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 * DNS referrals give two main fields: the path to connect to in
 * /Netbios-host-name/share-name/path... form and a network
 * address of how to find this path of the form domain.dom.
 * The domain.dom is resolved in XP/Win2k etc using AD to do
 * a lookup (this is a consensus view, I don't think anyone
 * has proved it).  I cannot do this as AD needs Kerberos and
 * LDAP which I don't have.
 * Instead I just use the NetBios names passed in the paths
 * and assume that the servers are in the same DNS domain as me
 * and have their DNS hostname set the same as their netbios
 * called-name; thankfully this always seems to be the case (so far).
 * I have not added support for starting another instance of
 * cifs to connect to other servers referenced in DFS links,
 * this is not a problem for me and I think it hides a load
 * of problems of its own wrt plan9's private namespaces.
 * The proximity of my test server (AD enabled) is always 0 but some
 * systems may report more meaningful values.  The expiry time is
 * similarly zero, so I guess at 5 mins.
 * If the redirection points to a "hidden" share (i.e., its name
 * ends in a $) then the type of the redirection is 0 (unknown) even
 * though it is a CIFS share.
 * It would be nice to add a check for which subnet a server is on
 * so our first choice is always the the server on the same subnet
 * as us which replies to a ping (i.e., is up).  This could short-
 * circuit the tests as the a server on the same subnet will always
 * be the fastest to get to.
 * If I set Flags2_DFS then I don't see DFS links, I just get
 * path not found (?!).
 * If I do a QueryFileInfo of a DFS link point (IE when I'am doing a walk)
 * Then I just see a directory, its not until I try to walk another level
 * That I get  "IO reparse tag not handled" error rather than
 * "Path not covered".
 * If I check the extended attributes of the QueryFileInfo in walk() then I can
 * see this is a reparse point and so I can get the referral.  The only
 * problem here is that samba and the like may not support this.
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <fcall.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <libsec.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <9p.h>
#include "cifs.h"

enum {
        Nomatch,        /* not found in cache */
        Exactmatch,     /* perfect match found */
        Badmatch        /* matched but wrong case */

#define SINT_MAX        0x7fffffff

typedef struct Dfscache Dfscache;
struct Dfscache {
        Dfscache*next;          /* next entry */
        char    *src;
        char    *host;
        char    *share;
        char    *path;
        long    expiry;         /* expiry time in sec */
        long    rtt;            /* round trip time, nsec */
        int     prox;           /* proximity, lower = closer */

Dfscache *Cache;

dfscacheinfo(Fmt *f)
        long ex;
        Dfscache *cp;

        for(cp = Cache; cp; cp = cp->next){
                ex = cp->expiry - time(nil);
                if(ex < 0)
                        ex = -1;
                fmtprint(f, "%-42s %6ld %8.1f %4d %-16s %-24s %s\n",
                        cp->src, ex, (double)cp->rtt/1000.0L, cp->prox,
                        cp->host, cp->share, cp->path);
        return 0;

char *
trimshare(char *s)
        char *p;
        static char name[128];

        strncpy(name, s, sizeof(name));
        name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0;
        if((p = strrchr(name, '$')) != nil && p[1] == 0)
                *p = 0;
        return name;

static Dfscache *
lookup(char *path, int *match)
        int len, n, m;
        Dfscache *cp, *best;

                *match = Nomatch;

        len = 0;
        best = nil;
        m = strlen(path);
        for(cp = Cache; cp; cp = cp->next){
                n = strlen(cp->src);
                if(n < len)
                if(strncmp(path, cp->src, n) != 0)
                if(path[n] != 0 && path[n] != '/')
                best = cp;
                len = n;
                if(n == m){
                                *match = Exactmatch;
        return best;

char *
mapfile(char *opath)
        int exact;
        Dfscache *cp;
        char *p, *path;
        static char npath[MAX_DFS_PATH];

        path = opath;
        if((cp = lookup(path, &exact)) != nil){
                snprint(npath, sizeof npath, "/%s%s%s%s", cp->share,
                        *cp->path? "/": "", cp->path, path + strlen(cp->src));
                path = npath;

        if((p = strchr(path+1, '/')) == nil)
                p = "/";
        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print("mapfile src=%q => dst=%q\n", opath, p);
        return p;

mapshare(char *path, Share **osp)
        int i;
        Share *sp;
        Dfscache *cp;
        char *s, *try;
        char *tail[] = { "", "$" };

        if((cp = lookup(path, nil)) == nil)
                return 0;

        for(sp = Shares; sp < Shares+Nshares; sp++){
                s = trimshare(sp->name);
                if(cistrcmp(cp->share, s) != 0)
                if(Checkcase && strcmp(cp->share, s) != 0)
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print("mapshare, already connected, src=%q => dst=%q\n", path, sp->name);
                *osp = sp;
                return 0;
         * Try to autoconnect to share if it is not known.  Note even if you
         * didn't specify any shares and let the system autoconnect you may
         * not already have the share you need as RAP (which we use) throws
         * away names > 12 chars long.  If we where to use RPC then this block
         * of code would be less important, though it would still be useful
         * to catch Shares added since cifs(1) was started.
        sp = Shares + Nshares;
        for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
                try = smprint("%s%s", cp->share, tail[i]);
                if(CIFStreeconnect(Sess, Sess->cname, try, sp) == 0){
                        sp->name = try;
                        *osp = sp;
                        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                                print("mapshare connected, src=%q dst=%q\n",
                                        path, cp->share);
                        return 0;

        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print("mapshare failed src=%s\n", path);
        werrstr("not found");
        return -1;

 * Rtt_tol is the fractional tollerance for RTT comparisons.
 * If a later (further down the list) host's RTT is less than
 * 1/Rtt_tol better than my current best then I don't bother
 * with it.  This biases me towards entries at the top of the list
 * which Active Directory has already chosen for me and prevents
 * noise in RTTs from pushing me to more distant machines.
static int
remap(Dfscache *cp, Refer *re)
        int n;
        long rtt;
        char *p, *a[4];
        enum {
                Hostname = 1,
                Sharename = 2,
                Pathname = 3,

                Rtt_tol = 10

        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print(" remap %s\n", re->addr);

        for(p = re->addr; *p; p++)
                if(*p == '\\')
                        *p = '/';

        if(cp->prox < re->prox){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print(" remap %d < %d\n", cp->prox, re->prox);
                return -1;
        if((n = getfields(re->addr, a, sizeof(a), 0, "/")) < 3){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print(" remap nfields=%d\n", n);
                return -1;
        if((rtt = ping(a[Hostname], Dfstout)) == -1){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print(" remap ping failed\n");
                return -1;
        if(cp->rtt < rtt && (rtt/labs(rtt-cp->rtt)) < Rtt_tol){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print(" remap bad ping %ld < %ld && %ld < %d\n",
                                cp->rtt, rtt, (rtt/labs(rtt-cp->rtt)), Rtt_tol);
                return -1;

        if(n < 4)
                a[Pathname] = "";
        if(re->ttl == 0)
                re->ttl = 60*5;

        cp->rtt = rtt;
        cp->prox = re->prox;
        cp->expiry = time(nil)+re->ttl;
        cp->host = estrdup9p(a[Hostname]);
        cp->share = estrdup9p(trimshare(a[Sharename]));
        cp->path = estrdup9p(a[Pathname]);
        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print(" remap ping OK prox=%d host=%s share=%s path=%s\n",
                        cp->prox, cp->host, cp->share, cp->path);
        return 0;

static int
redir1(Session *s, char *path, Dfscache *cp, int level)
        Refer retab[16], *re;
        int n, gflags, used, found;

        if(level > 8)
                return -1;

        if((n = T2getdfsreferral(s, &Ipc, path, &gflags, &used, retab,
            nelem(retab))) == -1)
                return -1;

        if(! (gflags & DFS_HEADER_ROOT))
                used = SINT_MAX;

        found = 0;
        for(re = retab; re < retab+n; re++){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print("referal level=%d prox=%d path=%q addr=%q\n",
                                level, re->prox, re->path, re->addr);

                if(gflags & DFS_HEADER_STORAGE){
                        if(remap(cp, re) == 0)
                                found = 1;
                } else{
                        if(redir1(s, re->addr, cp, level+1) != -1)  /* ???? */
                                found = 1;

        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print("referal level=%d path=%q found=%d used=%d\n",
                        level, path, found, used);
                return -1;
        return used;

 * We can afford to ignore the used count returned by redir
 * because of the semantics of 9p - we always walk to directories
 * ome and we a time and we always walk before any other file operations
redirect(Session *s, Share *sp, char *path)
        int match;
        char *unc;
        Dfscache *cp;

        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print("redirect name=%q path=%q\n", sp->name, path);

        cp = lookup(path, &match);
        if(match == Badmatch)
                return -1;

        if(cp && match == Exactmatch){
                if(cp->expiry >= time(nil)){            /* cache hit */
                        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                                print("redirect cache=hit src=%q => share=%q path=%q\n",
                                        cp->src, cp->share, cp->path);
                        return 0;

                } else{                         /* cache hit, but entry stale */
                        cp->rtt = SINT_MAX;
                        cp->prox = SINT_MAX;

                        unc = smprint("//%s/%s/%s%s%s", s->auth->windom,
                                cp->share, cp->path, *cp->path? "/": "",
                                path + strlen(cp->src) + 1);
                        if(unc == nil)
                                sysfatal("no memory: %r");
                        if(redir1(s, unc, cp, 1) == -1){
                                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                                        print("redirect refresh failed unc=%q\n",
                                return -1;
                        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                                print("redirect refresh cache=stale src=%q => share=%q path=%q\n",
                                        cp->src, cp->share, cp->path);
                        return 0;

        /* in-exact match or complete miss */
                unc = smprint("//%s/%s/%s%s%s", s->auth->windom, cp->share,
                        cp->path, *cp->path? "/": "", path + strlen(cp->src) + 1);
                unc = smprint("//%s%s", s->auth->windom, path);
        if(unc == nil)
                sysfatal("no memory: %r");

        cp = emalloc9p(sizeof(Dfscache));
        memset(cp, 0, sizeof(Dfscache));
        cp->rtt = SINT_MAX;
        cp->prox = SINT_MAX;

        if(redir1(s, unc, cp, 1) == -1){
                if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                        print("redirect new failed unc=%q\n", unc);
                return -1;

        cp->src = estrdup9p(path);
        cp->next = Cache;
        Cache = cp;
        if(Debug && strstr(Debug, "dfs") != nil)
                print("redirect cache=miss src=%q => share=%q path=%q\n",
                        cp->src, cp->share, cp->path);
        return 0;