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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>

#include "pci.h"
#include "vga.h"

 * IBM RGB524.
 * 170/220MHz High Performance Palette DAC.
 * Assumes hooked up to an S3 Vision96[48].
enum {
        IndexLo         = 0x00,
        IndexHi         = 0x01,
        Data            = 0x02,
        IndexCtl        = 0x03,

enum {                                          /* index registers */
        MiscClock       = 0x02,
        PixelFormat     = 0x0A,
        PLLControl1     = 0x10,
        PLLControl2     = 0x11,
        PLLReference    = 0x14,
        Frequency0      = 0x20,
        MiscControl1    = 0x70,
        MiscControl2    = 0x71,

static uchar
        uchar rs2;

        rs2 = vgaxi(Crtx, 0x55);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, (rs2 & 0xFC)|0x01);

        return rs2;

static uchar
rgb524xi(int index)
        outportb(dacxreg[IndexLo], index & 0xFF);
        outportb(dacxreg[IndexHi], (index>>8) & 0xFF);

        return inportb(dacxreg[Data]);

static void
rgb524xo(int index, uchar data)
        outportb(dacxreg[IndexLo], index & 0xFF);
        outportb(dacxreg[IndexHi], (index>>8) & 0xFF);

        outportb(dacxreg[Data], data);

static void
restorers2(uchar rs2)
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x55, rs2);

static void
clock(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
        if(vga->f[0] >= 16250000 && vga->f[0] <= 32000000){
                vga->f[0] = (vga->f[0]/250000)*250000;
                vga->d[0] = (4*vga->f[0])/1000000 - 65;
        else if(vga->f[0] >= 32500000 && vga->f[0] <= 64000000){
                vga->f[0] = (vga->f[0]/500000)*500000;
                vga->d[0] = 0x40|((2*vga->f[0])/1000000 - 65);
        else if(vga->f[0] >= 65000000 && vga->f[0] <= 128000000){
                vga->f[0] = (vga->f[0]/1000000)*1000000;
                vga->d[0] = 0x80|(vga->f[0]/1000000 - 65);
        else if(vga->f[0] >= 130000000 && vga->f[0] <= 220000000){
                vga->f[0] = (vga->f[0]/2000000)*2000000;
                vga->d[0] = 0xC0|((vga->f[0]/2)/1000000 - 65);
                error("%s: pclk %lud out of range\n",
                        ctlr->name, vga->f[0]);

static void
init(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
        ulong pclk;
        char *p;

         * Part comes in -170 and -220MHz speed-grades.
        pclk = 170000000;
        if(p = strrchr(ctlr->name, '-'))
                pclk = strtoul(p+1, 0, 0) * 1000000;

         * If we don't already have a desired pclk,
         * take it from the mode.
         * Check it's within range.
        if(vga->f[0] == 0)
                vga->f[0] = vga->mode->frequency;
        if(vga->f[0] > pclk)
                error("%s: invalid pclk - %ld\n", ctlr->name, vga->f[0]);

         * Determine whether to use clock-doubler or not.
        if((ctlr->flag & Uclk2) == 0 && vga->mode->z == 8)
                resyncinit(vga, ctlr, Uclk2, 0);

         * Clock bits. If the desired video clock is
         * one of the two standard VGA clocks it can just be
         * set using bits <3:2> of vga->misc, otherwise we
         * need to programme the PLL.
        vga->misc &= ~0x0C;
        if(vga->mode->z == 8 || (vga->f[0] != VgaFreq0 && vga->f[0] != VgaFreq1)){
                 * Initialise the PLL parameters.
                 * Use internal FS3 fixed-reference divider.
                clock(vga, ctlr);
                vga->i[0] = 0x03;
        else if(vga->f[0] == VgaFreq0)
                vga->i[0] = 0;
        else if(vga->f[0] == VgaFreq1){
                vga->misc |= 0x04;
                vga->i[0] = 1;

        ctlr->flag |= Finit;

static void
load(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr)
        uchar mc2, rs2, x;
        char *val;
        int f;

        rs2 = setrs2();

         * Set VgaFreq[01].
        rgb524xo(PLLControl1, 0x00);
        rgb524xo(Frequency0, 0x24);
        rgb524xo(Frequency0+1, 0x30);

        if(val = dbattr(vga->attr, "rgb524refclk")){
                f = strtol(val, 0, 0);
                if(f > 1000000)
                        f /= 1000000;
                rgb524xo(PLLReference, f/2);
         * Enable pixel programming and clock divide
         * factor.
        x = rgb524xi(MiscClock) & ~0x0E;
        x |= 0x01;
        if(ctlr->flag & Uclk2)
                x |= 0x02;
        rgb524xo(MiscClock, x);

        if(vga->mode->z == 1)
                rgb524xo(PixelFormat, 0x02);
        else if(vga->mode->z == 8)
                rgb524xo(PixelFormat, 0x03);

        x = rgb524xi(MiscControl1) & ~0x41;
        x |= 0x01;
        rgb524xo(MiscControl1, x);

        mc2 = rgb524xi(MiscControl2) & ~0x41;
        vga->crt[0x22] &= ~0x08;
        if(vga->i[0] == 3){
                rgb524xo(Frequency0+3, vga->d[0]);
                rgb524xo(PLLControl1, 0x02);
                rgb524xo(PLLControl2, vga->i[0]);
                mc2 |= 0x41;
                vga->crt[0x22] |= 0x08;
        rgb524xo(MiscControl2, mc2);
        vgaxo(Crtx, 0x22, vga->crt[0x22]);

        ctlr->flag |= Fload;

static void
dump(Vga*, Ctlr* ctlr)
        uchar rs2, r, x[256];
        char buf[32];
        int df, i, maxf, vcodc, vf;

        rs2 = setrs2();
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index00");
        for(i = 0x00; i < 0x0F; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index10");
        for(i = 0x10; i < 0x17; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index20");
        for(i = 0x20; i < 0x30; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index30");
        for(i = 0x30; i < 0x37; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index40");
        for(i = 0x40; i < 0x49; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index60");
        for(i = 0x60; i < 0x63; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index70");
        for(i = 0x70; i < 0x73; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);
        printitem(ctlr->name, "index8E");
        for(i = 0x8E; i < 0x92; i++){
                x[i] = rgb524xi(i);

         * x[0x10]      pixel clock frequency selection
         *              0, 2 for direct programming
         * x[0x20-0x2F] pixel frequency 0-15
        printitem(ctlr->name, "refclk");
        Bprint(&stdout, "%12ud\n", x[PLLReference]*2*1000000);
        if((i = (x[0x10] & 0x07)) == 0x00 || i == 0x02){
                 * Direct programming, external frequency select.
                 * F[0-4] are probably tied directly to the 2 clock-select
                 * bits in the VGA Misc register.
                if(i == 0)
                        maxf = 4;
                        maxf = 16;
                for(i = 0; i < maxf; i++){
                        if((r = x[0x20+i]) == 0)
                        sprint(buf, "direct F%X", i);
                        printitem(ctlr->name, buf);
                        df = (r>>6) & 0x03;
                        vcodc = r & 0x3F;

                        vf = 0;
                        case 0:
                                vf = (vcodc+65)/4;

                        case 1:
                                vf = (vcodc+65)/2;

                        case 2:
                                vf = (vcodc+65);

                        case 3:
                                vf = (vcodc+65)*2;
                        Bprint(&stdout, "%12ud\n", vf);

Ctlr rgb524 = {
        "rgb524",                       /* name */
        0,                              /* snarf */
        0,                              /* options */
        init,                           /* init */
        load,                           /* load */
        dump,                           /* dump */