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#include "vnc.h"
#include "vncv.h"
enum {
RGB12 = CHAN4(CIgnore, 4, CRed, 4, CGreen, 4, CBlue, 4),
BGR12 = CHAN4(CIgnore, 4, CBlue, 4, CGreen, 4, CRed, 4),
BGR8 = CHAN3(CBlue, 2, CGreen, 3, CRed, 3),
void (*cvtpixels)(uchar*, uchar*, int);
static void
chan2fmt(Pixfmt *fmt, ulong chan)
ulong c, rc, shift;
shift = 0;
for(rc = chan; rc; rc >>=8){
c = rc & 0xFF;
case CRed:
fmt->red = (Colorfmt){(1<<NBITS(c))-1, shift};
case CBlue:
fmt->blue = (Colorfmt){(1<<NBITS(c))-1, shift};
case CGreen:
fmt->green = (Colorfmt){(1<<NBITS(c))-1, shift};
shift += NBITS(c);
* convert 32-bit data to 24-bit data by skipping
* the last of every four bytes. we skip the last
* because we keep the server in little endian mode.
static void
cvt32to24(uchar *dst, uchar *src, int npixel)
int i;
for(i=0; i<npixel; i++){
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src++;
* convert RGB12 (x4r4g4b4) into CMAP8
static uchar rgb12[16*16*16];
static void
int r, g, b;
for(r=0; r<16; r++)
for(g=0; g<16; g++)
for(b=0; b<16; b++)
rgb12[r*256+g*16+b] = rgb2cmap(r*0x11, g*0x11, b*0x11);
static void
cvtrgb12tocmap8(uchar *dst, uchar *src, int npixel)
int i, s;
for(i=0; i<npixel; i++){
s = (src[0] | (src[1]<<8)) & 0xFFF;
*dst++ = rgb12[s];
src += 2;
* convert BGR8 (b2g3r3, default VNC format) to CMAP8
* some bits are lost.
static uchar bgr8[256];
static void
int i, r, g, b;
for(i=0; i<256; i++){
b = i>>6;
b = (b<<6)|(b<<4)|(b<<2)|b;
g = (i>>3) & 7;
g = (g<<5)|(g<<2)|(g>>1);
r = i & 7;
r = (r<<5)|(r<<2)|(r>>1);
bgr8[i] = rgb2cmap(r, g, b);
static void
cvtbgr332tocmap8(uchar *dst, uchar *src, int npixel)
uchar *ed;
ed = dst+npixel;
while(dst < ed)
*dst++ = bgr8[*src++];
choosecolor(Vnc *v)
int bpp, depth;
ulong chan;
bpp = screen->depth;
if((bpp / 8) * 8 != bpp)
sysfatal("screen not supported");
depth = screen->depth;
chan = screen->chan;
if(bpp == 24){
fprint(2, "24bit emulation using 32bpp\n");
bpp = 32;
cvtpixels = cvt32to24;
if(chan == CMAP8){
fprint(2, "8bit emulation using 12bpp\n");
bpp = 16;
depth = 12;
chan = RGB12;
cvtpixels = cvtrgb12tocmap8;
fprint(2, "8bit emulation using 6bpp\n"); /* 6: we throw away 1 r, g bit */
bpp = 8;
depth = 8;
chan = BGR8;
cvtpixels = cvtbgr332tocmap8;
v->bpp = bpp;
v->depth = depth;
v->truecolor = 1;
v->bigendian = 0;
chan2fmt(v, chan);
if(v->red.max == 0 || v->green.max == 0 || v->blue.max == 0)
sysfatal("screen not supported");
fprint(2, "%d bpp, %d depth, 0x%lx chan, %d truecolor, %d bigendian\n",
v->bpp, v->depth, screen->chan, v->truecolor, v->bigendian);
/* send information to server */
vncwrchar(v, MPixFmt);
vncwrchar(v, 0); /* padding */
vncwrshort(v, 0);
vncwrpixfmt(v, &v->Pixfmt);