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#include "headers.h"

#define INMEMORYTRUNCTHRESH (256 * 1024)

static int
dirfwstatlength(int fd, vlong offset)
        Dir d;
        memset(&d, 0xff, sizeof(d)); = d.uid = d.gid = d.muid = nil;
        d.length = offset;
        return dirfwstat(fd, &d);

smbtruncatefile(SmbSession *s, SmbFile *f, vlong offset)
        Dir *d;
        ulong o;
        uchar *db = nil;
        vlong length;
        int rv;
        SmbProcessResult pr;

        d = dirfstat(f->fd);
        length = d->length;

        if (length == offset)
                return SmbProcessResultReply;

        rv = dirfwstatlength(f->fd, offset);
        if (rv == 0) {
                pr = SmbProcessResultReply;
                goto done;
//smblogprint(-1, "dirfwstatlength failed: %r\n");
        if (length > offset) {
                int nfd;
                char *fullpath;
                if (offset > INMEMORYTRUNCTHRESH) {
                        smblogprint(-1, "smbcomwrite: truncation beyond %lud not supported\n", offset);
                        pr = SmbProcessResultUnimp;
                        goto done;
                db = smbemalloc(offset);
                if (pread(f->fd, db, offset, 0) != offset) {
                        pr = SmbProcessResultMisc;
                        goto done;
                fullpath = nil;
                smbstringprint(&fullpath, "%s%s", f->t->serv->path, f->name);
                nfd = open(fullpath, f->p9mode | OTRUNC);
                if (nfd < 0) {
                        smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess);
                        pr = SmbProcessResultError;
                        goto done;
                if (pwrite(f->fd, db, offset, 0) != offset) {
                        pr = SmbProcessResultMisc;
                        goto done;
                pr = SmbProcessResultReply;
        else {
                db = smbemalloc(16384);
                memset(db, 0, 16384);
                o = length;
                while (o < offset) {
                        long tt = 16384;
                        if (tt > offset - o)
                                tt = offset - o;
                        if (pwrite(f->fd, db, tt, o) != tt) {
                                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess);
                                pr = SmbProcessResultError;
                                goto done;
                        o += tt;
                pr = SmbProcessResultReply;
        return pr;

smbcomwrite(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b)
        SmbTree *t;
        SmbFile *f;
        ushort fid;
        ushort count;
        ulong offset;
        long nb;
        ushort yacount;
        uchar fmt;

        if (h->wordcount != 5)
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;

        fid = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;
        count = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;
        offset = smbnhgetl(pdata);

        smblogprint(SMB_COM_WRITE, "smbcomwrite: fid 0x%.4ux count 0x%.4ux offset 0x%.8lux\n",
                fid, count, offset);

        if (!smbbuffergetb(b, &fmt)
                || fmt != 1
                || !smbbuffergets(b, &yacount)
                || yacount != count
                || smbbufferreadspace(b) < count)
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid);
        if (t == nil) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid);
                return SmbProcessResultError;
        f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid);
        if (f == nil) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid);
                return SmbProcessResultError;
        if (!f->ioallowed) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadaccess);
                return SmbProcessResultError;

        if (count == 0) {
                SmbProcessResult pr = smbtruncatefile(s, f, offset);
                if (pr != SmbProcessResultReply)
                        return pr;
                nb = 0;
        else {
                seek(f->fd, offset, 0);
                nb = write(f->fd, smbbufferreadpointer(b), count);
                if (nb < 0) {
                        smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess);
                        return SmbProcessResultError;
        h->wordcount = 1;
        if (!smbbufferputheader(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo)
                || !smbbufferputs(s->response, nb)
                || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0))
                return SmbProcessResultMisc;
        return SmbProcessResultReply;

smbcomwriteandx(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b)
        uchar andxcommand;
        ushort andxoffset;
        ulong andxoffsetfixup;
        SmbTree *t;
        SmbFile *f;
        ushort dataoff, fid, count;
        vlong offset;
        long nb;

        if (h->wordcount != 12 && h->wordcount != 14)
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;

        andxcommand = *pdata++;                         // andx command
        pdata++;                                        // reserved 
        andxoffset = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;      // andx offset
        fid = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;             // fid
        offset = smbnhgetl(pdata); pdata += 4;          // offset in file
        pdata += 4;                                     // timeout
        pdata += 2;                                     // write mode
        pdata += 2;                                     // (Remaining) bytes waiting to be written
        pdata += 2;                                     // Reserved
        count = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;           // LSBs of length
        dataoff = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2;         // offset to data in packet
        if (dataoff + count > smbbufferwriteoffset(b))
                return SmbProcessResultFormat;
        if(h->wordcount == 14)
                offset |= (vlong)smbnhgetl(pdata)<<32;

        smblogprint(SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX, "smbcomwriteandx: fid 0x%.4ux count 0x%.4ux offset 0x%.llux\n",
                fid, count, offset);

        t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid);
        if (t == nil) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid);
                return SmbProcessResultError;
        f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid);
        if (f == nil) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid);
                return SmbProcessResultError;

        if (!f->ioallowed) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadaccess);
                return SmbProcessResultError;

        seek(f->fd, offset, 0);
        nb = write(f->fd, smbbufferpointer(b, dataoff), count);
        if (nb < 0) {
                smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess);
                return SmbProcessResultError;

        h->wordcount = 6;
        if (!smbbufferputandxheader(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo, andxcommand, &andxoffsetfixup))
                return SmbProcessResultMisc;

        if (!smbbufferputs(s->response, nb)                     // Count
                || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0)               // Available
                || !smbbufferputl(s->response, 0)               // Reserved
                || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0))              // byte count in reply
                return SmbProcessResultMisc;

        if (andxcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND)
                return smbchaincommand(s, h, andxoffsetfixup, andxcommand, andxoffset, b);

        return SmbProcessResultReply;