;                    /* first patterns starts here */
    int         n;                      /* and extends this many bytes */


    char        *p2;                    /* address of the second pattern */

 * Compares the two n byte patterns *p1 and *(p1+n). FALSE if returned is they're
 * different or extend past the end of the current raster line.

    p2 = p1 + n;

    for ( ; n > 0; n--, p1++, p2++ )
        if ( p2 >= eptr || *p1 != *p2 )


}   /* End of patncmp */


char *savestring(str)

    char        *str;                   /* save this string */


    char        *ptr = NULL;            /* at this address */

 * Copies string *str to a permanent place and returns the address to the caller.

    if ( str != NULL && *str != '\0' )  {
        if ( (ptr = malloc(strlen(str) + 1)) == NULL )
            error(FATAL, "no memory available for string %s", str);
        strcpy(ptr, str);
    }   /* End if */


}   /* End of savestring */



    int         pg;                     /* next page we're printing */


    static FILE *fp_null = NULL;        /* if output is turned off */

 * If we're not supposed to print page pg, fp_out will be directed to /dev/null,
 * otherwise output goes to stdout.

    if ( pg >= 0 && in_olist(pg) == ON )
        fp_out = stdout;
    else if ( (fp_out = fp_null) == NULL )
        fp_out = fp_null = fopen("/dev/null", "w");

}   /* End of redirect */
