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enum {
        /* flavours of the device */

        RevH            = 0x0202,
        RevX            = 0x0300,
        RevHX           = 0x0400,
        Rev1            = 0x0001,

        /* usbcmd parameters */
        SetLineReq      = 0x20,

        SetCtlReq       = 0x22,

        BreakReq        = 0x23,
        BreakOn         = 0xffff,
        BreakOff        = 0x0000,

        GetLineReq      = 0x21,

        VendorWriteReq  = 0x01,         /* BUG: is this a standard request? */
        VendorReadReq   = 0x01,

        ParamReqSz      = 7,
        VendorReqSz     = 10,

        /* status read from interrupt endpoint */
        DcdStatus       = 0x01,
        DsrStatus       = 0x02,
        BreakerrStatus  = 0x04,
        RingStatus      = 0x08,
        FrerrStatus     = 0x10,
        ParerrStatus    = 0x20,
        OvererrStatus   = 0x40,
        CtsStatus       = 0x80,

        DcrGet          = 0x80,
        DcrSet          = 0x00,

        Dcr0Idx         = 0x00,

        Dcr0Init        = 0x0001,
        Dcr0HwFcH       = 0x0040,
        Dcr0HwFcX       = 0x0060,

        Dcr1Idx         = 0x01,

        Dcr1Init        = 0x0000,
        Dcr1InitH       = 0x0080,
        Dcr1InitX       = 0x0000,

        Dcr2Idx         = 0x02,

        Dcr2InitH       = 0x0024,
        Dcr2InitX       = 0x0044,

        PipeDSRst       = 0x08,
        PipeUSRst       = 0x09,


enum {
        PL2303Vid       = 0x067b,
        PL2303Did       = 0x2303,
        PL2303DidRSAQ2  = 0x04bb,
        PL2303DidDCU11  = 0x1234,
        PL2303DidPHAROS = 0xaaa0,
        PL2303DidRSAQ3  = 0xaaa2,
        PL2303DidALDIGA = 0x0611,
        PL2303DidMMX    = 0x0612,
        PL2303DidGPRS   = 0x0609,

        ATENVid         = 0x0557,
        ATENVid2        = 0x0547,
        ATENDid         = 0x2008,

        IODATAVid       = 0x04bb,
        IODATADid       = 0x0a03,
        IODATADidRSAQ5  = 0x0a0e,

        ELCOMVid        = 0x056e,
        ELCOMDid        = 0x5003,
        ELCOMDidUCSGT   = 0x5004,

        ITEGNOVid       = 0x0eba,
        ITEGNODid       = 0x1080,
        ITEGNODid2080   = 0x2080,

        MA620Vid        = 0x0df7,
        MA620Did        = 0x0620,

        RATOCVid        = 0x0584,
        RATOCDid        = 0xb000,

        TRIPPVid        = 0x2478,
        TRIPPDid        = 0x2008,

        RADIOSHACKVid   = 0x1453,
        RADIOSHACKDid   = 0x4026,

        DCU10Vid        = 0x0731,
        DCU10Did        = 0x0528,

        SITECOMVid      = 0x6189,
        SITECOMDid      = 0x2068,

         /* Alcatel OT535/735 USB cable */
        ALCATELVid      = 0x11f7,
        ALCATELDid      = 0x02df,

        /* Samsung I330 phone cradle */
        SAMSUNGVid      = 0x04e8,
        SAMSUNGDid      = 0x8001,

        SIEMENSVid      = 0x11f5,
        SIEMENSDidSX1   = 0x0001,
        SIEMENSDidX65   = 0x0003,
        SIEMENSDidX75   = 0x0004,
        SIEMENSDidEF81  = 0x0005,

        SYNTECHVid      = 0x0745,
        SYNTECHDid      = 0x0001,

        /* Nokia CA-42 Cable */
        NOKIACA42Vid    = 0x078b,
        NOKIACA42Did    = 0x1234,

        /* CA-42 CLONE Cable chipset: Prolific Technology Inc */
        CA42CA42Vid     = 0x10b5,
        CA42CA42Did     = 0xac70,

        SAGEMVid        = 0x079b,
        SAGEMDid        = 0x0027,

        /* Leadtek GPS 9531 (ID 0413:2101) */
        LEADTEKVid      = 0x0413,
        LEADTEK9531Did  = 0x2101,

         /* USB GSM cable from Speed Dragon Multimedia, Ltd */
        SPEEDDRAGONVid  = 0x0e55,
        SPEEDDRAGONDid  = 0x110b,

        /* DATAPILOT Universal-2 Phone Cable */
        BELKINVid       = 0x050d,
        BELKINDid       = 0x0257,

        /* Belkin "F5U257" Serial Adapter */
        DATAPILOTU2Vid  = 0x0731,
        DATAPILOTU2Did  = 0x2003,

        ALCORVid        = 0x058F,
        ALCORDid        = 0x9720,

        /* Willcom WS002IN Data Driver (by NetIndex Inc.) */,
        WS002INVid      = 0x11f6,
        WS002INDid      = 0x2001,

        /* Corega CG-USBRS232R Serial Adapter */,
        COREGAVid       = 0x07aa,
        COREGADid       = 0x002a,

        /* Y.C. Cable U.S.A., Inc - USB to RS-232 */,
        YCCABLEVid      = 0x05ad,
        YCCABLEDid      = 0x0fba,

        /* "Superial" USB - Serial */,
        SUPERIALVid     = 0x5372,
        SUPERIALDid     = 0x2303,

        /* Hewlett-Packard LD220-HP POS Pole Display */,
        HPVid           = 0x03f0,
        HPLD220Did      = 0x3524,

extern Serialops plops;
int     plmatch(char *info);