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# restore arena# [dev] - load venti with arenas on dev, stored one per track
# starting with arena#. must have run fmtarenas before restoring
# the first arena in the partition.
# this must be run on the venti server, without venti running on the
# affected arena partition(s).
rfork ne
if (test -e /sys/lib/backup/funcs)
. /sys/lib/backup/funcs
switch ($#*) {
case 1
case 2
case *
echo usage: $0 arena-num '[dev]' >[1=2]
exit usage
if (! ~ $starena [0-9] [0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9]) {
echo $0: bad starting arena: $starena >[1=2]
exit bad-arena-num
# clear any dregs from a previous run
unmount /mnt/cd >[2]/dev/null
sleep 1
kill cdfs | rc
sleep 1
cdfs -d $rdev || exit
cd /mnt/cd
#for (track in d[0-9]*)
# venti/wrarena $track # slow; takes about 12½ mins. per GB
arena = $starena
# set arenabase for arenastart
arenabase = `{ venti/printarenapart $arenas | sed -e 's/.*arenabase=//' -e 1q }
kill printarenapart | rc # printarenapart leaves a process behind
# echo arenabase $arenabase
for (track in d[0-9]*) {
if (~ track 'd[0-9]*') {
echo $0: no tracks in /mnt/cd >[1=2]
exit no-tracks
if (~ $skipping yes) {
# verify that first track is the expected one
type=`{file $track}
switch ($"type) {
case *': venti arena'
name=`{ venti/printarena $track >[2=1] |
sed -e 's/.*name=([^ =]+).*/\1/' -e 1q }
case *
kill printarena | rc # printarena leaves a process behind
echo -n first track is $"name'; is that right? '
switch (`{read}) {
case [yY]*
case skip
case *
echo aborting, arena is unchanged. >[1=2]
exit 'wrong track'
if (! ~ $skipping yes) {
# copy each track into its slot in the arena partition
venti/printarena $track >[2=1] | sed 1q | tr -d '\12'
kill printarena | rc # printarena leaves a process behind
off = `{arenastart $arena}
# echo -n writing $track to $arenas at 8K-block offset $off:
sleep 3
# argh! something (cdfs?) appends 60K of *stuff* to each
# arena on optical disc. restrain dd.
count=`{ echo $arenasize/$blocksize | bc }
pump -i 1048576 -o 65536 -d 10 <$track |
dd -quiet 1 -count $count -bs $blocksize -of $arenas \
-oseek $off
arena = `{hoc -e $arena+1}
# when all done, must run venti/checkarenas, fmtisect, fmtbloom, fmtindex,
# and (the big one) venti/buildindex -b /cfg/pie/venti.conf