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#include "headers.h"

smbsendunicode(SmbPeerInfo *i)
        return smbglobals.unicode && (i == nil || (i->capabilities & CAP_UNICODE) != 0);

smbcheckwordcount(char *name, SmbHeader *h, ushort wordcount)
        if (h->wordcount != wordcount) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smb%s: word count not %ud\n", name, wordcount);
                return 0;
        return 1;

smbcheckwordandbytecount(char *name, SmbHeader *h, ushort wordcount, uchar **bdatap, uchar **edatap)
        ushort bytecount;
        uchar *bdata;
        if (h->wordcount != wordcount) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smb%s: word count not %ud\n", name, wordcount);
                return 0;
        bdata = *bdatap;
        if (bdata + 2 > *edatap) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smb%s: not enough data for byte count\n", name);
                return 0;
        bytecount = smbnhgets(bdata); bdata += 2;
        if (bdata + bytecount > *edatap) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smb%s: not enough data for bytes\n", name);
                return 0;
        *edatap = bdata + bytecount;
        *bdatap = bdata;
        return 1;

smbchaincommand(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, ulong andxoffsetfixup, uchar cmd, ushort offset, SmbBuffer *b)
        SmbOpTableEntry *ote;
        uchar *pdata;
        ushort bytecount;

        h->command = cmd;
        ote = smboptable + cmd;
        if (ote->process == nil) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: %s (0x%.2ux) not implemented\n", ote->name, cmd);
                return SmbProcessResultUnimp;
        if (!smbresponsealignl2(s, 2)
                || !smbresponseoffsetputs(s, andxoffsetfixup, smbresponseoffset(s))
                || !smbbufferpopreadlimit(b))
                return SmbProcessResultMisc;
        if (!smbbufferreadskipto(b, offset)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: illegal offset\n");
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        if (!smbbuffergetb(b, &h->wordcount)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: not enough space for wordcount\n");
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        pdata = smbbufferreadpointer(b);
        if (!smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, h->wordcount * 2)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: not enough space for parameters\n");
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        if (!smbbuffergets(b, &bytecount)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: not enough space for bytecount\n");
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        if (!smbbufferpushreadlimit(b, smbbufferreadoffset(b) + bytecount)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbchaincommand: not enough space for bytes\n");
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
smblogprint(cmd, "chaining to %s\n", ote->name);
        return (*ote->process)(s, h, pdata, b);

smbbuffergetheader(SmbBuffer *b, SmbHeader *h, uchar **parametersp, ushort *bytecountp)
        SmbOpTableEntry *ote;
        SmbRawHeader *rh;
        rh = (SmbRawHeader *)smbbufferreadpointer(b);
        if (!smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, (long)offsetof(SmbRawHeader, parameterwords[0]))) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbgetheader: short packet\n");
                return 0;
        if (rh->protocol[0] != 0xff || memcmp(rh->protocol + 1, "SMB", 3) != 0) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbgetheader: invalid protocol\n");
                return 0;
        h->command = rh->command;
        ote = smboptable + h->command;
        if (ote->name == nil) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbgetheader: illegal opcode 0x%.2ux\n", h->command);
                return 0;
        h->errclass = rh->status[0];
        h->error = smbnhgets(rh->status + 2);
        h->flags = rh->flags;
        h->flags2 = smbnhgets(rh->flags2);
        if (h->flags & ~(SmbHeaderFlagCaseless | SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR | SmbHeaderFlagReserved | SmbHeaderFlagServerIgnore))
                smblogprint(-1, "smbgetheader: warning: unexpected flags 0x%.2ux\n", h->flags);
        h->wordcount = rh->wordcount;
        if (parametersp)
                *parametersp = smbbufferreadpointer(b);
        if (!smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, h->wordcount * 2)) {
                smblogprint(-1, "smbgetheader: not enough data for parameter words\n");
                return 0;
        h->tid = smbnhgets(rh->tid);
        h->pid = smbnhgets(rh->pid);
        h->uid = smbnhgets(rh->uid);
        h->mid = smbnhgets(rh->mid);
        if (!smbbuffergets(b, bytecountp))
                *bytecountp = 0;
        if (!smbbufferpushreadlimit(b, smbbufferreadoffset(b) + *bytecountp))
                return 0;

smblogprint(h->command, "%s %s: tid 0x%.4ux pid 0x%.4ux uid 0x%.4ux mid 0x%.4ux\n", ote->name,
        (h->flags & SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR) ? "response" : "request", h->tid, h->pid, h->uid, h->mid);
        return 1;

smbcheckheaderdirection(SmbHeader *h, int response, char **errmsgp)
        if (((h->flags & SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR) == 0) == response) {
                smbstringprint(errmsgp, "unexpected %s", response ? "request" : "response");
                return 0;
        return 1;

smbcheckheader(SmbHeader *h, uchar command, int response, char **errmsgp)
        if (response && h->command != command) {
                smbstringprint(errmsgp, "sent %.2uc request, got %.2ux response", command, h->command);
                return 0;
        if (!smbcheckheaderdirection(h, response, errmsgp))
                return 0;
        return 1;

smbbuffergetandcheckheader(SmbBuffer *b, SmbHeader *h, uchar command, int response, uchar **pdatap, ushort *bytecountp, char **errmsgp)
        if (!smbbuffergetheader(b, h, pdatap, bytecountp)) {
                smbstringprint(errmsgp, "smbbuffergetandcheckheader: not enough data for header");
                return 0;
        return smbcheckheader(h, command, response, errmsgp);

smbsuccess(SmbHeader *h, char **errmsgp)
        if (h->errclass != SUCCESS) {
                smbstringprint(errmsgp, "%s returned error %d/%d", smboptable[h->command].name, h->errclass, h->error);
                return 0;
        return 1;

#define BASE_FLAGS (0)

smbbufferputheader(SmbBuffer *b, SmbHeader *h, SmbPeerInfo *p)
        SmbRawHeader *rh;
        if (offsetof(SmbRawHeader, parameterwords[0]) > smbbufferwritespace(b))
                return 0;
        if (smbbufferwriteoffset(b) == 0) {
                rh = (SmbRawHeader *)smbbufferwritepointer(b);
                rh->protocol[0] = 0xff;
                memcpy(rh->protocol + 1, "SMB", 3);
                rh->flags = SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR | SmbHeaderFlagCaseless;
                rh->command = h->command;
                smbhnputs(rh->flags2, BASE_FLAGS | (smbsendunicode(p) ? SMB_FLAGS2_UNICODE : 0));
                memset(rh->extra, 0, sizeof(rh->extra));
                if (!smbbufferputbytes(b, nil, offsetof(SmbRawHeader, parameterwords[0])))
                        return 0;
                rh->wordcount = h->wordcount;
        else {
                rh = (SmbRawHeader *)smbbufferreadpointer(b);
                smbbufferputb(b, h->wordcount);
        rh->status[0] = h->errclass;
        rh->status[1] = 0;
        smbhnputs(rh->status + 2, h->error);
        smbhnputs(rh->tid, h->tid);
        smbhnputs(rh->pid, h->pid);
        smbhnputs(rh->uid, h->uid);
        smbhnputs(rh->mid, h->mid);
        return 1;

smbbufferputerror(SmbBuffer *s, SmbHeader *h, SmbPeerInfo *p, uchar errclass, ushort error)
        h->errclass = errclass;
        h->error = error;
        return smbbufferputheader(s, h, p);

smbbufferputandxheader(SmbBuffer *b, SmbHeader *h, SmbPeerInfo *p, uchar andxcommand, ulong *andxoffsetfixupp)
        if (!smbbufferputheader(b, h, p)
                || !smbbufferputb(b, andxcommand)
                || !smbbufferputb(b, 0))
                return 0;
        *andxoffsetfixupp = smbbufferwriteoffset(b);
        return smbbufferputbytes(b, nil, 2);

smbseterror(SmbSession *s, uchar errclass, ushort error)
        s->errclass = errclass;
        s->error = error;

smbbufferputack(SmbBuffer *b, SmbHeader *h, SmbPeerInfo *p)
        h->wordcount = 0;
        return smbbufferputheader(b, h, p) && smbbufferputs(b, 0) ? SmbProcessResultReply : SmbProcessResultMisc;

smbplan9mode2dosattr(ulong mode)
        if (mode & DMDIR)
                return SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
        return SMB_ATTR_NORMAL;

smbdosattr2plan9mode(ushort attr)
        ulong mode = 0444;
        if ((attr & SMB_ATTR_READ_ONLY) == 0)
                mode |= 0222;
        if (attr & SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY) {
                mode |= DMDIR | 0711;
                mode &= DMDIR | 0755;
                mode &= 0744;
        return mode;

smbdosattr2plan9wstatmode(ulong oldmode, ushort attr)
        ulong mode;
        if (oldmode & DMDIR)
                attr |= SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
                attr &= ~SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
        mode = smbdosattr2plan9mode(attr);
        if (oldmode & 0444)
                mode = (mode & ~0444) | (mode & 0444);
        if ((attr & SMB_ATTR_READ_ONLY) == 0)
                mode |= oldmode & 0222;
        if (mode == oldmode)
                mode = 0xffffffff;
        return mode;

smbplan9length2size32(vlong length)
        if (length > 0xffffffff)
                return 0xffffffff;
        return length;

smbl2roundupvlong(vlong v, int l2)
        uvlong mask;
        mask = (1 << l2) - 1;
        return (v + mask) & ~mask;

SmbSlut smbsharemodeslut[] = {
        { "compatibility", SMB_OPEN_MODE_SHARE_COMPATIBILITY },
        { "exclusive", SMB_OPEN_MODE_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE },
        { "denywrite", SMB_OPEN_MODE_SHARE_DENY_WRITE },
        { "denyread", SMB_OPEN_MODE_SHARE_DENY_READOREXEC },
        { "denynone", SMB_OPEN_MODE_SHARE_DENY_NONE },
        { 0 }

SmbSlut smbopenmodeslut[] = {
        { "oread", OREAD },
        { "owrite", OWRITE },
        { "ordwr", ORDWR },
        { "oexec", OEXEC },
        { 0 }

smbslut(SmbSlut *s, char *pat)
        while (s->name) {
                if (cistrcmp(s->name, pat) == 0)
                        return s->val;
        return -1;

char *
smbrevslut(SmbSlut *s, int val)
        while (s->name) {
                if (s->val == val)
                        return s->name;
        return nil;