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/* Unicode | PostScript
* start end | offset font name
* 0x0000 0x00ff 0x00 LucidaSansUnicode00
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "tr2post.h"
#include "comments.h"
#include "path.h"
/* Postscript font names, e.g., `LucidaSansUnicode00'
* names may only be added because reference to the
* names is made by indexing into this table.
static struct pfnament *pfnafontmtab = 0;
static int pfnamcnt = 0;
int curpostfontid = -1;
int curfontsize = -1;
int curtrofffontid = -1;
static int curfontpos = -1;
static int fontheight = 0;
static int fontslant = 0;
/* This is troffs mounted font table. It is an anachronism resulting
* from the design of the APS typesetter. fontmnt is the
* number of positions available. fontmnt is really 11, but
* should not be limited.
int fontmnt = 0;
char **fontmtab;
struct troffont *troffontab = 0;
int troffontcnt = 0;
mountfont(int pos, char *fontname) {
int i;
if (debug) fprint(2, "mountfont(%d, %s)\n", pos, fontname);
if (pos < 0 || pos >= fontmnt)
error(FATAL, "cannot mount a font at position %d,\n can only mount into postions 0-%d\n",
pos, fontmnt-1);
i = strlen(fontname);
fontmtab[pos] = galloc(fontmtab[pos], i+1, "mountfont():fontmtab");
strcpy(fontmtab[pos], fontname);
if (curfontpos == pos) curfontpos = -1;
settrfont(void) {
if (curfontpos == fontpos) return;
if (fontmtab[fontpos] == 0)
error(FATAL, "Font at position %d was not initialized, botch!\n", fontpos);
curtrofffontid = findtfn(fontmtab[fontpos], 1);
if (debug) fprint(2, "settrfont()-> curtrofffontid=%d\n", curtrofffontid);
curfontpos = fontpos;
if (curtrofffontid < 0) {
int i;
error(WARNING, "fontpos=%d\n", fontpos);
for (i=0; i<fontmnt; i++)
if (fontmtab[i] == 0)
error(WARNING, "fontmtab[%d]=0x0\n", i);
error(WARNING, "fontmtab[%d]=%s\n", i, fontmtab[i]);
setpsfont(int psftid, int fontsize) {
if (psftid == curpostfontid && fontsize == curfontsize) return;
if (psftid >= pfnamcnt)
error(FATAL, "Postscript font index=%d used but not defined, there are only %d fonts\n",
psftid, pfnamcnt);
if (pageon()) {
Bprint(Bstdout, "%d /%s f\n", fontsize, pfnafontmtab[psftid].str);
if ( fontheight != 0 || fontslant != 0 )
Bprint(Bstdout, "%d %d changefont\n", fontslant, (fontheight != 0) ? fontheight : fontsize);
pfnafontmtab[psftid].used = 1;
curpostfontid = psftid;
curfontsize = fontsize;
/* find index of PostScript font name in table
* returns -1 if name is not in table
* If insflg is not zero
* and the name is not found in the table, insert it.
findpfn(char *fontname, int insflg) {
char *tp;
int i;
for (i=0; i<pfnamcnt; i++) {
if (strcmp(pfnafontmtab[i].str, fontname) == 0)
if (insflg) {
tp = galloc(pfnafontmtab, sizeof(struct pfnament)*(pfnamcnt+1), "findpfn():pfnafontmtab");
if (tp == 0)
pfnafontmtab = (struct pfnament *)tp;
i = strlen(fontname);
pfnafontmtab[pfnamcnt].str = galloc(0, i+1, "findpfn():pfnafontmtab[].str");
strncpy(pfnafontmtab[pfnamcnt].str, fontname, i);
pfnafontmtab[pfnamcnt].str[i] = '\0';
pfnafontmtab[pfnamcnt].used = 0;
char postroffdirname[] = "/sys/lib/postscript/troff"; /* "/sys/lib/postscript/troff/"; */
char troffmetricdirname[] = "/sys/lib/troff/font"; /* "/sys/lib/troff/font/devutf/"; */
readpsfontdesc(char *fontname, int trindex) {
int errorflg = 0, line = 1, rv, start, end, offset;
int startfont, endfont, startchar, endchar, i, pfid;
char psfontnam[128];
struct troffont *tp;
Biobuf *bfd;
Biobufhdr *Bfd;
static char *filename = 0;
if (debug)
fprint(2, "readpsfontdesc(%s,%d)\n", fontname, trindex);
filename = galloc(filename, strlen(postroffdirname)+1+strlen(fontname)+1,
"readpsfontdesc: cannot allocate memory\n");
sprint(filename, "%s/%s", postroffdirname, fontname);
bfd = Bopen(filename, OREAD);
if (bfd == 0) {
error(WARNING, "cannot open file %s\n", filename);
Bfd = &bfd->Biobufhdr;
do {
offset = 0;
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &start, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal start value\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &end, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal end value\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if (Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &offset, 0) < 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal offset value\n", filename, line);
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 's', psfontnam, 128)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal fontname value\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0)
Brdline(Bfd, '\n');
if (!errorflg) {
struct psfent *psfentp;
startfont = RUNEGETGROUP(start);
startchar = RUNEGETCHAR(start);
endfont = RUNEGETGROUP(end);
endchar = RUNEGETCHAR(end);
pfid = findpfn(psfontnam, 1);
if (startfont != endfont) {
error(WARNING, "font descriptions must not cross 256 glyph block boundary\n");
tp = &troffontab[trindex];
tp->psfmap = galloc(tp->psfmap, ++tp->psfmapsize *
sizeof(struct psfent),
psfentp = &(tp->psfmap[tp->psfmapsize-1]);
psfentp->start = start;
psfentp->end = end;
psfentp->offset = offset;
psfentp->psftid = pfid;
if (debug) {
fprint(2, "\tpsfmap->start=0x%x\n", start);
fprint(2, "\tpsfmap->end=0x%x\n", end);
fprint(2, "\tpsfmap->offset=0x%x\n", offset);
fprint(2, "\tpsfmap->pfid=0x%x\n", pfid);
USED(i, startchar, endchar);
for (i=startchar; i<=endchar; i++) {
tp->charent[startfont][i].postfontid = pfid;
tp->charent[startfont][i].postcharid = i + offset - startchar;
if (debug) {
fprint(2, "%x %x ", start, end);
if (offset)
fprint(2, "%x ", offset);
fprint(2, "%s\n", psfontnam);
} while(errorflg != 1);
readtroffmetric(char *fontname, int trindex) {
int ntoken, errorflg = 0, line = 1, rv;
int width, flag, charnum, thisfont, thischar;
char stoken[128], *str;
struct charent **cp;
BOOLEAN specharflag;
Biobuf *bfd;
Biobufhdr *Bfd;
Rune troffchar, quote;
static char *filename = 0;
if (debug)
fprint(2, "readtroffmetric(%s,%d)\n", fontname, trindex);
filename = galloc(filename, strlen(troffmetricdirname) + 4 +
strlen(devname) + 1 + strlen(fontname) + 1,
sprint(filename, "%s/dev%s/%s", troffmetricdirname, devname, fontname);
bfd = Bopen(filename, OREAD);
if (bfd == 0) {
error(WARNING, "cannot open file %s\n", filename);
Bfd = &bfd->Biobufhdr;
do {
* deal with the few lines at the beginning of the
* troff font metric files.
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 's', stoken, 128)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal token\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0)
if (debug)
fprint(2, "%s\n", stoken);
if (strcmp(stoken, "name") == 0) {
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 's', stoken, 128)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal token\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
} else if (strcmp(stoken, "named") == 0) {
Brdline(Bfd, '\n');
} else if (strcmp(stoken, "fontname") == 0) {
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 's', stoken, 128)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal token\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
} else if (strcmp(stoken, "spacewidth") == 0) {
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &ntoken, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal token\n", filename, line);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
troffontab[trindex].spacewidth = ntoken;
thisfont = RUNEGETGROUP(' ');
thischar = RUNEGETCHAR(' ');
for (cp = &(troffontab[trindex].charent[thisfont][thischar]); *cp != 0; cp = &((*cp)->next))
if ((*cp)->name)
if (strcmp((*cp)->name, " ") == 0)
if (*cp == 0) *cp = galloc(0, sizeof(struct charent), "readtroffmetric:charent");
(*cp)->postfontid = thisfont;
(*cp)->postcharid = thischar;
(*cp)->troffcharwidth = ntoken;
(*cp)->name = galloc(0, 2, "readtroffmetric: char name");
(*cp)->next = 0;
strcpy((*cp)->name, " ");
} else if (strcmp(stoken, "special") == 0) {
troffontab[trindex].special = TRUE;
} else if (strcmp(stoken, "charset") == 0) {
if (!errorflg) {
} while(!errorflg && rv>=0);
while(!errorflg && rv>=0) {
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 's', stoken, 128)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal rune token <0x%x> rv=%d\n", filename, line, troffchar, rv);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if (utflen(stoken) > 1) specharflag = TRUE;
else specharflag = FALSE;
/* if this character is a quote we have to use the previous characters info */
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'r', "e, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal width or quote token <0x%x> rv=%d\n",
filename, line, quote, rv);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if (quote == '"') {
/* need some code here */
goto flush;
} else
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &width, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal width token <0x%x> rv=%d\n", filename, line, troffchar, rv);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &flag, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal flag token <0x%x> rv=%d\n", filename, line, troffchar, rv);
} else if (rv < 0) break;
if ((rv=Bgetfield(Bfd, 'd', &charnum, 0)) == 0) {
errorflg = 1;
error(WARNING, "file %s:%d illegal character number token <0x%x> rv=%d\n", filename, line, troffchar, rv);
} else if (rv < 0)
str = Brdline(Bfd, '\n');
/* stash the crap from the end of the line for debugging */
if (debug) {
if (str == 0) {
fprint(2, "premature EOF\n");
str[Blinelen(Bfd)-1] = '\0';
chartorune(&troffchar, stoken);
if (specharflag)
if (debug)
fprint(2, "%s %d %d 0x%x %s # special\n",
stoken, width, flag, charnum, str);
if (strcmp(stoken, "---") == 0) {
thisfont = RUNEGETGROUP(charnum);
thischar = RUNEGETCHAR(charnum);
stoken[0] = '\0';
} else {
thisfont = RUNEGETGROUP(troffchar);
thischar = RUNEGETCHAR(troffchar);
for (cp = &troffontab[trindex].charent[thisfont][thischar];
*cp != 0; cp = &(*cp)->next)
if ((*cp)->name) {
if (debug)
fprint(2, "installing <%s>, found <%s>\n",
stoken, (*cp)->name);
if (strcmp((*cp)->name, stoken) == 0)
if (*cp == 0)
*cp = galloc(0, sizeof(struct charent),
(*cp)->postfontid = RUNEGETGROUP(charnum);
(*cp)->postcharid = RUNEGETCHAR(charnum);
(*cp)->troffcharwidth = width;
(*cp)->name = galloc(0, strlen(stoken)+1, "readtroffmetric: char name");
(*cp)->next = 0;
strcpy((*cp)->name, stoken);
if (debug) {
if (specharflag)
fprint(2, "%s", stoken);
fprint(2, "%C", troffchar);
fprint(2, " %d %d 0x%x %s # psfontid=0x%x pscharid=0x%x thisfont=0x%x thischar=0x%x\n",
width, flag, charnum, str,
thisfont, thischar);
/* find index of troff font name in table
* returns -1 if name is not in table
* returns -2 if it cannot allocate memory
* returns -3 if there is a font mapping problem
* If insflg is not zero
* and the name is not found in the table, insert it.
findtfn(char *fontname, BOOLEAN insflg) {
struct troffont *tp;
int i, j;
if (debug)
fprint(2, "findtfn(%s,%d)\n", fontname, insflg);
for (i=0; i<troffontcnt; i++) {
if (troffontab[i].trfontid==0) {
error(WARNING, "findtfn:troffontab[%d].trfontid=0x%x, botch!\n",
i, troffontab[i].trfontid);
if (strcmp(troffontab[i].trfontid, fontname) == 0)
if (insflg) {
tp = (struct troffont *)galloc(troffontab,
sizeof(struct troffont)*(troffontcnt+1),
"findtfn: struct troffont:");
if (tp == 0)
troffontab = tp;
tp = &(troffontab[troffontcnt]);
i = strlen(fontname);
tp->trfontid = galloc(0, i+1, "findtfn: trfontid:");
/* initialize new troff font entry with name and numeric fields to 0 */
strncpy(tp->trfontid, fontname, i);
tp->trfontid[i] = '\0';
tp->special = FALSE;
tp->spacewidth = 0;
tp->psfmapsize = 0;
tp->psfmap = 0;
for (i=0; i<NUMOFONTS; i++)
for (j=0; j<FONTSIZE; j++)
tp->charent[i][j] = 0;
if (!readtroffmetric(fontname, troffontcnt-1))
if (!readpsfontdesc(fontname, troffontcnt-1))
finish(void) {
int i;
Bprint(Bstdout, "%s", TRAILER);
Bprint(Bstdout, "done\n");
Bprint(Bstdout, "%s", DOCUMENTFONTS);
for (i=0; i<pfnamcnt; i++)
if (pfnafontmtab[i].used)
Bprint(Bstdout, " %s", pfnafontmtab[i].str);
Bprint(Bstdout, "\n");
Bprint(Bstdout, "%s %d\n", PAGES, pages_printed);
/* Set slant to n degrees. Disable slanting if n is 0. */
t_slant(int n) {
fontslant = n;
curpostfontid = -1;
/* Set character height to n points. Disabled if n is 0 or the current size. */
t_charht(int n) {
fontheight = (n == fontsize) ? 0 : n;
curpostfontid = -1;