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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <regexp.h>
extern Biobuf bout;
typedef struct Bufblock
struct Bufblock *next;
char *start;
char *end;
char *current;
} Bufblock;
typedef struct Word
char *s;
struct Word *next;
} Word;
typedef struct Envy
char *name;
Word *values;
} Envy;
extern Envy *envy;
typedef struct Rule
char *target; /* one target */
Word *tail; /* constituents of targets */
char *recipe; /* do it ! */
short attr; /* attributes */
short line; /* source line */
char *file; /* source file */
Word *alltargets; /* all the targets */
int rule; /* rule number */
Reprog *pat; /* reg exp goo */
char *prog; /* to use in out of date */
struct Rule *chain; /* hashed per target */
struct Rule *next;
} Rule;
extern Rule *rules, *metarules, *patrule;
/* Rule.attr */
#define META 0x0001
#define UNUSED 0x0002
#define UPD 0x0004
#define QUIET 0x0008
#define VIR 0x0010
#define REGEXP 0x0020
#define NOREC 0x0040
#define DEL 0x0080
#define NOVIRT 0x0100
#define NREGEXP 10
typedef struct Arc
short flag;
struct Node *n;
Rule *r;
char *stem;
char *prog;
char *match[NREGEXP];
struct Arc *next;
} Arc;
/* Arc.flag */
#define TOGO 1
typedef struct Node
char *name;
ulong time;
ushort flags;
Arc *prereqs;
struct Node *next; /* list for a rule */
} Node;
/* Node.flags */
#define VIRTUAL 0x0001
#define CYCLE 0x0002
#define READY 0x0004
#define CANPRETEND 0x0008
#define PRETENDING 0x0010
#define NOTMADE 0x0020
#define BEINGMADE 0x0040
#define MADE 0x0080
#define MADESET(n,m) n->flags = (n->flags&~(NOTMADE|BEINGMADE|MADE))|(m)
#define PROBABLE 0x0100
#define VACUOUS 0x0200
#define NORECIPE 0x0400
#define DELETE 0x0800
#define NOMINUSE 0x1000
typedef struct Job
Rule *r; /* master rule for job */
Node *n; /* list of node targets */
char *stem;
char **match;
Word *p; /* prerequistes */
Word *np; /* new prerequistes */
Word *t; /* targets */
Word *at; /* all targets */
int nproc; /* slot number */
struct Job *next;
} Job;
extern Job *jobs;
typedef struct Symtab
short space;
char *name;
void *ptr;
uintptr value;
} u;
struct Symtab *next;
} Symtab;
enum {
S_VAR, /* variable -> value */
S_TARGET, /* target -> rule */
S_TIME, /* file -> time */
S_PID, /* pid -> products */
S_NODE, /* target name -> node */
S_AGG, /* aggregate -> time */
S_BITCH, /* bitched about aggregate not there */
S_NOEXPORT, /* var -> noexport */
S_OVERRIDE, /* can't override */
S_OUTOFDATE, /* n1\377n2 -> 2(outofdate) or 1(not outofdate) */
S_MAKEFILE, /* target -> node */
S_MAKEVAR, /* dumpable mk variable */
S_EXPORTED, /* var -> current exported value */
S_BULKED, /* we have bulked this dir */
S_WESET, /* variable; we set in the mkfile */
S_INTERNAL, /* an internal mk variable (e.g., stem, target) */
extern int debug;
extern int nflag, tflag, iflag, kflag, aflag, mflag;
extern int mkinline;
extern char *infile;
extern int nreps;
extern char *explain;
extern char *termchars;
extern char *shell;
extern char *shellname;
extern char *shflags;
extern int IWS;
#define SYNERR(l) (fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: syntax error; ", infile, ((l)>=0)?(l):mkinline))
#define RERR(r) (fprint(2, "mk: %s:%d: rule error; ", (r)->file, (r)->line))
#define NAMEBLOCK 1000
#define BIGBLOCK 20000
#define SEP(c) (((c)==' ')||((c)=='\t')||((c)=='\n'))
#define WORDCHR(r) ((r) > ' ' && !utfrune("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~", (r)))
#define DEBUG(x) (debug&(x))
#define D_PARSE 0x01
#define D_GRAPH 0x02
#define D_EXEC 0x04
#define LSEEK(f,o,p) seek(f,o,p)
#define PERCENT(ch) (((ch) == '%') || ((ch) == '&'))
#include "fns.h"