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 * mass storage transport protocols and subclasses,
 * from usb mass storage class specification overview rev 1.2

typedef struct Umsc Umsc;
typedef struct Ums Ums;
typedef struct Cbw Cbw;                 /* command block wrapper */
typedef struct Csw Csw;                 /* command status wrapper */

        Protocbi =      0,      /* control/bulk/interrupt; mainly floppies */
        Protocb =       1,      /*   "  with no interrupt; mainly floppies */
        Protobulk =     0x50,   /* bulk only */

        Subrbc =        1,      /* reduced blk cmds */
        Subatapi =      2,      /* cd/dvd using sff-8020i or mmc-2 cmd blks */
        Subqic  =       3,      /* QIC-157 tapes */
        Subufi =        4,      /* floppy */
        Sub8070 =       5,      /* removable media, atapi-like */
        Subscsi =       6,      /* scsi transparent cmd set */
        Subisd200 =     7,      /* ISD200 ATA */
        Subdev =        0xff,   /* use device's value */

        Umsreset =      0xFF,
        Getmaxlun =     0xFE,

//      Maxlun          = 256,
        Maxlun          = 32,

        CMreset = 1,

        Pcmd = 0,

        CbwLen          = 31,
        CbwDataIn       = 0x80,
        CbwDataOut      = 0x00,
        CswLen          = 13,
        CswOk           = 0,
        CswFailed       = 1,
        CswPhaseErr     = 2,

 * corresponds to a lun.
 * these are ~600+Maxiosize bytes each; ScsiReq is not tiny.
struct Umsc
        uvlong  blocks;
        vlong   capacity;

        /* from setup */
        char    *bufp;
        long    off;            /* offset within a block */
        long    nb;             /* byte count */

        uchar   rawcmd[16];
        uchar   phase;
        char    *inq;
        Ums     *ums;
        Usbfs   fs;
        char    buf[Maxiosize];

struct Ums
        Dev     *dev;
        Dev     *epin;
        Dev     *epout;
        Umsc    *lun;
        uchar   maxlun;
        int     seq;
        int     nerrs;
        int     wrongresidues;

 * USB transparent SCSI devices
struct Cbw
        char    signature[4];           /* "USBC" */
        long    tag;
        long    datalen;
        uchar   flags;
        uchar   lun;
        uchar   len;
        char    command[16];

struct Csw
        char    signature[4];           /* "USBS" */
        long    tag;
        long    dataresidue;
        uchar   status;

int     diskmain(Dev*, int, char**);