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#include        "cc.h"

typedef struct  Ftab    Ftab;
struct  Ftab
        char    op;
        char*   name;
        char    typ;
typedef struct  Gtab    Gtab;
struct  Gtab
        char    etype;
        char*   name;

Ftab    ftabinit[OEND];
Gtab    gtabinit[NTYPE];

isfunct(Node *n)
        Type *t, *t1;
        Funct *f;
        Node *l;
        Sym *s;
        int o;

        o = n->op;
        if(n->left == Z)
                goto no;
        t = n->left->type;
        if(t == T)
                goto no;
        f = t->funct;

        switch(o) {
        case OAS:       // put cast on rhs
        case OASI:
        case OASADD:
        case OASAND:
        case OASASHL:
        case OASASHR:
        case OASDIV:
        case OASLDIV:
        case OASLMOD:
        case OASLMUL:
        case OASLSHR:
        case OASMOD:
        case OASMUL:
        case OASOR:
        case OASSUB:
        case OASXOR:
                if(n->right == Z)
                        goto no;
                t1 = n->right->type;
                if(t1 == T)
                        goto no;
                if(t1->funct == f)

                l = new(OXXX, Z, Z);
                *l = *n->right;

                n->right->left = l;
                n->right->right = Z;
                n->right->type = t;
                n->right->op = OCAST;

                        prtree(n, "isfunc !");

        case OCAST:     // t f(T) or T f(t)
                t1 = n->type;
                if(t1 == T)
                        goto no;
                if(f != nil) {
                        s = f->castfr[t1->etype];
                        if(s == S)
                                goto no;
                        n->right = n->left;
                        goto build;
                f = t1->funct;
                if(f != nil) {
                        s = f->castto[t->etype];
                        if(s == S)
                                goto no;
                        n->right = n->left;
                        goto build;
                goto no;

        if(f == nil)
                goto no;
        s = f->sym[o];
        if(s == S)
                goto no;

         * the answer is yes,
         * now we rewrite the node
         * and give diagnostics
        switch(o) {
                diag(n, "isfunct op missing %O\n", o);
                goto bad;

        case OADD:      // T f(T, T)
        case OAND:
        case OASHL:
        case OASHR:
        case ODIV:
        case OLDIV:
        case OLMOD:
        case OLMUL:
        case OLSHR:
        case OMOD:
        case OMUL:
        case OOR:
        case OSUB:
        case OXOR:

        case OEQ:       // int f(T, T)
        case OGE:
        case OGT:
        case OHI:
        case OHS:
        case OLE:
        case OLO:
        case OLS:
        case OLT:
        case ONE:
                if(n->right == Z)
                        goto bad;
                t1 = n->right->type;
                if(t1 == T)
                        goto bad;
                if(t1->funct != f)
                        goto bad;
                n->right = new(OLIST, n->left, n->right);

        case OAS:       // structure copies done by the compiler
        case OASI:
                goto no;

        case OASADD:    // T f(T*, T)
        case OASAND:
        case OASASHL:
        case OASASHR:
        case OASDIV:
        case OASLDIV:
        case OASLMOD:
        case OASLMUL:
        case OASLSHR:
        case OASMOD:
        case OASMUL:
        case OASOR:
        case OASSUB:
        case OASXOR:
                if(n->right == Z)
                        goto bad;
                t1 = n->right->type;
                if(t1 == T)
                        goto bad;
                if(t1->funct != f)
                        goto bad;
                n->right = new(OLIST, new(OADDR, n->left, Z), n->right);

        case OPOS:      // T f(T)
        case ONEG:
        case ONOT:
        case OCOM:
                n->right = n->left;


        l = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
        l->sym = s;
        l->type = s->type;
        l->etype = s->type->etype;
        l->xoffset = s->offset;
        l->class = s->class;
        tcomo(l, 0);

        n->op = OFUNC;
        n->left = l;
        n->type = l->type->link;
        if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tfunct))
                goto bad;
        if(tcoma(n->left, n->right, l->type->down, 1))
                goto bad;
        return 1;

        return 0;

        diag(n, "cant rewrite typestr for op %O\n", o);
        prtree(n, "isfunct");
        n->type = T;
        return 1;

dclfunct(Type *t, Sym *s)
        Funct *f;
        Node *n;
        Type *f1, *f2, *f3, *f4;
        int o, i, c;
        char str[100];


        // recognize generated tag of dorm _%d_
        if(t->tag == S)
                goto bad;
        for(i=0; c = t->tag->name[i]; i++) {
                if(c == '_') {
                        if(i == 0 || t->tag->name[i+1] == 0)
                if(c < '0' || c > '9')
        if(c == 0)
                goto bad;

        f = alloc(sizeof(*f));
        for(o=0; o<nelem(f->sym); o++)
                f->sym[o] = S;

        t->funct = f;

        f1 = typ(TFUNC, t);
        f1->down = copytyp(t);
        f1->down->down = t;

        f2 = typ(TFUNC, types[TINT]);
        f2->down = copytyp(t);
        f2->down->down = t;

        f3 = typ(TFUNC, t);
        f3->down = typ(TIND, t);
        f3->down->down = t;

        f4 = typ(TFUNC, t);
        f4->down = t;

        for(i=0;; i++) {
                o = ftabinit[i].op;
                if(o == OXXX)
                sprint(str, "%s_%s_", t->tag->name, ftabinit[i].name);
                n = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
                n->sym = slookup(str);
                f->sym[o] = n->sym;
                switch(ftabinit[i].typ) {
                        diag(Z, "dclfunct op missing %d\n", ftabinit[i].typ);

                case 1: // T f(T,T)     +
                        dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f1, n);

                case 2: // int f(T,T)   ==
                        dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f2, n);

                case 3: // void f(T*,T) +=
                        dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f3, n);

                case 4: // T f(T)       ~
                        dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f4, n);
        for(i=0;; i++) {
                o = gtabinit[i].etype;
                if(o == TXXX)

                 * OCAST types T1 _T2_T1_(T2)
                sprint(str, "_%s%s_", gtabinit[i].name, t->tag->name);
                n = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
                n->sym = slookup(str);
                f->castto[o] = n->sym;

                f1 = typ(TFUNC, t);
                f1->down = types[o];
                dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f1, n);

                sprint(str, "%s_%s_", t->tag->name, gtabinit[i].name);
                n = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
                n->sym = slookup(str);
                f->castfr[o] = n->sym;

                f1 = typ(TFUNC, types[o]);
                f1->down = t;
                dodecl(xdecl, CEXTERN, f1, n);
        diag(Z, "dclfunct bad %T %s\n", t, s->name);

Gtab    gtabinit[NTYPE] =
        TCHAR,          "c",
        TUCHAR,         "uc",
        TSHORT,         "h",
        TUSHORT,        "uh",
        TINT,           "i",
        TUINT,          "ui",
        TLONG,          "l",
        TULONG,         "ul",
        TVLONG,         "v",
        TUVLONG,        "uv",
        TFLOAT,         "f",
        TDOUBLE,        "d",

Ftab    ftabinit[OEND] =
        OADD,           "add",          1,
        OAND,           "and",          1,
        OASHL,          "ashl",         1,
        OASHR,          "ashr",         1,
        ODIV,           "div",          1,
        OLDIV,          "ldiv",         1,
        OLMOD,          "lmod",         1,
        OLMUL,          "lmul",         1,
        OLSHR,          "lshr",         1,
        OMOD,           "mod",          1,
        OMUL,           "mul",          1,
        OOR,            "or",           1,
        OSUB,           "sub",          1,
        OXOR,           "xor",          1,

        OEQ,            "eq",           2,
        OGE,            "ge",           2,
        OGT,            "gt",           2,
        OHI,            "hi",           2,
        OHS,            "hs",           2,
        OLE,            "le",           2,
        OLO,            "lo",           2,
        OLS,            "ls",           2,
        OLT,            "lt",           2,
        ONE,            "ne",           2,

        OASADD,         "asadd",        3,
        OASAND,         "asand",        3,
        OASASHL,        "asashl",       3,
        OASASHR,        "asashr",       3,
        OASDIV,         "asdiv",        3,
        OASLDIV,        "asldiv",       3,
        OASLMOD,        "aslmod",       3,
        OASLMUL,        "aslmul",       3,
        OASLSHR,        "aslshr",       3,
        OASMOD,         "asmod",        3,
        OASMUL,         "asmul",        3,
        OASOR,          "asor",         3,
        OASSUB,         "assub",        3,
        OASXOR,         "asxor",        3,

        OPOS,           "pos",          4,
        ONEG,           "neg",          4,
        OCOM,           "com",          4,
        ONOT,           "not",          4,

//      OPOSTDEC,
//      OPOSTINC,
//      OPREDEC,
//      OPREINC,


//      Node*   nodtestv;

//      Node*   nodvpp;
//      Node*   nodppv;
//      Node*   nodvmm;
//      Node*   nodmmv;

Generated by GNU Enscript 1.6.6.