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* Avanstar Xp pci uart driver
#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "uartaxp.i"
typedef struct Cc Cc;
typedef struct Ccb Ccb;
typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr;
typedef struct Gcb Gcb;
* Global Control Block.
* Service Request fields must be accessed using XCHG.
struct Gcb {
u16int gcw; /* Global Command Word */
u16int gsw; /* Global Status Word */
u16int gsr; /* Global Service Request */
u16int abs; /* Available Buffer Space */
u16int bt; /* Board Type */
u16int cpv; /* Control Program Version */
u16int ccbn; /* Ccb count */
u16int ccboff; /* Ccb offset */
u16int ccbsz; /* Ccb size */
u16int gcw2; /* Global Command Word 2 */
u16int gsw2; /* Global Status Word 2 */
u16int esr; /* Error Service Request */
u16int isr; /* Input Service Request */
u16int osr; /* Output Service Request */
u16int msr; /* Modem Service Request */
u16int csr; /* Command Service Request */
* Channel Control Block.
struct Ccb {
u16int br; /* Baud Rate */
u16int df; /* Data Format */
u16int lp; /* Line Protocol */
u16int ibs; /* Input Buffer Size */
u16int obs; /* Output Buffer Size */
u16int ibtr; /* Ib Trigger Rate */
u16int oblw; /* Ob Low Watermark */
u8int ixon[2]; /* IXON characters */
u16int ibhw; /* Ib High Watermark */
u16int iblw; /* Ib Low Watermark */
u16int cc; /* Channel Command */
u16int cs; /* Channel Status */
u16int ibsa; /* Ib Start Addr */
u16int ibea; /* Ib Ending Addr */
u16int obsa; /* Ob Start Addr */
u16int obea; /* Ob Ending Addr */
u16int ibwp; /* Ib write pointer (RO) */
u16int ibrp; /* Ib read pointer (R/W) */
u16int obwp; /* Ob write pointer (R/W) */
u16int obrp; /* Ob read pointer (RO) */
u16int ces; /* Communication Error Status */
u16int bcp; /* Bad Character Pointer */
u16int mc; /* Modem Control */
u16int ms; /* Modem Status */
u16int bs; /* Blocking Status */
u16int crf; /* Character Received Flag */
u8int ixoff[2]; /* IXOFF characters */
u16int cs2; /* Channel Status 2 */
u8int sec[2]; /* Strip/Error Characters */
enum { /* br */
Br76800 = 0xFF00,
Br115200 = 0xFF01,
enum { /* df */
Db5 = 0x0000, /* Data Bits - 5 bits/byte */
Db6 = 0x0001, /* 6 bits/byte */
Db7 = 0x0002, /* 7 bits/byte */
Db8 = 0x0003, /* 8 bits/byte */
DbMASK = 0x0003,
Sb1 = 0x0000, /* 1 Stop Bit */
Sb2 = 0x0004, /* 2 Stop Bit */
SbMASK = 0x0004,
Np = 0x0000, /* No Parity */
Op = 0x0008, /* Odd Parity */
Ep = 0x0010, /* Even Parity */
Mp = 0x0020, /* Mark Parity */
Sp = 0x0030, /* Space Parity */
PMASK = 0x0038,
Cmn = 0x0000, /* Channel Mode Normal */
Cme = 0x0040, /* CM Echo */
Cmll = 0x0080, /* CM Local Loopback */
Cmrl = 0x00C0, /* CM Remote Loopback */
enum { /* lp */
Ixon = 0x0001, /* Obey IXON/IXOFF */
Ixany = 0x0002, /* Any character retarts Tx */
Ixgen = 0x0004, /* Generate IXON/IXOFF */
Cts = 0x0008, /* CTS controls Tx */
Dtr = 0x0010, /* Rx controls DTR */
½d = 0x0020, /* RTS off during Tx */
Rts = 0x0040, /* generate RTS */
Emcs = 0x0080, /* Enable Modem Control */
Ecs = 0x1000, /* Enable Character Stripping */
Eia422 = 0x2000, /* EIA422 */
enum { /* cc */
Ccu = 0x0001, /* Configure Channel and UART */
Cco = 0x0002, /* Configure Channel Only */
Fib = 0x0004, /* Flush Input Buffer */
Fob = 0x0008, /* Flush Output Buffer */
Er = 0x0010, /* Enable Receiver */
Dr = 0x0020, /* Disable Receiver */
Et = 0x0040, /* Enable Transmitter */
Dt = 0x0080, /* Disable Transmitter */
enum { /* ces */
Oe = 0x0001, /* Overrun Error */
Pe = 0x0002, /* Parity Error */
Fe = 0x0004, /* Framing Error */
Br = 0x0008, /* Break Received */
enum { /* mc */
Adtr = 0x0001, /* Assert DTR */
Arts = 0x0002, /* Assert RTS */
Ab = 0x0010, /* Assert BREAK */
enum { /* ms */
Scts = 0x0001, /* Status od CTS */
Sdsr = 0x0002, /* Status of DSR */
Sri = 0x0004, /* Status of RI */
Sdcd = 0x0008, /* Status of DCD */
enum { /* bs */
Rd = 0x0001, /* Receiver Disabled */
Td = 0x0002, /* Transmitter Disabled */
Tbxoff = 0x0004, /* Tx Blocked by XOFF */
Tbcts = 0x0008, /* Tx Blocked by CTS */
Rbxoff = 0x0010, /* Rx Blocked by XOFF */
Rbrts = 0x0020, /* Rx Blocked by RTS */
enum { /* Local Configuration */
Range = 0x00,
Remap = 0x04,
Region = 0x18,
Mb0 = 0x40, /* Mailbox 0 */
Ldb = 0x60, /* PCI to Local Doorbell */
Pdb = 0x64, /* Local to PCI Doorbell */
Ics = 0x68, /* Interrupt Control/Status */
Mcc = 0x6C, /* Misc. Command and Control */
enum { /* Mb0 */
Edcc = 1, /* exec. downloaded code cmd */
Aic = 0x10, /* adapter init'zed correctly */
Cpr = 1ul << 31, /* control program ready */
enum { /* Mcc */
Rcr = 1ul << 29, /* reload config. reg.s */
Asr = 1ul << 30, /* pci adapter sw reset */
Lis = 1ul << 31, /* local init status */
typedef struct Cc Cc;
typedef struct Ccb Ccb;
typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr;
* Channel Control, one per uart.
* Devuart communicates via the PhysUart functions with
* a Uart* argument. Uart.regs is filled in by this driver
* to point to a Cc, and Cc.ctlr points to the Axp board
* controller.
struct Cc {
int uartno;
Ccb* ccb;
Ctlr* ctlr;
typedef struct Ctlr {
char* name;
Pcidev* pcidev;
int ctlrno;
Ctlr* next;
u32int* reg;
uchar* mem;
Gcb* gcb;
int im; /* interrupt mask */
Cc cc[16];
} Ctlr;
#define csr32r(c, r) (*((c)->reg+((r)/4)))
#define csr32w(c, r, v) (*((c)->reg+((r)/4)) = (v))
static Ctlr* axpctlrhead;
static Ctlr* axpctlrtail;
extern PhysUart axpphysuart;
static int
axpccdone(void* ccb)
return !((Ccb*)ccb)->cc; /* hw sets ccb->cc to zero */
static void
axpcc(Cc* cc, int cmd)
Ccb *ccb;
int timeo;
u16int cs;
ccb = cc->ccb;
ccb->cc = cmd;
for(timeo = 0; timeo < 1000000; timeo++){
tsleep(cc, axpccdone, ccb, 1000);
cs = ccb->cs;
if(ccb->cc || cs){
print("%s: cmd %#ux didn't terminate: %#ux %#ux\n",
cc->name, cmd, ccb->cc, cs);
static long
axpstatus(Uart* uart, void* buf, long n, long offset)
char *p;
Ccb *ccb;
u16int bs, fstat, ms;
p = malloc(READSTR);
if(p == nil)
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
bs = ccb->bs;
fstat = ccb->df;
ms = ccb->ms;
snprint(p, READSTR,
"b%d c%d d%d e%d l%d m%d p%c r%d s%d i%d\n"
"dev(%d) type(%d) framing(%d) overruns(%d) "
"berr(%d) serr(%d)%s%s%s%s\n",
ms & Sdsr,
(fstat & DbMASK) + 5,
(fstat & PMASK) ? ((fstat & Ep) == Ep? 'e': 'o'): 'n',
(bs & Rbrts) ? 1 : 0,
(fstat & Sb2) ? 2 : 1,
(ms & Scts) ? " cts" : "",
(ms & Sdsr) ? " dsr" : "",
(ms & Sdcd) ? " dcd" : "",
(ms & Sri) ? " ring" : ""
n = readstr(offset, buf, n, p);
return n;
static void
axpfifo(Uart*, int)
static void
axpdtr(Uart* uart, int on)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int mc;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
mc = ccb->mc;
mc |= Adtr;
mc &= ~Adtr;
ccb->mc = mc;
* can be called from uartstageinput() during an input interrupt,
* with uart->rlock ilocked or the uart qlocked, sometimes both.
static void
axprts(Uart* uart, int on)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int mc;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
mc = ccb->mc;
mc |= Arts;
mc &= ~Arts;
ccb->mc = mc;
static void
axpmodemctl(Uart* uart, int on)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int lp;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
lp = ccb->lp;
lp |= Cts|Rts;
lp &= ~Emcs;
uart->cts = ccb->ms & Scts;
lp &= ~(Cts|Rts);
lp |= Emcs;
uart->cts = 1;
uart->modem = on;
ccb->lp = lp;
axpcc(uart->regs, Ccu);
static int
axpparity(Uart* uart, int parity)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int df;
return -1;
case 'e':
parity = Ep;
case 'o':
parity = Op;
case 'n':
parity = Np;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
df = ccb->df & ~PMASK;
ccb->df = df|parity;
axpcc(uart->regs, Ccu);
return 0;
static int
axpstop(Uart* uart, int stop)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int df;
return -1;
case 1:
stop = Sb1;
case 2:
stop = Sb2;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
df = ccb->df & ~SbMASK;
ccb->df = df|stop;
axpcc(uart->regs, Ccu);
return 0;
static int
axpbits(Uart* uart, int bits)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int df;
bits -= 5;
if(bits < 0 || bits > 3)
return -1;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
df = ccb->df & ~DbMASK;
ccb->df = df|bits;
axpcc(uart->regs, Ccu);
return 0;
static int
axpbaud(Uart* uart, int baud)
Ccb *ccb;
int i, ibtr;
* Set baud rate (high rates are special - only 16 bits).
if(baud <= 0)
return -1;
uart->baud = baud;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
ccb->br = baud;
case 76800:
ccb->br = Br76800;
case 115200:
ccb->br = Br115200;
* Set trigger level to about 50 per second.
ibtr = baud/500;
i = (ccb->ibea - ccb->ibsa)/2;
if(ibtr > i)
ibtr = i;
ccb->ibtr = ibtr;
axpcc(uart->regs, Ccu);
return 0;
static void
axpbreak(Uart* uart, int ms)
Ccb *ccb;
u16int mc;
* Send a break.
if(ms <= 0)
ms = 200;
ccb = ((Cc*)(uart->regs))->ccb;
mc = ccb->mc;
ccb->mc = Ab|mc;
tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, ms);
ccb->mc = mc & ~Ab;
/* only called from interrupt service */
static void
axpmc(Cc* cc)
int old;
Ccb *ccb;
u16int ms;
ccb = cc->ccb;
ms = ccb->ms;
if(ms & Scts){
old = cc->cts;
cc->cts = ms & Scts;
if(old == 0 && cc->cts)
cc->ctsbackoff = 2;
if(ms & Sdsr){
old = ms & Sdsr;
if(cc->hup_dsr && cc->dsr && !old)
cc->dohup = 1;
cc->dsr = old;
if(ms & Sdcd){
old = ms & Sdcd;
if(cc->hup_dcd && cc->dcd && !old)
cc->dohup = 1;
cc->dcd = old;
/* called from uartkick() with uart->tlock ilocked */
static void
axpkick(Uart* uart)
Cc *cc;
Ccb *ccb;
uchar *ep, *mem, *rp, *wp, *bp;
if(uart->cts == 0 || uart->blocked)
cc = uart->regs;
ccb = cc->ccb;
mem = (uchar*)cc->ctlr->gcb;
bp = mem + ccb->obsa;
rp = mem + ccb->obrp;
wp = mem + ccb->obwp;
ep = mem + ccb->obea;
while(wp != rp-1 && (rp != bp || wp != ep)){
* if we've exhausted the uart's output buffer,
* ask for more from the output queue, and quit if there
* isn't any.
if(uart->op >= uart->oe && uartstageoutput(uart) == 0)
*wp++ = *(uart->op++);
if(wp > ep)
wp = bp;
ccb->obwp = wp - mem;
/* only called from interrupt service */
static void
axprecv(Cc* cc)
Ccb *ccb;
uchar *ep, *mem, *rp, *wp;
ccb = cc->ccb;
mem = (uchar*)cc->ctlr->gcb;
rp = mem + ccb->ibrp;
wp = mem + ccb->ibwp;
ep = mem + ccb->ibea;
while(rp != wp){
uartrecv(cc, *rp++); /* ilocks cc->tlock */
if(rp > ep)
rp = mem + ccb->ibsa;
ccb->ibrp = rp - mem;
static void
axpinterrupt(Ureg*, void* arg)
int work;
Cc *cc;
Ctlr *ctlr;
u32int ics;
u16int r, sr;
work = 0;
ctlr = arg;
ics = csr32r(ctlr, Ics);
if(ics & 0x0810C000)
print("%s: unexpected interrupt %#ux\n", ctlr->name, ics);
if(!(ics & 0x00002000)) {
/* we get a steady stream of these on consoles */
// print("%s: non-doorbell interrupt\n", ctlr->name);
ctlr->gcb->gcw2 = 0x0001; /* set Gintack */
// while(work to do){
cc = ctlr->cc;
for(sr = xchgw(&ctlr->gcb->isr, 0); sr != 0; sr >>= 1){
if(sr & 0x0001)
work++, axprecv(cc);
cc = ctlr->cc;
for(sr = xchgw(&ctlr->gcb->osr, 0); sr != 0; sr >>= 1){
if(sr & 0x0001)
work++, uartkick(&cc->Uart);
cc = ctlr->cc;
for(sr = xchgw(&ctlr->gcb->csr, 0); sr != 0; sr >>= 1){
if(sr & 0x0001)
work++, wakeup(cc);
cc = ctlr->cc;
for(sr = xchgw(&ctlr->gcb->msr, 0); sr != 0; sr >>= 1){
if(sr & 0x0001)
work++, axpmc(cc);
cc = ctlr->cc;
for(sr = xchgw(&ctlr->gcb->esr, 0); sr != 0; sr >>= 1){
if(sr & 0x0001){
r = cc->ccb->ms;
if(r & Oe)
if(r & Pe)
if(r & Fe)
if (r & (Oe|Pe|Fe))
// }
/* only meaningful if we don't share the irq */
if (0 && !work)
print("%s: interrupt with no work\n", ctlr->name);
csr32w(ctlr, Pdb, 1); /* clear doorbell interrupt */
ctlr->gcb->gcw2 = 0x0001; /* set Gintack */
static void
axpdisable(Uart* uart)
Cc *cc;
u16int lp;
Ctlr *ctlr;
* Turn off DTR and RTS, disable interrupts.
(*uart->phys->dtr)(uart, 0);
(*uart->phys->rts)(uart, 0);
cc = uart->regs;
lp = cc->ccb->lp;
cc->ccb->lp = Emcs|lp;
axpcc(cc, Dt|Dr|Fob|Fib|Ccu);
* The Uart is qlocked.
ctlr = cc->ctlr;
ctlr->im &= ~(1<<cc->uartno);
if(ctlr->im == 0)
intrdisable(ctlr->pcidev->intl, axpinterrupt, ctlr,
ctlr->pcidev->tbdf, ctlr->name);
static void
axpenable(Uart* uart, int ie)
Cc *cc;
Ctlr *ctlr;
u16int lp;
cc = uart->regs;
ctlr = cc->ctlr;
* Enable interrupts and turn on DTR and RTS.
* Be careful if this is called to set up a polled serial line
* early on not to try to enable interrupts as interrupt-
* -enabling mechanisms might not be set up yet.
* The Uart is qlocked.
if(ctlr->im == 0){
intrenable(ctlr->pcidev->intl, axpinterrupt, ctlr,
ctlr->pcidev->tbdf, ctlr->name);
csr32w(ctlr, Ics, 0x00031F00);
csr32w(ctlr, Pdb, 1);
ctlr->gcb->gcw2 = 1;
ctlr->im |= 1<<cc->uartno;
(*uart->phys->dtr)(uart, 1);
(*uart->phys->rts)(uart, 1);
* Make sure we control RTS, DTR and break.
lp = cc->ccb->lp;
cc->ccb->lp = Emcs|lp;
cc->ccb->oblw = 64;
axpcc(cc, Et|Er|Ccu);
static void*
axpdealloc(Ctlr* ctlr)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++){
if(ctlr->cc[i].name != nil)
if(ctlr->reg != nil)
vunmap(ctlr->reg, ctlr->pcidev->mem[0].size);
if(ctlr->mem != nil)
vunmap(ctlr->mem, ctlr->pcidev->mem[2].size);
if(ctlr->name != nil)
return nil;
static Uart*
axpalloc(int ctlrno, Pcidev* pcidev)
Cc *cc;
uchar *p;
Ctlr *ctlr;
void *addr;
char name[64];
u32int bar, r;
int i, n, timeo;
ctlr = malloc(sizeof(Ctlr));
if(ctlr == nil)
seprint(name, name+sizeof(name), "uartaxp%d", ctlrno);
kstrdup(&ctlr->name, name);
ctlr->pcidev = pcidev;
ctlr->ctlrno = ctlrno;
* Access to runtime registers.
bar = pcidev->mem[0].bar;
if((addr = vmap(bar & ~0x0F, pcidev->mem[0].size)) == 0){
print("%s: can't map registers at %#ux\n", ctlr->name, bar);
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
ctlr->reg = addr;
print("%s: port 0x%ux irq %d ", ctlr->name, bar, pcidev->intl);
* Local address space 0.
bar = pcidev->mem[2].bar;
if((addr = vmap(bar & ~0x0F, pcidev->mem[2].size)) == 0){
print("%s: can't map memory at %#ux\n", ctlr->name, bar);
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
ctlr->mem = addr;
ctlr->gcb = (Gcb*)(ctlr->mem+0x10000);
print("mem 0x%ux size %d: ", bar, pcidev->mem[2].size);
* Toggle the software reset and wait for
* the adapter local init status to indicate done.
* The two 'delay(100)'s below are important,
* without them the board seems to become confused
* (perhaps it needs some 'quiet time' because the
* timeout loops are not sufficient in themselves).
r = csr32r(ctlr, Mcc);
csr32w(ctlr, Mcc, r|Asr);
csr32w(ctlr, Mcc, r&~Asr);
for(timeo = 0; timeo < 100000; timeo++){
if(csr32r(ctlr, Mcc) & Lis)
if(!(csr32r(ctlr, Mcc) & Lis)){
print("%s: couldn't reset\n", ctlr->name);
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
* Copy the control programme to the card memory.
* The card's i960 control structures live at 0xD000.
if(sizeof(uartaxpcp) > 0xD000){
print("%s: control programme too big\n", ctlr->name);
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
/* TODO: is this right for more than 1 card? devastar does the same */
csr32w(ctlr, Remap, 0xA0000001);
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(uartaxpcp); i++)
ctlr->mem[i] = uartaxpcp[i];
* Execute downloaded code and wait for it
* to signal ready.
csr32w(ctlr, Mb0, Edcc);
/* the manual says to wait for Cpr for 1 second */
for(timeo = 0; timeo < 10000; timeo++){
if(csr32r(ctlr, Mb0) & Cpr)
if(!(csr32r(ctlr, Mb0) & Cpr)){
print("control programme not ready; Mb0 %#ux\n",
csr32r(ctlr, Mb0));
print("%s: distribution panel not connected or card not fully seated?\n",
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
n = ctlr->gcb->ccbn;
if(ctlr->gcb->bt != 0x12 || n > 16){
print("%s: wrong board type %#ux, %d channels\n",
ctlr->name, ctlr->gcb->bt, ctlr->gcb->ccbn);
return axpdealloc(ctlr);
p = ((uchar*)ctlr->gcb) + ctlr->gcb->ccboff;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
cc = &ctlr->cc[i];
cc->ccb = (Ccb*)p;
p += ctlr->gcb->ccbsz;
cc->uartno = i;
cc->ctlr = ctlr;
cc->regs = cc; /* actually Uart->regs */
seprint(name, name+sizeof(name), "uartaxp%d%2.2d", ctlrno, i);
kstrdup(&cc->name, name);
cc->freq = 0;
cc->bits = 8;
cc->stop = 1;
cc->parity = 'n';
cc->baud = 9600;
cc->phys = &axpphysuart;
cc->console = 0;
cc->special = 0;
cc->next = &ctlr->cc[i+1];
ctlr->cc[n-1].next = nil;
ctlr->next = nil;
if(axpctlrhead != nil)
axpctlrtail->next = ctlr;
axpctlrhead = ctlr;
axpctlrtail = ctlr;
return ctlr->cc;
static Uart*
Pcidev *p;
int ctlrno;
Uart *head, *tail, *uart;
* Loop through all PCI devices looking for simple serial
* controllers (ccrb == 0x07) and configure the ones which
* are familiar.
head = tail = nil;
ctlrno = 0;
for(p = pcimatch(nil, 0, 0); p != nil; p = pcimatch(p, 0, 0)){
if(p->ccrb != 0x07)
case (0x6001<<16)|0x114F: /* AvanstarXp */
if((uart = axpalloc(ctlrno, p)) == nil)
if(head != nil)
tail->next = uart;
head = uart;
for(tail = uart; tail->next != nil; tail = tail->next)
return head;
PhysUart axpphysuart = {
.name = "AvanstarXp",
.pnp = axppnp,
.enable = axpenable,
.disable = axpdisable,
.kick = axpkick,
.dobreak = axpbreak,
.baud = axpbaud,
.bits = axpbits,
.stop = axpstop,
.parity = axpparity,
.modemctl = axpmodemctl,
.rts = axprts,
.dtr = axpdtr,
.status = axpstatus,
.fifo = axpfifo,
.getc = nil,
.putc = nil,