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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
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commercial licensing, go to or
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/* $Id: gdevwdib.c,v 1.9 2004/09/15 19:41:01 ray Exp $ */
/* MS Windows 3.n driver for Ghostscript using a DIB for buffering. */
#include "gdevmswn.h"
#include "gxdevmem.h"
#include "gsdll.h"
#include "gsdllwin.h"
#ifdef __WIN32__
# define USE_SEGMENTS 0
# define USE_SEGMENTS 1
/* Make sure we cast to the correct structure type. */
typedef struct gx_device_win_dib_s gx_device_win_dib;
#undef wdev
#define wdev ((gx_device_win_dib *)dev)
/* Device procedures */
/* See gxdevice.h for the definitions of the procedures. */
private dev_proc_open_device(win_dib_open);
private dev_proc_get_initial_matrix(win_dib_get_initial_matrix);
private dev_proc_close_device(win_dib_close);
private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(win_dib_fill_rectangle);
private dev_proc_copy_mono(win_dib_copy_mono);
private dev_proc_copy_color(win_dib_copy_color);
private dev_proc_get_bits(win_dib_get_bits);
private dev_proc_put_params(win_dib_put_params);
/* Windows-specific procedures */
private win_proc_repaint(win_dib_repaint);
private win_proc_alloc_bitmap(win_dib_alloc_bitmap);
private win_proc_free_bitmap(win_dib_free_bitmap);
/* The device descriptor */
struct gx_device_win_dib_s {
/* The following help manage the division of the DIB */
/* into 64K segments. Each block of y_block scan lines */
/* starting at y_base mod 64K falls in a single segment. */
/* Since the raster is a power of 2, y_block is a power of 2. */
int y_block;
int y_base;
int y_mask; /* y_block - 1 */
#endif /* USE_SEGMENTS */
HGLOBAL hmdata;
#ifdef __WIN32__
HANDLE hmtx;
int lock_count;
gx_device_memory mdev;
private const gx_device_procs win_dib_procs =
NULL, /* tile_rectangle */
NULL, /* draw_line */
win_dib_get_bits /* NULL */ , /* get_bits */
NULL, /* map_cmyk_color */
NULL, /* get_xfont_device */
NULL, /* map_rgb_alpha_color */
gx_device_win_dib far_data gs_mswindll_device =
std_device_std_body(gx_device_win_dib, &win_dib_procs, "mswindll",
INITIAL_WIDTH, INITIAL_HEIGHT,/* win_open() fills these in later */
INITIAL_RESOLUTION, INITIAL_RESOLUTION /* win_open() fills these in later */
{0}, /* std_procs */
0, /* BitsPerPixel */
2, /* nColors */
0, /* mapped_color_flags */
/* forward declarations */
private HGLOBAL win_dib_make_dib(gx_device_win * dev, int orgx, int orgy, int wx, int wy);
private int win_dib_lock_device(unsigned char *device, int flag);
/* Open the win_dib driver */
private int
win_dib_open(gx_device * dev)
int code = win_open(dev);
if (code < 0)
return code;
#ifdef __WIN32__
if (!is_win32s)
wdev->hmtx = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); /* unnamed mutex, initially unowned */
if (gdev_mem_device_for_bits(dev->color_info.depth) == 0) {
return gs_error_rangecheck;
code = win_dib_alloc_bitmap((gx_device_win *) dev, dev);
if (code < 0) {
return code;
/* notify caller about new device */
if (pgsdll_callback) {
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (unsigned char *)dev, 1);
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_SIZE, (unsigned char *)dev,
(dev->width & 0xffff) +
((ulong) (dev->height & 0xffff) << 16));
return code;
/* Get the initial matrix. DIBs, unlike most displays, */
/* put (0,0) in the lower left corner. */
private void
win_dib_get_initial_matrix(gx_device * dev, gs_matrix * pmat)
pmat->xx = dev->x_pixels_per_inch / 72.0;
pmat->xy = 0.0;
pmat->yx = 0.0;
pmat->yy = dev->y_pixels_per_inch / 72.0;
pmat->tx = 0.0;
pmat->ty = 0.0;
/* Close the win_dib driver */
private int
win_dib_close(gx_device * dev)
int code;
/* wait until bitmap is not being used by caller */
win_dib_lock_device((unsigned char *)dev, 1);
if (pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (unsigned char *)dev, 0);
win_dib_lock_device((unsigned char *)dev, 0);
win_dib_free_bitmap((gx_device_win *) dev);
#ifdef __WIN32__
if (!is_win32s)
code = win_close(dev);
return code;
#define wmdev ((gx_device *)&wdev->mdev)
#define wmproc(proc) (*dev_proc(&wdev->mdev, proc))
/* The drawing routines must all be careful not to cross */
/* a segment boundary. */
#define single_block(y, h)\
!(((y - wdev->y_base) ^ (y - wdev->y_base + h - 1)) & ~wdev->y_mask)
{ int by, bh, left = h;\
for ( by = y; left > 0; by += bh, left -= bh )\
{ bh = wdev->y_block - (by & wdev->y_mask);\
if ( bh > left ) bh = left;
#define END_BLOCKS\
#endif /* (!)USE_SEGMENTS */
/* Fill a rectangle. */
private int
win_dib_fill_rectangle(gx_device * dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color)
if (single_block(y, h)) {
wmproc(fill_rectangle) (wmdev, x, y, w, h, color);
} else { /* Divide the transfer into blocks. */
wmproc(fill_rectangle) (wmdev, x, by, w, bh, color);
wmproc(fill_rectangle) (wmdev, x, y, w, h, color);
return 0;
/* Copy a monochrome bitmap. The colors are given explicitly. */
/* Color = gx_no_color_index means transparent (no effect on the image). */
private int
win_dib_copy_mono(gx_device * dev,
const byte * base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
if (single_block(y, h)) {
wmproc(copy_mono) (wmdev, base, sourcex, raster, id,
x, y, w, h, zero, one);
} else { /* Divide the transfer into blocks. */
const byte *source = base;
wmproc(copy_mono) (wmdev, source, sourcex, raster,
gx_no_bitmap_id, x, by, w, bh,
zero, one);
source += bh * raster;
wmproc(copy_mono) (wmdev, base, sourcex, raster, id,
x, y, w, h, zero, one);
return 0;
/* Copy a color pixel map. This is just like a bitmap, except that */
/* each pixel takes 8 or 4 bits instead of 1 when device driver has color. */
private int
win_dib_copy_color(gx_device * dev,
const byte * base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (single_block(y, h)) {
wmproc(copy_color) (wmdev, base, sourcex, raster, id,
x, y, w, h);
} else { /* Divide the transfer into blocks. */
const byte *source = base;
wmproc(copy_color) (wmdev, source, sourcex, raster,
gx_no_bitmap_id, x, by, w, bh);
source += by * raster;
wmproc(copy_color) (wmdev, base, sourcex, raster, id,
x, y, w, h);
return 0;
win_dib_get_bits(gx_device * dev, int y, byte * str, byte ** actual_data)
return wmproc(get_bits) (wmdev, y, str, actual_data);
win_dib_put_params(gx_device * dev, gs_param_list * plist)
int code;
win_dib_lock_device((unsigned char *)dev, 1);
code = win_put_params(dev, plist);
win_dib_lock_device((unsigned char *)dev, 0);
return code;
/* ------ DLL device procedures ------ */
/* make a copy of the device bitmap and return shared memory handle to it */
/* device is a pointer to Ghostscript device from GSDLL_DEVICE message */
gsdll_copy_dib(unsigned char *device)
gx_device_win_dib *dev = (gx_device_win_dib *) device;
if (!dev || !dev->is_open || dev->mdev.width == 0 || dev->mdev.height == 0)
return (HGLOBAL) NULL;
return win_dib_make_dib((gx_device_win *) dev, 0, 0, dev->width, dev->height);
/* make a copy of the device palette and return a handle to it */
/* device is a pointer to Ghostscript device from GSDLL_DEVICE message */
gsdll_copy_palette(unsigned char *device)
gx_device_win_dib *dev = (gx_device_win_dib *) device;
if (!dev || !dev->is_open || dev->mdev.width == 0 || dev->mdev.height == 0)
if (wdev->nColors > 0)
return CreatePalette(dev->limgpalette);
/* copy the rectangle src from the device bitmap */
/* to the rectangle dest on the device given by hdc */
/* hdc must be a device context for a device (NOT a bitmap) */
/* device is a pointer to Ghostscript device from GSDLL_DEVICE message */
gsdll_draw(unsigned char *device, HDC hdc, LPRECT dest, LPRECT src)
gx_device_win_dib *dev = (gx_device_win_dib *) device;
HPALETTE oldpalette;
if (!dev || !dev->is_open || dev->mdev.width == 0 || dev->mdev.height == 0)
if (dev->nColors > 0) {
oldpalette = SelectPalette(hdc, dev->himgpalette, FALSE);
win_dib_repaint((gx_device_win *) dev, hdc, dest->left, dest->top,
dest->right - dest->left, dest->bottom - dest->top,
src->left, src->top);
if (dev->nColors > 0) {
SelectPalette(hdc, oldpalette, FALSE);
/* ------ Windows-specific device procedures ------ */
/* Repaint a section of the window. */
private void
win_dib_repaint(gx_device_win * dev, HDC hdc, int dx, int dy, int wx, int wy,
int sx, int sy)
struct bmi_s {
ushort pal_index[256];
} bmi;
int i;
UINT which_colors;
memset(&bmi.h, 0, sizeof(bmi.h));
bmi.h.biSize = sizeof(bmi.h);
bmi.h.biWidth = wdev->mdev.width;
bmi.h.biHeight = wy;
bmi.h.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.h.biBitCount = dev->color_info.depth;
bmi.h.biCompression = 0;
bmi.h.biSizeImage = 0; /* default */
bmi.h.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; /* default */
bmi.h.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; /* default */
if (dev->BitsPerPixel <= 8) {
bmi.h.biClrUsed = wdev->nColors;
bmi.h.biClrImportant = wdev->nColors;
for (i = 0; i < wdev->nColors; i++)
bmi.pal_index[i] = i;
which_colors = DIB_PAL_COLORS;
} else if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 15) { /* 5-5-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(&bmi.pal_index[0]);
bmi.h.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0x7c00;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x03e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
which_colors = DIB_RGB_COLORS;
} else if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 16) { /* 5-6-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(&bmi.pal_index[0]);
bmi.h.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0xf800;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x07e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
which_colors = DIB_RGB_COLORS;
} else {
bmi.h.biClrUsed = 0;
bmi.h.biClrImportant = 0;
which_colors = DIB_RGB_COLORS;
* Windows apparently limits the size of a single transfer
* to 2 Mb, which can be exceeded on 24-bit displays.
* Deal with this here.
#define max_transfer 2000000
if (wdev->mdev.raster > 0) { /* just in case! */
long ny = max_transfer / wdev->mdev.raster;
for (; wy > ny; dy += ny, wy -= ny, sy += ny)
SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc, dx, dy, wx, ny,
sx, 0, 0, ny,
wdev->mdev.line_ptrs[wdev->height - (sy + ny)],
(BITMAPINFO FAR *) & bmi, which_colors);
#undef max_transfer
SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc, dx, dy, wx, wy,
sx, 0, 0, wy,
wdev->mdev.line_ptrs[wdev->height - (sy + wy)],
(BITMAPINFO FAR *) & bmi, which_colors);
/* This makes a DIB that contains all or part of the bitmap. */
/* The bitmap pixel orgx must start on a byte boundary. */
private HGLOBAL
win_dib_make_dib(gx_device_win * dev, int orgx, int orgy, int wx, int wy)
#define xwdev ((gx_device_win_dib *)dev)
gx_color_value prgb[3];
HGLOBAL hglobal;
BYTE FAR *pBits;
BYTE FAR *pLine;
ulong bitmapsize;
int palcount;
int i;
UINT lwidth; /* line width in bytes rounded up to multiple of 4 bytes */
int loffset; /* byte offset to start of line */
UINT lseg; /* bytes remaining in this segment */
if (orgx + wx > wdev->width)
wx = wdev->width - orgx;
if (orgy + wy > wdev->height)
wy = wdev->height - orgy;
loffset = orgx * wdev->color_info.depth / 8;
lwidth = ((wx * wdev->color_info.depth + 31) & ~31) >> 3;
bitmapsize = (long)lwidth *wy;
if (wdev->color_info.depth > 16)
palcount = 0;
else if (wdev->color_info.depth > 8)
palcount = 3; /* 16-bit BI_BITFIELDS */
palcount = wdev->nColors;
hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
+ sizeof(RGBQUAD) * palcount + bitmapsize);
if (hglobal == (HGLOBAL) NULL) {
return (HGLOBAL) NULL;
pDIB = (BYTE FAR *) GlobalLock(hglobal);
if (pDIB == (BYTE FAR *) NULL) {
return (HGLOBAL) NULL;
pColors = (RGBQUAD FAR *) (pDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
pBits = (BYTE FAR *) (pDIB + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * palcount);
pbmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pbmih->biWidth = wx;
pbmih->biHeight = wy;
pbmih->biPlanes = 1;
pbmih->biBitCount = wdev->color_info.depth;
pbmih->biCompression = 0;
pbmih->biSizeImage = 0; /* default */
pbmih->biXPelsPerMeter = (DWORD) (dev->x_pixels_per_inch / 25.4 * 1000);
pbmih->biYPelsPerMeter = (DWORD) (dev->y_pixels_per_inch / 25.4 * 1000);
pbmih->biClrUsed = palcount;
pbmih->biClrImportant = palcount;
if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 15) { /* 5-5-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(pColors);
pbmih->biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0x7c00;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x03e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
else if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 16) { /* 5-6-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(pColors);
pbmih->biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0xf800;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x07e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
else {
for (i = 0; i < palcount; i++) {
win_map_color_rgb((gx_device *) wdev, (gx_color_index) i, prgb);
pColors[i].rgbRed = win_color_value(prgb[0]);
pColors[i].rgbGreen = win_color_value(prgb[1]);
pColors[i].rgbBlue = win_color_value(prgb[2]);
pColors[i].rgbReserved = 0;
pLine = pBits;
for (i = orgy; i < orgy + wy; i++) {
/* Window 3.1 has hmemcpy, but 3.0 doesn't */
lseg = (UINT) (-OFFSETOF(pLine)); /* remaining bytes in this segment */
if (lseg >= lwidth) {
_fmemcpy(pLine, xwdev->mdev.line_ptrs[i] + loffset, lwidth);
} else { /* break up transfer to avoid crossing segment boundary */
_fmemcpy(pLine, xwdev->mdev.line_ptrs[i] + loffset, lseg);
_fmemcpy(pLine + lseg, xwdev->mdev.line_ptrs[i] + loffset + lseg, lwidth - lseg);
memcpy(pLine, xwdev->mdev.line_ptrs[i], lwidth);
pLine += lwidth;
return hglobal;
/* Allocate the backing bitmap. */
private int
win_dib_alloc_bitmap(gx_device_win * dev, gx_device * param_dev)
int width;
gx_device_memory mdev;
HGLOBAL hmdata;
byte FAR *base;
uint ptr_size;
uint raster;
ulong data_size;
byte FAR *ptr_base;
#ifdef __WIN32__
if (is_win32s) {
/* Round up the width so that the scan line size is a power of 2. */
if (dev->color_info.depth == 24) {
width = param_dev->width * 3 - 1;
while (width & (width + 1))
width |= width >> 1;
width = (width + 1) / 3;
} else {
width = param_dev->width - 1;
while (width & (width + 1))
width |= width >> 1;
#ifdef __WIN32__
} else { /* don't have to worry about segments so use less memory */
width = param_dev->width;
/* Finish initializing the DIB. */
gs_make_mem_device(&mdev, gdev_mem_device_for_bits(dev->color_info.depth), 0, 0, (gx_device *) dev);
mdev.width = width;
mdev.height = param_dev->height;
raster = gdev_mem_raster(&mdev);
data_size = (ulong) raster *mdev.height;
ptr_size = sizeof(byte **) * mdev.height;
hmdata = GlobalAlloc(0, raster + data_size + ptr_size * 2);
if (hmdata == 0) {
return win_nomemory();
/* Nothing can go wrong now.... */
wdev->hmdata = hmdata;
base = GlobalLock(hmdata);
/* Adjust base so scan lines, and the pointer table, */
/* don't cross a segment boundary. */
base += (-PTR_OFF(base) & (raster - 1));
ptr_base = base + data_size;
if (PTR_OFF(ptr_base + ptr_size) < ptr_size)
base += (uint) - PTR_OFF(ptr_base);
wdev->y_block = 0x10000L / raster;
wdev->y_mask = wdev->y_block - 1;
if ((wdev->y_base = PTR_OFF(base)) != 0)
wdev->y_base = -(PTR_OFF(base) / raster);
wdev->mdev = mdev;
wdev->mdev.base = (byte *) base;
wmproc(open_device) ((gx_device *) & wdev->mdev);
if (wdev->is_open && pgsdll_callback)
(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_SIZE, (unsigned char *)dev,
(dev->width & 0xffff) +
((ulong) (dev->height & 0xffff) << 16));
return 0;
/* Free the backing bitmap. */
private void
win_dib_free_bitmap(gx_device_win * dev)
HGLOBAL hmdata = wdev->hmdata;
/* Lock the device (so it's size cannot be changed) if flag = TRUE */
/* or unlock the device if flag = FALSE */
/* device is a pointer to Ghostscript device from GSDLL_DEVICE message */
private int
win_dib_lock_device(unsigned char *device, int flag)
gx_device *dev = (gx_device *) device;
#ifdef __WIN32__
if (!is_win32s) {
if (flag) {
if (WaitForSingleObject(wdev->hmtx, 60000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
return 2;
return 1;
return 0;
if (flag)
if (wdev->lock_count < 0)
wdev->lock_count = 0;
return wdev->lock_count;
int GSDLLAPI _export
gsdll_lock_device(unsigned char *device, int flag)
return win_dib_lock_device(device, flag);
/* Copy bitmap
* If pbmih nonzero, copy the BITMAPINFOHEADER.
* If prgbquad nonzero, copy the palette.
* number of entries copied is given by pbmih->biClrUsed
* If ppbyte nonzero, return pointer to row.
* pointer is only valid while device is locked
* GS can change the palette while the device is locked.
* Do not call this function while GS is busy.
* If all pbmih and prgbquad and ppbyte are all NULL,
* return value is byte count needed for BITMAPINFOHEADER
* and palette and one bitmap row.
* Otherwise return value is 0;
* This function exists to allow the bitmap to be copied to a file
* or structured storage, without the overhead of having two copies
* of the bitmap in memory at the same time.
int GSDLLAPI _export
gsdll_get_bitmap_row(unsigned char *device, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmih,
LPRGBQUAD prgbquad, LPBYTE * ppbyte, unsigned int row)
int palcount;
gx_device_win_dib *dev = (gx_device_win_dib *) device;
palcount = (dev->color_info.depth == 24) ? 0 : dev->nColors;
if (pbmih) {
pbmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pbmih->biWidth = dev->width;
pbmih->biHeight = dev->mdev.height;
pbmih->biPlanes = 1;
pbmih->biBitCount = dev->color_info.depth;
if ((dev->BitsPerPixel == 15) || (dev->BitsPerPixel == 16))
pbmih->biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
pbmih->biCompression = 0;
pbmih->biSizeImage = 0; /* default */
pbmih->biXPelsPerMeter = (DWORD) (dev->x_pixels_per_inch / 25.4 * 1000);
pbmih->biYPelsPerMeter = (DWORD) (dev->y_pixels_per_inch / 25.4 * 1000);
pbmih->biClrUsed = palcount;
pbmih->biClrImportant = palcount;
if (prgbquad) {
int i;
gx_color_value prgb[3];
if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 15) { /* 5-5-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(prgbquad);
pbmih->biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0x7c00;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x03e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
else if (dev->BitsPerPixel == 16) { /* 5-6-5 RGB mode */
DWORD* bmi_colors = (DWORD*)(prgbquad);
pbmih->biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
bmi_colors[0] = 0xf800;
bmi_colors[1] = 0x07e0;
bmi_colors[2] = 0x001f;
else {
for (i = 0; i < palcount; i++) {
win_map_color_rgb((gx_device *) wdev, (gx_color_index) i, prgb);
prgbquad[i].rgbRed = win_color_value(prgb[0]);
prgbquad[i].rgbGreen = win_color_value(prgb[1]);
prgbquad[i].rgbBlue = win_color_value(prgb[2]);
prgbquad[i].rgbReserved = 0;
if (ppbyte) {
if (row < dev->mdev.height)
*ppbyte = dev->mdev.line_ptrs[row];
*ppbyte = NULL;
if ((pbmih == NULL) && (prgbquad == NULL) && (ppbyte == NULL))
return sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)
+ gdev_mem_raster(&(dev->mdev));
return 0;