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#pragma lib     "liboventi.a"
#pragma src     "/sys/src/liboventi"

typedef struct VtSession        VtSession;
typedef struct VtSha1           VtSha1;
typedef struct Packet           Packet;
typedef struct VtLock           VtLock;
typedef struct VtRendez         VtRendez;
typedef struct VtRoot           VtRoot;
typedef struct VtEntry          VtEntry;
typedef struct VtServerVtbl     VtServerVtbl;

#pragma incomplete VtSession
#pragma incomplete VtSha1
#pragma incomplete Packet
#pragma incomplete VtLock
#pragma incomplete VtRendez

enum {
        VtScoreSize     = 20, /* Venti */
        VtMaxLumpSize   = 56*1024,
        VtPointerDepth  = 7,    
        VtEntrySize     = 40,
        VtRootSize      = 300,
        VtMaxStringSize = 1000,
        VtAuthSize      = 1024,  /* size of auth group - in bits - must be multiple of 8 */
        MaxFragSize     = 9*1024,
        VtMaxFileSize   = (1ULL<<48) - 1,
        VtRootVersion   = 2,

/* crypto strengths */
enum {

/* crypto suites */
enum {


/* codecs */
enum {



/* Lump Types */
enum {
        VtErrType,              /* illegal */

        VtPointerType7,         /* not used */
        VtPointerType8,         /* not used */
        VtPointerType9,         /* not used */


/* Dir Entry flags */
enum {
        VtEntryActive = (1<<0),         /* entry is in use */
        VtEntryDir = (1<<1),            /* a directory */
        VtEntryDepthShift = 2,          /* shift for pointer depth */
        VtEntryDepthMask = (0x7<<2),    /* mask for pointer depth */
        VtEntryLocal = (1<<5),          /* used for local storage: should not be set for Venti blocks */
        VtEntryNoArchive = (1<<6),      /* used for local storage: should not be set for Venti blocks */

struct VtRoot {
        ushort version;
        char name[128];
        char type[128];
        uchar score[VtScoreSize];       /* to a Dir block */
        ushort blockSize;               /* maximum block size */
        uchar prev[VtScoreSize];        /* last root block */

struct VtEntry {
        ulong gen;                      /* generation number */
        ushort psize;                   /* pointer block size */
        ushort dsize;                   /* data block size */
        uchar depth;                    /* unpacked from flags */
        uchar flags;
        uvlong size;
        uchar score[VtScoreSize];

struct VtServerVtbl {
        Packet *(*read)(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, int n);
        int (*write)(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, Packet *p);
        void (*closing)(VtSession*, int clean);
        void (*sync)(VtSession*);

/* versions */
enum {
        /* experimental versions */
        VtVersion01 = 1,

/* score of zero length block */
extern uchar vtZeroScore[VtScoreSize];  

/* both sides */
void vtAttach(void);
void vtDetach(void);
void vtClose(VtSession *s);
void vtFree(VtSession *s);
char *vtGetUid(VtSession *s);
char *vtGetSid(VtSession *s);
int vtSetDebug(VtSession *s, int);
int vtGetDebug(VtSession *s);
int vtSetFd(VtSession *s, int fd);
int vtGetFd(VtSession *s);
int vtConnect(VtSession *s, char *password);
int vtSetCryptoStrength(VtSession *s, int);
int vtGetCryptoStrength(VtSession *s);
int vtSetCompression(VtSession *s, int);
int vtGetCompression(VtSession *s);
int vtGetCrypto(VtSession *s);
int vtGetCodec(VtSession *s);
char *vtGetVersion(VtSession *s);
char *vtGetError(void);
int vtErrFmt(Fmt *fmt);
void vtDebug(VtSession*, char *, ...);
void vtDebugMesg(VtSession *z, Packet *p, char *s);

/* internal */
VtSession *vtAlloc(void);
void vtReset(VtSession*);
int vtAddString(Packet*, char*);
int vtGetString(Packet*, char**);
int vtSendPacket(VtSession*, Packet*);
Packet *vtRecvPacket(VtSession*);
void vtDisconnect(VtSession*, int);
int vtHello(VtSession*);

/* client side */
VtSession *vtClientAlloc(void);
VtSession *vtDial(char *server, int canfail);
int vtRedial(VtSession*, char *server);
VtSession *vtStdioServer(char *server);
int vtPing(VtSession *s);
int vtSetUid(VtSession*, char *uid);
int vtRead(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, uchar *buf, int n);
int vtWrite(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, uchar *buf, int n);
Packet *vtReadPacket(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, int n);
int vtWritePacket(VtSession*, uchar score[VtScoreSize], int type, Packet *p);
int vtSync(VtSession *s);

int vtZeroExtend(int type, uchar *buf, int n, int nn);
int vtZeroTruncate(int type, uchar *buf, int n);
int vtParseScore(char*, uint, uchar[VtScoreSize]);

void vtRootPack(VtRoot*, uchar*);
int vtRootUnpack(VtRoot*, uchar*);
void vtEntryPack(VtEntry*, uchar*, int index);
int vtEntryUnpack(VtEntry*, uchar*, int index);

/* server side */
VtSession *vtServerAlloc(VtServerVtbl*);
int vtSetSid(VtSession *s, char *sid);
int vtExport(VtSession *s);

/* sha1 */
VtSha1* vtSha1Alloc(void);
void vtSha1Free(VtSha1*);
void vtSha1Init(VtSha1*);
void vtSha1Update(VtSha1*, uchar *, int n);
void vtSha1Final(VtSha1*, uchar sha1[VtScoreSize]);
void vtSha1(uchar score[VtScoreSize], uchar *, int);
int vtSha1Check(uchar score[VtScoreSize], uchar *, int);
int vtScoreFmt(Fmt *fmt);

/* Packet */
Packet *packetAlloc(void);
void packetFree(Packet*);
Packet *packetForeign(uchar *buf, int n, void (*free)(void *a), void *a);
Packet *packetDup(Packet*, int offset, int n);
Packet *packetSplit(Packet*, int n);
int packetConsume(Packet*, uchar *buf, int n);
int packetTrim(Packet*, int offset, int n);
uchar *packetHeader(Packet*, int n);
uchar *packetTrailer(Packet*, int n);
int packetPrefix(Packet*, uchar *buf, int n);
int packetAppend(Packet*, uchar *buf, int n);
int packetConcat(Packet*, Packet*);
uchar *packetPeek(Packet*, uchar *buf, int offset, int n);
int packetCopy(Packet*, uchar *buf, int offset, int n);
int packetFragments(Packet*, IOchunk*, int nio, int offset);
int packetSize(Packet*);
int packetAllocatedSize(Packet*);
void packetSha1(Packet*, uchar sha1[VtScoreSize]);
int packetCompact(Packet*);
int packetCmp(Packet*, Packet*);
void packetStats(void);

/* portability stuff - should be a seperate library */

void vtMemFree(void *);
void *vtMemAlloc(int);
void *vtMemAllocZ(int);
void *vtMemRealloc(void *p, int);
void *vtMemBrk(int n);
char *vtStrDup(char *);
void vtFatal(char *, ...);
char *vtGetError(void);
char *vtSetError(char *, ...);
char *vtOSError(void);

/* locking/threads */
int vtThread(void (*f)(void*), void *rock);
void vtThreadSetName(char*);

VtLock *vtLockAlloc(void);
/* void vtLockInit(VtLock**); */
void vtLock(VtLock*);
int vtCanLock(VtLock*);
void vtRLock(VtLock*);
int vtCanRLock(VtLock*);
void vtUnlock(VtLock*);
void vtRUnlock(VtLock*);
void vtLockFree(VtLock*);

VtRendez *vtRendezAlloc(VtLock*);
void vtRendezFree(VtRendez*);
int vtSleep(VtRendez*);
int vtWakeup(VtRendez*);
int vtWakeupAll(VtRendez*);

/* fd functions - really network (socket) functions */
void vtFdClose(int);
int vtFdRead(int, uchar*, int);
int vtFdReadFully(int, uchar*, int);
int vtFdWrite(int, uchar*, int);

 * formatting
 * other than noted, these formats all ignore
 * the width and precision arguments, and all flags
 * V    a venti score
 * R    venti error
#pragma varargck        type    "V"             uchar*
#pragma varargck        type    "R"             void

#pragma varargck        argpos  vtSetError      1