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/***** spin: flow.c *****/

/* Copyright (c) 1989-2003 by Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories.     */
/* All Rights Reserved.  This software is for educational purposes only.  */
/* No guarantee whatsoever is expressed or implied by the distribution of */
/* this code.  Permission is given to distribute this code provided that  */
/* this introductory message is not removed and no monies are exchanged.  */
/* Software written by Gerard J. Holzmann.  For tool documentation see:   */
/*                                          */
/* Send all bug-reports and/or questions to:            */

#include "spin.h"
#include ""

extern Symbol   *Fname;
extern int      nr_errs, lineno, verbose, in_for;
extern short    has_unless, has_badelse, has_xu;
extern char CurScope[MAXSCOPESZ];

Element *Al_El = ZE;
Label   *labtab = (Label *) 0;
int     Unique = 0, Elcnt = 0, DstepStart = -1;
int     initialization_ok = 1;

static Lbreak   *breakstack = (Lbreak *) 0;
static Lextok   *innermost;
static SeqList  *cur_s = (SeqList *) 0;
static int      break_id=0;

static Element  *if_seq(Lextok *);
static Element  *new_el(Lextok *);
static Element  *unless_seq(Lextok *);
static void     add_el(Element *, Sequence *);
static void     attach_escape(Sequence *, Sequence *);
static void     mov_lab(Symbol *, Element *, Element *);
static void     walk_atomic(Element *, Element *, int);

open_seq(int top)
{       SeqList *t;
        Sequence *s = (Sequence *) emalloc(sizeof(Sequence));

        t = seqlist(s, cur_s);
        cur_s = t;
        if (top)
        {       Elcnt = 1;
                initialization_ok = 1;

        DstepStart = Unique;

        DstepStart = -1;

static int
Rjumpslocal(Element *q, Element *stop)
{       Element *lb, *f;
        SeqList *h;

        /* allow no jumps out of a d_step sequence */
        for (f = q; f && f != stop; f = f->nxt)
        {       if (f && f->n && f->n->ntyp == GOTO)
                {       lb = get_lab(f->n, 0);
                        if (!lb || lb->Seqno < DstepStart)
                        {       lineno = f->n->ln;
                                Fname = f->n->fn;
                                return 0;
                }       }
                for (h = f->sub; h; h = h->nxt)
                {       if (!Rjumpslocal(h->this->frst, h->this->last))
                                return 0;
        }       }
        return 1;

cross_dsteps(Lextok *a, Lextok *b)
        if (a && b
        &&  a->indstep != b->indstep)
        {       lineno = a->ln;
                Fname  = a->fn;
                fatal("jump into d_step sequence", (char *) 0);

is_skip(Lextok *n)
        return (n->ntyp == PRINT
        ||      n->ntyp == PRINTM
        ||      (n->ntyp == 'c'
                && n->lft
                && n->lft->ntyp == CONST
                && n->lft->val  == 1));

check_sequence(Sequence *s)
{       Element *e, *le = ZE;
        Lextok *n;
        int cnt = 0;

        for (e = s->frst; e; le = e, e = e->nxt)
        {       n = e->n;
                if (is_skip(n) && !has_lab(e, 0))
                {       cnt++;
                        if (cnt > 1
                        &&  n->ntyp != PRINT
                        &&  n->ntyp != PRINTM)
                        {       if (verbose&32)
                                        printf("spin: %s:%d, redundant skip\n",
                                                n->fn->name, n->ln);
                                if (e != s->frst
                                &&  e != s->last
                                &&  e != s->extent)
                                {       e->status |= DONE;      /* not unreachable */
                                        le->nxt = e->nxt;       /* remove it */
                                        e = le;
                } else
                        cnt = 0;

prune_opts(Lextok *n)
{       SeqList *l;
        extern Symbol *context;
        extern char *claimproc;

        if (!n
        || (context && claimproc && strcmp(context->name, claimproc) == 0))

        for (l = n->sl; l; l = l->nxt)  /* find sequences of unlabeled skips */

Sequence *
close_seq(int nottop)
{       Sequence *s = cur_s->this;
        Symbol *z;

        if (nottop == 0)        /* end of proctype body */
        {       initialization_ok = 1;

        if (nottop > 0 && (z = has_lab(s->frst, 0)))
        {       printf("error: (%s:%d) label %s placed incorrectly\n",
                switch (nottop) {
                case 1:
                        printf("=====> stmnt unless Label: stmnt\n");
                        printf("sorry, cannot jump to the guard of an\n");
                        printf("escape (it is not a unique state)\n");
                case 2:
                        printf("=====> instead of  ");
                        printf("\"Label: stmnt unless stmnt\"\n");
                        printf("=====> always use  ");
                        printf("\"Label: { stmnt unless stmnt }\"\n");
                case 3:
                        printf("=====> instead of  ");
                        printf("\"atomic { Label: statement ... }\"\n");
                        printf("=====> always use  ");
                        printf("\"Label: atomic { statement ... }\"\n");
                case 4:
                        printf("=====> instead of  ");
                        printf("\"d_step { Label: statement ... }\"\n");
                        printf("=====> always use  ");
                        printf("\"Label: d_step { statement ... }\"\n");
                case 5:
                        printf("=====> instead of  ");
                        printf("\"{ Label: statement ... }\"\n");
                        printf("=====> always use  ");
                        printf("\"Label: { statement ... }\"\n");
                case 6:
                        printf("=====>instead of\n");
                        printf("        do (or if)\n");
                        printf("        :: ...\n");
                        printf("        :: Label: statement\n");
                        printf("        od (of fi)\n");
                        printf("=====>always use\n");
                        printf("Label:  do (or if)\n");
                        printf("        :: ...\n");
                        printf("        :: statement\n");
                        printf("        od (or fi)\n");
                case 7:
                        printf("cannot happen - labels\n");

        if (nottop == 4
        && !Rjumpslocal(s->frst, s->last))
                fatal("non_local jump in d_step sequence", (char *) 0);

        cur_s = cur_s->nxt;
        s->maxel = Elcnt;
        s->extent = s->last;
        if (!s->last)
                fatal("sequence must have at least one statement", (char *) 0);
        return s;

Lextok *
do_unless(Lextok *No, Lextok *Es)
{       SeqList *Sl;
        Lextok *Re = nn(ZN, UNLESS, ZN, ZN);
        Re->ln = No->ln;
        Re->fn = No->fn;

        if (Es->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC)
                Sl = Es->sl;
        {       open_seq(0); add_seq(Es);
                Sl = seqlist(close_seq(1), 0);

        if (No->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC)
        {       No->sl->nxt = Sl;
                Sl = No->sl;
        } else  if (No->ntyp == ':'
                && (No->lft->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC
                ||  No->lft->ntyp == ATOMIC
                ||  No->lft->ntyp == D_STEP))
                int tok = No->lft->ntyp;

                No->lft->sl->nxt = Sl;
                Re->sl = No->lft->sl;

                open_seq(0); add_seq(Re);
                Re = nn(ZN, tok, ZN, ZN);
                Re->sl = seqlist(close_seq(7), 0);
                Re->ln = No->ln;
                Re->fn = No->fn;

                Re = nn(No, ':', Re, ZN);       /* lift label */
                Re->ln = No->ln;
                Re->fn = No->fn;
                return Re;
        } else
        {       open_seq(0); add_seq(No);
                Sl = seqlist(close_seq(2), Sl);

        Re->sl = Sl;
        return Re;

SeqList *
seqlist(Sequence *s, SeqList *r)
{       SeqList *t = (SeqList *) emalloc(sizeof(SeqList));

        t->this = s;
        t->nxt = r;
        return t;

static Element *
new_el(Lextok *n)
{       Element *m;

        if (n)
        {       if (n->ntyp == IF || n->ntyp == DO)
                        return if_seq(n);
                if (n->ntyp == UNLESS)
                        return unless_seq(n);
        m = (Element *) emalloc(sizeof(Element));
        m->n = n;
        m->seqno = Elcnt++;
        m->Seqno = Unique++;
        m->Nxt = Al_El; Al_El = m;
        return m;

static int
has_chanref(Lextok *n)
        if (!n) return 0;

        switch (n->ntyp) {
        case 's':       case 'r':
#if 0
        case 'R':       case LEN:
        case FULL:      case NFULL:
        case EMPTY:     case NEMPTY:
                return 1;
        if (has_chanref(n->lft))
                return 1;

        return has_chanref(n->rgt);

loose_ends(void)        /* properly tie-up ends of sub-sequences */
{       Element *e, *f;

        for (e = Al_El; e; e = e->Nxt)
        {       if (!e->n
                ||  !e->nxt)
                switch (e->n->ntyp) {
                case ATOMIC:
                case NON_ATOMIC:
                case D_STEP:
                        f = e->nxt;
                        while (f && f->n->ntyp == '.')
                                f = f->nxt;
                        if (0) printf("link %d, {%d .. %d} -> %d (ntyp=%d) was %d\n",
                                f?f->seqno:-1, f?f->n->ntyp:-1,
                        if (!e->n->sl->this->last->nxt)
                                e->n->sl->this->last->nxt = f;
                        {       if (e->n->sl->this->last->nxt->n->ntyp != GOTO)
                                {       if (!f || e->n->sl->this->last->nxt->seqno != f->seqno)
                                        non_fatal("unexpected: loose ends", (char *)0);
                                } else
                                        e->n->sl->this->last = e->n->sl->this->last->nxt;
                                 * fix_dest can push a goto into the nxt position
                                 * in that case the goto wins and f is not needed
                                 * but the last fields needs adjusting
        }       }

static Element *
if_seq(Lextok *n)
{       int     tok = n->ntyp;
        SeqList *s  = n->sl;
        Element *e  = new_el(ZN);
        Element *t  = new_el(nn(ZN,'.',ZN,ZN)); /* target */
        SeqList *z, *prev_z = (SeqList *) 0;
        SeqList *move_else  = (SeqList *) 0;    /* to end of optionlist */
        int     ref_chans = 0;

        for (z = s; z; z = z->nxt)
        {       if (!z->this->frst)
                if (z->this->frst->n->ntyp == ELSE)
                {       if (move_else)
                                fatal("duplicate `else'", (char *) 0);
                        if (z->nxt)     /* is not already at the end */
                        {       move_else = z;
                                if (prev_z)
                                        prev_z->nxt = z->nxt;
                                        s = n->sl = z->nxt;
                } else
                        ref_chans |= has_chanref(z->this->frst->n);
                prev_z = z;
        if (move_else)
        {       move_else->nxt = (SeqList *) 0;
                /* if there is no prev, then else was at the end */
                if (!prev_z) fatal("cannot happen - if_seq", (char *) 0);
                prev_z->nxt = move_else;
                prev_z = move_else;
        if (prev_z
        &&  ref_chans
        &&  prev_z->this->frst->n->ntyp == ELSE)
        {       prev_z->this->frst->n->val = 1;
                if (has_xu)
                {       fatal("invalid use of 'else' combined with i/o and xr/xs assertions,",
                                (char *)0);
                } else
                {       non_fatal("dubious use of 'else' combined with i/o,",
                                (char *)0);

        e->n = nn(n, tok, ZN, ZN);
        e->n->sl = s;                   /* preserve as info only */
        e->sub = s;
        for (z = s; z; prev_z = z, z = z->nxt)
                add_el(t, z->this);     /* append target */
        if (tok == DO)
        {       add_el(t, cur_s->this); /* target upfront */
                t = new_el(nn(n, BREAK, ZN, ZN)); /* break target */
                set_lab(break_dest(), t);       /* new exit  */
                breakstack = breakstack->nxt;   /* pop stack */
        add_el(e, cur_s->this);
        add_el(t, cur_s->this);
        return e;                       /* destination node for label */

static void
escape_el(Element *f, Sequence *e)
{       SeqList *z;

        for (z = f->esc; z; z = z->nxt)
                if (z->this == e)
                        return; /* already there */

        /* cover the lower-level escapes of this state */
        for (z = f->esc; z; z = z->nxt)
                attach_escape(z->this, e);

        /* now attach escape to the state itself */

        f->esc = seqlist(e, f->esc);    /* in lifo order... */
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("attach %d (", e->frst->Seqno);
        comment(stdout, e->frst->n, 0);
        printf(")       to %d (", f->Seqno);
        comment(stdout, f->n, 0);
        switch (f->n->ntyp) {
        case UNLESS:
                attach_escape(f->sub->this, e);
        case IF:
        case DO:
                for (z = f->sub; z; z = z->nxt)
                        attach_escape(z->this, e);
        case D_STEP:
                /* attach only to the guard stmnt */
                escape_el(f->n->sl->this->frst, e);
        case ATOMIC:
        case NON_ATOMIC:
                /* attach to all stmnts */
                attach_escape(f->n->sl->this, e);

static void
attach_escape(Sequence *n, Sequence *e)
{       Element *f;

        for (f = n->frst; f; f = f->nxt)
        {       escape_el(f, e);
                if (f == n->extent)

static Element *
unless_seq(Lextok *n)
{       SeqList *s  = n->sl;
        Element *e  = new_el(ZN);
        Element *t  = new_el(nn(ZN,'.',ZN,ZN)); /* target */
        SeqList *z;

        e->n = nn(n, UNLESS, ZN, ZN);
        e->n->sl = s;                   /* info only */
        e->sub = s;

        /* need 2 sequences: normal execution and escape */
        if (!s || !s->nxt || s->nxt->nxt)
                fatal("unexpected unless structure", (char *)0);

        /* append the target state to both */
        for (z = s; z; z = z->nxt)
                add_el(t, z->this);

        /* attach escapes to all states in normal sequence */
        attach_escape(s->this, s->nxt->this);

        add_el(e, cur_s->this);
        add_el(t, cur_s->this);
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("unless element (%d,%d):\n", e->Seqno, t->Seqno);
        for (z = s; z; z = z->nxt)
        {       Element *x; printf("\t%d,%d,%d :: ",
                for (x = z->this->frst; x; x = x->nxt)
                        printf("(%d)", x->Seqno);
        return e;

Element *
{       Lextok  *t = nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN);
        t->val = 1;
        return new_el(nn(ZN, 'c', t, ZN));

static void
add_el(Element *e, Sequence *s)
        if (e->n->ntyp == GOTO)
        {       Symbol *z = has_lab(e, (1|2|4));
                if (z)
                {       Element *y; /* insert a skip */
                        y = mk_skip();
                        mov_lab(z, e, y); /* inherit label */
                        add_el(y, s);
        }       }
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("add_el %d after %d -- ",
        e->Seqno, (s->last)?s->last->Seqno:-1);
        comment(stdout, e->n, 0);
        if (!s->frst)
                s->frst = e;
                s->last->nxt = e;
        s->last = e;

static Element *
colons(Lextok *n)
        if (!n)
                return ZE;
        if (n->ntyp == ':')
        {       Element *e = colons(n->lft);
                set_lab(n->sym, e);
                return e;
        innermost = n;
        return new_el(n);

add_seq(Lextok *n)
{       Element *e;

        if (!n) return;
        innermost = n;
        e = colons(n);
        if (innermost->ntyp != IF
        &&  innermost->ntyp != DO
        &&  innermost->ntyp != UNLESS)
                add_el(e, cur_s->this);

{       Label *l;
        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
                printf("label %s\n", l->s->name);

set_lab(Symbol *s, Element *e)
{       Label *l; extern Symbol *context;
        int cur_uiid = is_inline();

        if (!s) return;

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
        {       if (strcmp(l->s->name, s->name) == 0
                &&  l->c == context
                &&  l->uiid == cur_uiid)
                {       non_fatal("label %s redeclared", s->name);
        }       }

        l = (Label *) emalloc(sizeof(Label));
        l->s = s;
        l->c = context;
        l->e = e;
        l->uiid = cur_uiid;
        l->nxt = labtab;
        labtab = l;

static Label *
get_labspec(Lextok *n)
{       Symbol *s = n->sym;
        Label *l, *anymatch = (Label *) 0;
        int cur_uiid = n->uiid;
         * try to find a label with the same uiid
         * but if it doesn't exist, return any other
         * that is defined within the same scope
        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
        {       if (strcmp(s->name, l->s->name) == 0
                &&  s->context == l->s->context)
                {       anymatch = l;
                        if (cur_uiid == l->uiid) /* best match */
                        {       return l;
        }       }       }

        return anymatch; /* likely to be 0 */

Element *
get_lab(Lextok *n, int md)
{       Label *l = get_labspec(n);

        if (l != (Label *) 0)
        {       return (l->e);

        if (md)
        {       lineno = n->ln;
                Fname  = n->fn;
                fatal("undefined label %s", n->sym->name);

        return ZE;

Symbol *
has_lab(Element *e, int special)
{       Label *l;

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
        {       if (e != l->e)
                if (special == 0
                ||  ((special&1) && !strncmp(l->s->name, "accept", 6))
                ||  ((special&2) && !strncmp(l->s->name, "end", 3))
                ||  ((special&4) && !strncmp(l->s->name, "progress", 8)))
                        return (l->s);
        return ZS;

static void
mov_lab(Symbol *z, Element *e, Element *y)
{       Label *l;

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
                if (e == l->e)
                {       l->e = y;
        if (e->n)
        {       lineno = e->n->ln;
                Fname  = e->n->fn;
        fatal("cannot happen - mov_lab %s", z->name);

fix_dest(Symbol *c, Symbol *a)          /* c:label name, a:proctype name */
{       Label *l; extern Symbol *context;

#if 0
        printf("ref to label '%s' in proctype '%s', search:\n",
                c->name, a->name);
        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
                printf("        %s in   %s\n", l->s->name, l->c->name);

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
        {       if (strcmp(c->name, l->s->name) == 0
                &&  strcmp(a->name, l->c->name) == 0)   /* ? */
        if (!l)
        {       printf("spin: label '%s' (proctype %s)\n", c->name, a->name);
                non_fatal("unknown label '%s'", c->name);
                if (context == a)
                printf("spin: cannot remote ref a label inside the same proctype\n");
        if (!l->e || !l->e->n)
                fatal("fix_dest error (%s)", c->name);
        if (l->e->n->ntyp == GOTO)
        {       Element *y = (Element *) emalloc(sizeof(Element));
                int     keep_ln = l->e->n->ln;
                Symbol  *keep_fn = l->e->n->fn;

                /* insert skip - or target is optimized away */
                y->n = l->e->n;           /* copy of the goto   */
                y->seqno = find_maxel(a); /* unique seqno within proc */
                y->nxt = l->e->nxt;
                y->Seqno = Unique++; y->Nxt = Al_El; Al_El = y;

                /* turn the original element+seqno into a skip */
                l->e->n = nn(ZN, 'c', nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN), ZN);
                l->e->n->ln = l->e->n->lft->ln = keep_ln;
                l->e->n->fn = l->e->n->lft->fn = keep_fn;
                l->e->n->lft->val = 1;
                l->e->nxt = y;          /* append the goto  */
        l->e->status |= CHECK2; /* treat as if global */
        if (l->e->status & (ATOM | L_ATOM | D_ATOM))
        {       non_fatal("cannot reference label inside atomic or d_step (%s)",

find_lab(Symbol *s, Symbol *c, int markit)
{       Label *l;

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
        {       if (strcmp(s->name, l->s->name) == 0
                &&  strcmp(c->name, l->c->name) == 0)
                {       l->visible |= markit;
                        return (l->e->seqno);
        }       }
        return 0;

{       Lbreak *r = (Lbreak *) emalloc(sizeof(Lbreak));
        Symbol *l;
        char buf[64];

        sprintf(buf, ":b%d", break_id++);
        l = lookup(buf);
        r->l = l;
        r->nxt = breakstack;
        breakstack = r;

Symbol *
        if (!breakstack)
                fatal("misplaced break statement", (char *)0);
        return breakstack->l;

make_atomic(Sequence *s, int added)
{       Element *f;

        walk_atomic(s->frst, s->last, added);

        f = s->last;
        switch (f->n->ntyp) {   /* is last step basic stmnt or sequence ? */
        case NON_ATOMIC:
        case ATOMIC:
                /* redo and search for the last step of that sequence */
                make_atomic(f->n->sl->this, added);

        case UNLESS:
                /* escapes are folded into main sequence */
                make_atomic(f->sub->this, added);

                f->status &= ~ATOM;
                f->status |= L_ATOM;

#if 0
static int depth = 0;
void dump_sym(Symbol *, char *);

dump_lex(Lextok *t, char *s)
{       int i;

        for (i = 0; i < depth; i++)
        if (t->ntyp == NAME) printf(" %s ", t->sym->name);
        if (t->ntyp == CONST) printf(" %d ", t->val);
        if (t->ntyp == STRUCT)
        {       dump_sym(t->sym, "\n:Z:");
        if (t->lft)
        {       dump_lex(t->lft, "\nL");
        if (t->rgt)
        {       dump_lex(t->rgt, "\nR");
dump_sym(Symbol *z, char *s)
{       int i;
        char txt[64];
        for (i = 0; i < depth; i++)

        if (z->type == CHAN)
        {       if (z->ini && z->ini->rgt && z->ini->rgt->sym)
                {       // dump_sym(z->ini->rgt->sym, "\n:I:"); /* could also be longer list */
                        if (z->ini->rgt->rgt
                        || !z->ini->rgt->sym)
                        fatal("chan %s in for should have only one field (a typedef)", z->name);
                        printf(" -- %s %p -- ", z->ini->rgt->sym->name, z->ini->rgt->sym);
        } else if (z->type == STRUCT)
        {       if (z->Snm)
                        printf(" == %s %p == ", z->Snm->name, z->Snm);
                {       if (z->Slst)
                                dump_lex(z->Slst, "\n:X:");
                        if (z->ini)
                                dump_lex(z->ini, "\n:I:");


match_struct(Symbol *s, Symbol *t)
        if (!t
        ||  !t->ini
        ||  !t->ini->rgt
        ||  !t->ini->rgt->sym
        ||   t->ini->rgt->rgt)
        {       fatal("chan %s in for should have only one field (a typedef)", t->name);
        /* we already know that s is a STRUCT */
        if (0)
        {       printf("index type %s %p ==\n", s->Snm->name, s->Snm);
                printf("chan type  %s %p --\n\n", t->ini->rgt->sym->name, t->ini->rgt->sym);

        return (s->Snm == t->ini->rgt->sym);

valid_name(Lextok *a3, Lextok *a5, Lextok *a8, char *tp)
        if (a3->ntyp != NAME)
        {       fatal("%s ( .name : from .. to ) { ... }", tp);
        if (a3->sym->type == CHAN
        ||  a3->sym->type == STRUCT
        ||  a3->sym->isarray != 0)
        {       fatal("bad index in for-construct %s", a3->sym->name);
        if (a5->ntyp == CONST && a8->ntyp == CONST && a5->val > a8->val)
        {       non_fatal("start value for %s exceeds end-value", a3->sym->name);

for_setup(Lextok *a3, Lextok *a5, Lextok *a8)
{       /* for ( a3 : a5 .. a8 ) */

        valid_name(a3, a5, a8, "for");
        /* a5->ntyp = a8->ntyp = CONST; */
        add_seq(nn(a3, ASGN, a3, a5));  /* start value */
        add_seq(nn(ZN, 'c', nn(a3, LE, a3, a8), ZN));   /* condition */

Lextok *
for_index(Lextok *a3, Lextok *a5)
{       Lextok *z0, *z1, *z2, *z3;
        Symbol *tmp_cnt;
        char tmp_nm[MAXSCOPESZ];
        /* for ( a3 in a5 ) { ... } */

        if (a3->ntyp != NAME)
        {       fatal("for ( .name in name ) { ... }", (char *) 0);

        if (a5->ntyp != NAME)
        {       fatal("for ( %s in .name ) { ... }", a3->sym->name);

        if (a3->sym->type == STRUCT)
        {       if (a5->sym->type != CHAN)
                {       fatal("for ( %s in .channel_name ) { ... }",
                z0 = a5->sym->ini;
                if (!z0
                || z0->val <= 0
                || z0->rgt->ntyp != STRUCT
                || z0->rgt->rgt != NULL)
                {       fatal("bad channel type %s in for", a5->sym->name);

                if (!match_struct(a3->sym, a5->sym))
                {       fatal("type of %s does not match chan", a3->sym->name);

                z1 = nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN); z1->val = 0;
                z2 = nn(a5, LEN, a5, ZN);

                sprintf(tmp_nm, "_f0r_t3mp%s", CurScope); /* make sure it's unique */
                tmp_cnt = lookup(tmp_nm);
                if (z0->val > 255)                      /* check nr of slots, i.e. max length */
                {       tmp_cnt->type = SHORT;  /* should be rare */
                } else
                {       tmp_cnt->type = BYTE;
                z3 = nn(ZN, NAME, ZN, ZN);
                z3->sym = tmp_cnt;

                add_seq(nn(z3, ASGN, z3, z1));  /* start value 0 */


                add_seq(nn(ZN, 'c', nn(z3, LT, z3, z2), ZN));   /* condition */

                /* retrieve  message from the right slot -- for now: rotate contents */
                in_for = 0;
                add_seq(nn(a5, 'r', a5, expand(a3, 1)));        /* receive */
                add_seq(nn(a5, 's', a5, expand(a3, 1)));        /* put back in to rotate */
                in_for = 1;
                return z3;
        } else
        {       if (a5->sym->isarray == 0
                ||  a5->sym->nel <= 0)
                {       fatal("bad arrayname %s", a5->sym->name);
                z1 = nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN); z1->val = 0;
                z2 = nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN); z2->val = a5->sym->nel - 1;
                for_setup(a3, z1, z2);
                return a3;

Lextok *
for_body(Lextok *a3, int with_else)
{       Lextok *t1, *t2, *t0, *rv;

        rv = nn(ZN, CONST, ZN, ZN); rv->val = 1;
        rv = nn(ZN,  '+', a3, rv);
        rv = nn(a3, ASGN, a3, rv);
        add_seq(rv);    /* initial increment */


        /* completed loop body, main sequence */
        t1 = nn(ZN, 0, ZN, ZN);
        t1->sq = close_seq(8);

        open_seq(0);            /* add else -> break sequence */
        if (with_else)
        {       add_seq(nn(ZN, ELSE, ZN, ZN));
        t2 = nn(ZN, GOTO, ZN, ZN);
        t2->sym = break_dest();
        t2 = nn(ZN, 0, ZN, ZN);
        t2->sq = close_seq(9);

        t0 = nn(ZN, 0, ZN, ZN);
        t0->sl = seqlist(t2->sq, seqlist(t1->sq, 0));

        rv = nn(ZN, DO, ZN, ZN);
        rv->sl = t0->sl;
        return rv;

Lextok *
sel_index(Lextok *a3, Lextok *a5, Lextok *a7)
{       /* select ( a3 : a5 .. a7 ) */

        valid_name(a3, a5, a7, "select");
        /* a5->ntyp = a7->ntyp = CONST; */

        add_seq(nn(a3, ASGN, a3, a5));  /* start value */
        add_seq(nn(ZN, 'c', nn(a3, LT, a3, a7), ZN));   /* condition */

        return for_body(a3, 0); /* no else, just a non-deterministic break */

static void
walk_atomic(Element *a, Element *b, int added)
{       Element *f; Symbol *ofn; int oln;
        SeqList *h;

        ofn = Fname;
        oln = lineno;
        for (f = a; ; f = f->nxt)
        {       f->status |= (ATOM|added);
                switch (f->n->ntyp) {
                case ATOMIC:
                        if (verbose&32)
                          printf("spin: warning, %s:%d, atomic inside %s (ignored)\n",
                          f->n->fn->name, f->n->ln, (added)?"d_step":"atomic");
                        goto mknonat;
                case D_STEP:
                        if (!(verbose&32))
                        {       if (added) goto mknonat;
                        printf("spin: warning, %s:%d, d_step inside ",
                         f->n->fn->name, f->n->ln);
                        if (added)
                        {       printf("d_step (ignored)\n");
                                goto mknonat;
                case NON_ATOMIC:
mknonat:                f->n->ntyp = NON_ATOMIC; /* can jump here */
                        h = f->n->sl;
                        walk_atomic(h->this->frst, h->this->last, added);
                case UNLESS:
                        if (added)
                        { printf("spin: error, %s:%d, unless in d_step (ignored)\n",
                                 f->n->fn->name, f->n->ln);
                for (h = f->sub; h; h = h->nxt)
                        walk_atomic(h->this->frst, h->this->last, added);
                if (f == b)
        Fname = ofn;
        lineno = oln;

{       Label *l;

        for (l = labtab; l; l = l->nxt)
                if (l->c != 0 && l->s->name[0] != ':')
                {       printf("label   %s      %d      ",
                                l->s->name, l->e->seqno);
                        if (l->uiid == 0)
                                printf("<%s>\n", l->c->name);
                                printf("<%s i%d>\n", l->c->name, l->uiid);