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typedef struct Ether Ether;
typedef struct Etherops Etherops;
typedef struct Conn Conn;
typedef struct Cinfo Cinfo;
typedef struct Buf Buf;
typedef struct Etherpkt Etherpkt;

        /* controller ids */
        Cdc = 0,
        A8817x,         /* Asis */
        S95xx,          /* SMSC */

        Eaddrlen = 6,
        Epktlen = 1514,
        Ehdrsize = 2*Eaddrlen + 2,

        Maxpkt  = 2000, /* no jumbo packets here */
        Nconns  = 8,    /* max number of connections */
        Nbufs   = 32,   /* max number of buffers */
        Scether = 6,    /* ethernet cdc subclass */
        Fnheader = 0,   /* Functions */
        Fnunion = 6,
        Fnether = 15,

        Cdcunion        = 6,    /* CDC Union descriptor subtype */

struct Buf
        int     type;
        int     ndata;
        uchar*  rp;
        uchar   data[Hdrsize+Maxpkt];

struct Conn
        Ref;                    /* one per file in use */
        int     nb;
        int     type;
        int     headersonly;
        int     prom;
        Channel*rc;             /* [2] of Buf* */

struct Etherops
        int     (*init)(Ether*, int *epin, int *epout);
        long    (*bread)(Ether*, Buf*);
        long    (*bwrite)(Ether*, Buf*);
        int     (*ctl)(Ether*, char*);
        int     (*promiscuous)(Ether*, int);
        int     (*multicast)(Ether*, uchar*, int);
        char*   (*seprintstats)(char*, char*, Ether*);
        void    (*free)(Ether*);
        int     bufsize;
        char    *name;
        void*   aux;

struct Ether
        QLock   wlck;                   /* write one at a time */
        int     epinid;                 /* epin address */
        int     epoutid;                        /* epout address */
        Dev*    dev;
        Dev*    epin;
        Dev*    epout;
        int     cid;                    /* ctlr id */
        int     phy;                    /* phy id */
        Ref     prom;                   /* nb. of promiscuous conns */
        int     exiting;                        /* shutting down */
        int     wrexited;                       /* write process died */
        uchar   addr[Eaddrlen];         /* mac */
        int     nconns;                 /* nb. of entries used in... */
        Conn*   conns[Nconns];          /* connections */
        int     nabufs;                 /* nb. of allocated buffers */
        int     nbufs;                  /* nb. of buffers in use */
        int     nblock;                 /* nonblocking (output)? */
        long    nin;
        long    nout;
        long    nierrs;
        long    noerrs;
        int     mbps;
        int     nmcasts;
        Channel*rc;                     /* read channel (of Buf*) */
        Channel*wc;                     /* write channel (of Buf*) */
        Channel*bc;                     /* free buf. chan. (of Buf*) */
        Usbfs   fs;

struct Cinfo
        int vid;                /* usb vendor id */
        int did;                /* usb device/product id */
        int cid;                /* controller id assigned by us */

struct Etherpkt
        uchar d[Eaddrlen];
        uchar s[Eaddrlen];
        uchar type[2];
        uchar data[1500];

int     ethermain(Dev *dev, int argc, char **argv);
int     asixreset(Ether*);
int smscreset(Ether*);
int     cdcreset(Ether*);
int     parseaddr(uchar *m, char *s);
void    dumpframe(char *tag, void *p, int n);

extern Cinfo cinfo[];
extern int etherdebug;

#define deprint if(etherdebug)fprint