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typedef struct Config Config;
typedef struct AMap AMap;
typedef struct AMapN AMapN;
typedef struct Arena Arena;
typedef struct AState AState;
typedef struct ArenaCIG ArenaCIG;
typedef struct ArenaHead ArenaHead;
typedef struct ArenaPart ArenaPart;
typedef struct ArenaTail ArenaTail;
typedef struct ATailStats ATailStats;
typedef struct CIBlock CIBlock;
typedef struct Clump Clump;
typedef struct ClumpInfo ClumpInfo;
typedef struct Graph Graph;
typedef struct IAddr IAddr;
typedef struct IBucket IBucket;
typedef struct IEStream IEStream;
typedef struct IEntry IEntry;
typedef struct IFile IFile;
typedef struct ISect ISect;
typedef struct Index Index;
typedef struct Lump Lump;
typedef struct DBlock DBlock;
typedef struct Part Part;
typedef struct Statbin Statbin;
typedef struct Statdesc Statdesc;
typedef struct Stats Stats;
typedef struct ZBlock ZBlock;
typedef struct Round Round;
typedef struct Bloom Bloom;
#pragma incomplete IEStream
#define TWID32 ((u32int)~(u32int)0)
#define TWID64 ((u64int)~(u64int)0)
#define TWID8 ((u8int)~(u8int)0)
ABlockLog = 9, /* log2(512), the quantum for reading arenas */
ANameSize = 64,
MaxDiskBlock = 64*1024, /* max. allowed size for a disk block */
MaxIoSize = 64*1024, /* max. allowed size for a disk io operation */
PartBlank = 256*1024, /* untouched section at beginning of partition */
HeadSize = 512, /* size of a header after PartBlank */
MinArenaSize = 1*1024*1024, /* smallest reasonable arena size */
IndexBase = 1024*1024, /* initial address to use in an index */
MaxIo = 64*1024, /* max size of a single read or write operation */
ICacheBits = 16, /* default bits for indexing icache */
MaxAMap = 31*1024, /* max. allowed arenas in an address mapping; must be < 32*1024 */
Unspecified = TWID32,
* return codes from syncarena
SyncDataErr = 1 << 0, /* problem reading the clump data */
SyncCIErr = 1 << 1, /* found erroneous clump directory entries */
SyncCIZero = 1 << 2, /* found unwritten clump directory entries */
SyncFixErr = 1 << 3, /* error writing fixed data */
SyncHeader = 1 << 4, /* altered header fields */
* error severity
EOk = 0, /* error expected in normal operation */
EStrange, /* strange error that should be logged */
ECorrupt, /* corrupted data found in arenas */
EICorrupt, /* corrupted data found in index */
EAdmin, /* should be brought to administrators' attention */
ECrash, /* really bad internal error */
EBug, /* a limitation which should be fixed */
EInconsist, /* inconsistencies between index and arena */
* internal disk formats for the venti archival storage system
* magic numbers on disk
_ClumpMagic = 0xd15cb10cU, /* clump header, deprecated */
ClumpFreeMagic = 0, /* free clump; terminates active clump log */
ArenaPartMagic = 0xa9e4a5e7U, /* arena partition header */
ArenaMagic = 0xf2a14eadU, /* arena trailer */
ArenaHeadMagic = 0xd15c4eadU, /* arena header */
BloomMagic = 0xb1004eadU, /* bloom filter header */
BloomMaxHash = 32,
ISectMagic = 0xd15c5ec7U, /* index header */
ArenaPartVersion = 3,
ArenaVersion4 = 4,
ArenaVersion5 = 5,
BloomVersion = 1,
IndexVersion = 1,
ISectVersion1 = 1,
ISectVersion2 = 2,
* encodings of clumps on disk
ClumpEErr = 0, /* can't happen */
ClumpENone, /* plain */
ClumpECompress, /* compressed */
* sizes in bytes on disk
U8Size = 1,
U16Size = 2,
U32Size = 4,
U64Size = 8,
ArenaPartSize = 4 * U32Size,
ArenaSize4 = 2 * U64Size + 6 * U32Size + ANameSize + U8Size,
ArenaSize5 = ArenaSize4 + U32Size,
ArenaSize5a = ArenaSize5 + 2 * U8Size + 2 * U32Size + 2 * U64Size,
ArenaHeadSize4 = U64Size + 3 * U32Size + ANameSize,
ArenaHeadSize5 = ArenaHeadSize4 + U32Size,
BloomHeadSize = 4 * U32Size,
ISectSize1 = 7 * U32Size + 2 * ANameSize,
ISectSize2 = ISectSize1 + U32Size,
ClumpInfoSize = U8Size + 2 * U16Size + VtScoreSize,
ClumpSize = ClumpInfoSize + U8Size + 3 * U32Size,
MaxBloomSize = 1<<(32-3), /* 2^32 bits */
MaxBloomHash = 32, /* bits per score */
* BUG - The various block copies that manipulate entry buckets
* would be faster if we bumped IBucketSize up to 8 and IEntrySize up to 40,
* so that everything is word-aligned. Buildindex is actually cpu-bound
* by the (byte at a time) copying in qsort.
IBucketSize = U32Size + U16Size,
IEntrySize = U64Size + U32Size + 2*U16Size + 2*U8Size + VtScoreSize,
IEntryTypeOff = VtScoreSize + U32Size + U16Size + U64Size + U16Size,
IEntryAddrOff = VtScoreSize + U32Size + U16Size,
MaxClumpBlocks = (VtMaxLumpSize + ClumpSize + (1 << ABlockLog) - 1) >> ABlockLog,
IcacheFrac = 1000000, /* denominator */
SleepForever = 1000000000, /* magic value for sleep time */
* dirty flags - order controls disk write order
DirtyArena = 1,
ArenaCIGSize = 10*1024, // about 0.5 MB worth of IEntry.
extern char TraceDisk[];
extern char TraceLump[];
extern char TraceBlock[];
extern char TraceProc[];
extern char TraceWork[];
extern char TraceQuiet[];
extern char TraceRpc[];
* results of parsing and initializing a config file
struct Config
char *index; /* name of the index to initialize */
int naparts; /* arena partitions initialized */
ArenaPart **aparts;
int nsects; /* index sections initialized */
ISect **sects;
Bloom *bloom; /* bloom filter */
u32int bcmem;
u32int mem;
u32int icmem;
int queuewrites;
char* haddr;
char* vaddr;
char* webroot;
* a Part is the low level interface to files or disks.
* there are two main types of partitions
* arena paritions, which some number of arenas, each in a sub-partition.
* index partition, which only have one subpartition.
struct Part
int fd; /* rock for accessing the disk */
int mode;
u64int offset;
u64int size; /* size of the partiton */
u32int blocksize; /* block size for reads and writes */
u32int fsblocksize; /* minimum file system block size */
char *name;
char *filename;
Channel *writechan; /* chan[dcache.nblock](DBlock*) */
* a cached block from the partition
* yuck -- most of this is internal structure for the cache
* all other routines should only use data
struct DBlock
u8int *data;
Part *part; /* partition in which cached */
u64int addr; /* base address on the partition */
u32int size; /* amount of data available, not amount allocated; should go away */
u32int mode;
u32int dirty;
u32int dirtying;
DBlock *next; /* doubly linked hash chains */
DBlock *prev;
u32int heap; /* index in heap table */
u32int used; /* last reference times */
u32int used2;
u32int ref; /* reference count */
RWLock lock; /* for access to data only */
Channel *writedonechan;
void* chanbuf[1]; /* buffer for the chan! */
* a cached block from the partition
* yuck -- most of this is internal structure for the cache
* all other routines should only use data
* double yuck -- this is mostly the same as a DBlock
struct Lump
Packet *data;
Part *part; /* partition in which cached */
u8int score[VtScoreSize]; /* score of packet */
u8int type; /* type of packet */
u32int size; /* amount of data allocated to hold packet */
Lump *next; /* doubly linked hash chains */
Lump *prev;
u32int heap; /* index in heap table */
u32int used; /* last reference times */
u32int used2;
u32int ref; /* reference count */
QLock lock; /* for access to data only */
* mapping between names and address ranges
struct AMap
u64int start;
u64int stop;
char name[ANameSize];
* an AMap along with a length
struct AMapN
int n;
AMap *map;
* an ArenaPart is a partition made up of Arenas
* it exists because most os's don't support many partitions,
* and we want to have many different Arenas
struct ArenaPart
Part *part;
u64int size; /* size of underlying partition, rounded down to blocks */
Arena **arenas;
u32int tabbase; /* base address of arena table on disk */
u32int tabsize; /* max. bytes in arena table */
* fields stored on disk
u32int version;
u32int blocksize; /* "optimal" block size for reads and writes */
u32int arenabase; /* base address of first arena */
* stored in the arena mapping table on disk
AMap *map;
int narenas;
* info about one block in the clump info cache
struct CIBlock
u32int block; /* blocks in the directory */
int offset; /* offsets of one clump in the data */
DBlock *data;
* Statistics kept in the tail.
struct ATailStats
u32int clumps; /* number of clumps */
u32int cclumps; /* number of compressed clumps */
u64int used;
u64int uncsize;
u8int sealed;
* Arena state - represents a point in the data log
struct AState
Arena *arena;
u64int aa; /* index address */
ATailStats stats;
* an Arena is a log of Clumps, preceeded by an ArenaHeader,
* and followed by a Arena, each in one disk block.
* struct on disk is not always up to date, but should be self-consistent.
* to sync after reboot, follow clumps starting at used until ClumpFreeMagic if found.
* <struct name="Arena" type="Arena *">
* <field name="name" val="s->name" type="AName"/>
* <field name="version" val="s->version" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="partition" val="s->part->name" type="AName"/>
* <field name="blocksize" val="s->blocksize" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="start" val="s->base" type="U64int"/>
* <field name="stop" val="s->base+2*s->blocksize" type="U64int"/>
* <field name="created" val="s->ctime" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="modified" val="s->wtime" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="sealed" val="s->sealed" type="Sealed"/>
* <field name="score" val="s->score" type="Score"/>
* <field name="clumps" val="s->clumps" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="compressedclumps" val="s->cclumps" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="data" val="s->uncsize" type="U64int"/>
* <field name="compresseddata" val="s->used - s->clumps * ClumpSize" type="U64int"/>
* <field name="storage" val="s->used + s->clumps * ClumpInfoSize" type="U64int"/>
* </struct>
struct Arena
QLock lock; /* lock for arena fields, writing to disk */
Part *part; /* partition in which arena lives */
int blocksize; /* size of block to read or write */
u64int base; /* base address on disk */
u64int size; /* total space in the arena */
u8int score[VtScoreSize]; /* score of the entire sealed & summed arena */
int clumpmax; /* ClumpInfos per block */
AState mem;
int inqueue;
* fields stored on disk
u32int version;
char name[ANameSize]; /* text label */
ATailStats memstats;
ATailStats diskstats;
u32int ctime; /* first time a block was written */
u32int wtime; /* last time a block was written */
u32int clumpmagic;
ArenaCIG *cig;
int ncig;
struct ArenaCIG
u64int offset; // from arena base
* redundant storage of some fields at the beginning of each arena
struct ArenaHead
u32int version;
char name[ANameSize];
u32int blocksize;
u64int size;
u32int clumpmagic;
* most interesting meta information for a clump.
* stored in each clump's header and in the Arena's directory,
* stored in reverse order just prior to the arena trailer
struct ClumpInfo
u8int type;
u16int size; /* size of disk data, not including header */
u16int uncsize; /* size of uncompressed data */
u8int score[VtScoreSize]; /* score of the uncompressed data only */
* header for an immutable clump of data
struct Clump
ClumpInfo info;
u8int encoding;
u32int creator; /* initial client which wrote the block */
u32int time; /* creation at gmt seconds since 1/1/1970 */
* index of all clumps according to their score
* this is just a wrapper to tie together the index sections
* <struct name="Index" type="Index *">
* <field name="name" val="s->name" type="AName"/>
* <field name="version" val="s->version" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="blocksize" val="s->blocksize" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="tabsize" val="s->tabsize" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="buckets" val="s->buckets" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="buckdiv" val="s->div" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="bitblocks" val="s->div" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="maxdepth" val="s->div" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="bitkeylog" val="s->div" type="U32int"/>
* <field name="bitkeymask" val="s->div" type="U32int"/>
* <array name="sect" val="&s->smap[i]" elems="s->nsects" type="Amap"/>
* <array name="amap" val="&s->amap[i]" elems="s->narenas" type="Amap"/>
* <array name="arena" val="s->arenas[i]" elems="s->narenas" type="Arena"/>
* </struct>
* <struct name="Amap" type="AMap *">
* <field name="name" val="s->name" type="AName"/>
* <field name="start" val="s->start" type="U64int"/>
* <field name="stop" val="s->stop" type="U64int"/>
* </struct>
struct Index
u32int div; /* divisor for mapping score to bucket */
u32int buckets; /* last bucket used in disk hash table */
u32int blocksize;
u32int tabsize; /* max. bytes in index config */
int mapalloc; /* first arena to check when adding a lump */
Arena **arenas; /* arenas in the mapping */
ISect **sects; /* sections which hold the buckets */
Bloom *bloom; /* bloom filter */
* fields stored in config file
u32int version;
char name[ANameSize]; /* text label */
int nsects;
AMap *smap; /* mapping of buckets to index sections */
int narenas;
AMap *amap; /* mapping from index addesses to arenas */
QLock writing;
* one part of the bucket storage for an index.
* the index blocks are sequentially allocated
* across all of the sections.
struct ISect
Part *part;
int blocklog; /* log2(blocksize) */
int buckmax; /* max. entries in a index bucket */
u32int tabbase; /* base address of index config table on disk */
u32int tabsize; /* max. bytes in index config */
Channel *writechan;
Channel *writedonechan;
void *ig; /* used by buildindex only */
int ng;
* fields stored on disk
u32int version;
u32int bucketmagic;
char name[ANameSize]; /* text label */
char index[ANameSize]; /* index owning the section */
u32int blocksize; /* size of hash buckets in index */
u32int blockbase; /* address of start of on disk index table */
u32int blocks; /* total blocks on disk; some may be unused */
u32int start; /* first bucket in this section */
u32int stop; /* limit of buckets in this section */
* externally interesting part of an IEntry
struct IAddr
u64int addr;
u16int size; /* uncompressed size */
u8int type; /* type of block */
u8int blocks; /* arena io quanta for Clump + data */
* entries in the index
* kept in IBuckets in the disk index table,
* cached in the memory ICache.
struct IEntry
/* on disk data - 32 bytes*/
u8int score[VtScoreSize];
IAddr ia;
IEntry *nexthash;
IEntry *nextdirty;
IEntry *next;
IEntry *prev;
u8int state;
enum {
IEClean = 0,
IEDirty = 1,
IESummary = 2,
* buckets in the on disk index table
struct IBucket
u16int n; /* number of active indices */
u32int buck; /* used by buildindex/checkindex only */
u8int *data;
* temporary buffers used by individual threads
struct ZBlock
u32int len;
u32int _size;
u8int *data;
u8int *free;
* simple input buffer for a '\0' terminated text file
struct IFile
char *name; /* name of the file */
ZBlock *b; /* entire contents of file */
u32int pos; /* current position in the file */
struct Statdesc
char *name;
ulong max;
/* keep in sync with stats.c:/statdesc and httpd.c:/graphname*/
extern Statdesc statdesc[NStat];
* statistics about the operation of the server
* mainly for performance monitoring and profiling.
struct Stats
ulong now;
ulong n[NStat];
struct Statbin
uint nsamp;
uint min;
uint max;
uint avg;
struct Graph
long (*fn)(Stats*, Stats*, void*);
void *arg;
long t0;
long t1;
long min;
long max;
long wid;
long ht;
int fill;
* for kicking background processes that run one round after another after another
struct Round
QLock lock;
Rendez start;
Rendez finish;
Rendez delaywait;
int delaytime;
int delaykick;
char* name;
int last;
int current;
int next;
int doanother;
* Bloom filter of stored block hashes
struct Bloom
RWLock lk; /* protects nhash, nbits, tab, mb */
QLock mod; /* one marker at a time, protects nb */
int nhash;
ulong size; /* bytes in tab */
ulong bitmask; /* to produce bit index */
u8int *data;
Part *part;
Channel *writechan;
Channel *writedonechan;
extern Index *mainindex;
extern u32int maxblocksize; /* max. block size used by any partition */
extern int paranoid; /* should verify hashes on disk read */
extern int queuewrites; /* put all lump writes on a queue and finish later */
extern int readonly; /* only allowed to read the disk data */
extern Stats stats;
extern u8int zeroscore[VtScoreSize];
extern int compressblocks;
extern int writestodevnull; /* dangerous - for performance debugging */
extern int collectstats;
extern QLock memdrawlock;
extern int icachesleeptime;
extern int minicachesleeptime;
extern int arenasumsleeptime;
extern int manualscheduling;
extern int l0quantum;
extern int l1quantum;
extern int ignorebloom;
extern int icacheprefetch;
extern int syncwrites;
extern int debugarena; /* print in arena error msgs; -1==unknown */
extern Stats *stathist;
extern int nstathist;
extern ulong stattime;
#ifndef PLAN9PORT
#pragma varargck type "V" uchar*
#define ODIRECT 0