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/***** spin: pangen5.h *****/
/* Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories. */
/* All Rights Reserved. This software is for educational purposes only. */
/* No guarantee whatsoever is expressed or implied by the distribution of */
/* this code. Permission is given to distribute this code provided that */
/* this introductory message is not removed and no monies are exchanged. */
/* Software written by Gerard J. Holzmann. For tool documentation see: */
/* */
/* Send all bug-reports and/or questions to: */
static char *Xpt[] = {
"#if defined(MA) && (defined(W_XPT) || defined(R_XPT))",
"static Vertex **temptree;",
"static char wbuf[4096];",
"static int WCNT = 4096, wcnt=0;",
"static uchar stacker[MA+1];",
"static ulong stackcnt = 0;",
"extern double nstates, nlinks, truncs, truncs2;",
"static void",
"xwrite(int fd, char *b, int n)",
" if (wcnt+n >= 4096)",
" { write(fd, wbuf, wcnt);",
" wcnt = 0;",
" }",
" memcpy(&wbuf[wcnt], b, n);",
" wcnt += n;",
"static void",
" if (wcnt > 0)",
" write(fd, wbuf, wcnt);",
" wcnt = 0;",
" close(fd);",
"static void",
"w_vertex(int fd, Vertex *v)",
"{ char t[3]; int i; Edge *e;",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &v, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" t[0] = 0;",
" for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)",
" if (v->dst[i])",
" { t[1] = v->from[i], t[2] = v->to[i];",
" xwrite(fd, t, 3);",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &(v->dst[i]), sizeof(Vertex *));",
" }",
" for (e = v->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" { t[1] = e->From, t[2] = e->To;",
" xwrite(fd, t, 3);",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &(e->Dst), sizeof(Vertex *));",
" if (e->s)",
" { t[1] = t[2] = e->S;",
" xwrite(fd, t, 3);",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &(e->Dst), sizeof(Vertex *));",
" } }",
"static void",
"w_layer(int fd, Vertex *v)",
"{ uchar c=1;",
" if (!v) return;",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &c, 1);",
" w_vertex(fd, v);",
" w_layer(fd, v->lnk);",
" w_layer(fd, v->left);",
" w_layer(fd, v->right);",
"{ int fd; char nm[64];",
" int i, j; uchar c;",
" static uchar xwarned = 0;",
" sprintf(nm, \"%%s.xpt\", PanSource);",
" if ((fd = creat(nm, 0666)) <= 0)",
" if (!xwarned)",
" { xwarned = 1;",
" printf(\"cannot creat checkpoint file\\n\");",
" return;",
" }",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &nstates, sizeof(double));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &truncs, sizeof(double));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &truncs2, sizeof(double));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &nlinks, sizeof(double));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &dfa_depth, sizeof(int));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &R, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &F, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" xwrite(fd, (char *) &NF, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" for (j = 0; j < TWIDTH; j++)",
" for (i = 0; i < dfa_depth+1; i++)",
" { w_layer(fd, layers[i*TWIDTH+j]);",
" c = 2; xwrite(fd, (char *) &c, 1);",
" }",
" wclose(fd);",
"static void",
"xread(int fd, char *b, int n)",
"{ int m = wcnt; int delta = 0;",
" if (m < n)",
" { if (m > 0) memcpy(b, &wbuf[WCNT-m], m);",
" delta = m;",
" WCNT = wcnt = read(fd, wbuf, 4096);",
" if (wcnt < n-m)",
" Uerror(\"xread failed -- insufficient data\");",
" n -= m;",
" }",
" memcpy(&b[delta], &wbuf[WCNT-wcnt], n);",
" wcnt -= n;",
"static void",
"x_cleanup(Vertex *c)",
"{ Edge *e; /* remove the tree and edges from c */",
" if (!c) return;",
" for (e = c->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" x_cleanup(e->Dst);",
" recyc_vertex(c);",
"static void",
"{ Vertex *tmp; int i, s;",
" int r, j;",
" /* double-check: */",
" stacker[dfa_depth-1] = 0; r = dfa_store(stacker);",
" stacker[dfa_depth-1] = 4; j = dfa_member(dfa_depth-1);",
" if (r != 1 || j != 0)",
" { printf(\"%%d: \", stackcnt);",
" for (i = 0; i < dfa_depth; i++)",
" printf(\"%%d,\", stacker[i]);",
" printf(\" -- not a stackstate <o:%%d,4:%%d>\\n\", r, j);",
" return;",
" }",
" stacker[dfa_depth-1] = 1;",
" s = dfa_member(dfa_depth-1);",
" { tmp = F; F = NF; NF = tmp; } /* complement */",
" if (s) dfa_store(stacker);",
" stacker[dfa_depth-1] = 0;",
" dfa_store(stacker);",
" stackcnt++;",
" { tmp = F; F = NF; NF = tmp; }",
"static void",
"x_rm_stack(Vertex *t, int k)",
"{ int j; Edge *e;",
" if (k == 0)",
" { x_remove();",
" return;",
" }",
" if (t)",
" for (e = t->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" { for (j = e->From; j <= (int) e->To; j++)",
" { stacker[k] = (uchar) j;",
" x_rm_stack(e->Dst, k-1);",
" }",
" if (e->s)",
" { stacker[k] = e->S;",
" x_rm_stack(e->Dst, k-1);",
" } }",
"static Vertex *",
"insert_withkey(Vertex *v, int L)",
"{ Vertex *new, *t = temptree[L];",
" if (!t) { temptree[L] = v; return v; }",
" t = splay(v->key, t);",
" if (v->key < t->key)",
" { new = v;",
" new->left = t->left;",
" new->right = t;",
" t->left = (Vertex *) 0;",
" } else if (v->key > t->key)",
" { new = v;",
" new->right = t->right;",
" new->left = t;",
" t->right = (Vertex *) 0;",
" } else",
" { if (t != R && t != F && t != NF)",
" Uerror(\"double insert, bad checkpoint data\");",
" else",
" { recyc_vertex(v);",
" new = t;",
" } }",
" temptree[L] = new;",
" return new;",
"static Vertex *",
"find_withkey(Vertex *v, int L)",
"{ Vertex *t = temptree[L];",
" if (t)",
" { temptree[L] = t = splay((ulong) v, t);",
" if (t->key == (ulong) v)",
" return t;",
" }",
" Uerror(\"not found error, bad checkpoint data\");",
" return (Vertex *) 0;",
"r_layer(int fd, int n)",
"{ Vertex *v;",
" Edge *e;",
" char c, t[2];",
" for (;;)",
" { xread(fd, &c, 1);",
" if (c == 2) break;",
" if (c == 1)",
" { v = new_vertex();",
" xread(fd, (char *) &(v->key), sizeof(Vertex *));",
" v = insert_withkey(v, n);",
" } else /* c == 0 */",
" { e = new_edge((Vertex *) 0);",
" xread(fd, t, 2);",
" e->From = t[0];",
" e->To = t[1];",
" xread(fd, (char *) &(e->Dst), sizeof(Vertex *));",
" insert_edge(v, e);",
" } }",
"static void",
"v_fix(Vertex *t, int nr)",
"{ int i; Edge *e;",
" if (!t) return;",
" for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)",
" if (t->dst[i])",
" t->dst[i] = find_withkey(t->dst[i], nr);",
" for (e = t->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" e->Dst = find_withkey(e->Dst, nr);",
" ",
" v_fix(t->left, nr);",
" v_fix(t->right, nr);",
"static void",
"v_insert(Vertex *t, int nr)",
"{ Edge *e; int i;",
" if (!t) return;",
" v_insert(t->left, nr);",
" v_insert(t->right, nr);",
" /* remove only leafs from temptree */",
" t->left = t->right = t->lnk = (Vertex *) 0;",
" insert_it(t, nr); /* into layers */",
" for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)",
" if (t->dst[i])",
" t->dst[i]->num += (t->to[i] - t->from[i] + 1);",
" for (e = t->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" e->Dst->num += (e->To - e->From + 1 + e->s);",
"static void",
"{ int i;",
" for (i = 0; i < dfa_depth; i++)",
" v_fix(temptree[i], (i+1));",
" for (i = dfa_depth; i >= 0; i--)",
" v_insert(temptree[i], i);",
"static Vertex *",
"x_tail(Vertex *t, ulong want)",
"{ int i, yes, no; Edge *e; Vertex *v = (Vertex *) 0;",
" if (!t) return v;",
" yes = no = 0;",
" for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)",
" if ((ulong) t->dst[i] == want)",
" { /* was t->from[i] <= 0 && t->to[i] >= 0 */",
" /* but from and to are uchar */",
" if (t->from[i] == 0)",
" yes = 1;",
" else",
" if (t->from[i] <= 4 && t->to[i] >= 4)",
" no = 1;",
" }",
" for (e = t->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" if ((ulong) e->Dst == want)",
" { /* was INRANGE(e,0) but From and To are uchar */",
" if ((e->From == 0) || (e->s==1 && e->S==0))",
" yes = 1;",
" else if (INRANGE(e, 4))",
" no = 1;",
" }",
" if (yes && !no) return t;",
" v = x_tail(t->left, want); if (v) return v;",
" v = x_tail(t->right, want); if (v) return v;",
" return (Vertex *) 0;",
"static void",
"x_anytail(Vertex *t, Vertex *c, int nr)",
"{ int i; Edge *e, *f; Vertex *v;",
" if (!t) return;",
" for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)",
" if ((ulong) t->dst[i] == c->key)",
" { v = new_vertex(); v->key = t->key;",
" f = new_edge(v);",
" f->From = t->from[i];",
" f->To = t->to[i];",
" f->Nxt = c->Succ;",
" c->Succ = f;",
" if (nr > 0)",
" x_anytail(temptree[nr-1], v, nr-1);",
" }",
" for (e = t->Succ; e; e = e->Nxt)",
" if ((ulong) e->Dst == c->key)",
" { v = new_vertex(); v->key = t->key;",
" f = new_edge(v);",
" f->From = e->From;",
" f->To = e->To;",
" f->s = e->s;",
" f->S = e->S;",
" f->Nxt = c->Succ;",
" c->Succ = f;",
" x_anytail(temptree[nr-1], v, nr-1);",
" }",
" x_anytail(t->left, c, nr);",
" x_anytail(t->right, c, nr);",
"static Vertex *",
"{ Vertex *c, *v; /* find 0 and !4 predecessor of F */",
" v = x_tail(temptree[dfa_depth-1], F->key);",
" if (!v) return (Vertex *) 0;",
" c = new_vertex(); c->key = v->key;",
" /* every node on dfa_depth-2 that has v->key as succ */",
" /* make copy and let c point to these (reversing ptrs) */",
" x_anytail(temptree[dfa_depth-2], c, dfa_depth-2);",
" ",
" return c;",
"{ int fd; char nm[64]; Vertex *d;",
" int i, j;",
" wcnt = 0;",
" sprintf(nm, \"%%s.xpt\", PanSource);",
" if ((fd = open(nm, 0)) < 0) /* O_RDONLY */",
" Uerror(\"cannot open checkpoint file\");",
" xread(fd, (char *) &nstates, sizeof(double));",
" xread(fd, (char *) &truncs, sizeof(double));",
" xread(fd, (char *) &truncs2, sizeof(double));",
" xread(fd, (char *) &nlinks, sizeof(double));",
" xread(fd, (char *) &dfa_depth, sizeof(int));",
" if (dfa_depth != MA+a_cycles)",
" Uerror(\"bad dfa_depth in checkpoint file\");",
" path = (Vertex **) emalloc((dfa_depth+1)*sizeof(Vertex *));",
" layers = (Vertex **) emalloc(TWIDTH*(dfa_depth+1)*sizeof(Vertex *));",
" temptree = (Vertex **) emalloc((dfa_depth+2)*sizeof(Vertex *));",
" lastword = (uchar *) emalloc((dfa_depth+1)*sizeof(uchar));",
" lastword[dfa_depth] = lastword[0] = 255; ",
" path[0] = R = new_vertex();",
" xread(fd, (char *) &R->key, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" R = insert_withkey(R, 0);",
" F = new_vertex();",
" xread(fd, (char *) &F->key, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" F = insert_withkey(F, dfa_depth);",
" NF = new_vertex();",
" xread(fd, (char *) &NF->key, sizeof(Vertex *));",
" NF = insert_withkey(NF, dfa_depth);",
" for (j = 0; j < TWIDTH; j++)",
" for (i = 0; i < dfa_depth+1; i++)",
" r_layer(fd, i);",
" if (wcnt != 0) Uerror(\"bad count in checkpoint file\");",
" d = x_cpy_rev();",
" x_fixup();",
" stacker[dfa_depth-1] = 0;",
" x_rm_stack(d, dfa_depth-2);",
" x_cleanup(d);",
" close(fd);",
" printf(\"pan: removed %%d stackstates\\n\", stackcnt);",
" nstates -= (double) stackcnt;",